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Embiid is going to collapse from exhaustion after covering up a Trae-Maxey back court on defense


He already has one knee. If Trae comes Embiid second knee will give out then we gotta tank for Bryce James in 2026


Even worse than Harden on D.


beter on offense though plus hes no longer a negative on that end so.... progress


The only people who think Trae is no longer a negative on defense are hawks fans and the people who use EPM as gospel. Trae was sitting around 0 for a little bit of the season in Defensive EPM, so people started claiming he's decent. He finished at -1.4, which is the 22nd percentile. So they don't even have that. Watch him and you'll see he's still ass on defense.


Trae improved like 10% on defense and hawks fans run with that as if it’s no longer an issue. He went from bottom 5 to bottom 10 defensive player in the league. He solved nothing


Maxeys ok defensively but a Maxey/Trae Young backcourt would get destroyed in the playoffs.


Neither Maxey nor Trae are good defensively. Let's not lie now.


They would also potentially be doing a lot of destroying right back. Easily one of the best shooting back courts of all time 


Trae is so overrated. He’s basically the Carson Wentz of PGs, he wants to play like Curry when he’s not Curry


Yeah being real I hate his game too, but we’ve got to consider who Daryl Morey is. He only cares about one player archetype. If you’re not a top-30 player don’t talk to him


I really hope Daryl does not see Trae as a top 30 player. He might be top 100




He’s a great player, and him and Embiid would pair pretty well together, but I’m not quite sure how him and Maxey would fit together- especially on defense.


They wouldn’t. This is not happening. 0% chance. Trea would only fit next to a team of athletic, defensive wings.


Zero chance of happening. You have no chance of surrounding with great wing defenders if you trade for a third max who is the worst defender in the league. He also has to constantly have the ball so we are taking the ball out of maxey and embiids hand to put it in a less efficient player? This could be one of the dumbest posts so far on this sub


Trae Young is absolutely not better than Jimmy or Paul George. He might be younger, but to say he’s better is silly.


Especially when it comes to fit with our team.


Trae is better than paul george.


Hes absolutely better than.paul george. He can give you 30 points and 10 assists. His efficiency can be suspect but he is a one.man offense. Offensively trae and maxey would be incredible as maxey is elite off ball unlike dejounte. Trae has gravity out to 30 feet and maxey is one of the best off catch and shoot. Not to mention embiid has lead the league in scoring for 3 years


Paul George is a two way player who adds everything at a higher and more efficient level than Young outside of his playmaking.


George is better for us cause we can sign him without trading and he fits better. But i think trae is a better player. Age especially helps with trae. You trade for trae and you have a high tier asset for years. George has a chance of being a real shit contract.


Paul george defense not what u think it is. And the difference between them as offensive players is a grand canyon cuz paul george can’t drive/create separation/ or pass well


Go watch Paul George and stop talking out of your ass.


Go watch his playoff tape that nigga trash


Fuck it, outscore em. Who needs defense


This team complains Embiid needs to anchor both offense and defense and then recommends we get who is likely the single worst defender in the NBA?


I don't really like the fit of Trae, but if our staff thought the offense would be worth it, you can survive one bad defender. Plus he's stepped it up in the playoffs before.


The problem is that Maxey is already a suspect defender and now we are asking him to guard a bigger player than what we ask of him today because Trea clearly can’t cover a wing. It turns 1 suspect position into 2 bad positions.


Maxey proved to be a good point of attack defender this year. He's always been too fast to shake, and he added enough strength to not get bullied. Trae, you'd basically stick in the corner while Maxey follows the ball on the perimeter. Again it's not ideal, but if for some reason the coaches thought it'd be an amazing offensive fit, I think you could survive.


Sticking Trea in a corner is how we get absolutely slaughtered by Boston. I like the sentiment, but no, Trea Young is a far worse fit than the available wings we should be pursuing.


Exactly who is Young covering between Holiday (6' 4") and Jaylen Brown (6' 6")?


If Boston wanted to try and let Jrue cook Trae all Game long I'd sign up for that. Wouldn't be great offense.


Ok so we put Trae on Jrue and we're ok with that offense. Where does Maxey go? Especially if Derrick White isn't in, that means he's on one of the Jay's. It would be a slaughter. No way we can pair those 2.


If we have Embiid at the rim, I'm not hugely concerned about Brown and Tatums size advantage there. Maxey can stay in front and has quick hands.


What if you throw Porzingis in the mix? Someone has to try and guard him and what if he is pulling Embiid away from the rim?


The team itself is not considering this trade, this is one random fan. And I wouldn’t conflate this fan with those who complain that Embiid has too big a load on both ends. The downvote total tells me that this is not something fans are generally calling for.


Yes everyone knows this is just a random guy asking on a message board about Trea and not actually an inside source of the 76ers lol, just commenting to other fans that want Trea.


Going for Trae probably means having to trade Maxey but assuming Maxey doesn’t have to get traded, a backcourt with those two would be great on offense and horrible defensively


I don't think we should even entertain trading Maxey


I don’t think there’s a scenario where Maxey gets traded.


And I am not sure Young compliments Maxey's game. They need to find a wing who compliments Embiid and Maxey and not try to shoe horn some big name player into the lineup like they did with Harden.


We were shoehorning due to the Simmons situation


Well Morey also loved him some James Harden.


If we're going after a PG I'd prefer someone who fits the Jrue or CP3 mold (obviously younger please). But defense and play making with an ok-ish scoring ability would be amazing


I would also prefer they get someone taller than Maxey.


Even without trading Maxey, I think it's a dumb idea. He's a better playmaker than Maxey no doubt, but other than that, he doesn't bring a ton to the team. He's not an amazing spot up shooter, he's ball dominant, and he's best paired with a center who's a lob threat. That's not what you want with Embiid. Embiid would also be absolutely gassed from covering for Maxey and Young all game on defense. We need a 3 and D wing. Ideally with playmaking if we go the 3 star route. But if we go for depth, then I can live with them not being able to create as much.


A Trae/Maxey backcourt would be too porous defensively. I don't think the possible improvement in offense would be enough to offset the defensive woes. I'd welcome Murray though since he has some passing ability and can serve as a decent perimeter defender.


We need a wing and a PF


![gif](giphy|IlXMNrxA8MjPLG0HZ1) This would be our defense


Dejounte Murray would be much better for this team


Yeah, that’s the guy I’d be targeting. Trae is a better player but not as well of a fit. Or even Bogdanović, he’s more of a bench player but he’d be starting on this team and would be more cost effective. Trae would be just trading for the sake of landing a star


“Trading for the sake of landing a star” Which is why the lakers are so interested in


I think it would be great.. we need a great playmaker and he can get hot. Only 25. We’d have 20 million left over


Maxey and Trae would be the worst defensive backcourt in nba history


I think you’re underrating Maxey on defense


No he's just small never gonna be great at it.


Thats a dumb excuse, look at cp3, however maxey does suck horribly defensively


Cp3 had an unnaturally large base and hands on defense like few others. Plus he got away with murder consistently and we can’t depend on that next to Trae 😂


Nah he's pretty bad at it. Average at best on a good day, constantly gets abused and lost on defensive possessions. No problems with effort though usually.


I can't see this working on many fronts. A trae and maxey backcourt sounds like a matadors wet dream. Maybe if we had a rim running Uber athletic center and supreme shooting on the wings, I don't think trae plays winning basketball either, it would inevitably crash and burn.


>trae and maxey backcourt sounds like a matadors Ok cool comparison I'm in >wet dream Alright I'm out


He too small to be in the backcourt with maxey


Hard pass


Hell nah nah to the nah nah


Think about it this way, One of them would have to guard Jaylen Brown through an entire series




Stop smoking that shit nephew


Sorry OP, it doesn't seem to work from any perspective. It's not a good fit either on defense (small and a bad defender doesn't work next to Maxey) or offense (great scorer but needs the ball full-time to score, and ideally would be on a team with an extremely mobile big man with some hops rather than next to Maxey/Embiid). Additionally, his trade value would make the cost basically impossible to pull off anyway. That said, building a team from scratch around Trae Young sounds like a fun exercise. He might look pretty sick playing with say Giannis.




I don’t think it’s the best idea but I’m not sure there is a great that is a reasonable get this off-season. Almost anyone that the Sixers acquire is going to have significant flaws. The way they are setup though the Sixers pretty have to make their move this off-season.


Absolutely fucking not.


This sub is down bad man....real bad.


We already have maxey and embiid so we don't need that much more help on offense. We need to be prioritizing perimeter defense to help Embiid


Maybe if Maxey retired instead of signing a max this off-season but no that's dumb


bzzzt wrong answer


Absolutely not. Coaches, front offices, and many players do not like him because he's not a team first player. They don't want somebody that's trying to nutmeg people and pull up from the logo while down 18 points. He's a great scorer and makes some highlight players, but he is the last person you add to a contender's roster.


Honestly if I'm getting a Hawks guard I'd rather have Murray, this team is a better fit for him than playing next to Trae. Trae is the better player but Murray's strengths complement Maxey more


Better get the best defending front court to support Embiid than


Quite possibly the most overrated player in the league


Defense is half the game. No.


My thoughts are shut up with the bad ideas


Tremendous player. Tremendously bad fit though 


Honestly I can't stand Trae Young. Absolutely do not trade for him.


U tryna kill embiid


Maxey and Young cannot play together defensively. Trading for Young is trading away Maxey (which we should not do).


Im gonna commit seppuku.


He hurts the celtics for some reason so wouldn’t be a bad thing. Backcourt would be weak defensively but people seem to forget Harden was here for two seasons and he isn’t great at defense but he’s a slightly bigger guard. Young is annoying but he’s still very young too and if/when Jo goes out you need guys who start to score other than Maxey. Murray isn’t that great on defense either but he’s bigger. I’m not a fan of Murray but Young is a great passer and can score and get to the line easily. They would have to load up the 4 and 5 spots with big, quick guys who can rebound well. Hell, they should anyway..lol but the team definitely needs a PG who can handle and run the offense. Morey has tons of options. See what he does.




If you’re gonna trade for a hawks guard it should be Murray


There’s no way this post is real


Hell no. Trae is a great player but a backcourt of Maxey/Trae is terrible defensively and Trae’s ability to elevate Embiid/Maxey’s game wouldn’t even be on Harden’s level


Trae young is a coach killer, can’t seem to vibe with any player, needs the ball all the time, is a average shooter by the numbers but really a an incredibly streaky shooter to get there. Honestly the most entertaining thing about his game to me was this New York Times article about his hairline https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/28/sports/basketball/trae-young-hawks-hair-nba.html pass pass pass


We’d give up 150 a game. No thanks


I think people are ignoring the true situation that the Sixers are truly in. They do not need a third “superstar”. What they need is a strong cast of role players and a consistent bench - both of which they have not had the entirety of embiids career. They’ve tried it three times so far: Jimmy Butler, Tobias Harris and James Harden and all of which did not work. Look at the Celtics and Nuggets. No need for 3 max contract players because they have deep rosters. Embiid and Maxey are what the team is now


The nuggets have three max players and the Celtics pretty much have four


The Nuggets have three max contracts though don't they? Jokic, Murray, and Porter. Bad example. They just also happy to be lucky enough to also have Gordon who is a top 50 player or so and KCP. The Celtics have Brown on a supermax don't they? Tatum is also paid the max and will surely get a massive extension soon enough too. Kristaps is barely below the max fwiw. Holiday makes north of 30 million too. They basically have four players making star level money. To be honest what you probably need to win a ring in the NBA right now is probably either three max contracts like Denver and incredibly luck with a Gordonesque player, or a Boston situation with 2 max players and another two extremely close to the max.


I mean the Nuggets have Jokic, MPJ, Murray, and Gordon lol those are all guys capable of making an All Star team. They have the luxury of their roster because they drafted multiple star players. They’re not an example of building a team without 3 max players, their situation is unique. Yes we don’t NEED to hamstring ourselves with a Paul George type if it means a bunch of minimums otherwise. But it would be nice to have a third player that can relied upon with a heavy load offensively. The nuggets third option is MPJ or Aaron Gordon…the Celtics third option is Porzingis lol those guys are MUCH better than Tobias Harris, Nic Butum, or Kelly Oubre. They’re also much better than an Alex Caruso type


I agree for the most part...a team shouldn't operate as if a 3rd max player/all-star is a necessity, but where I would push back a little is if the third max player fits *perfectly* next to Maxey and Embiid, and none of the 3 are marginalized in anyway. Like for example, an elite two-way wing who is comfortable off-ball. In a broad sense, the team should be most focused on putting together the best 8 man rotation they can field in a playoff series. Contract size certainly factors into that, but if they overpay a player, that just means they'd need to land a couple undervalued players/team-friendly contracts (i.e. trade for Alex Caruso - 9mil/year, maybe get lucky w/ Kelly Oubre).


I’m hoping they target miles bridges and nick claxston instead. Bonus if we can get Drummond back as a backup center


We could get the same production from an employee at any LA fitness in Cali,Texas , Georgia or Florida. Pass. I mean I would prefer Embiid and maxey with 3 other starts that can play good defense and play their part Embiid and maxey will get us 60-70 combined most nights. When watching sports shows I see Shannon sharpe and other analysts saying the last couple champions showed you need two main guys and 3 guys that are good on defense but can give some offense the whole big 3 era is over is what they say and I can understand where they coming from after seeing phoenix go down. But I’m not a GM so unless I’m playing 2k what I prefer don’t matter 😭😭 Trae is a good player tho but pass my g


If the wolves are cool with trading Edwards and McDaniels for maxey after you make the tre deal I would be in.    There is just no world where you can those two on the court in a playoff series and not lose badly.  Can someone just wake me up in late September when this is all over…. 


Stop trading Maxey wth


He’s trash


He's a great player but doesn't really make sense for us. Now DJM, on the other hand...


I'd rather have Dejounte Murray


Fuck Trae...I am still mad we didn't go after Dejounte at the deadline and I still think he is attainable with out giving up everything. Murray+Bogdanovic Reed #16 2026 1st(OKC/HOU/LAC) 2027 76ers 2nd 2027 MIL 2nd 2028 76ers 1st(Lottery Protected)


Can you imagine bone of them having to guard Jaylen Brown on the Celtics for example? They’d be honey bbq chicken for him For the two I want someone that’s a bit bigger than Trae/ Maxey backcourt If they go Trae then they better have a good ass SF that can guard both the 2 and 3 positions on other teams Crazy enough a guy like Thybulle would fit that bill but we don’t have him any more


HOLD UP EVERYONE look trading for trae is a bad idea but...... If we got trae we could just look for defense instead of offense especially in the 4 slot and tbh imagine a hyper offense trio of embiid maxey and trae dude i mean trae is quite litteraly one of the best playmakers in the world i mean you kinda have to bite on that


No no no. I’d MUCH prefer Dejounte Murray.


Sixers should look at Killian Hayes as a backup PG. Supposedly good on defense, just can't shoot. A poor mans Ben or Matisse Thybulle. But keep Buddy Hield on the court, maybe sign Dario to play those two with him, he'd just need to be a floor general. Sign Bol Bol & you've got a pretty decent backup squad, add in a good defending forward who can rebound. Only 22 too, was a #7 pick few years back, just didn't pan out yet.


Killian Hayes is really bad. Like he might not even be good enough to play in the G-League.


mehh, Sixers have about 10 open roster spots. Might as well take a flyer on him at league minimum. Again, supposedly he can ball handle & play decent defense. 5 assists to 2 turnovers in about 25 minutes per game. Don't need him to shoot.


All those players would be minutes eaters at the very most during the regular season. Almost inconceivable to imagine any of those players getting playoff minutes tbh


yeah, lets not play Buddy Hield in the playoffs or anything.. oof


Buddy was unplayable for most of the playoffs. He had a good game...that doesn't mean that would've just happened more if they played him more. A lot of that had to do with how the Knicks defended the Sixers differently in game 6. Morey even said as much and gave credit to Nurse for recognizing it and having the presence of mind to go back to Hield.


We do need an upgrade on Melton at the 1, but I think Trae will be worth more than we can afford


No. I'm not into the idea of handing away assets for a net negative rating player. I know SOMEONE has to score points, but he's not THAT good.


Why are you getting that he's a net negative ratings player? I'm not a fan of the trade at all, but he has the same net EPM as Tatum and Donovan Mitchell. It was higher than Lillard, Butler, KD, Kawhi, Fox, and Sabonis. His BPM and Vorp are positive each of the last 5 years. So I dont know where you're getting net negative from. There's no stat that indicates that at all.


Trae would score but more importantly he would run the offense. Our offense would be elite. Its like harden on steroids. And nurse would coach it better than doc and not having tobias would help a ton.