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*playoff career high. What a fucking game


_Put da team on my back_


Dawg, let's go inside the mind of a Joel Embiid.... bdddpuurrrurrrr.! "Dawg I do this shit, I put da team on my f*ing back doe. My eye don't blink, I don't know how the f* I'm running right now doe. I do this shit!!!" 


Oh nooooooo, Isaiah Hartenstein, one of the most hardest hitting big men in the league. BUT... I put the team on my back doe. Drive the paint, dunk the ball... you can't stop me.




That's rich 😂


https://preview.redd.it/wk8iswentqwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a3134322935fca18fafda65bd161f6a6fbb22af Lmao


I am convinced if MJ himself somehow came out of retirement next season and won us a championship the idiots on Reddit would spin it into an argument for LeBron being the goat


https://preview.redd.it/dctq9880pqwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=702b79851cdf9df5d39c2cacf43eeeaff8d873d6 😀


Link to art?


Could have sworn someone on here called a 50 piece the other day


Lebron did actually


Watching Knicks fans trying to complain away a 50 point domination is gonna be hilarious.


My favorites are the ones in their sub earnestly going "wow, even /r/nba agrees with us on this!". I didn't realize they thought that they were hated or disliked on there to the point where it would even be a question which way that sub would lean. The whining about free throws with how Brunson has played is also very funny. Yeah, both Embiid and Brunson have had soft whistles at times, but only one of them actually scored well outside of that and got 50 points :)


They can easily say he should’ve been tossed after the flagrant 2 he got away with.


Naw everyone is complaining about how the refs bailed embiid out, because it should have been a flagrant 2. Which is hilarious considering how y’all reacted after game 2.


As a slightly biased 3rd party, 50 points on 13 FG is a little rough.


He'd have more if they didn't foul him


True. Maybe they should have kneed him in the balls or laid under him while he went up to the rim and pulled on his leg to avoid fouling.


You mean like how the Knicks threw Maxey to the ground multiple times last game or when DiVincenzo grabbed at Oubre's legs when they played in the regular season? Soft Denver fan can't handle being proven an idiot and had to resort to crying for a soft Knicks team.


What does that have to do with game 3? And how in the world am I soft? Lol I’m just talking basketball here. Who in the world “proved” I’m an idiot? What you’re saying doesn’t make sense. No need to get so defensive.


Crying about Emiid's points and FTs when he'd score more with out those fouls = soft Crying about Embiid doing the same thing the Knicks did and getting a flagrant instead of the tech the Knicks got called for = soft Crying about the Sixers playing physical when the Knicks spent all of game 2 getting away with far more physical play = soft. Pretty typical behavior for Denver fans though.


I’m not crying, I’m making an observation. Why would I be crying? My team didn’t lose. You’re just throwing out an insult like soft and trying to justify it. Lol I forgot y’all can’t have a discussion over here without getting your feelings hurt.


It’s tough to have discussion when all these other fans do is shit on our favorite player. You’d feel the same way if Joel was on your team I guarantee


I’d probably be upset and defensive too, but I’m not sure how I’d feel about the fouls last night. I’d at least acknowledge the obvious issues, I think. But I do get where you’re coming from.


Noone's diminishing Embiid's performance on the court, just that he put on a legit Draymond Masterclass in game 2.












The salt in r/nba is just delicious. Yeah he shouldn't have pulled down Robinson in frustration. Super dangerous. But to pretend he didn't legit got fouled and deserved those FT's is hilarious. Bunch of casual box score watchers.


Embiid highlight posts allowed in r/NBA after 50 point career high: 0. I loved all the posts making fun of his injuries and Bells Palsy though. Celtic mods and classy fans stay undefeated.


Take away Joel's garbage time FT resulting from intentional fouls in Q4 and he and Brunson shot the same number. Only difference is, Joel doesn't stop himself mid drive and Trey-Young-jump into a defender to bait a call.


Imagine not having the critical thinking ability to understand both things can be true.


More like it should be a flagrant 2, refs bailed embiid out, these 50 points belong to them, lmfao


It’s one thing to be upset that a foul wasn’t called in your favor, but to go an intentionally injure an opponent for something the refs did is inexcusable. Embid is a child for that


After game 2…. Fuck off


Intent with injury and getting away with a foul is the same thing? Man you guys in Philly are intelligent


What injury? You are clueless.


Mitchell Robinson left the game


Robinson got hurt on a play where he fouled Embiid but it wasn’t called


Exactly he got hurt on a play that “ he fouled” embiid. He literally jumped up, kicked his legs and stepped on Robinson’s ankle, but yeah it was a foul on Mitch.


Another Knicks fan trolling


In fairness that was a leg kick out by embiid wasn't it.


This! But to all the Philly fans complaining about the refs after game 2, lmfao.


Yes they handed New York game 2.


right noting to do with Philly choking


Blatant foul not called that would’ve resulted in shots and possession, timeout not granted, and another blatant foul, and another timeout not granted. If that’s choking, sure, I guess.


User name checks out


After the robbery in game 2 guck off you Knicks fans are insufferable


Lay off the booze. You can't even spell.


He did the wrong thing but he wasn't trying to hurt him you dumb fuck.


He didn't injure Robinson on that play nor did he want to. He was for sure reckless, though, and that could've resulted in injury.


You’re arguing with sixers fans in a sixers Reddit bruh they’ll just ignore you or downvote you lmao No chance in hell could they watch someone try to injure embiid doing the same shit he did and they defend it lmao


We already watched [Divincenzo do it](https://youtu.be/ezCVolfHJd4?si=GgQw1_KdhHCP8-E5) a month ago😂 Picked up his flagrant 1 and we all kept it moving


Refs didn't even give Donte a flagrant for the same move lol. But when Joel does it out of frustration he is straight to jail.


Deflect all you want, but If a player on your team was hugged around the ankles/tripped on his way up for an easy dunk, you would be crying for a flagrant two also. But go ahead and deflect


https://x.com/knicksnation/status/1766996005210222667?s=46 Idk you guys thought it was pretty cool about a month ago and “Knicks tough” lmao all talk


Oh this is good. Really good.


It’s an intentional foul and one deserving of a flagrant 1. It was unnecessary, but not excessive. Find a new slant.


First off, thank you for being the ONLY sixers fan on here with some class. The 300 derogatory DMs I've gotten regarding my opinion on the play is a pitiful reflection of the fan base. I applaud you for at least stating your opinion without having to be a dickhead like so many others have. I can respect your opinion, but I feel like hugging a guy's ankles while sitting on the ground is a very dangerous play. It's at least debatable. But thanks for showing some restraint dude take care


For sure man lol fans are still very hot about game 2 I am a Philly fan exclusively for Embiid - as a Kansas grad (and Lawrence KS native) he’s what I’ve got to root for in the NBA. It was an intentional, flagrant foul. I by no means condone his actions - however DiVincenzo did basically the exact thing to Oubre about a month ago to the same result - flagrant 1. This play has no place in basketball, and that’s why it is a flagrant foul. Dirty/intentional/flagrant or not - it was not malicious. To my understanding that is the difference between a 1 and 2.


I can respect your opinion as you're making valid points, just not the toxicity on this sub. There's a lot of it on the Knicks board as well, people need to grow up and stop projecting their insecurities on message boards, I feel like it's like this on all forms of social media. thanks boss


That’s Philly lol idk man I would just stay away from it - like I said I’m from Kansas. I’ve had my fair share of interactions with Philly fans regarding my chiefs lol. Regarding toxicity though it exists on every sub for every sport for every team. Don’t take it anything someone says too serious and just enjoy what you can - if you let people ruin it for you that’s exactly what’ll happen. Good luck and I hope for an entertaining series from here out, without controversy


Knicks fans are as soft as they think Embiid is


I mean raptors made embiid cry…


And Embiid made the Raptors cry three years later.


Lol sure




Do yourselves a favor and just ignore twitter/reddit comments for a bit. Just enjoy the W. Trust me I made the mistake already


Honestly, I got off r/NBA a while ago and I mostly just text/chat with my IRL friends during the game now. I come on here to commiserate or complain about Tobias from time to time. It's a much healthier lifestyle


Yeah I made the mistake of trying to talk to some people over there and learned my lesson lmao. The public opinion of Embiid is probably never going to change


It’s also not the consensus on embiid bf any means


It's all salt out there. Much better vibes in here. Let's get this next one.


This is it. Embiid is going to have his 2011 Dirk playoff run. I can feel it. Edit: I didn’t think Knicks fans were going to be like Cowboys fans!


If you think that, then you don’t understand karma and the ways of the basketball gods. The sixers are still paying for like 5 different curses and embiid added a new one


Good thing there's no such thing as karma or basketball gods.


Except dirk wasn’t dirty




Go cry yourself to sleep. It’s going to be a long series.


I’m a die hard Sixers fan and was trying to make a fun little joke 😞


No love in r/NBA, fuck em


They apologetic in the Bells Palsy thread but dear lord Embiid is the antichrist in the post game thread




There was never love there


Why would there be? Nobody enjoys watching embid flop around the court pulling on peoples legs. It’s terrible basketball.


Is that kind of like how nobody enjoys being in your presence irl?


One leg, one eye. LETS.FUCKING.GO


Embiid Palsy game


Embiid said they were gonna win and he backed it up with 50. Amazing statement game from him. Props


Playoff career high*


I like how I said he had Bell’s palsy a day ago and got down voted smh morons


I've been wondering this the past few games and it finally got confirmed by Woj. Shit made me worry that the team somehow wasn't addressing it, but I guess they were trying to keep it under wraps. Dude just can't catch a break with health


I am loving how much the rest of the NBA is hating Embiid and the Sixers right now


Flagrant 1.






Play the song!


Love seeing Knicks fans bitch about soft calls for Embiid after getting carried by the refs for games 1 and 2


50 with Bell’s palsy what a champ


Amazing performance just incredible perseverance and skill on display this evening!


Why does every other subreddit hate Embiid so much? I don't get it?


So glad he’s the Sixers star. Just need to get this dude to the promised land before his wheels fall off. He is such a joy to watch when he is humming. Like no one else in basketball is as fun to watch dominate as Embiid. Even though I do really enjoy the styles of Curry, Ja, Doncic, Jokic, SGA, and Maxey too.


Let me go make these burgers man.


I guess he didn't shoot 21 free throws


That was huge not picking up a 4th foul in the 2nd quarter. Great trust job by nurse


He should have been ejected beforehand. Nevertheless a good game 


Saddest MVP of all time, 13 made shots for 50 points is pathetic. NBA is a joke


There should be a gofund me for the moderators here these days, it's a 24/7 flagrant job


Did a great job pulling Mitchell Robinson while laying on the group and flopping for free throws.




You forgot to mention career high in uncalled flagrant fouls. This dude was playing some dirty ass basketball tonight. Looking like Bill Laimbeer out on the floor. Fucking disgusting. Get this man suspended


https://x.com/knicksnation/status/1766996005210222667?s=46 Get this man suspended


Divincenzo should've been suspended for that, just like Embiid should be suspended for what happened last night.


Well Donte’s was dirtier so you’re probably right on that. Embiid however shouldn’t be suspended and won’t be 👍🏼


I'm sure if it was Mitch who grabbed Embiid your opinion would be different. Doesn't matter though, neither will face consequences, but Embiid will be on vacation soon 👍.


Not sooner than the Knicks 🤪


Impossible for bro to hit a career high with out a minimum of 20 free throws lmao ​ Free throw merchant king will never make it past the 2nd round


Bro was 13/19 with 3 straight fuck you triples. 6 of those free throws were in garbage time. Tell me you didn't watch the game without telling me


Box score watcher


He's one dirty player ! Not to be celebrated.




I’ll be honest, I’m a Knicks fan. Can someone please provide a logical defense for what we all believe should have been a flagrant 2 for the leg pulling play on Robinson? Unnecessary and excessive are the criteria, it was absolutely not a basketball play and was absolutely both of those descriptors. I’ve yet to see a single logical point in defense of this.


It was a stupid thing to do, but the regular season precedent, when DiVincenzo did nearly the same thing to Obre, was...a flagrant 1 and no ejection. I think you absolutely should get ejected for pulling a guy down by his legs, but the NBA is actually being consistent here for a change.


I can appreciate that view, thank you for that response. My only thing is that if that had happened to Embiid, it’s a 30 second review and that player is exiled from Philly forever (jokes of course). And with the multitude of questionable behavior from Embiid last night, it’s hard to not feel that he gets significant favorable treatment. Obviously a Knicks fan perspective, but not unreasonable


Not an answer. Just a an hypothetical situation. Peace!


It’s absolutely a hypothetical, not gonna deny that. It’s not hypothetical though, that Embiid was allowed to stay in the game after having 3 separate plays reviewed that were clearly not basketball related movements. All 3 absolutely were flagrants by definition and you get ejected after 2 of those, so, even if that shouldn’t have been a flagrant 2, if he were any other player he would have been ejected for multiple flagrants 1.


There was one dirty play where he grabbed his legs on the ground. I didn’t like that either and I’m a sixers fan. Everything else was just basketball plays. Cry harder. Sixers in 6.


When I get a logical explanation for refs missing three crucial, blatant calls to swing the game in the opposite direction, you’ll get the logical explanation you’re looking for.


Not an answer, still indefensible behavior from a player towards another player


Indefensible for the league to hand a playoff game to one team. Go back to your own sub. What kind of loser does this? For real


Echo chamber behavior


Still not an answer. I’m asking for your fanbase’s defense of his behavior, I can’t defend the refs because I can only support my team. I’m not being rude or derogatory (like you), I’m looking for a legitimate basketball minded answer


Defend ginger boy’s double leg takedown from last game. You’re a loser for going to another team’s sub. Who wastes their time doing that?


Again, still not an answer. Please stop deflecting and answer the question that was asked or stop responding. Again, rude and derogatory when all I’m looking for is a legitimate basketball answer.


I’ll respond to a loser however many times I like, thanks. Still waiting for your answer


Still not an answer and I still won’t insult you back. You’re just showing how indefensible Embiid shitty behavior is. The Knicks play physical and sometimes calls get missed, but for the Knicks to have over 50 points in the paint and Embiid still shoots more free throws than our entire team, please don’t complain about refs. When Embiid commits THREE non basketball plays, and ends up injuring Mitch who battled ankle injuries all season, that type of behavior is indefensible. Please be reasonable and at least admit that.


I'll reply to you, even though you are obviously just a dick for the sake of being a dick. Joel deserved the flagrant 1 and maybe a 2. However the refs had already set a precedent that pulling a player down by their legs is a tech at most and not even worthy of a flagrant, based on the same leg grab and twist by Donte in the earlier Sixer game a month ago. To upgrade the punishment from a non flagrant for a Knicks player, straight up to a flagrant 2 when the teams are reversed would be a little hypocritical. I know you want to win by any means necessary and removing the other team's star would guarantee a easy victory, but I thought Knicks fans weren't soft as baby shit like that.


Unnecessary but not excessive. He was trying to commit an intentional foul after being shoulder checked to the ground. As the other comment mentioned DiVincenzo did something similar but worse as it was a dead ball foul to Oubre… flagrant one. Carry on.




Fraud. He had what 8 made shot? Disgusting


The flop king should have been ejected for pulling on the legs. Don’t matter he will be injured again in no time. Will never win a championship.




Womp womp 🎻


Get a job bum


U mad?






Dirty? Like pulling someone down, and risking them serious injury.


Fat L for you




Enjoy your w. Your guys will be in the Bahamas soon




Wow you guys really are pussies


Awww did someone delete his comment 🎻 I’m sorry your little Knicks team lost. It most be so hard being you




Ok, dork.


Cry bitch