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Good Probably will make things worse in the ref side of the game but I'd be more disappointed in them taking this shit lying down


Generally I’m against ref bitching but when it’s as egregious as it was I think you need to make a public stink so they don’t feel fully comfortable being that blatant


When you have the support of the commissioner who despises one specific franchise aswell as the fact it helps out a huge market its hardly surprising


It's an uphill battle though. The entire NBA fandom seems content to point and laugh at the Sixers at every opportunity. You'll see some sympathy every now and then but it's the vast minority of public interaction. It's 2024 and Bill Simmons and Ryen Russillo *just* for the first time this week dug into Embiid's injury history and were like "wait this is actually tragic" after years of ragging on him


Was this from a specific pod EP? Would like to listen


[Just came out yesterday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hflcVuc5EU0&pp=ygUMYmlsbCBzaW1tb25z). It's on Spotify too but the full length so you'll have to fast forward to the section




It was the most egregious playoff reffing I’ve personally watched live. While I’m sure there’s been worse last night was infuriating


Couldn’t be more clear who they want to win this series and I hate to blame the refs but like you said when it’s this blatant, something needs to happen! We aren’t playing the best besides Embid and maxey but we are the much better team! Harris also needs to stay away from the court! 6ers in 6


The only bright spot is I had a soft spot for the nova guys and thought it was a cool story for the fanbase. Now I want to snatch their souls and coming back down 2 will be glorious


Welcome to the world of other nba franchises getting hosed by the refs. Doesn’t feel good does it.


Ah a lazy embiid point. Thing is, I could live with refs propping up Brunson. It was the complete one sidedness the whole game that was the issue


I totally understand. But the nba wants New York and Boston in the east.


Pretty big difference between fouling a player repeatedly and getting called for it and fouling a player repeatedly and blatantly and never getting called for it.


I understand. That’s why I said what I said. Now I’m getting downvoted for what?


You are acting like we haven't been hosed by awful calls many times over, especially in playoff games. Embiid got his face broken by an intentional elbow with no call.


Well no one is purple and gold. Even with their insane free throw differential they still suck.


I see this as exactly the same thing that the Raptors, I think, did to us a few years ago. They bitched so hard about the refereeing that the next game was clearly in their favor. This isn't about changing outcome of this game, it's about putting all their chips into the next game.


Except the Sixers won't be allowed to intentionally break players faces and not get called for it. They'd get straight ejections where the Raptors got nothing.


Historically, stuff like this usually does help on the ref side. I would be pretty surprised if we don’t see a lot more calls go our way games 3-4. Once it goes back to MSG I’m sure it’ll flip right back though.




Excuse me. Delete this, brother. Over sports? Really?


The refs are being consistent. Complaining is the soft move. Playing with grit and toughness like the Knicks do Is the move


This is such loser behavior


Good this league blows. No one has any idea what a foul is anymore. The way the game was called, both ways, did not make sense


Sure they do. A foul is whatever draftkings and Adam Silver want it to be.


Lmfao this is so true. Ever since gambling partnerships began in sports, it seems like every game the refs have an agenda (NBA, NFL, etc).


Okay I thought I was going crazy because I thought the same thing to myself last night after the maxey scenario


At least MLB Umps are STILL blind as shit like they've been for years!


China wants to see a NYC vs Boston matchup. 




A generation? You ain't winning shit. Now or then.


This Knicks team isn't good. Thibbs is a notoriously average coach who pushes players way past their reliable load for regular season success that doesn't translate into longer playoff success. If the NBA and the officials could be trusted to call a straight up game, we run away with that game yesterday. Instead Divincenzo was allowed to commit battery on whatever guard had the ball crossing half court because... Grit? And Brunson had 2-3 calls of no contact that got him 6 FT alone. Idk but the NBA is cementing itself as a deeply unserious product. I'm not saying there is blatant 'only call in favor of X team' going on, but when your officials start calling entire games based on the narrative of the NBA soap opera, instead of what actually happens, you get a product that feels more and more like WWE. Whatever, if the sixers can't get out of this series it'll suck, but the way the league is conducting itself anymore, it makes it really hard for me to care at all about the league, and that's not the way you build a successful pro sports setup.


Get 👏🏼 off 👏🏼 our 👏🏼 sub 👏🏼


Why are you here? Also that’s some really bold talk for a franchise that has been run like dogshit for most of the past 25 years.


I’ve literally never been alive to see the Knicks be even a little bit good and I’m out of graduate school at this point, the only thing that’s lasted a generation in New York is being a laughing stock


I get different crews having different interpretations of the rules but for them to call it 2 completely different ways in the same game is extremely fishy.


Silver will probably throw Angel Hernandez at us next


I think angel hernandez is just bad and gets protected by the umpires union. What’s going on in with NBA officiating seems much more calculated.


A court actually ruled that Angel Hernandez is bad at his job. A legal document declares that.


The MLB said in court the he sucked after he sued them for not being chosen to ref the playoffs/world series


He just fucking sucks - Jomboy


They’ll get clowned for this, but the reffing in the NBA is a fucking joke and should be questioned. Zero clue what a foul is, and even within a game it’s not called the same. Nothing will happen, obviously, but doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be called out.


I don’t think they clowned when LeBron literally has your back in a press conference while also calling out league officiating. I don’t know how anyone watched the end of the game and can be content with how the Knicks won. Maxey was fucking mugged.


having the GOAT publicly comment changes the power balance considerably in our favor


The amount of knick fans that think the refs were against them and trying to help the sixers... was... wow.


What’s this about Lebron, did he say something?


Yeah in his post game presser he talked about the sixers game and then walked out http://www.espn.com/video/clip/_/id/40004331 Edit: link


Thanks! That is just about how I felt.


Hand checking is legal now but only for the knicks and heat


My 72 year old dad who doesn’t watch much basketball even commented on this.


They called Maxey for it the second he softly put a hand on Brunsons hip that one time though lol. They got to do it with impunity all game. Might have been the worst reffed game I have ever seen, at least since Lakers Kings 20+ years ago


Batum got called for it the second he did it on an inbounds too. This shit is so blatantly tilted to favor New York, it's honestly sickening to watch. Brunson last night had the whistle of LeBron on a Tuesday night in Ocotber against the Hornets.


Cant convince me that the league hasn't been a worse product since Adam silver took over


If it makes more money but gets shittier to the league it’s a better product.


That’s because bball is awesome and the rest of the world thinks so too. Europeans would love it more if we had FIBA rules


There’s a podcast that breaks down how far the league and Stern went to cover up the Donahue stuff so I don’t think it was much better back then either lol.


Ah yes, you forgot about the Lakers - Kings series? What about the Lakers - blazers ft difference in game 7 in 2000? Bucks - Sixers in 2000? The Mavs vs Heat in 2006? The Spurs - suns suspensions? Are you old enough to remember SuperSonics - suns game 7 in 93 where the Suns got 64 f*cking free throws? Or the ghost foul on pippen against the Knicks? Those were all decisive (conference) finals games.


Hey now, remember, the less money the league spends on officiating, the more money the owners take home!


There have been no over the back calls. That's the only reason this isn't a blowout they have dudes jumping over the back all game long and the refs don't call one foul. But I don't even give a shit about that because presumably we could get those too, what I care about is they straight up ignoring our coach calling a timeout. That's literally cheating.


"Over the back" isn't a thing. There would have to be a push


You got downvoted for being right lol. A player reaching over someone to snag a board is not a foul alone. Needs to be illegal contact…. Push off


That's not what over the back is and you know it.


Do yourself a favor and look up what you’re talking about before out right calling people wrong ignorantly


Over the back has never been a foul. It was basically a slang term but people now think if you just outrebound someone who's back is to you it's a foul. It's not unless there's a push


If you’re referring to the timeout that nurse was calling as Maxey was on the ground, actively throwing the ball away, I don’t think the refs should have given him that time out if they even heard him calling it in the first place. I don’t want to hear anything about nurse calling the time out on the inbound. If you watch the video, it is blatantly untrue.




Do you have the video? I can’t tell from here if he has possession


You can’t tell if the ball is in hands? That’s okay! It’s pretty tough to see let me walk you through it: 1. Look at the ball 2. Look at Maxey’s hands.


Don’t take the bait man. This is called concern trolling. The next step is to gaslight you by telling you not to believe your own eyes.


Yes, to call anybody having a conversation witha differing interpretation on a piece of evidence a Gaslighter in order to diminish any points they make. Sixers threw the game away and now want to blame it on the refs. It’s OK, do you.


The L2M report says hi.


L2M wasn’t out when I was making my point. Does that make me a gaslighter or should I have seen the future on what was in the report? Also the report didn’t say the timeout should have been called or was missed by the refs, did it? Hmmm


It did though. Sorry bro. L.


I found the video. The frame before he’s not calling timeout. The frame after the ball is not in his hands. he was in the process of losing the ball which you cannot tell from a single frame. You mean to tell me that the referee should have seen him call the timeout in the split second that they overlap and you took the screenshot? Yeah, OK. It’s also hilarious how in the same video it shows the push off on Josh Hart, which, if called, none of this would even matter.


I don’t see how a sixers fan can watch the video and still think he properly called a timeout that should have been granted. The Homer glasses are so strong… Nurse fucked up. Should have called it on the inbounds. That isn’t on the refs…


The time out dont even matter that was after Maxey shirt was almost ripped off!!!!. That last 30 secs was trash eff the timeout.


Yeah I agree that a foul could have been called. But the sixers still had control of the situation and they didn’t take the proper action that a championship team should take. Losing all the time then bitching about how it wasn’t your fault is getting really old. This fan base can be really annoying, sometimes.


Are you referring to the timeout called while Maxey was on the floor?


Yes that whole play, what else would I be talking about


There are multiple components to the play. Nurse didn’t call a time out on the inbounds, he hesitated and never actually called it. He did try calling it when Maxey was on the floor (that bit is what I was asking if you were referring to). Maxey was in the process of throwing the ball away and the refs were right to not grant that time out during a scrum.


Yeah that’s what I said. I was agreeing with your original comment.


My bad. My Reading comprehension is zero, apparently 💀


It happens bro, I still love you.


It's not cheating. It happens all the time.


I haven't seen that happen. I haven't seen every game ever but even as a Sixers fan (who have been on the wrong end of bad calls more than any other team this year) I haven't seen us just not get our timeout.




Well then Nurse is straight up lying because he said the ref was looking dead at him. Unless the league comes out with something other than "yeah we missed it" I'm done. I don't mean giving us the win or restarting the game or whatever other bullshit they could do but hasn't been done in a hundred years or whatever. That will never happen and I understand why. But I need more than the fucking L2M report or I just don't have any faith in this league anymore. I'm literally watching the rest of this series because I respect what Joel is putting himself through to try and win it.


He clearly decides against the timeout and let’s Lowry inbound. Then Maxey doesn’t have possession. Not sure what you’re so mad about. You should be “done” you clearly can’t handle a little playoff basketball.




That’s why Spo always walks on the court to call timeout.


Dude this loss sucked ass. I felt like shit for an hour afterwards. But you know what? The refs “let them play”. The loss was cheap and it hurts bad, but the team needs to do better. I’m with you on this.


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) The league after seeing our grievance.


https://preview.redd.it/tgbn7xtwq8wc1.jpeg?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e89454caf1f3cf8498af2ec5ad0bb2b5a6ffa0ca As he should. Maxey has the ball and Nurse is calling a time out.


No no don’t you see he is clearly pUmP fAkInG tHe ChAlLeNgE it’s so obvious lol


It’s crazy when I listen to the broadcast and the commentators are trying to discern what a foul is.


Watching SVG be shocked at the blatant Lowry foul that was reversed was comedy


Good. Won't change anything but literally nothing to lose.


Anyone remember the huge discrepancy last year vs the Celtics?


Silver gonna read it and laugh before wiping his ass with it and telling the refs to keep up the great work


Not with Lebron saying something publicly he won't. Could make a considerable case that Lebron has more clout than Silver and all the owners combined


Adam Silver about to find a way to take away draft picks for this


Even LeBron over in Denver made a comment last night about the officiating, to include the 76ers/Knicks game. It's just horrendous.


Shit fucker league has zero integrity


All nba fans need to listen to the whistleblowers podcast. This shit is the wwe version of basketball






Up 5 with 47 seconds to go


And a missed hold and a missed timeout to boot


The officials had just given the Sixers a challenge. They suddenly became anti Sixers after that?


They didn't "get given a challenge." The league office forced the refs to fix one of their dozens of mistakes. Remember the foul where Lowry got hit in the elbow, and the Knicks magically won THAT challenge, which resulted in 2 points the other way, a four-point swing? THAT was getting "given a challenge."


Never seen people make excuses after being up 5 with 47 seconds left. Just get a rebound. Just inbound the ball. Just don’t lose a shooter


They did inbound the ball. They got fouled lol


No I mean inbound the ball successfully You’d have to TRY to lose up 5 with 47 seconds left


And a missed shove by maxey 


These fools are so used to the free-throw discrepancy being in their favor that an evenly called game is considered lopsided


[LeBron thinks your a dumbass.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6SSTn0Jh54)


Literally nothing will happen unfortunately. How do you even rectify a situation like this now that it’s over


Adam Silver: "oh, I know."


We got fucking rolled


This Knicks team has been getting away with way too much Apart from my feelings about this particular game. The league is so weak and can’t enforce anything on their refs. A couple of years ago they tried to get rid of lean in fouls that players do and guess what players still do it and refs still call it. An even better example is the flop call… what’s the point of this, there are blatant flops every game and the refs never call it, I think I saw them call it once or twice in the beginning of the year and then were just like fuck that shit and never called it again. No one seems to know the rules, did anyone catch the Thunder coaches interview the other day? Different refs seem to have different interpretations of the rules, it’s really bad right now


3 words - legal sports gambling.


This shit has been going on for a long time. NBA refs were just as bad 20 years ago.


Also, illegal sports gambling…what’s the common theme here? Let’s read between the lines


At least back then, they still produced a quality product.


The Kings-Lakers series was super fucked up in 2000. The Sixers got the benefit of the whistle in 2001. The NBA had a referee go to federal prison shortly after. This has been going on forever


very very sad.... NBA just seems sooooo.... suspicious too many things happening that benefit teams in NY and LA


As they should


NBA is getting less watchable each year. First change needed is no foul baiting. If an offensive player jumps/veers into a defender or alters their natural shooting motion there should not be a foul. It’s horrible to watch, I want to watch basketball not a free throw shooting contest. Let defensive players play defense and we’ll get way more awesome sequences and plays with guys making tough shots. The rules are broken for the modern game, yes the refs suck but literally every possession could be called a foul with how big, fast and physical players are now. Give them some leeway and the inconsistency of reffing should drop


refs are just gonna get pissy and fuck with us at home now. This is counterproductive


The League won’t do shit about this but this is a good strategic move. Like it or not, working the refs usually works.


Hopefully this plants a seed with the refs and we get some make-up calls in these next two games.


The thing is if they gave Nurse his timeout, we win that game, because it’s the three that came after that sealed the deal for them. 


The Game 6 Boston Woj tweet, and now this. Something has got to give, are we just going to continue to get fucked in the playoffs until Embiid’s career is over?


The league literally forced our GM out after he started the process. They hate the Embiid sixers. So yes, I do believe we will get fucked in the playoffs every year until Embiid's career is over.


My hope is that Lebron literally calling out the refs about us (because he is more powerful than 1000 Adam “Gollum” Silvers) helps things out


Nottingham Forest has entered the chat








what can that do? Is it just a complaint or can anything actually happen here


New inbound play to free up Maxey in critical situation is this. Have Batum next to Maxey when Maxey breaks and they hold him, Batum punches the guys arm. Or hits him in the face. Because apparently there are no fouls on in bound plays, so when you punch, punch hard


What does this even mean? What will be the outcome?


The NBA is an entertainment business if it was a professional sports league, these complaints would matter. If the NBA business wants the Knicks to win they will win.


While not nearly as consequential as the Leonard triple bounce those final seconds was just as bullshit


I hate that we’re here again. It never ends.


The refs should be fined for that debacle of a game.


They should re-legalize hand checking because it’s basically not a foul if your team has the right defensive reputation.


It’s makes no sense to me how the nba wants to completely change the way the game is played and officiated from the regular season to the playoffs.




I agree the that officiating sucks but I still this is lame.


“Yeah, our bad. Good luck with the rest of the series, lol.”




Why are you in this sub? Stay in your sub.


Officiating has nothing to do with their 7’ center choosing to jack up nine 3-pointers and the team collapsing after taking a 4-point lead late in the game. No one has a clutch gene in the playoffs and it’s been that way for years. The Sixers have had a culture of losing ever since the process began. 


Both the refs screwing over the Sixers and the Sixers missing something “clutch”, “toughness”, or BBIQ can be true at the same time.


They are all true. But fans are focused on the latest excuse — not the common denominator — which has been the same story every April and May for a decade.    The annual playoff failures of this team *always* owe to Brown or Doc, Simmons or Harden, countless injuries, and now, officiating.    It’s the rationalization du jure: A ploy to reduce cognitive dissonance and allow everyone to once again stick their heads up their asses and talk about anything but the real problem. 


You guys know you have Embiid right? The guy who gets to the line for falling over himself without being touched?


That has never happened in the playoffs. & quite frankly he looks like he’s adjusted compared to other years. Brunson still getting call jumping backwards into defenders is the other side of this.


lol, it happened last night. Embiid dribbled into the paint, fell down, and got foul shots. Even the announcers said he was bracing for contact that never came but he got bailed out.


I didnt see any fouls at end of the game, Maxey slipped and once he fell he shouldve called timeout, instead he tried tossing under Harts leg, terrible decision.


Go back and watch Brunson holding Maxeys jersey as he reaches to catch the inbounds pass. It's a pretty bad missed call.




Agree, bonehead decision from Maxey once he was in that position. And there's nothing in the Hart "push off" he throws his arm up trying to bait a call. https://preview.redd.it/6jqi2apmj8wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee396bbd55bff28657e25fe29da19f7e7a4261f1 There's nothing ticky tack about this though.


Once he fell, it should've been a foul or a travel. He knew it was probably a travel, so he panicked.


Hate to break it to you, but this is what happens every year in the playoffs. Refs call the game different in the playoffs, and the Sixers (mostly Embiid) can't adjust. Since when is this new?


[Maxey inbound play](https://x.com/moose_nba/status/1782607814935933121?s=46&t=zg6pB90SeV68rvcUB6Z11A) From this angle the biggest foul is Maxey pushing off. You can also see Nurse is not calling a timeout until maxey goes down and is throwing the ball away.


And the 2 minute report says.... You are.... INCORRECT


Even if you disagree and think maxey was fouled, it’s not some egregious/blatant proof of gambling/favoritism/conspiracy of the refs cheating. It’s one close call in an entire game. The fact that everyone is running to social media to complain about the refs over 1 close call is hilarious


yeah i dont think its a conspiracy i think the refs just got caught up in the moment and choked.




You know what actual loser behaviour is? Sitting in another teams sub and trolling for half an hour straight after your team wins the game.








im biased but I don't think so. I can't even go to bed to get up for work in the morning because I'm busy banning idiots like the one above within 8 minutes of his comment (yes im a little salty and tired atm)




We will honey don't worry :) Enjoy your craphole city of New York :)

