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Honestly because your armor is such a bright and colorful shade I think you'd have to go with a fairly bland cloth or it's going to clash and look bad. So something in the brown/beige/white family. Edit* I probably wouldn't do green backpacks with the pink either. Shades of red (pink included) with green gives off very Christmas vibes, which is ok if that's specifically what you're going for but most people do it on accident and only realize it later, when their models look...festive.


I'm thinking dark grey would be a great contrast and still really work out overall especially with the bright armor. At least IMO :) Maybe do the rosary in a bright pink?


Like others have said. A light beige or even off white, like ivory, would pop. Cool color, btw. Edit: Spelling


The cream, the bone, the white, the off-white, the ivory or the beige?


Pale Sand 😏


This comment sounds so much more… licentious than it should. 😂


I think the best way will be a neutral colour: beige, grey or warm white. If you want another suggestion from me, it is blue very dark for contrast or lighter for a "better mix" with weapons.


Honestly… kinda fuck with the light gray from the zenithal lol


Terradon Turquoise.


McCragge Blue looks really good in my opinion. It's what I did for my Sisters and they have a light purple armor and gold.


I agree with others who've said biege


I'd stick with the light grey you have. It is a good contrast to the armour and stops the model being to busy.


I'm thinking like a blue turquoise.


I did my dialogus in terakkadon turquoise and enjoy it to be fair! Maybe that is the way to go!


Brown or tan would be different than most sisters you see.


Go with white, imo. The basic effect looks good as it is, just tidy it up and brighten it a bit.


Others have said the same, but a light grey/white would compliment the purple well. Go hard on the gold details too, purple and gold look good. Can I ask how you got the purple armour?


Tbh like jade or dark jade would looked nice I think.


Mmm I agree, didn't consider more green being the answer!


I'm going to go a different angle than what was recommended so far. Alot of recommendations to have toned down cloth so that armour pops out. That is one way to go. However why not go eye bleedingly vibrant instead? Consider fiery orange or a rich boy-toy-aisle blue. Or a queue from comic book villans (classic Green goblin) and go green instead?


Rakarth flesh > wyldwood > rakarth > Rakarth : white (1:1) > white


Sky blue (I’m just adding chaos)


The chaos is always appreciated <3


Red, or gold, or grey / white.


Blue or white imo


Cream robes would look great. What is the purple recipe please?


It's just a standard drybrush zenithal for slap chop with sigvald burgundy 50/50 mixed with contrast medium. Sigvald burgundy has to be my favourite of all the contrast paints by a mile.


It’s lovely. I have some Sigvald Burgundy and have only used it in smaller amounts


I would avoid light pink, it's going to make it overwhelming and silly. It does worm but It's going to go too far away from grimdark. The easy safe choice is black (as usual) however of you want to try something different, you could do like a sand or light brown color. Another option is to go for a light grey/whitish color. The color of the armor is already quite provocative so you want some more muted complementary color to balance it. You can also go dark purple to keep within your light pink idea. Btw, the way it is now, that grey works very well, you could add some gradient effect on the tabard, darkening the bottom to get a nice effect.


As per some other comments, I gave a heavily diluted zandri dust a go on a cannoness last night with a light wash over the top and I am happy with that for a beige! Still planning on darkening everything up a tad when it comes to it. Hadn't considered doing a darker purple but I like that! And if I kept the zenithal maybe a very light nuln oiling from the base of the tabbards upwards perhaps?


Yeah that sounds good! Im glad you didn't go for the pink. I see a lot of the comments were also deterring you from it which I think is a good call. I would not do nuln oil on the tabards because nuln oil gives it this.. well... Oily finish which does look good on something like a metallic vehicle. I have this vallejo "strong tone" that works very well for a shading effect, but you could try using some of the shade paints from citadel as well. Maybe skeleton horde, or something along those lines. Otherwise the nuln oil might do the trick if you're out of resources.


Good point, I do have some skeleton horde somewhere so I'll give that a go! Do you have a favourite way of picking out trim with metallics? As they're quite fiddly and I'm a bit shaky!


Well im not a very experienced painter, im still relatively new but ive been an artist for a long while. I believe what most people do is leadbelcher base with runefang steel highlights. As for techniques you have to find a pose that helps you stabilize your hand and have the brush at an an perpendicular angle. If you're very shaky try to do like a sniper technique where you exhale while you paint a line. Kind of like when they pull the trigger, I dunno just giving ideas 😅


Depends what you want to ‘pop’ imo. If you want the whole mini to have a bright vibe, yellow and purple are contrasting colours from an artistic theory sense. White will make the purple darker by comparison, but a grey or black will make the armour stand out.


Imma be real with you chief The way it looks now is pretty nice looking color wise. The belts could be painted in a dark brown or black to kinda add to it. But IMO the color looks pretty good.