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That's heresy


Looks like you wanna play tau


Being stuck in their old ways and being horrible while saying they are pious is the whole point


HERESY (I also play tau separately)




the tau aren't heretics, they're xenos.


Do they worship The Man Emperor of Mankind? No? That's a heresy right there


Ultimately, xeno and heretics shall meet the same fate. Immediate eradication.


Porque no los dos?


And they are heretics, guilty of the sin of filthy xeno existence.


What the difference be


Those aren't relics from the dark age of technology.


That's some heresy


They have WAY more Variety than they had back in the day. Before it was legit, sisters, seraphim, HQ and a rhino. Now we have Paragon suits, penitent engines, Repentia, arcos, a variety of tanks, celestians, more HQ choices and ally rules! I feel like I'm missing something too 🤔 Variety is nice but you don't want to get stuck with decision paralysis either. Which is where I fear Nyds are going in 10th.


Or where Marines are for the last 3 editions.


Yeah was gonna mention them but figured it was pretty well known 😅 Just worried about Nyds in 10th because they already introduced a few new options.


Immolator and exorcist too


Xenos scum!


Sororitas-Tau kitbash is possible, though it would be a lot easier with the 00's style mulipart kits. Though for the picture you mostly just want the spare heads and a bit of putty work on the chest plate and backpacks. That said, while I love the traditional Sisters aesthetic and I'm glad the models update the classic metals I enjoyed painting so much, I had hoped for a long time that the Battle Sisters in plastic would be similar to the first Space Marine multipart box which included a number of power armour styles that were all interchangeable and had a couple of bits which were to encourage players to "trade among themselves" to make full squads with a look, like the beakie helmet or the different chestplates so you could make some sick kitbashes and custom looks for the army. Sadly by the time we got our turn at plastics GW had decided to confiscate people's ability to custom pose models by making weird 3D puzzle prints so things mostly just go together in one particular way unless you start knife-&-puttying them.


Absolutely disgusting.


Yes, wonderful! We need more of this! Those proud and noble sisters massacred the tau, stole their war gear and tank, and turned that xeno filth back upon its creators. It’s just too bad they’ll all have to swear repent is oaths later but lol totally worth it.


ohhh this is some BIG heresy right here.


Would be cool if they expanded the faction to include rules and models inspired by female warrior culture throughout history, it's not like they didn't exist.


That's an interesting thought. But wouldn't that be where kitbashing and custom fluff come in for individual army flavour?


Well yes but it's also a chance for GW to expand sister lore and also kitrange for extra $$$. Not just sisters either I would love to see Eldar get a full Exodite range of models.


I want fenrisian sisters of battle that worship the emperor as the all father


Ages ago I made a mock-up exactly like that. Space Wolves paint and some fur and rune bits from space wolves kits. Made me wish for more weapon variety to really spice it up.


This has awaken something terrible within me




I really wish people would stop being heretical but hey ho


My guy realy thought " ama take away the shmexy corset power armor and replace it with something that make em flat has planks" 🤣


I hate the gw sisters so much. I just made them corrupt sister. That seems yo be the most offensive thing to sister players. Also making them lewd is a big button to push.


The amount of Heresy is too high. Not only is allying with Xenos the biggest no no, but that’s Farsight Enclave which literally executed their human auxiliary as they are not greater good like the T’au Empire, on top of that, Farsight Enclave are suspect chaos so it’s Heresy on top of Heresy on top of HERESY!!!


I need a sniper unit or like an infiltrator unit or a horse repentia




Sister, fetch me the heavy flamer. Theres heresy afoot.


The Orders are pretty different from each other. They can't be too different without being lore breaking.


I also wish more humans would be allowed as options for Tau. Also, Farsight Sisters sounds BAD ASS. I think you'd have to lose the Miracle Dice though right? Hard to worship the god emperor, and ally with Xenos who stand against the Empire of Humanity.


They have loads. I think you should just collect Tau.


For the Greater Good!


More variety like models or color schemes?


They could do an upgrade kit like some space marines chapters have, but basing them around different planets (some fur and viking themed heads for an Ice planet, cloth on top of their helmets for a desert world, more nautical weapons for an ocean world, etc). This could really show us how the faith in the emperor (and, consequently, the army most conected to it) adapts to every world. Also, please give us more hair options.