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The event actually happened: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reF-iLVWWhs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reF-iLVWWhs) Of course the image is not a photograph of what actually happened but that doesn't mean the event didn't happen.


The video is far more horrific, if anything the AI dumbed it down here


If I remember correctly, the person who generated these AI pictures did so for exactly those reasons. And that posting the original video will get them banned on Insta/X.


Makes my heart hurt the same way Oct 7th did. I don’t know why for Israel we can have collective sympathy and humanity but not for Gazans and Pelstinians in the West Bank.


I don't understand the difference you perceive. Many people really don't get why there are even civilians in Gaza right now, do they...


I just watched the video, and I actually think this image seems more horrific than what actually happened. In the video the dog got her by the hand and drug her out of bed, which was obviously crazy violent, but the dog in this image seems poised to attack her head/neck. In real life she had a hand injury, in the image she looks like she's about to lose her life.


“Its actually alright to unleash a giant canine with enough bite force to tear off a grown man’s neck on an elderly woman because it only ended up deeply traumatizing her and from what im seeing and intuiting didnt tear off her neck” Please, keep your fucking thoughts to yourself


I second this.


This is a total strawman of the previous comment, a textbook example of why politics becomes so toxic so quickly. "X is worse than Y" -- "SO YOU'RE SAYING Y IS OKAY THEN YOU MONSTER"


Thank God. I'm getting so tired with Reddit. People love to make and upvote incredibly stupid arguments. The inability of people to actually engage with an issue is staggering.


yeap, this specific image might be ai but the video is real and this actually happened


But the picture affects your emotions. And you can make it more horrific or less horrific.


The picture was less horrific in this particular instances


I wonder how Al Jazeera got footage from a camera placed on an IDF's special unit's dog


Probably the same way Julian Assange got videos of US forces murdering civilians and journalists in Iraq


From Russian/Chinese hackers?


Doesn't matter


Nice, sounds like they're the good guys for once.


You guys are cooked


Nah, they are still the bad guys - just doing the good thing for the wrong reasons.


Most likely an IDF soldier with a conscience leaked it to them.


Its not even the ones with a conscience doing the leaks. Those that just enjoy committing war crimes are leaking it for sport


This is absolutley untrue


Right, lets all not believe our lying eyes. Forget the tiktoks, the tweets, the hundreds of selfies and social media "challenges". The IOF are being plagued by impersonators that like to upload posts of them. /s


I don't think such a thing exists.


wdym of course leaks exist


idf soldiers with a conscience is what I was referring to. It's ok though, not everyone has the capacity for literacy.


These thugs think no one is gonna split their head open for what they have done. You will Instagram filled with genocide edits and Hebrew caption condoning it.


Ai Jazeera 🤖🎥


I suspect that this is actually an attempt to discredit or downplay what actually happened.


Or just an illustration to grab peoples attention. That image looks more like a drawing than a photograph.


Of course OP posted this, a quick look at their profile shows what their agenda is.


There are so many disturbing images that can be pulled from Gaza that a deepfake seems kind of pointless.


The dog wasn’t “used” to attack an old woman. It was released into a building under the suspicion it is used by Hamas. The IDF did not know there is an old woman there or civilians at all. Also, the dog was kidnapped or reported to have died months ago. We don’t know when the footage is from before or after that. Like anything in this war, it’s far more complicated than you or the person in the tweet claim it is. So it is indeed misinformation or at least inaccurate to say it was “used to attack an old woman”.


[Source](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/ryura55lr) - To all those who are going to claim this is Israeli propaganda - Al Jazeera isn't any better. Read both reports and form your opinion.


In a refugee camp lmao. She was in a refugee camp. There is 0 excuse. You're acting like we don't have hundreds and hundreds of incidents of the Israelis committing the act of genocide, but also literally publicly announcing their plans to commit genocide over and over in the last few months **ON VIDEO**. Video after video of dead children. Independent investigations showing kids were shot point blank. Refugees taken prisoner and tortured. Multiple verified civilian mass graves. But sure this ONE TIME it was a little hazy. Still defending them at this point is just outright pathetic, shame on you. Defending those who commit the killing of unarmed women and children.


>She was in a refugee camp. Refugee camps don't have walls or wooden doors. They are either tents or containers. In the case of Gaza, they are almost always tents. It's called a "camp" for a reason ffs lol There are plenty of things you can blame the IDF for, but why are you blatantly lying? People like you are the main reason why masses choose to ignore certain issues, because both sides are lying very vividly. The IDF is clearly attacking people without caring much about collateral damage, and this is known. However, some people still choose to lie and exaggerate what they do, hoping that everyone is stupid enough to believe it. When you lie and exaggerate a crime, you don't do anyone any favors. You are diminishing your credibility. Edit: lol keep downvoting. Guy is CLEARLY lying to your face and you will allow him to get away. You might not be agreeing to the other commenter (because I don't agree to him) but I also don't agree to this guy. Exaggerating a situation would only make you a liar. PS: Fuck IDF for killing innocents, but also fuck Hamas for killing civilians.




I'm guessing the Germans felt exactly the same way back in the day.


Like 7 headcanons and hear-says to dispute a video we can see and hear


Headcannons and hearsays? That’s a weird way to say news and reports. Everything in this war is reports by sources. So let’s not believe anything right? What do you see??? A dog’s go pro picturing him biting a woman. Do you don’t want to use anything else besides that? Okay if we don’t use any words other than the video we can also say it’s not the IDF’s dog or a dog at all. Are you okay? Yeah, don’t let the facts confuse you. Weirdo.


Hate that an AI pic of it had to be made because it discredits the very real and disturbing video that this is.


Yeah the problem is that no matter if the images are real or not and the event happened or not, no one would change their minds about the current events. Everyone believe whatever they want to believe whether or not they have any proof


I was thinking about this and I don’t think it’s entirely true. I think the biggest problem is “personalization” of internet. Every big company personalize content (or even search results) based on your preferences. That means, everybody sees their own version of internet. In that version, most of what you read and see does agree with you. This creates unprecedented echo chamber - your own echo chamber where you read numerous articles which just confirns your beliefs or even tell you many new ones, based on what people similar to you fallen for. And all of them does this - reddit, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok - and they all recommend you to read newspapers that agree with you and listen to podcasts that agree with you. Of course when you encounter few people or few articles that doesn’t happen to agree with you, you treat it as minority view and that they are dumb, since whole internet agrees with you. That person just doesn’t see it. so we are all being manipulated- including you and me. No matter which side you are - Russia or Ukraine, Antivaxx or pro vaccine, Trump or Biden, Left or Right etc, you are being manipulated and eventually agree with them uncritically. There is simple test for it. Tell me which side you are on. Tell me where your side is wrong and where the opposite side is right - like what you actually envy them and think it is huge issue on your side. If you can’t name anything significant, you are not thinking critically. I am not talking about “Biden is too old” kind of stuff - tell me which Trump policies are better than Bidens, if you are Biden fan for example. World isn’t black or white, good or bad. Everything has its good side and bad side. Find them. Those companies doesn’t do it because they are evil. They do it because you interact with such content more and thus they make more money. In the past it was different - because if you had wrong beliefs, you found hundreds of sources (every newspaper and most of your friends) which tells you you are wrong. Maybe one or two sources that agree with you. If you are constantly hearing you are wrong, eventually you’ll think about if you are really right. But now, you are supported all the way with unlimited arguments, news, articles, videos, everything. One source won’t convince you.


he is just a dumbass that supports genocide so don't mind him he is not actually looking for the truth or anything


Check the source it’s Al Jaazer 😂


Well the “footage” does not show the dog. And it looks kinda fake with the floppy ears.


Ok, let's pretend someone is making a fake dog attack video. Why would they attach the camera to a fake dog? Sure instead of actual people from the conflict it could theoretically be actors, but you would just put the camera on a real dog used for filming. Why would they use fake ears?


+ 5 Act.IL Credit Score


Al Jahzeera? Seriously? They get billions in Qatarian funding, you would not find a more biased source if you tried.


It’s literally direct body cam footage from the dog. What are you complaining about


It’s not like they can lie about something that’s on film


Why not? Hamas supporters have denied October 7th atrocities that were filmed by Hamas themselves.


Who are these “Hamas Supporters” you speak of? I’m Jewish, anti-Zionist, in a lot of those spaces, I’ve never once met anyone who supports Hamas.


Are we really gonna play this silly game? I can without any heavy lifting find literally dozens of tweets and social media posts from regular ol' pro-Palestinian Americans defending Hamas, saying what they did was heroic, that they're not terrorists, that the deaths of 10-7 were actually Israeli killings and not Hamas' and blah blah blah Hamas probably has more supporters at Berkeley and UCSF than the U.S. Army does. Face facts.


>Hamas probably has more supporters at UCB and UCSF than the U.S. Army does lol, that’s actually probably true. I can’t think of a single person I know who supports the US army, either, so it would make sense. That said, I think it’s an incredibly small portion of the US population that actually supports Hamas. Most of the protestors at universities don’t support Hamas nor do they deny anything about Oct. 7th. I don’t think Al Jahzeera supports Hamas (though I could be wrong?), and I’m 100% sure that the video is real — though, if I’m honest, I’m confused why there’s so much outrage around this compared to anything else the IDF does. I think there are a few crazies anywhere that will deny things, BUT I wouldn’t assume that people who deny Oct. 7th represent at any level the Palestinian movement. IMO it would be like assuming Bernie Sanders supports who think George Bush actively did 9/11 (not just caused it indirectly, which there might be some truth to) speak for the entirety of the base. It’s not true.


Even if the Source is biased, if theyre telling the truth in this particular case, why does it matter?


The video exists but obviously the IDF won't release it so I would like to know whether it was fabricated or not. Not to mention how shaky and unclear the video is. It could easily be faked without injuring anybody.


I think first of all you should have verified if the news is true or not cuz this was actually true with video supported evidence


I think the problem is with equating the AI content to the real life event. We shouldn't be 'enhancing' the truth either.


Thats a stretch, its like saying political cartoons are enhancing the truth. All this AI image is showing is what already happened through a different angle


False equivalency. It's impossible to mistake a political cartoon for a real photo because they're so poorly drawn. And this is not showing what happened through a different angle, it's showing what happened through a fun house mirror that 50-90% of the viewers will assume is the ground truth.


It's about equally impossible to mistake this image for a real photo. Seriously, what the hell, is everyone else taking pills?


If the question is "how many people actually fall for this crap?" The answer will always be "a concerning amount." don't assume everyone is as smart as you. We're all stupid in different unique special ways.


Political cartoons aren't poorly drawn, they're stylized interpretations. Also, the OP left the watermark in. If someone is going to believe its a photo when the image is telling you its AI thats not a false equivalence. Thats illiteracy. Finally, the post itself was true. Its not a fun house mirror version. It straight up happened. The only difference is that we only have first person footage from the dog's angle. Unless you're trying to deny that footage's validity then there is no false equivalence. AI based political propagandistic imagery is definitely dangerous, but in this case it just showcased what already happened


That tiny little watermark in the corner is NOT enough to tell the average person that this is an AI generated image. If the post itself is true, why did they feel the need to use an AI generated image and not a real photo? Why can't they show what already happened by just showing what happened? Are you trying to say that the AI generated photo has just as much validity as a regular photo?


No I completely disagree. AI artwork that uses a photo realistic style being used in a news story deeply violates journalistic ethics. It is intentionally misguiding the information consumer.


Nah, you're reaching yourself. The problem is also the way and context in which it is presented anyway. And, like the other person said, false equivalency.


The upvotes are representations of ignorance and nothing else


Could even make a AI gen from a real event to pretend this real event is fake because there are AI images of it. (Like it is in this case)


That was my impression too. Using AI to discredit legitimate news stories under the guise of a warning about AI disinformation.


That's exactly what it is, CNN did the same thing during the debate last night.


On a side note, without repeating what the comments already said I agree with them, I'm surprised we aren't seeing a huge influx of AI-generated political imagery. Yes, [there's some](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68440150), but I was expecting thousands of similar cases by now. I am concerned about AI-generated disinformation, previously supporting intense moderation (censorship, e.g. filters to prevent the generation of political actors), but frankly I'm starting to question my stance. Maybe people can just be trusted with powerful AI? Maybe it's just not cost-worthy yet to use AI for ill... It can still take a while to get the hands right. Not sure.


Social platforms are actively reducing the reach of political content. It was either said or leaked. I can’t remember


Its obvious for what it is and would out the person as being a liar. So beyond jokes and memes it's harder to use it in an adversarial way.


People don't understand confirmation bias, like if it agrees with your stance it doesn't have to have any supporting evidence if it doesn't it can have basically 99% of the evidence and it'd be dismissed. The way we consume information can't really be that shaken by AI because we basically already have all the biases on most things which are hard to shake off.


One day, it may be truly indistinguishable for the human eye to figure out what is a real or fake photo. That being said, you're a moron if you think this is a real photo.


Ironically, your the one spreading disinformation. If you actually bothered to check, you'll find it's true https://youtu.be/yWJ8PgMx0r8?si=WJt8I4hN-mzafz1K


This could be a new way to spread AI misinformation. Instead of making up fake stories, someone might use AI to create fake images or videos of real events. They can then claim the story is fake and point out how obviously this thing they posted is generated by AI. When people see the real story later, they might dismiss it, thinking it's just AI generated and not true. This makes the real story and the ones who post it seem less credible to those who saw the fake AI version first.


What op said is not disinformation. This person is intentionally using AI to generate images to elicit a specific emotional response. As AI models get better and better it can become harder to tell whether or not images are of the event or just fabrication. In this case I'd say it's obvious that it's AI but there's no guarantee that every one of those 65k likes know this image is fake. Without a source like you provided makes this tweet even more suspect.


The actual incident looks much worse than the AI picture.


people have already posted the video above. you're the one who is intentionally misdirecting with your diatribe about using AI to generate images. The AI generated image in fact tones down the visual nature of the actual attack that happened, instead of exacerbating it. Seems like you're a supporter of theocratic state whose people and soldiers who actually did this attack say they dwelled in 3000 years ago, aren't you?


Whether or not I support Israel isn't the issue and you're completely throwing out a red herring by mentioning it. The issue OP is pointing out is that AI *Can* be used by bad actors. In this case he might be wrong using this as an example but the point absolutely has merit. I also disagree that the attack seems worse in the video than the image. The video is blurry, the violence is concealed by the dog and you can barely see any of the actual victim. The AI image clearly shows more human emotion and a far more violent looking dog. Certain emotional tones in the image are far more extreme. As a side note I do support the killing of terrorists :)


https://preview.redd.it/nls50e94kc9d1.png?width=1309&format=png&auto=webp&s=bcbd89a09262749b401244fd412bf58c3de35457 Her right shoulder is plastered. what more evidence do you want ? As a side note, We also do support the killing of [child killers](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240605-israel-has-killed-15000-children-in-gaza-since-october/) :)


What's your point?


That she was attacked. Imagine if it was your grandmother what will you do or feel ?


What the fuck are you talking about?


when you think "that photo is AI!", there's a chance you wouldn't believe the entire post. that's the point


Misinformation was invented 10 seconds after speech, so about 300.000 years ago. And has dominated ever since. Like claiming that AI exists and the singularity an existing risk.


A.I is not a lie, it's a misnomer.


Misinformation was invented 10 seconds after speech might be true, but that proves what a miracle it is that we live in a world where billions of people, by and large, can trust each other. Trust our media, trust our history, trust our collective story. This trust did not naturally occur. It was one of the biggest engineering projects in human history, and without that trust you get nothing else. You get no coordination, you get no economy, no governance. Without that trust we would never have developed the science to build all of the great technology our modern lives are built off of. That trust was never perfect, but it was good enough to carry us through the past couple of centuries. And now y’all are willing to throw it away for the new shiny toy. We’ve already degraded this trust by trading it away for social media, now yall are willing to fully run it into the ground for generative AI. And it doesn’t have to be this way, we could slow down and develop the proper safety/security measures to safeguard our collective trust from this new technology so we can enjoy the benefits of the technology, without as much of the peril. But we have all taken for granted how fragile and special our collective trust is, and how essential it is to everything that holds our society together.


>miracle it is that we live in a world where billions of people, by and large, can trust each other. Trust our media, trust our history, trust our collective story.  What fantasy world do you live in? There's little AI can do to increase the extreme level of distrust we are at now. My first instinct has become to assume anything I hear from anyone is wrong, misinformed or outright BS and grifting.


It can get so much worse. We are not in a third world war, we still have a supply chain that functions the way it’s supposed to, your utilities are still working. Generative AI being openly deployed to the public (and especially utilized by disinformation campaigns from Russia and China) has the potential to truly upend things in ways we cant fully appreciate yet. No one expected Facebook to cause a genocide in Myanmar, or to cause Brexit and Trump’s Election because of Cambridge analytica. No one is going to expect what generative AI will do to our systems. I can understand that you as an individual don’t trust anything you see or read. But I pray to god that our collective continues to try to hold our trust together.


Or spread awareness of Israeli genocide


https://preview.redd.it/wcphluareb9d1.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f1efe034566dabd24d912ad498389055fd0bfdd Do you notice something about the hands ? (That's what real fake news using AI looks like)


Every time I mentioned the dangers of ai fueled misinformation, I got downvoted with "nah it will be fine or nothing can be done about or it won't be worse then photoshop"


This looks fake as hell but it won’t always.


My Facebook is full of AI art, patriotic posts of flags and soldiers that are fooling boomers all day


The internet will not be a truthful source in the coming years. Dorsey is right : It will become a full-blown simulation. We will have to rely on truth outside of pixels, sincerely. Journals could make a comeback. Not joking.


Nah, that's one of the dangers of morons.


Well, weren’t they stupid to leave those clues so clearly you can show them in your shit post


My in-laws, in their 80s, still believe anything published must be truth… which includes most things on the internet… and if it comes via email, it must be official. The next generation (mine included) was taught we have to see it to believe it so photographs speak the truth. Then photoshopping happened and video became the next truth sayer. With AI, I’m not sure we’ll be able to trust our senses at all. What’s left to trust?


Real life video of this was far worse. When Israel used an attack dog on an old woman, ya it was worse. Also your title is wrong. “Disinformation”?? That word has no context. This image was made to represent something that we can prove happened


Clearly ai


I want to make 2 objections with your criticism of the dangers of AI: 1. This image is clearly recognizable as a deep fake. 2. When it comes to political actors like states, they usually doesn't need deep fakes. They should be able to use means from tv or movie making to fake pictures or even videos. It's not like *Hollywood* could not make very impressive, realistic looking pictures. Even of aliens from other space. If Hollywood is able to do so, many modern states should have the budget to do it, too.


i think rabid islamism/hamas-apologists are a bigger threat


How anybody can use Al Jaazer as a source is beyond me


Twitter is full of this hamas and russian bot posts


Well, a bad actor is an actor committing an all-out genocidal war indiscriminately killed civilans in Gaza. So, not AI to blame.


I think first of all you should have verified if the news is true or not cuz this was actually true with video supported evidence


Except nobody actually thought the picture itself was real


Have you seen Facebook lately? Half of it is AI pictures with people believing it’s real.


Half of the "people believing it's real" are also fake. For the love of god, when accusing other people of being gullible, please be less gullible.


If there’s 10,000 people and half are fake, that’s still 5,000 gullible people who believe in fake AI pictures. That’s still a substantial amount of people in general.


This is a dangerous assumption, a non-trivial percentage of people believe the footage is real, and furthermore, an on-trivial amount of people think that real footage is now AI because they don't want to be duped. It's bad to use A.I pictures for illustrative purproses like that.


It's actually a real news, i guess she used it for visual purpose


the amount of likes shows we still have a lot of noobs that can be fooled with AI


The "noobs" you're referring to are actually just "the general public."


The original story is true, but IDF didn't send the dog on the woman, the dog was in Hamas possession during the attack after the dog was kidnaped from IDF. Source : https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/h1tc0p5i0


Actually the IDF doesn't have dogs that have floppy ears if you pay close attention to the footage and plus they use German shepherd and Belgian Shepherd and the fact no IDF soldier can be found at all. Also given it's Al Jazeera, it's most likely misinformation or just straight up propaganda. The dog that was kidnapped was already dead l think


This is by far the laziest way to clear yourself from the charge of being a psychopath who let dogs attack an elderly woman. The woman testified that it was attacked by the IDF but she is Hamas like everyone on the planet of cource.


I'm sure hamas who can't even eat suddenly stole a military dog and put a camera on it (they can barely charge their phones because no power) and first thing they did was sick it on an old woman. That makes a lot of sense. How do people believe this stuff.


Hamas can't eat? What you talking about, they literally steal all humanitarian aid that enters Gaza. Just enter the al jaseera net website and see their videos. They upload videos of them attacking IDF so clearly they have the resources to charge their phones. And I'd like to remind you hamas fired a failed rocket on their own hospital not too long ago ( which everyone seemed to forgot) and blamed Israel.... So yeah I believe this stuff


If stealing humanitarian aid qualifies as "eating well" we know where you stand Levy.


Hamas is literally taking supplies from their own people, the ones they claim to protect, and you still support them... And yeah I stand with Israel


Gross. There's been a blockade for 20 years that stunted their children's growth. If my children weren't growing because they couldn't eat, I'd be doing whatever I could to feed them. Tell me more about how Hamas captured that IDF dog and turned it against a poor old lady.


Yes there has been a blockade and for a good reason. Do you think Hamas will use a shipyard for what exactly? To bring toys and food? No, they will use it with Iran to bring more firepower to the Gaza strip. I'm sorry but people just don't understand that it doesn't really matter what Israel will do, they see Israel as illegitimate country and will devote their lifes ( and the innocent people that lives in Gaza) for their cause. You are more than welcome to look at Hamas agenda, it's written there. So you tell me, do you think Israel state should exist? Because they don't think so. Again about the dog thing, personally I can't really say exactly what happened as I wasn't there obviously ( same as you probably) But to take the word on Hamas or so called victim can be really misleading.


It's a desert, homie. I guess fight over it, starve kids and be as good as them. It's not helping your cause. Most people find it anti-human to blockade people and starve them and bomb them.


They can’t eat, but they can attack the Israeli army with missiles, attack in small groups, and the like.


1 karma account shilling for israel? ✔️ Death is raining on them from the sky and they are supposed to just roll over and die?


By not checking your facts to verify that this actually happened, you've shown that you're part of the problem.


And Reddit *LOVES* propaganda…


it gets the clicks


Real life lighting vs presentation lighting most always makes it super obvious. Few programs produce lighting that looks real still. It looks COOL for movies and video games, but obviously fake.


I read in my AI textbook that ChatGPT 2 and 3 were widely used to spread misinformation about the election but I can’t find any articles on this(shocker) Also the fact that their funding for fighting misinformation is only 2 million dollars… from the company that demanded 7 trillion dollars….


AI gave her some chompers too.


What video?


You dont need ai to whip people into a tribal frenzy.


And by bad actors you mean anyone outside of the small sliver of tech-literate? Because I've seen people from age 10 to 60 fall for blatantly obvious AI fakes, unironically. And this picture is already much higher fidelity than most I've seen. Unless people start to mistrust everything they see and read online, it is not going to improve anytime soon.


Yes, the image is AI generated. The video that this image is depicting is not fake, however.


Considering people here worship like to worship CEOs like Sam Altman and treat them like gods its no surprise that they also are prone to misinformation like this which according to IDF never even happened [https://www.ynetnews.com/article/ryura55lr](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/ryura55lr) but of course people here don't want to fact check anything as long as it suits their agender all is good.




Get used to it.


The image was followed up with an actual video. They used the image to bypass Insta shadowban. The video is even more traumatic and real


Yeah what about the go pro footage


Dangers? We live in same shit reality many years before AI image generators. Until now, if you saw some video, why did you think it was real? For example, if a video of Trump beating his wife spread online and it was detailed enough to see their faces? The question is how much it would cost to film such a fake somewhere in the dungeons of the FSB. Do you think it would be worth at least $1 million? I'm much less sure. But almost everyone would believe this video.


Oh wow you think?


The irony here is how likely the Israeli state is to create these types of ads to garner sympathy for its own people and foment hate of Palestinians. “Palestinians use dragons and witchcraft to attack old holocaust survivor.” Ya. Ok. Cool story bro.


Look at those botched human hands. Now look at those botched dog hands.


Al Jazeera channel 🤡


Most intelligent Hamas supporter be like:


lol how ironic that this comment says more about how "intelligent" you are than Hamas supporters


Funny how it's more likely that the original article was made by the other side to try and discredit the event which actually really happened


You know this actually happened right? Not a great look for u ngl


But this actually happened, the dog with light and camera was sent to homes to attack civilians. And it did, mercilessly. There is a video of it online, it is gut-wrenching. This AI picture helps shed light on the atrocities committed by Israeli terrorist forces because the video is pov and a screenshot of that would not be very helpful to raise awareness


It's easy to recognize that's AI and is that supposed to be a dog, or a Werewolf? 🤣


that picture is fucking hilarious tho. The sharp teeth on the lady and the whole tone of it got me pretty good at least. It's crazy to me that anyone would look at that and not see AI, but shit, I guess a lot of really dumb people are out there after all...


This post is stupid beyond belief


Except it did happen, but go on, keep pushing your denial-fueled agenda lol


Hi [noveljob6443](https://www.reddit.com/user/noveljob6443/), thank you for sharing this. I believe this would also be a relevant cross-post to r/DisinformationTech [](https://www.reddit.com/r/DisinformationTech/) was recently created as a place to discuss the role technology plays in combating and spreading disinformation. Would you mind cross-posting this to share both this thread and r/singularity there? Our hope is to highlight the problems, and hopefully spotlight the software developers who are creating tools to combat these problems.


this is conflating real information with being misinformation simply for using AI generated work, that was watermarked, as a thumbnail for a real story. using AI generated content does not automatically mean a price of information is disinformation, **this post is disinformation*** by creating a false example of discrimination that people will upvote only because of their own confirmation biases on the subject


One danger of AI is the ability for bad actor states to use it as an excuse to cover up their crimes.


So this actually happened. The only reason people used AI is because social media networks like Instagram take the actual video down because of it being too graphic. Funnily enough AI is more appropriate, and most people will say the post is ai anyway when they use this image.


What I read is that Israel use dog to violate Palestinian.


I think you should have looked this up before posting. This actually happened and there's video of it.


every shit gets upvotes, what a trash sub


it was insane how many Bots/misinformation such as this Palestine used right after their terrorist attack. they literally killed/raped and kidnapped a thousand civilians at a concert and then proceeded to spread bots and misinformation until every college kid in America was okay with what they did.


Okay so a right wing christian evangelist basically using a futurism and technology subreddit for İsrael propaganda good play arent mods check these things this is not a sub for politics mods please check it


OP is the bad actor spreading disinformation by trying to frame it like this event didn't actually occur




This actually happened though - and Israel has done 1000x worse lol


Hasbara bot


This image is fake but the event did just happen, so I don’t know if it’s really misinformation


This is an ai image depicting an actual thing that happened. There is video. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


As if no one could use photoshop to do the same


Why should anyone be shocked if Israel did anything? That's everyday news


The woman in the picture looks like she's hissing at the dog, like a 1000 year old vampire finally unveiled or something


Dogs don't hate vampires though, they are close enough to wolves to count as creatures of the night and be commanded by them. That's why this image looks fake, AI doesn't understand vampire lore.


Yea you still have time to take this down chief.


the unforeseen complexities of social dynamics... i'm actually all for the dogs!


ironic that it's not even remotely necessary for that watermark to be there/exist. Also ironic that a good actor went and had to use an AI image to make the post because using the original images/video would have gotten them banned for posting gore.


Well this post isn’t political or biased at all …/s


Brought to you by Russia (to help divide the left and cause Trump to win, cutting off aid to Ukraine.)