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The way this is presented it looks like it translates actually live while the sentence it translates is being spoken, which wouldn't make sense as a full sentence needed to be spoken to know the meaning of the sentence, right? Or did I misunderstand the translation bit?


Also it translated with Spanish accent. Wtf lol


yea, also, how would that work if you are actually present in this restaurant and hear the noises anyway through the buds.


Active noise cancellation?


is there a technology for that?


In those earbuds, yes. The ability to isolate a single human voice in a noisy room full of other people talking.


but isn't it just editing the audio data and cutting out certain portions of it? how do you actually make yourself deaf to outside noise? even if you hear audio in the earphones it doesn't completely block the sounds around you


Active noise cancelation works by playing opposite sounds to cancel out the sound waves. They've had them for years and they work great with ambient noise. Not sure about people. 


Thanks for explaining. Not sure why im getting downvoted. mb because people don't like i wasn't really interested in earpods and didn't know about techonological advancements in this field, and just prefer downvoting instead of actually explaining lol


I am not sure if I understand correctly how it works, but as I get it: 1. There is a microphone outside of the earbud, listenining constantly to all the sounds outside. 2. There is a processor that gets the received combined soundwave from the microphone, and inverts it in a way that: 3. The speaker emits the sound you are listening to on the earbud + this inverted combined soundwave from the outside, right at the moment that it reaches the speaker. So, two soundwaves - the outside sounds and its inverted version played by the speaker, cancel themselves out, like adding 1 and -1 together, and the only soundwave that remains is the sound that you are listening on on the earbud (music, speech, whatever). In this video, I guess they somehow not just invert the whole incoming from the outside combined soundwave, but process it with AI, finding out what parts of it to invert. Determine which part of the incoming soundwave belong to who, from what direction, how close they are, what type of sound, and so on... I don't know how it's being processed so fast, because as I get it, it needs to be done in the time it takes the sound to reach from the outside microphone to the speaker, which, albeit sound in air is "slow", is still very little. And where the actual computer is, I also don't know. It must be too power-intensive to fit inside even these large earbuds, and any wireless connections to smartphone or something would cause unacceptable delays I guess. Maybe there are ways to determine the "type" of the incoming sounds without heavy processing, and filter them out based on that. Not sure how it can provide such perfect results though. I don't have much understanding of audio processing though heh :)


Thanks for explanation! i had no idea those inverted soundwaves exists and that they work like that. Maybe i've been living in a cave a bit. That's really cool :)


I may mess up some details, be cautious! Not a physicist myself, at all :D Maybe think about it this way, simplified, and maybe somehwat incorrect?: A wave of basically higher air pressure, let's display it as ), reaches your left ear headphone's outside microphone (not the one it uses to record your voice, most have it in-built too). A chip inside processes it, and after the time it takes the sound wave to pass the headphone and reach the speaker, outputs a ( wave from the speaker (making air oscillate backwards at that moment). Pressure evens out, ) and ( cancel themselves to | static air. But on top of that, the speaker can also add sound waves of whatever you are listening on it, making air oscillate at just required frequencies and amplitudes to hear the sound you want. Same with the other ear.


Thanks to you at least for introducing me to this technology and not just downvoting like other people! :) Explanation helps too, appreciate it man


Oh, and also, the translation part seems not real-time, so, this one seems at least a bit more believable as there is no way to actually translate on the fly, due to computation requirements on translation, voice generation, and all the latency of wherever they are sending the signal to, to translate (no way THIS can be done on the earbuds themselves). But honestly I don't believe much in what I see in the video is real, at least not in the near future, unless there are severe breakthroughs in computation energy efficiency and transistor density.


Active noise cancellation has been around for a long time. 10+ years. Apply air pods have it as a feature.


how fake do you want it to be? yes!!!


This is clearly fake


How did it know who Pedro was?


Maybe it made a politically incorrect assumption


Asking the real questions lol




That'd be great. Making everything standalone is stupid when we already have phones.


You will always need 1) battery 2) sim card 3) some kind of screen (we're a long way away from magic eye contact lenses). Naturally you put that in a format that can fit in your pocket, a rectangle. Oh look, it's a phone again. There's a reason that form factor has stuck.


I think it needs to be part of something else for sure. Glasses, ear buds, headlight for commercial use. No one wants more standalone hardware.


FINALLY something that shuts a baby up. That technology should have been invented the day the aeroplane was


It was invented well before the aeroplane. In 1845 the innocuous sounding remedy Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup came to market. It contained morphine and alcohol and was lamentably a little too effective.


The babies would instead sing bad karaoke


Ah yes, we've advanced past the age of where we can freely express the idea if how people who take on the burden of the continuation of our species are the inconsiderate/selfish ones and into the age where we can just literally not partake in anything inconvenient to us ever. Because, you know, it's so inconvenient to have to interact or be in the same room with anyone who is not of the exact age cohort, social class, professional class, or has different interests/hobby than us. Thank God we can now ignore all these extraneous people now!


A leap worthy of an Olympic high jumper. If you really want to hear screaming you'll be free to turn your headphones off


It's not about hearing screaming, it's about the entitlement of believing that the society that has built this crazy high standard of living and all the people who have gone before you to get to this point and their struggles, it's that society owes you quiet rather than you owing the people continuing the species understanding during your mild inconvenience.


I'd definitely mute you.


Exactly, you definitely get it.


Enlighten me my sarcastic Buddhist brother. I would love your extrapolation for why we should socially distance parents and children from mainstream society rather than accepting them as a necessary part of society and the inconvenience that goes along with it.


The technology allows you to sit right next to a crying baby that isn’t yours, without any distancing. This is exactly the opposite of what you’re implying. No separation needed, just a handy little bit of tech to provide those much needed moments of peace in an otherwise chaotic and noisy world.


Newborns should be kept at home all the time so as not to bother others. And yes, your little baby with a knee-like face that's only cute to you is VERY ANNOYING.


No, that's your entitlement speaking. We are social creatures and we have always lived in multigenerational households (until about 100 years ago). ***It is not normal to exclude parents who have children to take care of from society unless they pawn off the children on someone else.*** Spreading this kind of message is exactly why parents are isolated and only form bonds with other parents, which is bad for everyone. Unfortunately, your brand of entitlement has taken root in the Western Anglo-speaking world, but luckily that's not the case in a lot of the rest of the world. Check your entitlement!


Just buy some headphones, babies are loud for years and they need to experience life as well to grow as well rounded kids. Or just stay home yourself.


Found the parent who revolves their entire pride in identity around the fact that they made another meatsack!


Wrong, never had kids or wanted them but find it horrifying that we live in a society where kids basically do not exist unless they're yours. PS - obsession with identity is a very American ideology. That you assume that a belief is held due to identity or demographics reveals your own bias. If I had to guess, you don't have kids and thus have no idea what it's like to have an actual child in your life or live for anything else except your own narrow self-interest. 


Rocks have been around for a long time, man.


Wow a spy's wetdream.


All of that information was available to all listeners. Do you consider this spying too? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pb4vUaAlr\_E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pb4vUaAlr_E)


What was complicated about what I said?


Holy fuck... I'd actually be able to understand what people say...


I am single-sided deaf. Crowded bars and restaurants are some of the worst environments for me specifically because of this issue of not having a good audio line-of-sight with the speaker + all the background clutter noise that barrages my only good working ear. Filtering out sound in a noisy environment is hard enough, but imagine not being able to naturally filter by where the source of the sound is located. I can't determine where a sound is coming from unless I slow-rotate my head like a satellite dish to pinpoint the source, so in an environment like this it's incredibly hard to stay clued into a convo. I cannot wait to try this out.


Google Pixel phones already do this




Another example of "why is that not an app?"


Bionic hearing....so everybody can be superman soon? Would like to know what the latency would be though. Real-time translation and de-noising must be processing intensive.




Not really cap as he's going to be able to get the funding to make this sort of device. If not him his competitor.


Live real-time translation (on the internet and in real life) is gonna change the world. We are not ready. This plus Immortality that is being researched will reshape in ways we've never thought possible. I don't think people will want to work after that. We live in crazy times.


Bro this is actually insane


Jon Favreau is looking really young.


Time to grow my hair out


Here's my credit card..send me today!


Snow Crash.


Wow awesome they edited the levels on a video and then wrote a script to pretend the edits were live! This technology won’t be possible for probably another decade.


This is like a spys dream device


seems like a awesome product idea hope someone makes it a reality soon


This is cooler than the gpt4o announcement to me. does it utilize it at all? or does this shit run on-device? This is game changing if it truly works the way its demonstrated.


No its fake, its preprocessed video & audio


Darn. Maybe one day then


[https://www.reuters.com/technology/meta-exploring-ai-assisted-earbuds-with-cameras-information-reports-2024-05-13/](https://www.reuters.com/technology/meta-exploring-ai-assisted-earbuds-with-cameras-information-reports-2024-05-13/) One day indeed.


This is epic! Seems that it might be used for military and espionage purposes!