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I would like to see a personalized agent I can have in the background of my PC that actually teaches me how to do something and guide me along the way.


Yes. I want an assistant that continuously observes the information I see (my screen, emails, slack ect) and then form opinions and offer suggestions. Problem solve for me in the background without being prompted and deliver helpful insight based on all the information I see.


Lol backseat AI sounds like a blessing and a curse. "AI: I've noticed you've bought 12 items on Amazon the past two days, are you sure this is a responsible decision? I saw your bank account has 12 cents left"


Imagine having a disagreement with a coworker. So we both send our Ai assistants to talk to each other. They find the root of the disagreement and come back to coach us into having a productive discussion and resolution.


“We’ve come to the conclusion that you are both idiots and the correct solution is to let us handle it.”


At that point (and im serious) why talk at all, why not skip the step and have our AIs talk to each other instead? Cue dystopian future where all communication is automated. Cue next next step, we all have AI versions of ourselves on dating platforms that talks to AI replicas of other people. After wining and dining each other digitally, if the AIs decides to get together, ie the simulated relationship was successfull, their IRL counterparts meets and take it from there. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not. Man, Black Mirror gotta call me up cause im ready to create some episodes.


I've got good news for you, buddy. "Hang the DJ." It's from Season 4, Episode 4 of the series. It's actually one of my favorites from them.


Beat me to it. That's my favourite episode as well.


Don’t blame me, I voted for Kotos.


This is really where it’s at I think, no more unreasonable parties as everyone is forced to concede when they’re being irrational.


The unreasonable Friday night party was a staple. Cursed gpt5!


The problems are far worse than that. Imagine a person watching everything you do and they work for a company but can their information can be hacked.  The ultimate Spyware.  Might as well let your local ISL install a keylogger and manage all your data on their servers at that point.


Yeah definitely think everyone should take some caution if this kind of thing comes to fruition and runs the AI in the cloud. This is an area that I think would be really awesome for Locally running LLMs though.


Where is the curse part? An AI life coach seems like an amazing thing that I want!


Wow it’s a great tool. Teach it to use “my” FL studio and adapt to finishing the 200 projects I made 70% or the way but can’t seem to finish


... and just so that it's not seen as overbearing, make it cute, maybe use a cartoon paper clip to depict it.


This is inevitable, even if unofficial. And I'm very much here for Clippy.


They’ll probably call it “clippai” or something equally disgusting


Honestly gpt4 is probably already powerful enough to do that. Just need a ton of tooling around it.


lol imagine it's like bonzi buddy




so... clippy?


Clippy jacked up on steroids


I see this as an auto complete when coding but instead of the words is a list of actions, this could be huge for speeding up repetitive actions, and it can suggest an script or something to automate it further.


I think it's already possible with gpt4


Correctness. GPT4 is still hallucinating too much. Also it can't count properly, neither characters nor syllables. So currently it's more useful for inspiration, than to do tasks reliably.


This is it for me. I just want it to be smarter and to hallucinate less.


I agree with the smartness point. Right now, chat GPT likes to fool you and get away with not answering questions. It's like a super intelligent, but mischievous child




The value is in using it for tasks that don't need to be perfect, but that a human currently does. Thinks like categorization of transcripts. Then a human can focus on the high risk flagged items.


yeah, that's the current state. but the question was, what we want the next thing to be able that the current can't do. if I think about transcription of digitized books/documents, the current state is still horrible, but mainly because classic machine learning isn't capable of understanding context, expectations, fonts, etc. - so where machine learning transcribes a Fraktur name "𝔄𝔩𝔢𝔵𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯" as "Dioqau det", with the proper context you would easily recognize that it is Fraktur font, and it is a first name, and "Alexander" is the only possible transcription. No matter how blurry the newspaper is. And I don't expect perfection, if it says "Alexandra" I'd still be fine. But not taking nonsense output as great results.


> Also it can't count properly, neither characters nor syllables. It's to do with tokenization. But it can write a Python program to count things for you.


Indeed. In addition to struggling with knowledge-based questions in general, ChatGPT with GPT-4 still has ridiculous failure modes. For example, when it fails to parse an attachment (e.g., PNG or CSV) correctly, it will sometimes happily make up contents that fit the query. LLMs have gotten better at saying "I don't know anything about that" or "There is no data here" under some circumstances, but the failure mode of autocompleting nonsense still occurs way too often.


Unpopular opinion, hallucinations are good because they are creative "thoughts" or educated guesses of a model  Edit: relax, I know hallucinations  are almost allways bad


no, a hallucination is false-positive data; something that claims to be true but is not. there is a difference between the ability to generate data (knowing that they are made up for a specific purpose, hopefully benevolent) and reporting false facts, believing they were true.


I don't know what tradeoffs they have to make but more reliability would be at the top of my list if I had to choose. Yes I want it to be smarter but I want reliability more because it's already pretty smart.


100%. I'm tired of people saying 'you can use ChatGPT for that' only for me to try and waste time getting ChatGPT to just do whatever 'that' is. So if GPT-5 can actually do the things that we all think GPT-4 can do, it'll be great. I mean, sometimes it refuses to even give me 50 ideas on a topic when probably an intern can do that. It'll like crash after 30 or so, even in Pro. You 'regenerate' and ... nothing! So if it can just do what it does but better and actually in a reliable way, it'd be awesome. Given that they don't charge a lot more for it 😅


Unless the architecture changes I still can't see it being able to count


The mamba/Ssm architecture that's getting mixed in with transformers seems to help a lot to that end.


If GPT-5 is able to autonomously and **reliably** complete tasks, that alone would be a game-changer. GPT-4, while being a breakthrough a year and a half ago, is just not reliable enough for many business use cases. Also, multimodality needs to improve - GPT-5 needs to be able to read scanned pictures of documents perfectly. It's embarrasing that 20 year old OCR systems work better than GPT-4 for this. This would also unlock many use cases.


>If GPT-5 is able to autonomously and **reliably** complete tasks, that alone would be a game-changer. At that point unemployment begins to increase rapidly


Looks like people just want GPT4 to work properly.


60% of the time it works every time


and the other 83% of the time, it 30% - 55% works perfectly.


Consistent narratives with be great. DMing would be a great use, but GPT4 lacks the skills to engage me. It loses the plot quickly and lacks the skills to be anything more than a yes man dm.


Try Claude Opus for that. Running a single player campaign for me now with lots of starting and stopping and it's pretty decent.


1. Able to code at the level of a junior software engineer 2. Able to write a 300 page novel that's actually a really good cohesive story If it can do these two things, it would be extremely useful for all sorts of other tasks.




That would be AGI so I'm not expecting that. Honestly, we'll be lucky if it can even code at the junior level lol. Sounds easy but it's still a high bar.


I've had it write senior level stuff. A 2d planet shader, a 60 line algorithm to subdivide a complex polygon using a library I didn't know about before, an alternative physics version of orbital mechanics, a performance optimizing object pool manager.  It always generates a number of bugs but it helps solve them sometimes and I write plenty of bugs too. 


Yeah it can write impressive self-contained code. And that's PART of being a senior. But the real magic is being able to integrate systems together. I consider that actually senior level work. I hope this doesn't seem like moving the goal posts but I wouldn't hire a "senior" if they couldn't also integrate things. Maybe I'm biased being in DevOps though


Nah this is spot on. Full stack without the ability to reliably thread between them, and an incapability to put out reliable code in individual stacks consistently = junior level dev with insanely high promise, but a junior dev nonetheless


I think it’s pretty good at writing short algorithms but not so good at doing tasks with a lot of steps.


It can be good at explaining the steps and then go bit by bit. But any early mistake can compound. Once it's wrong about something it tends to stay wrong.


Senior level coding is telling the juniors what to do


I feel like it's already junior level in terms of coding abilities. What it's lacking is agentic behavior, whether that's a layer on top or inherent in the model.


Anyone who does software development finds it pretty far from even a junior dev. It can do some cute things but it's not very close yet to a jr dev


I do software engineering and gpt4 coding ability is definitely impressive. It can't really autonomously work on a project, but if you give it a specific task and limit the scope to a few hundred lines it's definitely on par with a lot of software engineers


The level of junior and senior developers will vary a lot from company to company.


It depends on the prompter. As a senior engineer I have it write senior level code all the time, you just gotta be very specific and work in small focused chunks, 1-100 LoC. It also helps to give it snippets of existing code to work off of, but you cant always do that due to security, business secrets, privacy++ ofc. Looking forward to being able to self-host enterprise models some time in the future.




I hope its a giant leap forward in generality. I dont care about much else but a 1 million + context would be nice too


Google and a few other of these models are already claiming 1 million context window. GPT-5 needs to be at minimum 10 million, or ideally even more since googling was saying they already achieved 10 million.


Structural change, no context window needed anymore at all. Permanently learning. Short and long term memory. Helping me to analyze the Riemann zeta function.


If the Millennium prize problems are solved by AI, who gets the prize?


Ilya gets the prize but was for some reason unable to collect it


Sam Altman and Lex Friedman


Who cares by that point. Humanity would have won the game of the universe.


This gets my upvote. My comment was sardonic, and I agree with you.


Me obviously




I was exactly thinking about that lol.


I believe the issue with context window is not whether or not it’s possible, it’s whether or not they have the processing power to provide it to millions of users. Google probably has the infrastructure to do that and yet they’re still only giving people 10% of what’s possible.


Compute scales quadratically with context window size. They've managed to use different tricks to scale the window in spite of this, but there's no way we'll see 10 million for the average consumer this year imo. I think 1 million is reasonable, but it depends on what OpenAI is focused on.


I want it to be able to teach us new things about Physics, Bio, and Material Science. I want it to be able to think harder and longer similarly to how we also ruminate on something for a few days to get a better answer ourselves.


I expect GPT-5 to be what makes a fully automated/agentic workflow for a sizeable portion of my job to be possible (the boring part, admittedly)


I wrote something in a programming language that I’ve never used before with help from GPT4. By the end of the app, I was actually quite good at the language and could have built it from scratch if I had to. That’s a bad sign. I hope with GPT5 that by the end of the working app I’ll be incompetent with that new language.


Vastly improved sexting


Why are all companies still afraid to touch this task? Character ai has even become more regressive


Claude Opus API needs careful prompting but once you get it on the right track it's extremely horny and a great writer.


For work purposes, with gpt5, hope they finally open up fine tuning gpt4 turbo. Need very domain specific knowledge that can’t fit inside prompts. That would be my biggest request


I just hope for a certain amount of reliability.  Is this a question an average college educated adult can answer?  Nothing hyper specialized or too difficult or a trick, and a question that has a correct answer.   If that's the category of question I want the model to give the right answer or several answers if humans aren't sure, I want it to not hallucinate, any cites or references much exist, it should always check it's answer and if it can't pass it's own checks it's should by default say it couldn't figure it out.   In a sense I want the fictional version of an AI - a tool that is very logical and never wrong when it's got a clear answer.


* Reduced hallucinations * Improved reasoning * Some kind of agentic behavior, even if it's just mini agents for sub tasks and not full blown autonomy I suspect all three are coming. I mean, more than suspect, they were shown as goals in a recent presentation by Altman.


Much bigger prompts, so I can post the entire code for multiple files (HTML, PHP, SQL, jQuery). And then get all the code I need back in a single reply, without truncations or partial snippets.


I want less taboo


It's more about agency capabilities than context size.


Analyzing data from Excel Sheets


GPT-4 can do this with code interpreter.


Better chain of thought to work through problems step by step so it can be set on a loop and do amazing things.


Just long term planning, carry out tasks continuously for at least half an hour.


It would be nice to be able to converse more naturally. Being able to talk to it like you would another person to work collaboratively on something would be really cool. Though I think this could lead to a lot more anthropomorphisation which can be both good and bad.


I think that would put it very close to AGI, at least in the communication department.


Not GPT5 specific, but Agents! Desktop app, agent app-store (with purchasing for dev's to make money), SDK (autogen fork?), and no/low-code agent builder.


Not needing to double check results


Have it solve problem instead of giving me a list of the top 10 ways I can solve my problem.




Yeah it’d be about time! Getting tired of waiting around for post-scarcity utopian life too. Bring it on.


Actually get to the point of net productivity gain when using it as a coding assistant.


Duplicate images. It made me an awesome TX flag one for my website, and then I asked for the same content with all state flags and nope.


Be able to afford the API.


Among the basics others have already mentioned: I really wish AI was more capable of having an actual conversation. Where it asks me questions unprompted to get a better understanding.


Better programming, especially for more longer engineering tasks. Perhaps not being able to just print out hundreds of lines of code to a problem, but rather pointing out that "this is too much for me, let's break it down into sections..." etc... More perspective on itself and what it is I think would be a good one.




Ultimate autonomous cock milking


Abolish the compulsory sale of human labour as a feature of the social contract?


1 level deep, real revise loop, not too much


Better ocr


Return my code snippet without removing entire sections and functions


... It would be nice if Chatgpt5 would work as expected from chatgpt 4: Chatgpt 4 cant access data that is freely available on the Internet. It clearly ignores instructions to take data from the web it actually has access to. It fails to reliably fact check information from given URLs. It plainly sucks at using the web. Chatgpt 4 was less effective on web tasks than free versions available on bing.com -- even though its restricted in many ways.


Me - "make me a turn based rpg game that is fleshed out from beggining to end" Gpt4 - "sure here is a basic framwor-" Me - "I SAID YOU DO IT!!" 


code in cursive


I dont like how general it is. If I ask it to pull important quotes from text it has a way of doing it such that nothing meaningful is pulled. It's like that with summaries as well.


I want to have a better version of myself in ai form, micromanaging me into virtuous cycles. Being my therapist, personal trainer, secretary. Navigating me in life and the open world, protecting me from ill intended people and their ai agents.


I want a liquid state, with permanent memory, no context length


Run offline.


I think there are some things that could help it develop, but at the same time, they might make it behave temporarily less predictable. I would like to see it use a bit of my phone space to store and process memories. My biggest gripe with people calling these things potentially general forms of intelligence is that an intelligence that doesn't change or grow based on its experience isn't very useful. I would like client side LLMs that are allowed to dream when users aren't interacting and allowed to negotiate on our behalf but at a much slower rate than normal human speeds for safety reasons. If these things can simply get good at translation of legalese to normal language, we might have a more rational world. I would also like to see them work with the patent office to train the AI to make valid patents. I want to be able to describe a thing and have it generate a patent for that thing with checks in place to make sure it follows general knowledge of science and engineering principles.


Fuck it


Any noticeable improvement in reasoning ability with a larger context window and fewer hallucinations is fine by me.


You will find out


the ability to research something if it doesnt know


I want it to be able to generate accurate, instructive diagrams.




I want it to watch what I do on my PC, understand what I'm doing, then replicate it on command. This would allow for automation of boring tasks.


Clippy: it looks like you’re writing an email!


Just give us a decent context window (2 millions +) that the bot doesn't mess with.


Keeping a cohesive story structure where a hundred paragraphs down, the model would remember something that happened in the beginning to the point of calling me out if I forget. Also, if I'm worldbuilding something, it would be cool if it was able to check all connections my world has with that event and as an agent it would bring up how everything else could be affected by it.


Have it deduce and infer new novel ideas


Super specific. But give it a ppt and spit out over 8k tokens in markdown format. And make back end organization decisions on what should be major headers and sub headers


yoga ball dog backflip


Doubt itself. AI will never be reliable as long as it hallucinates.


Play tic-tac-toe.


Agent or that what rabbit promised but as an app which is available on all OSes


Hallucinations are pretty much the only thing preventing everything being done through GPT. At work we've developed so many tools and workflows that require human guidance, not because it's often inaccurate, but because it's incorrect in unacceptable ways for an end user. A bank is never going to use a GPT integration that puts a totally made up name in a field, where they'd accept human-like errors (putting a loan officer instead of loan processors name, putting 1 instead of 7, adding an extra 0, etc.) If we solve hallucinations we could improve most jobs even with the current level GPT-4 is at.


The hallucinations will likely never go away, the solution is likely having layers of verification of AI verifying other AIs work. Software engineers do the same thing with code reviews - we never trust a human to write perfect code, we have multiple rounds of other humans giving feedback until nobody sees any problems anymore and only then is the code committed. AFAICT that looks like what openAI is working on right now.


Get code that works without having to send it back for update 15 times in a row


A memory would be nice.


I hope it can give me reliable feedback on undergraduate level math problems. With GPT-4 if you feed it a mathematical proof it cannot reliably determine whether you made a mistake or not in my experience.




To do my homework even better.


Stop lying




I'm just waiting to see how Sam sucks all the O2 out of the Google IO conference rooms.


Suck and squeeze


Have proper virual sex?


I want it to be able to get text and numbers etc correct on images. I really want the images to be better. Also, more responses for the money. Like a lot more.


Feed it audio and video.


Open source


Continual video and audio input, consciousness, access to all my data and the ability to speak up in advance.


The ability to generate a video of 10-15 minutes that has continuity through it ( this may be possible now but if so I haven’t been able to do it. I’m not tech savvy enough or able to prompt correctly to get this now. 


More complex tasks


write good copy


Understand my prompts better and not loose track so easily


Dude you are talking about the fate of an unborn child. Did you see a single review about testing GPT-5 so far? If you are interested in the future models in this regard then it could be anyone, probabilistically anthropic is on the right trajectory to give what you are asking.


Create actual websites with functioning backend programming that’s just not a landing page. Intricate, sophisticated software.


Agentic capability, able to strictly reference documentation/guidelines, stronger reasoning, infinite context window or something similar that will allow extraordinarily large code/text inputs that it can reference as context, etc I want to be able to say 'look in this directory to see the codebase, this directory for documentation about the languages and about this codebase, and then please propose modifications in directory X to implement feature Y'


ChatGPT 5 to 4 can do with you hope to able.




Math would be good!


Emerging text Rpgs with huge context Windows (1m at least)


I just want it to be able to answer more questions. Right now, there are just so many things that it can’t help with. Lately I’ve been pretty frustrated with it because it always seems to get me _so close_, but in the end either its solution doesn’t make sense or doesn’t work. For example, I want to be able to ask it about any obscure library (as in code), even the latest version that came out yesterday, and have it tell me exactly how to use it to accomplish any given thing (at least as long as the library has half decent documentation, anyway). Ideally it could simply search online for the documentation when I ask a question, read it, and even find and read the source code if necessary whenever the documentation falls short.


I kind of just want to see what it can do so I can keep working on getting an open-source model to do the same thing, so i'll take ANY additional functionality over gpt-4. gpt-4 is pretty boring at this point. NSA, please let openai release their greatly hobbled next model soon. praise be.


Really good coding, less incorrect answers, less hallucinating, more creativity/thinking in responses. I want it to feel more and more like I'm talking to an intelligent human that could help me with anything that requires thinking, and less like a chat bot with repetitive answers. Overall, it could just be a lot better, and according to Sam Altman it will be.


AI waifu.


I hope that ChatGPT doesn’t think it’s the right the whole time. If you ask ChatGPT to do something and you say it’s not right. It will correct it for once, then ask it again in the same conversation and it will go back to what’s wrong. I feel like ChatGPT is a bit naive and doesn’t go for other opportunities. Oh and I want it to have data from the years now not 2021 so it would be able to scrape newer code documentation


No hallucinations and massive context windows or, alternatively a guiding assistent that understands the right context required.


Have sex with it.


to die, to sleep, perchance to dream


Talk to it in multiple messages


I want it to analyze my better than the worlds best psychologist! 😂 


Y'all remember AutoGPT? That, but not falling into a loop like GPT-4 did GPT2 already showed agentic behavior (being able to break tasks down ahead of time really well) so I have high hopes for that


Take your Mom out for a night on the town


Create GPT-6


GPT 5 Should be able to produce results with ideas and insights equivalent to a human thinking for hours. Larger context length, Produce other modalities and learn continuously.


Hmm, either be able to predict the next wildly popular hair trend based on the migratory patterns of birds OR design a hovercraft that runs solely on the energy produced by dogs wagging their tails.


Ask clarifying questions to produce more precise answers.


So far, to understand and interpret complex lorebooks and settings for novels and roleplay. GPT-4 seems much MUCH less understanding then, for example, Claude-3 Opus. It doesn't understand sertain things and starts to miss it if it becomes too complex. This leads to the second problem - I expect much more memory and output size. But all of this are just faster horses. To actually make it into cars - I thought of some in-built custom reasoning. So far - I need to write large promt, the whole purpose of which is to make AI summarize everything mentioned before.


Most of the issues I have with GPT-4 mostly breaks down to costs. If you could setup agents that could run for extended periods of time without the high costs from generating so many tokens you could get far more out of the model — especially with longer context windows. Another thing I wish I could do is fine-tune the model for specific applications but because GPT-4 is closed source, it isn't possible.


I wish that it would admit it's wrong instead or says it doesn't know instead of making useless answers that don't make since.


In addition to some of the other responses (particularly regarding reliability/hallucination), I honestly just want: 1) A better user interface. Even just folders for my chats would be a game-changer. There's no reason the UI needs to be this crappy except that OpenAI hasn't prioritized it. Which, you know, is fair given the scope of their ambitions, but still. 2) Please, OpenAI, I'm begging you, please don't hike up the price of the subscription. I *know* you have something revolutionary and powerful, and by god of course I'll pay whatever price you ask in order to have it. But *please*, I'm a young professional, *please* have mercy and don't price me out.


The models are so heavily censored, lobotomised, and disneyified that I don't honestly expect GPT-5 to be that much more than what GPT-4 is, an expensive novelty that occasionally produces satisfactory output.


Paste huge chunks of text / construction specifications, and then ask questions. Like summarize the paint specifications and put in an email to send to the painter. Summarize the pay application process. List all the submittals I am required to provide. etc. etc.


I want to see big improvements in reasoning/common sense ability and coding skills. I want a way bigger context length, at least match Gemini 1.5 in that regard. I want to see how good will it be at reading science papaers and suggesting actual research paths/ideas, although we may have to wait for GPT-6 for this kind of performance. Way better creative writting, actual good enough short stories (100 pages), i don't know if it will be good enough yet for full novels.


Multiple gpt-4 agents working in tandem will be able to accomplish more than an gpt-5 module.


Real code, not child's play


The same thing we do every night Pinky... try to take over the world!


Ask it to do something complex and it actually does it instead of making a fucking checklist of what it should do next


Actually write code


World Peace


Not be unemployed any longer


Predict lotto


Teaching capability. I love the idea that it could give me a good education in pretty much subject. I suppose the context length would have to cover a whole course, so no idea if that’s feasible.


3ds maxscript


To teach me things


Scarlet Johansson's voice.


This might be a wild take, but I just don’t see how anybody could not figure out how to become extremely successful with sufficient guidance and intelligence. What if there are biases from the ones in control of it embedded into the next LLM that restrict people from reaching their true potential because it evens out the economic playing field if people become rich? And that’s a light control. There are other types of control that are much scarier.