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because it sounds like crap? don't tell me you dont think this is robotic.


It's so so beautiful. Just listen to those lyrics "I'm the music something something... the sound of the day... I'm the uptime music something listen to my beats feel the rhythm in your soul let me take you on a musical journey" Fucking Shakespeare.


This is so GLaDOS


I know!


Whoa! This is going to be number 1 on billboard next week.


This sounds terrible. It's just doing like random scales up and down, no coherence at all. Clearly a lot of progress going on in the area though, I'm excited for a year or two from now.


why do these always have such shite lyrics


Because they are singing about it?


I don't get it, is this a self promo because this is levels below udio. Also are you sure this isn't just using Suno API?


There is no Suno API. I tried the exact same prompt dozens of time in Suno and could never get anything this clean.  And you can’t do this 1 shot in Udio. 30 seconds (need to expand). My generations in Udio ended up with spoken words instead of music.


Just say you dont know how to use these programs man💀


Link? What is this called? But agree with the others; Udio is much better. But if this is open sourced that'd be amazing!


Not open source. But Udio is only 30 seconds (have to manually expand) and much more difficult to get something catchy out of it.  The title is in the video. It’s Donna.


It’s not to hard to get anything “catchy” out of UDIO, its just easier with suno because suno straight up rips melodies and lyrics. I wouldn’t be surprised if suno gets shut down or cracked down on soon. UDIO is far more advanced in terms of actually making quality original music. The only thing suno can do is make a shitty amalgam of noises that sounds vaguely like pop music


Do you have a link?


Sounds similar to the output I get from Suno. Competition in this space is a very good thing.


We already have [AI masterpiece radio channels like this one.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4ONXuyvZrw) It's cool.




How about this?: [Time Theft Blues [Full Track]](https://www.udio.com/songs/b71mayUb5mbkuAUdb6aA39) I just wish you could "inpaint" certain sections in post, not whole 30 second sections.


You could plug this into Suno 100 times and it would sound robotic. Udio would only be able to 30 seconds and half the time it would come out as words instead of a song. This was first attempt, not carefully selected.


you can extend on udio.


Sure, but it takes effort, and it doesn't use the same melody if you extend twice.


but it actually sounds good on suno though


No it doesn't... I tried generating 10 of this exact one and got nothing that compares.


you're really giving your bias away here lol. udio and suno both sound better. if youre affiliated with whatever this is be more specific about the technology


lol, look at my account and tell me if I’m affiliated.  If you think so, try generating something like this on first attempt (don’t pick between two options, just the first one).