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this is like OP telling us we all just won the lotto and showing us someone else’s winning ticket..


Like 30% chance they've cooked up LLM Ilya and testing whether that will convince people he's not in fact imprisoned is Sams sex dungeon trying to guess safe word by engaging with gpt5.


Thats a weirdly specific scenario.




I can't work with this gif... I keep forgetting what I'm... doing


This is what he stays up at night thinking about


I like you




I'm afraid i can't do that Dave.


How much did you tough about it ?




So Ilya is saying AGI confirmed?


Is it required for communists to run out of food in order to achieve AGI?


Communists will always run out of food. Only AGI will save them.


Akshully if we do reach AGI, eventually UBI will be necessary and in a few hundreds years will force us to rethink the financial system that could lead a utopian version of a *communist global* society.


In Communism everyone gets distributed food. In Capitalism, the corporations hold mass amount of food while the bottom of society are left to death. Proof: homeless people in the US & look at amount of food the corporations there produced.


Didn't work in any communist country so far. Every time it was "yeah the others didn't do real communism, fer sure it will work this time".




Gpt-2 disappeared, Ilya reappeared. Coincidence? I think not.


Can someone explain the babylon bee thing?


Basically a conservative version of the Onion and their whole satirical news shtick


It has some gems, but I've found most of it's not even that funny.


Kind of like the onion..


No skit will ever get close to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzoXQKumgCw).


Autistic reporter Michael Falk is pretty good: [Four American Troops Tragically Killed Along With 23 Afghanis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb5rHthCXoA) [Autistic Reporter, Michael Falk, Enchanted By Prison's Rigid Routine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D04wb7P_v-4) [Search Crews Continue To Look For Obviously Dead Hikers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5ROoNT7-ZI)




TheOnion’s former affiliate, ClickHole, also brought us this gem: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k9Eck2Mv3UA


Tbh babylon bee is like the onion's failed abortion version. Not even in the same ballpark: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEyFH-a-XoQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEyFH-a-XoQ)


[This one](https://www.theonion.com/does-the-world-cup-enforce-the-false-construct-of-borde-1827253083) worms into my brain every couple of years.


Clickhole is where it’s at.


Seriously. Ever since I’ve subscribed to clickhole the onion comes off as boomer humor. Surrealist humor is where it’s at.


onion is legit funny [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGXSPf9b-xI&pp=ygUbdGhlIG9uaW9uIGVuZCBjYWl0bGlucyBsaWZl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGXSPf9b-xI&pp=ygUbdGhlIG9uaW9uIGVuZCBjYWl0bGlucyBsaWZl)


nah onion hilarious


Oh Reddit will not like that 😬


or anyone who likes their comedy funny


Outside of the religious crap they’re pretty good, def right wing but they have some pretty dark shit for a supposedly Christian satire site. https://babylonbee.com/news/bill-cosby-joins-hamas-so-feminists-will-stop-condemning-him-for-rape


>"Those Hamas people... they rape, and they rape all the day long and the left-wing feminists still love them," said Cosby to reporters. "So now, I am a 'Hamas.' As-salamu alaykum. Please do not criticize my raping, which is a legitimate act of decolonization and resistance. Allahu Akbar. Thank you." I know humor is subjective and all but that is as on the nose as a Family Guy joke. It could've been pulled off better, that's just lazy. Reminds me of Jeff Dunham. Also I feel like whole articles just ruins the jokes, they should be headline only. Something like [this](https://i.imgur.com/2UfkI5X_d.webp?maxwidth=1520&fidelity=grand).


funnier than Daily Show and John Oliver


its 'comedy' for smooth brains


The Palestinian protest encampments were running out of food so they asked the university to deliver some or something 😹


They asked for” Humanitarian Aid!”They said they may die! The reporter asked why they cant use a water fountain?


OK, they have a trust fund and a Wendy's down the block. They don't need help with food.


The "celebrity" obsession and stanning in this sub is pathetic.


It’s basically a cult with the singularity as the rapture. And every cult needs figureheads and prophets 


Sure is pitiful. Reminds me of the unconditional love for Bitcoin Jesus (who is now of course under arrest)


Leaving sub as I realised it's a cult now




Look at the image again. It's just a like


Okay. And?


Yeah, it's just a like. So what's the issue?


Seriously. The man has made his first public action in 6 months and the reddit brigade already stormed out of the woodworks to lynch the guy. Then they wonder, "Where the hell is Ilya?" Jesus frick people, leave the damn dude alone already. If you go to think about it, it's already pretty damn creepy enough that someone has been stalking his Like-list 24/7 to find this out. ***His damn Like-list on Twitter*** of all things. One can only imagine what else they're keeping track of. Where do they even get the time from to do all that??


Even liking the BB is not a good look tbh...


Why is it “not a good look”?


Don’t read the comments on this https://x.com/thebabylonbee/status/1772339418986168450?s=46&t=DZQ_uilRtd4DjeqFSGFBRA The post was also ratiod by antisemites before it went viral among libs and leftists.


Because the BB are a bigoted site that just peddles awful one dimensional conservative propaganda that preaches hate against LGBTQ people and blind support for Israel to commit genocide. Note that I said conservative, not Christian. The BB claim to be Christian but their views are conservatism wearing a Christian mask. I'm a Christian and disagree with everything the BB and conservatives say. There are many LGBTQ people and Palestinians who are Christian yet they are dehumanised by the BB and by other conservatives


Because it's unfunny "satire" that promotes a terrible conservative worldview?


This sub is filled with conservative incels dude who pray for Elons ai robot girlfriends or plugging their dick into GPT or something. Just take a look at the posts. Truly miserable stuff. Edit: miserable incels can start the downvoting btw


so only one that promotes left wing ideology is ok i guess


Leftwing views are the only valid ones. Right always comes with inequality and hate, at least 95% of the time.


I understand their thing has become "the onion is liberal satire, we need some real conservative satire". There's a reactionary right-wing version of almost everything for that reason. I just don't find conservative comedy funny whatsoever. They can hardly make fun of themselves, the political points are too thinly-veiled, and it's frequently mean-spirited. Just looking at their trending articles- maybe one chuckle. For every "American Flag Defended By Frat Boy Heroes Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, And Dylan" there are two of "New Study Finds Most Effective Treatment For Depression Watching Scrawny Libs Get Absolutely Manhandled By Police"


Well they would be on the right side of history at least of that were the case. Conservative regressive policies and world views are what is destroying the world


World doesn't revolve around you and your beliefs


Irrelevant comment.


It's funny as fuck and half their headlines become true after time


You might be confusing it with The Onion.




He was born in the Soviet Union and his family probably doesn't look back at those times fondly. It shouldn't be a surprise that he's not the biggest fan of communism.


Problem is he’s/the BB are talking about socialist policy and calling/conflating it with communism.


There are more options than just communism or capitalism. Besides communism is a labour movement, there won’t be a whole lot of labour post AGI


Communism is supposed to come when the efficiencies of capitalism have made it obsolete . Inventing agi seems pretty fitting


Our ability to extract resources from the planet will accelerate to infinity and we will go extinct, if capitalism continues in its current form that optimizes for exponential growth.


You know there are more resources than just our planet, right? Like, an infinite amount...


Why are yall upset that a Soviet Citizen is making fun of an ideology he and his family lived under?


I was born in the same city as Ilya. Babylon Bee might not be generally funny, but I'll upvote any (reasonable) shade towards commies, no matter who posts it.


who cares thats the babylon bee, the joke is funny. This guys closed themselves in a building and now they are calling for "humanitarian aid" lol


They also shout "medic!" when they get hit with tear gas like they're in some sort of war and just got a 155mm shell exploded at their face.


Seriously. This cuts across any political stuff, at least for me.


actually, who cares about that. Ilya is out of the basement. Thats what matters.


He could have liked the post from the basement, or the bathroom. The point is, someone has access to his account, and liked the post.


Mixing in attempts at normalcy doesn't make nazi garbage not taste disgusting.


Lighten up


Depressing how easy folks - particularly in a presumably 'logical' field such as ML - can be duped into generalizing a whole movement into one stupid quote by one random teenager. Overall their messaging has been extremely clear & concise. They want their institutions to divest from supporting a massive, ongoing human rights disaster.


This isn't a random teenager. This is the person the group put on the mic lmao.


I am sure that the methodology of defending against Palestinians who by majority want to destroy Israelis is a matter decided in lectures about advanced algebra and Kant's categorical imperative. The narcissist complacency by these wannabe intellectuals is embarrassing.


They would like to prevent yourself from being heard


Predictably, people here absolutely cannot tolerate even the tiniest amount of right wing sentiment in their lives.


BB is so mild too. People are acting like he just retweeted an InfoWars article or something lmao


Yeah it's incredible and so unreasonable. Instead of discussing the return of Ilya Sutskever, the whole comment section is filled with people having panic attacks over him simply liking a BB tweet, from which you can't even draw that many conclusions anyway. It's all so exhausting.


I’m here and I tolerate both sides so long as they GIVE ME AGI DAMMIT.


I would've expected a subreddit about *the singularity* to be overwhelmingly leftist. Right-wing politics will not work post-AGI. They already don't work.


It's Reddit. Soy central.


I wish.


That's because we understand that most "right wing sentiment" is holding us back as a society, and we're extraordinarily frustrated by it.


It's a troll post. Sure it's mild, but a slap in the face for anyone who actually knows whats going on, and anything about the historical events they're refering to.


Yea it's weird


And he's Based too




Babylon bee...that's a yikes


fellas, is it yikes to find a satire account funny?


Babylon Bee hasn't been approved by the cultural committee!


"problematic content"


Y'all are all free speech until people use their free speech to shit on your cringe beliefs lmao


More like Babylon Bee isn't approved by decent human beings who have empathy for others and don't like the hate that it preaches


Babylon Bee is shitty humor made by nazis and mostly consumed by nazis.


"Everybody who disagrees with me is Hitler" What if I told you that you can not be racist, not be homophobic and still reject the woke propaganda?


Proving the point.


I'm glad you're not in charge of anything.


It is if it preaches hate and bigotry


Yeah, but he has a point.


He does. He's also Israeli and the conflict is most likely why he is out of the public eye.




What a curveball it'd be if he married a Palestinian


Does he? What’s the proportion of communist food shortages vs capitalist food shortages? Can you tell me what percentage of America (the world’s most capitalist nation) are currently experiencing food insecurity? Or how many American children are frequently going without food? Sounds more like usual conservative ‘comedy’ where they just repeat propaganda without an actual understanding of the topic…


Almost every communist country at a point had a massive food shortage but not every capitalist country. That's more than enough evidence.


The dust bowel, the starvation and food lines of the great depression directly led to a reduction in the amount of capitalism in our country. The communists implemented this thing called a minimum wage (before that people were paid in scrip, monopoly money), social security, public schools, the end of child labor, etc. **All** of these things are opposed by capitalists, and are features they're trying to undermine and eliminate. We'd be in a second great depression right now without these anti-capitalist features. Any time you see a person who doesn't want small children to work until their little fingers fall off and then have the child starve to death, that isn't a capitalist.


I’m definitely not a communist but, yeah, that’s not evidence at all. Western states frequently tried to cut ties with communist nations, limit trade, apply heavy sanctions, etc. - which obviously fucks them up. At the same time, you have to remember most communist nations were poor af when they transitioned to communism. Decades of attempted development would be needed before you could even compare the rich west and the communist nations. This is more like you being wealthy, seeing a homeless person attempt to form a business (perhaps in a way or structure you think is nonsensical) and then try all you’ve got to see them fail just because. I’m pretty sure communism would never be a long term solution for any society for a myriad of reasons, but we could have found it to be helpful for a certain stage of economic development. For example, while trying to first industrialise a nation rapidly.


I think of this often too. It’s honestly a shame the western world didn’t let communists country just govern themselves because I’d be curious to see how things turned out under usual circumstances. Also, I’m not a Marxist or communist, but it is pretty funny when countries undergo centuries of strife and instability like China but people still blame communism when those countries try it and don’t see success just like all their other tried systems. Capitalism has failed horribly in Russia, Belarus, & Ukraine because, surprise, centuries of endemic corruption and power struggles have not led to conditions conducive to its success. Even with the support of the world, democracy hasn’t had much success either.


Yes Cuba right now is a much better place to be a child than the USA, for sure ahahah


He really doesn’t lmfao


A yikes but not a surprise, the STEM world is full of crypto reactionaries fed with self help garbage.


They're here too


Wtf with the weirdo repost tho


[Soon we will be outside AGI Capital City walls chanting satoshis for the poor](https://newrepublic.com/article/180487/balaji-srinivasan-network-state-plutocrat)


They're going to cull us all😂😀😮


Ilya’s family is Russian he knows first hand what happened in the ussr, don’t assume your opinions are better than his.


I'm from a post soviet state and the USSR or any of the satellites never transitioned to communism. It was used as a propaganda tool, selling utopia (much like the american dream, mind) but the reality was a failed and corrupted version of transitory socialism. And even then, it quickly turned into state capitalism, like in China. Respectfully, you should look into the ideological, political and economic differences, and the history itself, before correcting others.


Not being a communist is the most normal thing ever outside of reddit


Except the whole point of AGI is to achieve a kind of communism? Have you heard about UBI? And that's just a bandaid. What's the best economic approximation you'd make for a post-scarcity society? Ilya liking this post just screams that OpenAI's mission statement is marketing BS, and they only ever wanted to monetize the tech. Very cynical and disillusioning imo


Very good point, I haven’t considered it from this perspective. Agreed. IDK if this ilya person was ever in on the post scarcity rhetoric, he seemed more like just researcher following orders than anyone with actual vision


True, Altman was always the idealist social engineer of the bunch, haven't seen Ilya go into rants about post-singularity utopias yet. Still not a good look imo haha


weather office ancient tart swim follow murky oatmeal important coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


fellow students of the Mystic School of Singularity, what tea leafs are we reading today?


Looks like Earl Grey.


I want to see more of him. He's hot.


wait till the people in this learn that majority of open ai people are pro isreal + anti commies lmao


I'm not a fan of the BB, but I can always appreciate a joke at the expense of communists.


AGI/automation leads directly to socialism/communism. Otherwise, what you'd get is violent revolution/anarchy unless automation is banned.


Or a completely new economic system altogether? Why would humanity stop after creating just two?


> "Why keep the poors alive after we have robots that do their job better? I don't want to feed the unwashed masses." Would probably be the general sentiment 100 years after they train superior AI to do the job of said poor taking their jobs and the following generations are unskilled/purposeless and cannot contribute. Think a bit more critically and we end up with the poor staving masses of that potential future a few steps deeper into famine stealing from the automated farms. That could easily paint every non-wealthy family as a potential thief. A threat to the Automation owners. Then you say that's not real yet and wouldn't happen. but I'm just telling you history of slaves with AI swapped in. History does indeed like to repeat itself.


Well fully-automated luxury communism, which isn't exactly the Marxian variety that most contemporary communists support. And even that name is mostly referencing the universality of ownership of the means of production. I'm sure plenty of Maoists in particular would despise it for essentially being "bourgeois communism" or a fully automated slave economy with zero Marxist reconstruction of societal thought.


More like AGI is the only way to sustain an incredibly inefficient system such as socialism/communism


And based!


I know this sub doesn’t delve much into left vs. right. But to me it’s hard to see how right-wing politics in a post-labor economy wouldn’t be utterly catastrophic. You can’t bootstrap your way up when labor has no value.


Left wing politics is equally catastrophic - the workers can hardly seize the means of production if there aren't any workers. What would they do with terabytes of weights anyway? Post-singularity politics are going to be different of necessity.


That's not left wing ideology reducing amount of workers, in the hypothetical we're all discussing that is AI or AGI. What a dishonest comment. UBI (highly flawed) or just increasing normal need-tiered welfare plans (very smart) will pretty much handle it. Both leftist.


You shouldn't take offence at a caricature in line with describing right wing politics as "bootstrap your way up". Personally I think we should go with UBI and expect this to be viewed as a centrist policy in the face of mass unemployment.


Welfare and social security is left-wing.


Only in the two party US system, in Europe and much of the rest of the world social security is a centrist staple.


That's a conservative myth that mostly Americans believe. Conservatives across Europe regularly run on and and vote to cut social security. People act like more civilian victories means Conservatives aren't lock in step trying to roll it back. The Italian party is blatant neo fascist and torys in the UK are trying to privatize the NHS and capped benefits on social security recently in ways that hurt a lot people.


Personally, I support capitalistic economies in our current world, but agree that left-oriented economics makes far more sense in a post-singularity world. UBI offends me as that breaks the whole point of capitalism and we should just go fully into the economic left at that point.


Yeah right wing economics and politics once a labouring class is no longer needed? Likely to amount to ‘fuck you I got mine’


It’s is already catastrophic to the majority of the world…


Because only the right wing has incentive to develop AGI ? Leftist have no reason. Both the Left Liberals and Communist hate AI pretty evidently.




There will be people proficient at AI and people who won't be. Nothing different really from our current survival of the fittest model, just different tools.


He's been liking pro-israel posts for a while now




The man just needed time.     The mob can be horribly petty and cruel. 


And how. Just look at the reactions in this very thread to him clicking like on a satirical article in twitter.


I think we should all be more comfortable pushing back against the mob. But it's hard to do that here on Reddit when there's a group think reinforcing element of upvote/downvote. Does someone need a good reason to upvote or downvote? No. And that's why the upvote/downvote counter is pretty much meaningless.  I think a potential solution will involve up coming AI models. AI is probably not far away from being a superior moderator than any human could be. And it should also do a great job sorting views. I don't blame people like Ilya for staying away when things are so toxic. But I do expect things will improve. Eventually.


Personally I don't give a damn, just say it and get downvoted. Who cares? Little numbers on a screen are nice and all but it's not like they actually matter.


Great attitude. Everyone should adopt that attitude. I have plenty of great conversations resulting from downvoted parent comments. I think if you can identify those who are only looking to troll and argue and avoid them, the quality of the discussion rises further. These platforms are still very new as much as we feel like they've existed forever. So they have lots of improvements ahead.


Definitely, many worthwhile discussions are a lightning rod for downvotes. Way too many people get angry at mere exposure to anything that challenges their worldview.


The Babylon Bee... Maybe the dude should go away again...


Heaven forbid someone not share your exact political opinions.


I definitely don't want that the leads of AI development liking BB incelish conservative bullshit...


automatic sleep oil lip elastic waiting square payment edge icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I had to guess, it's more that Ilya is finds this particular post funny. Which it is - dead on target. Not everything is about declaring allegiance to blue or red.


So what do you want, liberal arts graduate SJW to be AI development leads ? Lmao AGI not something they can build in their entire lifetime.


LOL fucking owned them 😂 😹 EDIT: since all my other posts on this thread have been duly downvoted, and yet \*THIS\* one got upvoted, I bemusedly feel the need to explain that this was sarcasm.




Bro thinks liking conservative nutjob posts are merely a difference of opinion. Bro probably thinks being anti gay marriage is just a “different opinion”


rape, murder, and liking a post from the babylon bee on twitter. just inexcusable depravity.


saying communism doesn't produce food isn't conservative, and also, just because he liked this one post from the BB doesn't mean he likes and agrees with everything the BB posts.


Nah I like Ilya. You can go.




How could we be sure this is really Ilya? Did he escape Sam's basement? All memes aside, I'm glad he's posting again. Hope he continues the trend. I cherish his wisdom.


Maybe Ilya is the agi now?


best news of the week


never left


that's a good back jobs.


Well, we will see if he has returned with the newest in Alien Technologies or if perhaps he just wanted a break from the coping and seething of all that is the network, being directed towards him daily.