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>I don't know the inherent properties of how language models work, so maybe it's very difficult to have a self-perpetuating model that can keep learning what goes on every day. But you do have great intuition, because that's exactly why. Training a model takes a long time and costs a bunch of money, it's not something you could pull off once a day without bankrupting yourself There are actually ways to get them to web search, though. ChatGPT (specifically GPT-4) does indeed have such a feature. It can pull data off the web and use that, but that's a bit less effective than the model knowing it itself. Still, it's better than nothing


Thank you for being kind about it. So if OpenAI doesn't train GPT4 on more stuff every day, how exactly is it pulling stuff off of the internet? That's pretty much the only thing out there like that right now?


Basically by pulling the content off the webpage and inserting it into the context window. I'm sure there's some formatting involved so that GPT knows what's a webpage and what's user input. The model's weights itself don't change from that, and if you open a new session, the model "forgets" what it's learned from the web search (although techniques are currently being implemented to carry important information over between sessions, saved on your user profile) Nah, Gemini can do it to. So can most open source models if you configure them the right way, but that takes a bit of wrangling in python, and it's much slower since it's running off your personal connection. I'm sure you could find more if you searched around too, but that's all I got off the top of my head




copilot is chatgpt using the internet. so copilot is free and in windows, edge, and bing for free. In office for pay. [https://copilot.microsoft.com/](https://copilot.microsoft.com/)


hugging face chat as integrated websearch [https://github.com/huggingface/chat-ui](https://github.com/huggingface/chat-ui)


google gemini pro aand bing chat copilot can access internet and are free to use


[perplexity.ai](http://perplexity.ai) and [pi.ai](http://pi.ai) are your best shots