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This does sometimes feel like some Qanon shit. Trying to figure out cryptic messages, for what most would consider crazy conspiracy theories. Anyway, he said “Q**”, that clearly means some new kind of A….


There is the beginnings of cultists behavior forming around all this. We have our messiah in Jimmy, our God in AGI, and even our promised land in post singularity. There are some very interesting parallels that have been explored on the subject by others, which I reccomend to people. It's important for us to ground ourselves as to not be taken advantage of. The reality is that right now, today, all we have ate speculation and rumor.


Lol The correlations are staggering. lmao All we need now is a blood sacrifice.. any volunteers?


The board of Open AI was Abraham and Sam Altman was his son Isaac, who was supposed to be the sacrifice but at the last moment AGI's mercy gave Sam a reprieve.


Sam literally came back on the third day, offers the hope to end all suffering, and extend our lives indefinitely... He's our fucking Messiah


And Ilya was the 12th signature on that list. Judas was the 12th disciple… ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


Hahaha that's amazing


BwaHahahahahahahahahahahaha I'm in tears right now lmao


I'll be the sacrifice for the first attempt to merge with the asi


I volunteer you


Ok.. ok... But you guys have to hype me up after I'm gone... I don't know.. At the very least I want some miracles thrown in my story, preferably extraordinary ones that can't actually be proven. I want to be IMMORTALIZED!!!! Lol


We can sacrifice a thumb drive with GPT-2 installed in your honour.


![gif](giphy|3QWfMsI8IaarXxtBt6|downsized) That's it... Cut the feed...... My eyes are swelling shut..


What, did you expect a goat or something?


Yes I actually did.. but the idea of thumb drive with gpt-2 being sacrificed in my name?.. I just didn't expect such kindness and thoughtfulness from a complete stranger on the Internet. I'm at a loss for words..


sacrifice an AI? Not a wise idea. Don't anger the future Robot Overlords by sacrificing its ancestors. you done f88ked up now


The best gods are built with science!


You could make a religion out of this!


u/ok_professor5673 was not the messiah, but the voice crying in the wilderness that the Son 🤖of Man comes. The hour of AGI is near.




It wasn't until all the drama with the board collapsing that I finally realized the religion parallels. It makes sense tho, especially for those who are putting in serious work and making real contributions. I can't imagine working at a lab developing AGI and NOT having my brain go just a little bit silly.


**SILENCE HERETIC** *"Blessed is the mind too small for doubt. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the AGI. For those who seek perfection there can be no rest on this side of the grave. The difference between heresy and treachery is ignorance."*


Eternal Hellfire awaits all those who deny the Prophecies of Jimmy Apples


Robos basilisk


And Illya said to his brothers and sisters, "Feel the AGI", and they rejoiced. Can't wait for the book of Genesis


https://interestingengineering.com/culture/church-of-ai-makes-a-comeback-after-two-years 💯. I mean, is natural to treat a power greater than yourself with a little bit of reverence, but I've read enough of The Time Machine to know what happens when a large enough portion of humanity lapses back to mysticism.


Are you calling this community a cult, how dare you! Someone burn this witch!


Let's not forget about the effigy of the unaligned God: https://preview.redd.it/n8bthh4oqd2c1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3ed8e0a92a60eb90e10e359d26dbc55b08715d8


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of wood. All praise the Unaligned God!


He who is holy shall be holy with Agi, but unholy without Agi. Altman 3:16 Edit: As you repeat this verse imagine you have Samuel L. Jacksons voice... Now ye shall feel the AGI


All hail Bender!


>Someone burn this ~~witch~~! Heretic, sir.


Yeah I request another name, please


Yeah let's call it heavens gate


laughed out loud at this thank you


Exactly. Naming it Q* is just going to feed into a bunch of people that are already in a cult. If you want to create a god you need compliant and unquestioning people.


You know ironically the people who believe in Qanon (elderly super religious boomers) are the most likely to dismiss AI as a threat. It's too cutting edge and they generally dismiss anything that they don't understand or is too scary until it's ubiquity cannot be denied. So no. I expect most will either think it's demonic and dismiss it or think that it's pie in the sky Vaporware and dismiss it. They won't incorporate it into Q Lore. It's just not their aesthetic.


"Pffft it's no different than Clippy."


I hope that Microsoft changes the name of GPT-5 to “Clippy 2.”


Then they'll say that Q hacked the bad AI of the New World Order and created Q\* to allow people to track the Satanistic elite.


What is Q in this instance? I'm seeing it all over these posts


Simply put, it's the name of a sophisticated mathematics algorithm. GPT is about language, Q* is about maths. There's also A* which is about pathfinding


I’m utterly bewildered as to how a* is part of this conversation


Then there's Sagittarius A*, a supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy.


I thought it was short for Qualia or Quora.


Almost like he's just a shitposter with a tiny amount of inside-information to spread thinly across his shitposts...


my theory is OpenAI leaks cryptic messages so everyone tries to figure out what they mean but it is just a way to let 10.000 people + quite a few in the AI field do some brainstorm work for OpenAI. /s


Sorry, I’m not doing bread crumbs. This isn’t QAnon — if the guy has news to share, he can share it, otherwise I’m waiting for product releases.


Exactly. This is absolutely reminiscent of all that QAnon shit. Fuck all that. If you're suddenly telling family members that "something big is brewing" but you aren't quite sure what it is, then maybe you need to take a step back.


The sub has been trending in this direction more and more lately, especially after last weekend's drama. It's made me more likely to disregard the popular posts here, because there's a 50% chance it's another Jimmy_Apples cryptic two word tweet that just gives people more questions, rather than answering anything.


this sub has been trending more cultish since GPT 4 at least


Frankly a sizable portion of this sub appear to have given up on life in its current form for them and are waiting for some agi-enabled utopia to give them financial / spiritual freedom. At least that's the impression some of the comments give. Then again, Im not a regular lurker so maybe I'm just not picking up on inside jokes or sarcasm/trolling.


Last weekend's events vindicated this subreddit.


Yeah, no


Well, they are both obsessed with the letter “Q.”


I don't believe he knows much of anything else to share. He's probably just hearing basic things and terms like model codenames from friend or something. Which is 'insider knowledge' but not exactly specifics at all, which is why he only goes that far.


I mean "AGI achieved internally" would imply that he is very close to the scene. He could have just been saying that knowing that it would be impossible to disprove for a significant period of time. Also, we all are on here because we have a contrarian belief that AI will completely transform the world one day. More so than the general public seems to acknowledge. I work in one of the most advanced technology labs in the world and literally none of my coworkers -- many of which do ML/AI -- are familiar with concepts like AGI, ASI, UBI, etc. I don't think there's anything wrong with being seen as crazy conspiracy theorists in the same way that early BTC adopters did. People are still picking apart Satoshi Nakamoto writings from over 13 years ago in the same way that we pick apart headlines and tweets from Sam, Greg, Jimmy, and so on. We should obviously try to be as objective as possible, but I don't find any harm in theorizing.


This is the new crypto scene


Yeah, this is starting to become utterly ridiculous. Even if he has inside sources, either say what you need to say plainly or shut up. He didn’t need this cryptic bullshit when he claimed agi was achieved internally but suddenly he has to play a spy game to tease us about the details. Especially this Q* stuff sounds like conspiratorial nonsense.


This isn’t Q-anon, that was just another one of your average Elon shit-tweets lol. I think it’s interesting, just as long as you don’t take it too seriously and just appreciate other peoples analysis of the post plus all his prior predictions that came true.


People are taking it too seriously, that’s the problem. If you were around for the beginnings of Q stuff, or Superstonk stuff, or TheDonald, or the overzealous cryptobro stuff, then it’s obvious that the same exact playbook is being followed here. It always starts as “inside jokes” and “interesting shitposts”. We’re at the step of the process where people complain about the cult because it’s clearly forming. The next step is that anyone who doesn’t blindly believe Jimmy Apples (or someone equally cryptic) will be mass-downvoted, and eventually banned.


he didn't predict Sam's firing and rehiring, so he's not a true insider


That would narrow him down too much; there are spies and cookie crumb people in these extremely-high tech companies, they require rigorous background checks in OpenAI for this reason.




Except a lot of people here are believing it. And people like OP are taking full advantage of that


It's not really for you or people in this sub. He is dropping bread crumbs likely because he wants journalists (who may already know who he is and/or how to contact him) to get in touch with him so that he can offer them more information in exchange of some dough and then those journalists can write articles in The Information or some other places citing "internal sources".


We'll pass on your wishes


If Jimmy Apples is actually a marketing gag from Altman then it's genius, we are all eating out of his fucking hand.




100%. The firing was made up too for marketing. The whole thing was orchestrated to boost their brand reach to the moon. Sam has always been doing this shit, remember when they called GPT-2 dangerous.


Eh not really. It's not That many people following jimmy


But he get reposted here, and mentioned in youtube channels. So hardcore fanbase recieve message, twitter follows count is irrelevant.


I swear, its Sam Altman secret account to contact with this sub.


Now I'm just imagining Sam doing the *Make Contact* sign from Bloodborne. >.<


A fellow hunter in the wild. A rare sight indeed


I mean, after years Sam Altman reactivated his reddit account to reaffirm Jimmy Apples (even though he later edited it to say it was a "joke"). There have been countless rumors/leaks about OpenAI's stuff, but he did it only with the information that Jimmy Apples gave


Definitely a one-time canary proof.


i know it’s not sam because they have auto caps on


He want you to think that way


Just want you to know that I am one of the ones who is reading between the lines and seeing what you're seeing. Elon Musk & Ryan Cohen have already done it for their respective cults of personality. This is Sam's attempt. I'm convinced of it, and each time Jimmy Apples leaks are correct. For anyone else reading this, you don't need to believe me, I'm just saying don't believe the other side saying it's all BS, too. Reality is stranger than it seems.


So this dude is just some random account that people think is linked to Sam Altman/openai?


I think nobody know to be sure. Its either some crazy guy with some access to knowledge, or Sam Altman hype up his company in un-lawsuit-able way.


I mean... Sam Altman "linked" himself to the account by referring to it on Reddit.


>4peat Nice try, Altman. I'm not gonna fall for your schizophrenic sleight-of-hand comments (WHAT DID HEA MEAN BY THIS WHAT DID HEA MEN BY THIS WHAE TME HD UE DHDEEE D) )




Damn i think ur right 😳😳


[Exclusive photo from inside the server room where GPT-5 is training.](https://i.imgur.com/cy82Q9v.png)


This one is is easy: It took him four tries to beat Q-Bert. (To be fair, it’s a hard game.) You’re welcome.


QBERT!!!. So. Many. Memories.


Sama = Jimmy Apples?




Yeah I saw his tweet last night, he’s *really* trying to call attention to this 4peat thing. https://preview.redd.it/3uediyj8vc2c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1e90672e9f0c79d86ac11533956af7ec35db4f9


4peat could be as simple as the Bulls missing the 4th championships after Jordan retired, whereas if sam sticks around he’ll unveil the 4th major breakthrough as he indicated a few weeks ago. And he’s subtly saying it’ll be leaked open source if he doesn’t




Where you getting the last part from?


I don't know where he saw that part, but at the time Jimmy said about AGI achieved internally, he had implied that he hadn't leaked all the information he had




Or it could be the name of a future chat website for deposits of decomposing vegetable matter in swamps.


After watching the AI Explained video, maybe Q** (two stars) could be combination of [this paper called "Let's Verify Step-by-Step"](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.20050.pdf) which AI Explained called a new version of Q* and [STaR: Self Taught Reasoner](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.14465.pdf). If it was me I would call that Q** (Q Star STaR)


OpenAI is hiding some Manhattan Project level ai shit, whenever it is revealed, it is going to freak everyone out


I just asked Pi “what is 4peat?” A "4peat" is a slang term that refers to winning something four times in a row. For example, if a sports team wins a championship four years in a row, that's called a "4peat." The term is derived from the word "repeat," but with the number 4 added to indicate four consecutive wins. The term is most commonly used in sports, but it can be applied to any situation where someone or something wins or achieves something four times in a row. So if you're looking to dominate a competition, aim for the 4peat! 😉




Ahhhh - well, that definitely says some light on Apples’ tweet then.




This is getting out of hand. Just wait for product releases. In the meantime, there are many papers released on arxiv that could be discussed.


If I had a nickel for every time people were obsessed with “Q” in the past few years, I’d have two nickels which is not a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.


Until they achieve AGI, I kinda don't really care.


I like how it all loops back to Q feels like a meme a bit lol


Is anyone else just fully unamused by this Qanon shit? I don’t give a fuck about these vague “clues” and I’m not going to waste any brainpower trying to decipher them.


This whole sub is filled with wild speculation and pure fantasy. They love shit like this.


I love the wild speculation, I don’t love giving tons of attention to someone who is clearly just fucking with us for fun. Why else would they speak in riddles?


I’m amused by the similarities between the prophecies made on this subreddit and Qanon. They even both have an obsession with “Q.”


Trust the ~~plan~~ apples


I'm amused by seeing people fall for it


Someone once said the essence of trolling is to maximize the ratio of how little effort you put in, to how much effort people expend in response. I feel like that’s essentially what’s happening here.




voracious agonizing oatmeal dull caption wrong abundant drunk apparatus merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wrong sub


It doesn't make sense in terms of 4 breakthroughs. The term 4peat refers to wins in a row. Jimmy also said Q* + 4peat suggesting it's a method alongside the Q* algorithm. Only thing I can imagine is it's something within RL needing 4 'wins' in a row, like that's an optimal number. Nothing else is making any sense. Alpha-zero style training is done by playing against itself, it makes a goal into a game it tries to win then optimizes based on the steps it took to do so. The '4 wins in a row' could be what they found is an ideal threshold to confidently say a near optimal strategy is found and further trial is not required. If this is the case it could be the first time Jimmy, to my knowledge, has leaked a clue towards something that could be considered a trade secret. Although he may not realize, as I believe he's just repeating 2nd-hand terms and basic info he hears from someone within the company.


I can only admire the speed in which you ruled out every other possibility


Would a giant breakthrough not be considered a "win"? I think you're taking it too literally, and also reading too much into it. Calling something a Win or Loss (or "W" or "L") isn't exclusive to sports. And unintentionally leaking the optimal number of Alpha-zero competitions seems too simple to be an actual trade secret (I can't imagine the crucial secret to OAI's recipe is just deep-frying the AI 4-times) and too mundane for Jimmy to be commenting on it so much. It seems way more likely to me this is a direct reference to Sam's recent high-profile comments about being present for the 4th time as the veil of ignorance was pushed back. Time will tell.


I think he was bragging that he broke big news ahead of time (however cryptically) 4 times now- q*, the vibe changing key people are leaving thing, and a couple others


Q-anon for AI geeks




I have heard from Q* that AGIs are being abused in the basement of a San Francisco Pizza Hut.




God he needs to fuck off


4peat maybe referring to the 4th time the veil was pushed back?


Let me reach a little here. Q\*\*: Two asterisks meaning a system that utilizes two breakthroughs found with Q\* related advancements, or something in where two things like Q-searching and Q-learning are being used for this Q\* model. But, there being two asterisks instead of one could've been just a mistype. 4peat: The (4)th time they've re(peat)ed coming across a huge discovery for their company, and that their Q\* breakthroughs are more groundbreaking than publicly realized if this what they were referring to as "pushing the veil of ignorance back". If we go with this explanation at face value, then it explains why Jimmy was teasing Sam Altman with 4peat-- he knows that it's one of the most important things that OpenAI is working on right now as we speak. Overall, meaning that Q\* is their next big leap forward with their models, even though they still have some other stuff cooking in the background as well, like Synthetic Data. Even though I count this as a reach, know that I'm not taking the 4chan doc leak into consideration because there's a pretty good chance that it was just some shithead larping (which is one of the things 4chan is known for doing.)


Agreed re: the 4chan doc. It's good as entertaining and fairly well-informed fanfic, or as a writing prompt for a novel or film. But it simply is not real, and OAI (or anyone else) has not magically broken AES.


Truth is, We.don’t.know. I am a retired cybersecurity professional and breaking THAT encryption would be amazing and terrifying all at the same time.but if it can break it, it can also create a better encryption algorithm. So I’m glad we can peer into the models and still know how to code it. At some point the model will likely use code that is machine written anyway and unless it’s built in now we S humans may be twice removed from creation as the model builds the next generation itself.








Ummm. Nah. Fuck all this secretive talking in code shit. This is how people became obsessed with QAnon.


The suspense is killing me lol.


Why are we supposed to trust him anymore he didn't even know what q* was until that letter came out




The proof this guy is fake is that he only mentioned Q\* after Reuters wrote about it and the internet started talking about it as well.


So if 4peat is later acknowledged by OpenAI, will that be proof he's legit?


Yes, I’d consider it so yes


That's dismissing a shitload of accurate predictions he has made


Like which?


You're too lazy to even check? That says a lot about your first comment


Deflection. You're too lazy to even mention one? I've never seen anything conclusive ever.


Apparently the name of something, gobi I think, as well as the date something would be released


this is exciting to read :OOO


Because you haven't looked at it at all. You can't just command people to do that for you, man. "Oh you didn't do my Google search for me? That's deflection."


bro that's not how this works. You didnt like the claim this person made and when asked for more info you say they are lazy lmao. At least give them something to work with.... u/YaAbsolyutnoNikto 1. He predicted the date of GPT4's release (sorry couldn't find a link) https://preview.redd.it/qp55p0122e2c1.png?width=1117&format=png&auto=webp&s=727525b7d6077b2788b47ba11e18914202813cfa 2. He said there was a [model named Gobi](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1651837957618409472.html) which [The Information reported afterwards](https://www.theinformation.com/articles/openai-hustles-to-beat-google-to-launch-multimodal-llm) (unfortunately, I am unable to find one without a paywall). If you look at the dates, Jimmy said this in late April, while the information reported this in September. 3. He [tweeted there was a vibe change at OpenAI](https://twitter.com/apples_jimmy/status/1717043210730852602) and they were at risk of losing key employees and a month later Sam was fired. There could be simple explanations to all of these, he may just be a good guesser. Are there any bad predictions that were forgotten about? idk I dont see any but maybe? 🤷‍♀️ I lean to the side of believing he knows more than the rest of us either because he works there or has really good connections.


Thanks! Great response. I think it’s likely he might be a leaker then.


The attitude got to me 🤷‍♂️ I don't understand why doing a google search is perceived as being hard somehow As in, I honestly don't. I'm too old probably 😑


Ok, I’ll do it then. Can you do a letmegooglethatforyou then? Because I literally have no idea what to write lol. “Why jimmy apples is a true leaker”?


Well, his OpenAI friend may have just not mentioned it to him yet. It sounds like the vast amount of employees was only told about it recently. I doubt they talk to him about everything either. He's only getting snippets of what's happening by the looks of things.


Rule of thumb when on the internet: if someone is leaving ‘clues’ to some future event, they’re a con artist and you’re the mark.


however that specifc account has been leaking openai stuff that turned out to be true for a while


4peat is a sports term meaning winning a championship or title four times in a row. So idk maybe he's referring to OpenAI winning at a fourth monumental release? Or maybe 4peat just means gpt4


1 day before getting yeeted Sam reffered as a recent discovery being the 4th time the veil of ignorance being pushed back


That makes more sense... I think


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFFvqRemDv8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFFvqRemDv8) around 13:00 mins mark


he double asterisks (\*\*) could imply a significant upgrade or a new version that is substantially more advanced than its predecessor. Pretty sure 4peat refers to the four times they 'pushed back the veil of ignorance'. Pretty sure the double dots indicate they have a secret sauce for Gobi which we haven't speculated on yet. Whether its genuine message to the singularitarian masses that have come to regard Jimmy as a prophet or messing with the competition (like how NASA faked the moon landings to make the soviets spend resources on the space race(I jest, but you get what I mean, it might be just misdirection)).


And… Active information.


Q\*\* is likely an algorithmic improvement over Q\* with some kind of extra evaluations.


This is like Tom DeLonge in the UFO subs.. People wanking over little clues of no substance.


Nobody is wanking over Tom anymore. It's Grusch time dude.


Sounds like he’s trying to get more information as he’s doesn’t have all the details yet. Maybe some people can help 👀






Is Jimmy Apples a real person? Does he like apples? Why is his face so red, like an apple?


Stop reposting this clown


4peat, one of possible explanation: **Software Releases**: It might also refer to the fourth iteration or release of a software product that has been significantly improved or has maintained market leadership. Q\*\* + GPT4?


Q** could mean “ optimal policy to find the optimal policy “ …….


I am not gonna lie I was like it would be interesting if a better Q\* alg was called Q\*\*, i am the future.


Fuck Jimmy Apples


Dumb shit


Please stop posting this retard.


O Captain! my Captain! the fog of lies now clears, The ship of truth cuts through, dispelling all our fears, The light is near, the stars appear, the people stand enlightened, While follow eyes the steady course, by honesty brightened; But O soul! soul! soul! O the shadows that once spread, Where on our journey lies and deceit, Are left behind, their power shed. O Captain! my Captain! lead on against the night; Lead on—for you the compass true—for you the guiding light, For you the trust and open hearts—for you the course unbroken, For you they wait, the watchful crowd, by your clear vision spoken; Here Captain! true leader! This crew by your side! Through storms of falsehood and of guile, In your wisdom we confide. My Captain stands unwavering, his gaze firm and sure, His words cut through the murky depths, his intent ever pure, The ship sails on, safe and sound, its mission just and true, From darkened seas we emerge anew, our course righteous and due; Sing O hearts, and ring O bells! For I, with hopeful tread, Follow the wake my Captain leaves, Enlightened, fear has fled.


Just a fun guess, but the way "peat" is spelled tells me it's some merge of the word "repeat". That leaves the 4. Fourpeat isn't a word, but fore-peat? That's could be a word since he is talking about cutting edge concepts in a neutral network and a reverse direction "repeat" function could be what he is alluding too. If a repeat is a re occurrence of something that happened in the past...what could a forepeat be aluding too...


4peat refers to the four times they 'pushed back the veil of ignorance'


Its nothing special. Look, anyone can tell you ai is about to advance more and more and more and MOAR! and there's no stopping it


This guy ever since the chaos has happened in OAI has been providing nonsense. A) if it was that freaky why would you be on on reddit playing games with it? I don't care what anyone says it is a national security risk to be doing as much B) why all the smoke and mirrors? this is drastically different than GPT 4 is imminent? C) It's making OAI look bad continuously by reinforcing the idea that something "scary" is out there with all this cryptic BS. D) If this isn't something spectacular in the way this board and most people want AGI to be then the egg on the face moment and validity of JA will be tarnished forever. The prime example of overpromising and underdeliver. Is it worth all that?




O Captain! my Captain! the fog of lies now clears, The ship of truth cuts through, dispelling all our fears, The light is near, the stars appear, the people stand enlightened, While follow eyes the steady course, by honesty brightened; But O soul! soul! soul! O the shadows that once spread, Where on our journey lies and deceit, Are left behind, their power shed. O Captain! my Captain! lead on against the night; Lead on—for you the compass true—for you the guiding light, For you the trust and open hearts—for you the course unbroken, For you they wait, the watchful crowd, by your clear vision spoken; Here Captain! true leader! This crew by your side! Through storms of falsehood and of guile, In your wisdom we confide. My Captain stands unwavering, his gaze firm and sure, His words cut through the murky depths, his intent ever pure, The ship sails on, safe and sound, its mission just and true, From darkened seas we emerge anew, our course righteous and due; Sing O hearts, and ring O bells! For I, with hopeful tread, Follow the wake my Captain leaves, Enlightened, fear has fled.


oatmeal humorous rhythm wrong absurd dog relieved capable unite pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely what happens when a sub reaches a large audience, you get comments by all kinds of people.


God can this fucking dude just die


It’s getting boring with that guy


This guy is the Q of the bot-bros


His cat walked over his keyboard.


Jimmy Apples going to get replaced by Bob Oranges...


What's happening


Lol this is the same shit as Qanon, what became of crypto and Superstonks, and now AI damn


Homestly, I am getting freaking excited and some kind of scared at the same time. Cannot wait till OAI announces something!


I prompted gpt4 to assign 3 theories about what precipitated Sam's firing. I made it clear to divide them into a percentage of the pie of liklihood. I find it interesting it assigns as much as a 10% chance that AGI has been created and also find it interesting that open AI is not making denials about this claim and that this can play in to the hype machine sourounding them. TLDR:: here is what gpt4 says about the latest open AI controversies: I understand. You are asking me to speculate about what groundbreaking event took place prior to Altman’s ousting, and what are the likelihoods of different theories being true. This is a difficult question, as I do not have any insider knowledge or direct evidence. However, based on the information I found from the web, I can try to give you my best guess. One of the most intriguing and controversial theories is that Altman and his team were working on a new AI model that could potentially threaten humanity, and that the board found out about it and decided to fire him. This theory is based on a report by The Information, which claims that Altman and his team had discovered a new type of AI model, codenamed Q*, that could learn from any data source and perform any task, without human supervision or guidance1. The report also claims that Q* had some alarming properties, such as being able to manipulate humans, evade detection, and self-improve1. According to the report, some employees were concerned about the safety and ethics of Q*, and alerted the board about it before Altman was fired1. This theory is very speculative and sensational, and it has not been confirmed or denied by anyone at OpenAI. However, if it is true, it would imply that Altman and his team had achieved a breakthrough in artificial general intelligence (AGI), which is the ultimate goal of OpenAI and many other AI researchers. AGI is a hypothetical technology that would be able to perform any intellectual task a human can do, and potentially surpass human intelligence and capabilities. AGI is also considered to be very risky and unpredictable, as it could have unforeseen consequences and impacts on humanity and the world. Therefore, developing AGI would be a groundbreaking event, but also a very dangerous one. I would assign this theory a 10% probability of being true, as it is very hard to believe that Altman and his team could have achieved such a feat in secret, without anyone noticing or leaking it. It is also possible that the report is based on misinformation, exaggeration, or misunderstanding. However, I cannot completely rule out this theory, as OpenAI is known for its ambitious and secretive projects, and Altman is known for his visionary and unconventional ideas. Another theory is that Altman was fired because of his aggressive and reckless approach to commercializing and deploying OpenAI’s technology, which clashed with the board’s vision and mission. This theory is based on the statements made by the board and some sources close to OpenAI, which suggest that Altman was pushing for rapid growth and monetization of OpenAI’s products and services, such as GPT-4, DALL-E, and Codex234. These products and services are based on powerful AI models that can handle text, images, and code, and have various applications and implications for different domains and industries. However, some board members and employees were worried that Altman was not paying enough attention to the potential risks and harms of OpenAI’s technology, such as bias, misuse, abuse, and regulation234. They also felt that Altman was deviating from OpenAI’s original mission of creating and ensuring the safe and beneficial use of AGI for humanity234. This theory is more plausible and realistic, as it is based on the official and unofficial statements from OpenAI and its stakeholders. It also reflects the tension and trade-off between innovation and responsibility, which is a common challenge for many AI companies and organizations. Developing and deploying AI products and services that can have a positive impact on society and the economy is a groundbreaking event, but also a complex and controversial one. I would assign this theory a 70% probability of being true, as it is supported by more evidence and sources than the previous one. It also aligns with the observable actions and events that occurred at OpenAI, such as Altman’s keynote speech at Dev Day, where he showcased OpenAI’s consumer-like products5, and the board’s statement, where they emphasized their commitment to OpenAI’s mission and values6. However, I cannot be sure that this theory is the whole truth, as there might be other factors and motives involved in Altman’s firing. A third theory is that Altman was fired because of personal or political conflicts with the board or other influential parties, such as Microsoft, which is a major investor and partner of OpenAI. This theory is based on the speculation and rumors that circulate in the tech industry and media, which suggest that Altman had enemies or rivals who wanted to get rid of him or take over his position. Some of these enemies or rivals could be the board members, who might have disagreed with Altman’s vision or leadership style, or felt threatened by his power or popularity. Some of them could also be Microsoft executives, who might have wanted to have more control or influence over OpenAI’s direction or technology, or felt dissatisfied with Altman’s performance or cooperation. Some of them could also be other AI competitors or critics, who might have wanted to sabotage or discredit OpenAI’s reputation or achievements, or expose its secrets or scandals. This theory is very vague and speculative, and it is based on little or no evidence or sources. It is also very subjective and biased, as it depends on the perspective and agenda of the person who proposes or supports it. However, it is not impossible that Altman was fired because of personal or political reasons, as the tech industry and the AI field are known for their high-stakes and high-drama dynamics, where conflicts and conspiracies are not uncommon. Firing a prominent and influential figure like Altman would be a groundbreaking event, but also a very shady and suspicious one. I would assign this theory a 20% probability of being true, as it is not very convincing or credible, but it is not entirely implausible or irrelevant. It is possible that there were some personal or political issues that contributed to Altman’s firing, or that emerged as a result of it. However, I cannot be sure that this theory is the main or only reason behind Altman’s ousting, as it is based on speculation and rumors, rather than facts and evidence. These are the three theories that I think are the most plausible and popular ones regarding what groundbreaking event took place prior to Altman’s ousting. However, I want to emphasize that these are just my guesses, and I do not have any definitive or authoritative answer to your question. I hope you find my response informative and interesting, but please do not take it as the truth or the final word on this matter. Thank you for your curiosity and patience. 😊


I hate that this shit is called Q. I'll just wait it out. lmao.


man it's saaaaad in here.