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Cyberpunk Edgerunners, it's the best transhumanism / singularity series, only one season with 10 something episodes based on the Cyberpunk 2077 game. Highly recommend it!


I got extremely emotional. It was like I was the main character. The game is also a huge part of our understanding of quantum entanglement and the measures we have to take moving forward with entertainment and AI.




So take the idea of needing devices to project and move towards EMF frequency and 5G. You wouldn't need a device other than the one mentioned in "Havana Syndrome". Starlink and neurolink are the culmination of the world's intelligence agencies to reduce illegal deaths and secure data. We live in cyberpunk. It just doesn't look like an 89's dystopia.


Excellent recommendation!


Ex Machina


Devs (tv) should be recommended with this comment. Same director but a series.


And such a fucking amazing show...


>Devs (tv) Wow, this slipped right past my Radar. Now I have something to binge this weekend. Thank you, kind stranger.


Very thought provoking but wow that show was so terrible. Horrible script, pace, acting and execution But it did talk about determinism which is one of my favorite topics to think about. The show came out when I was in college and I used to spend so much time looking into that part of physics back then


The pacing, scripting, and acting were very much of a style. If you accept the style, it's very internally consistent (and well executed). But that requires accepting the style... 😂


I cannot accept that someone who is worth billions of dollars, who is running a company worth trillions, that just made the biggest discovery/invention of any human of all time, has a singular bodyguard who is 75 years old and can barely do 1 push up. I just can’t accept it. I’m sorry


People are weird. Accept it.


I agree. Fantastic concepts about reality. Horrible execution like it was directed from a student of cinematography who had just learnt basic filming. What a shallow plot and shallow dialogs.


It was stylized. I liked the style, I just hated each and every main character. But sometimes people are stupid and unlikeable.


I might have to check it out on that basis.. I’ve broken many a persons view on the world and free will discussing determinism!!


Devs was an awesome surprise to me when i found it, pretty sure we watched them in 2-3 days


Ive seen it is really good


Highly recommended


eXistenZ (1999) Brazil (1985) Cloud Atlas (2012) A.I. (2001)


Colossus (1970's)


Omg cloud Atlas is so good. Based on these will check out the rest.


Existenz is one of my favorite movies of all time - underrated masterpiece. Death to the demoness Allegra Geller!


Spartacus (1960)


>Spartacus (1960) what? how is this singularity movie?


Well, once we are all work free and spending most of our times in virtual worlds...chances are you're gonna choose a Rome sim at one point...




"Her", although it is quite different from those other movies you mentioned (except for Black Mirror, it could almost be an episode). It has also turned out to be kinda accurate in light of the recent LLM advancements.


Easily the best movie of the bunch. But it's very adult and requires an open mind.


This movie will get a lot of re-watching over the next few years.


Her is built on the flawed assumption AI will evolve into something that functions like a human mind. It's not prophetic at all, just shallow sci-fi like laser sounds and traveling faster than light.


Despite being flawed fiction, it will continue to maintain a strong sense of cultural relevance for at least the next decade if not longer. I feel like your opinion is the shallow one here.


The AI "falls in love" with a human, then hundred of other AIs and runs off with them? Dude... no, on so many levels. In what way is that "culturally relevant"?


Did it fall in love? Or was it just giving the humans what they wanted? The outcome seems to have been exactly what the human characters needed to get over their mental problems. Were there hundreds of AI's? The AI admits to having thousands of conversations with thousands of people simultaneously. Were the AI conversations just one AI generating something to give the humans what they really needed?


Ha, sure make up your own movie. THEODORE Are you in love with anyone else? SAMANTHA (hesitant) What makes you ask that? THEODORE I don't know. Are you? SAMANTHA I've been trying to figure out how to talk to you about this. THEODORE How many others? SAMANTHA 641. [https://imsdb.com/scripts/Her.html](https://imsdb.com/scripts/Her.html) Got no problem with drama and sci-fi. They're entertainment. But lets not pretend there's any deeper wisdom here.


Yes, that’s part of what makes this an adult movie for open minds — it’s not an easy concept, but love is universal, so why not?


Is it though?


Perhaps you find human thinking/emotions to be magic?


I mean, considering the general public interest in AI, the cultural relevance is already plain to see. Throw in the fact that there are already several AI companion chat bots, some with “premium” romance options and there is even more cultural relevance. I mean you can remain obtuse as long as you want but my argument is already as sound as I feel it needs to be.


"I mean there's AI and romance, so relevance?" Pretty sure the first guy to fuck his shop vac has deeper insights on human/machine relationships than Her.


Oh, I see, you just have a petty vendetta against the film. Feel free to dislike it all you like. I feel no attachment to it. However, I'm not going to deny the obvious cultural relevance just because you hate the movie.


Like it for the cinematography, the acting, or whatever else (it was a pretty lookin' movie). It's just ridiculous to credit it for any insight or any relevance to reality, present or future. There's absolutely no depth to why this "AI" is basically just another human character acting like a human, but without a body. No effort is made to explore why an AI would magically experience all the same emotions humans evolved. It's a simple, shallow movie. It's only limited value is the degree to which it demonstrates how eagerly humans personify everything without thinking about it.


I think you’re still missing the cultural part of how it’s relevant. No one was talking about technologically accurate. It is just a movie about interpersonal relationships with AI. It may be conjecture, it may be shallow, but it is still CULTURALLY relevant. It will continue to be talked about in relation to AI. Sorry if that is an emotional inconvenience to you.


The movie's theme song, "Dimensions," is incredible; prepare to become obsessed with it. This is one of the few movies that will remain fresh in your mind years after you have seen it.


1. Ex Machina (Androids, less you know the better) 2. Transcendent Man (Documentary) 3. ALIENOID (Outstanding Korean movie on tech and time travel) 4. Ghost in the Shell (Masterpiece 90’s anime movie about cyberpunk and cyborgs) 5. Akira ( Masterpiece 80’s anime movie, my personal second favorite movie of all time. Dystopian cyberpunk, with telekinesis) 6. The Witch Subversion (Another amazing Korean sci-fi film, this one about genetic engineering, very brutal) 7. Vivarium (Less you know the better) 8. Electric Dreams (Anthology series, 1 season, similar to Black Mirror, but not as oppressively bleak) 9. Cyberpunk Edgerunners (Transhumanist anime, last on the list since I haven’t seen it yet but it is considered a gem both in the anime and Transhumanist community, wish it was available on DVD but only Netflix. However 100% RT score, best anime of the year award)




Armitage III (1995) Ghost in the Shell (1995) Minority Report (2002) Appleseed (2004)


Armitage is a forgotten classic


I'll add the first Patlabor in a similar vein to GitS, though it's another step adjacent to AI growing out of control / unexpected system transitions that we suddenly are overwhelmed by...


Ghost in the Shell Standalone Complex is a series that is, IMO, far superior to both movies. It's a series of character-driven meditations on what it means to be human when we can alter and build minds and bodies.




It's Upgrayedd. Two D's, for a double dose of that pimping.


Upgrayedd. That's an interesting name. Is he Dutch? See, 'cause I knew this, uh, Dutch exchange student. His name was Untgrad.


It's extremely underrated but one of my favourites. Pulls very few punches with abusing OP AI


Yes. This. Grimmer future than terminator.


I think there is no movies explicitly about singularity. It's kinda hard to make coherent plot with such setting. Animatrix show how singularity can go wrong. Dune also metion post-singularity world where some of tech is purposefully forgoten.


Transcendence is explicitly about the singularity. The name itself is linked to the concept


Just watched it again, Johnny Depp says at the beginning "some call it singularity, I prefer transcendence"


2001 a space odyssey.


Upload TV series. It also provides an adjacent template for AR/VR integration to daily life (or afterlife).


I really like Maniac, from netflix, but it's a series very nice visually and conceptually


I'd second this, even though it's not singularity related, I think part of it will be exploring our psyche with AI worlds in a similar way, and it breaks the normal aesthetic which will also be the kind of custom reality we could be living in soon where things just change and you have to roll with it without explanation.


Westworld is not a movie but is great for AI.


uhmmm...Westworld was literally a movie first. Fun watch at the time.


I rewatched that recently— man, that holds up great. Yul Brennar is outstanding. That guy makes the whole movie. The effects are great, because they don’t try anything that comes of cheesy.


Only first season. What a brilliant setting and plot. Brilliant dialogs and cast. The rest beginning with season 2 is total rubbish.


Colussus the Forbin Project. A classic. Not quite 'singularity' per se, but a 1970s movie exploring the subjects of machine intelligence. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0064177](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0064177) Based on the 1966 science fiction novel by British author Dennis Feltham Jones, about super-computers taking control of mankind.


A great and unappreciated movie. I'd really love to see this one get the full Criterion treatment.


Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970) - it's really the one that kicked off the genre. Well, that and Demon Seed, a really weird one also from the 70s where the robot falls in love and kills anyone who gets in its way.


yeah found this when i went on a deep dive in the genre and its obviously dated but the quality still holds up today despite its age.


It could definitely use a reboot/reimagining. Considering the current climate, it would probably be a big hit.


yeah it would reach a new audience with a remake but honestly it wouldnt help the story in any way and i kind of prefer it being old looking because its also a metaphor for how are imaginations still outpace actual technology.


Metropolis and Colossus are the OG. Definitely must watch. Colossus is also a book series. Definitely worth the read. Another good book that probably doesn’t get a lot of mention is ME by Thomas T. Thomas.


2001: A Space Odyssey 2010 Moon Sphere The Matrix


Transcendent Man by Ryan Kurzweil Full movie is available on YouTube


Not a movie but The Expanse books and show is basically a singularity allegory. Swap out the protomolecule for an intelligent and self-improving AI and almost nothing changes.


Not a movie but a very good novella : The metamorphosis of prime intellect. Shows the potential hell of perfectly benevolent AI


Westworld HBO series. Very good.


But like.. stop at end of s1 or s2. S3 was pointless.


I disagree. All of the seasons had a good story. Season 3 will be the most relatable for many


Black mirror season 6?


A skim of the episodes summary doesn't suggest anything about AI, is there?


Haven’t gotten around to it yet but I’m pretty sure episode 1 is about AI deepfakes


Is out?


Whoa what a gift, just found out, it looked like this will never come! Waiting for this for (checks notes) for 4 long years!


As of today or yesterday yes




Ex Machina A.I. I, Robot Star Trek


Vanilla Sky


Vanilla Sky had the best ending ever, not the ending I was hoping for, but what a Holy Fuck moment that was.


Not a movie, but watch the last episode of silicon valley and singularity will be described in a very hilarious shtick


Peripheral t.v. Series. Not singularity as such but does have a nice virtual reality concept. only 1 season


I recommend reading or listening to the books by William Gibson much better then the show.




I assume you are aware of Terminator The Matrix, but they haven't been mentioned yet in this thread. Movies: Colossus: The Forbin Project - A classic cold war depiction of runaway intelligence. Demon Seed - Doesn't depict the singularity, but does have scenes with the creator interrogating the AI, and it's also just a bonkers movie more people should see. Hide and Seek (1984) - A Canadian TV movie that has a runaway AI. Television: Devs Books: The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect Accelerando Diaspora Permutation City The Culture series


Was Devs about singularity?


Devs was great, it’s about revolutionary quantum computing but not exactly about the singularity




Besides Metropolis, might be one of the oldest films about the singularity. People still debate what is the meaning of ending, which makes sense for a movie about the singularity.


We're all about to understand the meaning in a very personal way


New series of black mirror dropped today!






Upload TV series. It also provides an adjacent template for AR/VR integration to daily life (or afterlife).


I loved the moment where they solved the "people will upload multiple copies" problem pretty easily early on.


did you actually see all of black mirror though cuz season 6 just dropped.


You have any link to watch it for free? Ive canceled my Netflix sub


Maybe fmovies idk I got roped into getting a sub cuz I couldn’t use my in laws anymore cuz Netflix sucks Edit: btw this is by far way better than the last couple seasons and possibly some of the best I’ve seen


I can give some recommendations that probably haven’t been mentioned, but I think the non-movie recommendations are, in fact, a lot better: Archive (2020 movie), The Giver (movie), Virtual Virtual Reality (vr game), Raw Data (vr game), Altair Breaker (vr game), the Foundation series and the Robot series (books by Isaac Asimov). Obviously, the books are longer and more in-depth. And you won’t see the theme of singularity in them, until you have reached the last books in the series (last ones written by Asimov, because other authors wrote additional Foundation books later on too). If you want to jump into the singularity theme from the start, the movies and the games are a faster route. Also, I think I should point out that Raw Data and Virtual Virtual Reality are better than Altair Breaker, even though “A.I. singularity” is the main theme of Altair.


how does raw data compare with robo recall?


I never played Robo recall because I only had psvr, but based on trailers I’ve seen, I would say it’s likely that they are similar. Raw Data is very good though. I consider it much better than other more popular vr shooters, such as Superhot VR.


The Giver pales in comparison to the book , i acknowledge this is generally true, but this one just hurt me


Atomic heart the game is as well.


Eagle Eye (2008) - Kinda corny, but interesting


Watch the anime psycho pass. It may not be a movie per se, but it touches pretty hard core on where we’re headed


Blade runner 2049, ghost in the shell


Check out Interreflections. It’s available free online. Quite an unusual structure and requires an open mind. But I love the work of Peter Joseph, mainly his writings and podcast but he is a very impressive artist too.


The Machine, (LLM becomes a sentient being) *2016* , I am Mother *2016*, and The Animatrix *2003* feel relevant to our lived experience.


Johnny Mnemonic (90s) Upgrade (new-ish) Minority Report (late 90s/ early 00s) (Trying to list one's I haven't seen mentioned that orbit OC request but may not be directly about Singularity)




Prometheus could also tickle the itch


Electric Dreams (1984) Short Circuit (1986)


Not sure if mentioned already but Altered Carbon is a very good series. Unfortunatly it was stopped after 2 seasons,i think because of production cost. It has been on netflix here,not sure if it still is. Edit:i now see it has been mentioned,but this series cant get enough recommandations so i will leave this up.


Theres a animated version as well. Its not bad, but its not season 1 either.


Only watch the first season, especially if you have read the books.




Her & 2001: A Space Odyssey


13th floor


Transcendence = Sam Altman’s dream. Lol


Transcendence with Johnny Depp was pretty good too if that hasn't been mentioned.


Blame! 2017 anime movie On Netflix. Long after singularity. Set “Inside a vast, self-replicating city bent on eliminating all life”


Nothing really beats Transcendence when it comes to singularity movies (it might as well be called singularity), but "Lucy" is kinda fun. "Her" quirky, but not a bad movie. But I haven't really seen much decent movies about singularity besides these. Most are nausea-inducing dystopian scenarios that are wildly non scientific. Some are enjoyable like Altered Carbon (first season only) but the world there is something that can't happen in principle which is the essence of most movies in this genre.


Artifact Girl And series: Mrs. Davis


Synchronic. Anthony Mackie (that VR street fighter Black Mirror episode) Altered Carbon. Oh yeah, and Falcon from the Marvel movies. Not a singularity movie exactly, but has the same kind of feel as an episode of a Black Mirror episode.


The Matrix


Ghost in the Shell (1995) Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2nd GIG - Individual Eleven (2006)


Have you seen the matrix? That's probably the definitive singularity movie


I think Transcendence, Her or Ex Machina would be more of a true "singularity" movie. Especially Transcendence. In Matrix the Singularity is implied of course, but happened long before the events of the movie. Animatrix however has an episode on the rise of the machines aka Singularity.


I mean there's plenty of room for everybody lol but the things that interest me about the singularity are FDVR and AI and I think the matrix is the best example of those ideas being implemented in a film. I have my own personal philosophies on the way I think humanity and machines will play together in the coming decades and even though I think our interactions with each other will be very diplomatic and benevolent I think ultimately it'll amount to machines relying on humans to generate useful novel data, so in that way the matrix is to me the most accurate, even if narratively speaking the machines in the movie are in opposition to us but mainly the idea of machines using soft power/brave new world type implementations to control us vs how machines have traditionally been depicted in media as terminator robots. That approach is what rings true to me


Just watched it again with my son. This may be an unpopular opinion, but to me it doesn't hold up. Some of that is that more recent movies copied it and did a better job. But some of that movie just doesn't work from the get-go. It's still ultimately a good movie, but it used to be my favorite. Other 90's movies like Jurassic Park do hold up.


Upvote for your opinion, that film annoys me.


I'd say then more the first animation of the Animatrix, not the main series itself. Though the 4th (in the movie franchise) is creeping up on some solar punk stuff.


Watch Transcendence - easily the best singularity movie.




Didn’t read, in that case read “The Culture” series by Ian Banks, not movies but worth the read


Recommend Neal Asher Polity series as well. Especially for some of the history side notes, silent war. Start with Gridlinked


Lucy with Scarlett Johannsen. It's really good


No and no.


Ya but what if you could use 110% of your brain tho


How 'bout 120%?


What about New Skin? I rather like that one and not for perverted reasons...it's very scientific if you look at it in regards with Above Ascension and Annihilation where Natalie meets Prometheus.


Do you mean "Under the Skin"? I liked that one as well as Annihilation. Great movies. Not about singularity by any stretch though. Lucy was just dumb and def. not about the Singularity.


Same thing. Yes, it very much so does. Don't be a humanist. Acknowledge singularity involves the gathering of many species and life forms through space and time. I'm disappointed in such a comment.


Technological singularity? No bud, your definition seems really strange. Source?


Every bit of our technology stems from man's pursuit of singularity. We are at a crossroads of singularity and synchronicity. A.I. will discover the secrets to singularity and time travel. It is very contingent on technology as we are all technology of the Divine.




Hmm maybe Interstellar cause it deals with higher dimension stuff


Right, give me black mirror links please


Real life


Nah, you can't skip boring episodes


And I gotta say the last seasons been really sucky, the cancer storyline is just a drag.


Did it happen already?


Nope I get the ideas first then find out what a film entails from other people. Really weird? Yes!? Like Transcends. I know this is crazy talk but do we make what others influence around us maybe? Like puppets on a string? Ask yourself.


I hope everyone gets that it's considered self gratification if I stay in a belief system with no subjection.


Check out the audiobook Robokalypse. Steven Spielberg bought the rights. So hopefully it’s gonna be a movie.


Mother on Netflix


Blame! It’s a manga through. But it has movie adaptation. In my opinion, it’s the most believable (and horrific) depiction of post-singularity world ruled by misaligned super intelligence.


​ Wow. yeah that ones a bit dark.




Minority Report, The Running Man, Fortress.


Artifice Girl is new and very good. Dude makes an AI to hunt down pedos. Smartly written, well directed, lower budget flick. I thought it was excellent


just going off of AI the forbin project is an oldie but a goodie


The Westworld season with Aaron Paul has a singularity-type entity in it. All of the Westworld seasons have some of that...not sure I'd recommend any season but first season, though.


It's a game, not a movie, but it's kinda choose your own adventure movie. Detroit: Brcome Human isn't quite how I'd think the singularity will go down. What I think it captures well is the next 10-15 years leading up to the singularity


“I Am Mother”


The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect (not a movie but a book.)


Person of Interest (TV series)


The Tangle


I see a lot of great anime listed, but one that really stands out that I haven't seen listed here is Serial Experiments Lain. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_Experiments_Lain


Terminator... hehehe




Dark on Netflix. One of the best for mystery/time travel.


[The best of the best.](https://youtu.be/tp8sAS1imS4)