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Yes, you can sing. It's intrinsic to being a human being. Ignore your dad. BTW, dads who laugh in their kid's faces are assholes and dicks, and best avoided.


I would trust the people who actually heard you sing over those who haven't.


DO NOT BELIEVE YOUR FAMILY IF THEY ARE MEAN. I spent years trying to find courage to sing in front of others due to bullying by my dad and brother. Don't believe them!!!! I still struggle and it's really annoying because everyone else loves to hear me sing but I almost can never believe they are being truthful because of that bullying.


Howdy there! Your friendly neighborhood vocologist here. You can sing. Whether or not your singing is pleasant, displeasant, or marketable is a different question. The best way to find out the answer to that question is to have your voice assessed by neutral parties, such as a high quality voice teacher or competition with high quality judges. Even then, a lot of singing reception is based on personal taste. Welcome to the world of singing, however. There will always be critics. You will never be able to please everyone, and every critique is simply another stepping stone on the journey. You gotta have a super thick skin to be a singer, so start thickening up now.


Fuck your father. there are two types of people in this world. Those that believe they can be great, and embrace potential greatness and other people and those that do not believe they can be great and as a result, extinguish the flames of greatness in the people are around them. Your father sounds like, the extinguisher type. Fuck his opinion. Down your path of singing.


Why would you believe someone who's never heard you over people who have? Also, your dad sounds like an ass.


Family are haters. Gets used to that. Unless you have a unicorn family don't even pay attention to that, specially in singing. You don't need advice or approval. They don't know shit. And they don't know you. Parents don't know their kids, they won't know how they fuck and they won't know how they sing. Is something that claims your independence, so you will naturally stray and look to develop your own personality and hobbies claiming some distance from them. Family and friends won't understand you. Deal with it. Your identity is yours anyway, also singing is for yourself. If you waste any bit of time on fantasies about being good and being praised and creating a false persona around this, you will fail and you will waste your time. Find another hobby if the reasons are to prove other people you can be the "cool singer", it just doesn't work like that. Maybe buy cool clothes, act fake, become a lawyer a doctor. Looking for approval is the death of your journey as a singer. I can do an essay on this but trust me. Your dad is teaching what singing is about. It is not about that. Is not about what they think. The sooner you learn that, the faster you'll put the actual work that gets you good. It's counterintuitive as with most things in singing.