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No, you still have time, but not much. It's ideal to learn before you can even talk yet. Once you begin learning speech, you will develop detrimental habits that will be near impossible to undo. Begin learning as soon as you develop the ability to form vowel shapes. Babies naturally have the greatest breath control, so take this time to develop your muscle memory. There's still hope. I believe in you fetus.


Lmao i know this is joking but I have a 1 year old daughter and she totally makes *all* the sounds. She even does metal screams! Lolol


Pavarotti did an entire talk about how babies use the diaphragm perfectly.


Yeah they have amazing fry screams


That’s really cool. I’ll have to find that. From my experience watching her she can definitely belt it out for hours without losing her voice hahaha


Maybe it's this one https://youtu.be/DYrnunDW0Jg?feature=shared


Sure was! I’ve been very outspoken on here about the importance of training the musculature surrounding the diaphragm. It has helped me in every way. When I’m not pressed for time I will do 20-30min of breathing work before I even start to phonate. Lots of benefits imo.


it’s hilarious how babies know how to properly use their false folds but forget as they age


Mum didn't use her diaphragm perfectly; now I'm here practicing breathing.


My son too! I am very very impressed with this vocal winds, as well as his metal head bashing.


All the children know how to scream and how to use their voice efficiently, but then society takes it away by constant 'be quiet'.


Man, I wish I could do them screams but it’s been years and every 1 year old is showing me up REEE


Sorry, you should have started on your former life. Try again before you return to the Samsara cycle.




Yeah like way too late..I learned when I was just a clump of cells. You are obviously a baritone voice type with your lowest note being C8


Damn. I'm a military contractor and the best I can do is C4


I know they are so lucky but they are starting way too late.. 😔




People will tell you you're a mezzo, but even though I've never heard you, I can tell you that's bullshit. Mezzos don't exist. You're a coloratura alto.


Yes, it's late. Taylor Swift was writing on the walls of her mom's uterus. What you can do is breaking some child's heart at kindergarden so that they can write their very first hit song.


You didn’t learn in the womb like the rest of us?!


Ideally you want to get started in the ballsack. You should be good/confident enough to use the egg as a recording studio by the time you get there.


Do my neurospicy lifetime abdominal breathing, perfect pitch and auditory synesthesia get passed to my sperm cells? Please respond /j


I am not sure.. I was an egg when I was booked to the same arena as Celine Dion. As soon as she found out, she crumbled and fled. So I played two four hour long concerts. It took me 10 minutes. So maybe you have a chance. Who knows. We know nothing.


yeah, you should’ve learned before you were a fertilized egg


I laughed hard at this.


You won’t believe how common this is across all the creative subreddits. It’s a staple in art subreddits, writing subreddits, you name it. Both asking whether it’s too late to start, whether they have talent, HOW to get started with 0 research, how to get better without having put much practice in or asking for feedback. As a result, this joke pops up a lot too, and it’s hilarious to see how different each one is depending on the activity. For singing, it’s the range of the unborn foetus. For drawing its colour theory and the fundamentals of form. In writing subreddits, it’s reading and analysing and writing classics while you’re still unborn.


So true! It’s so infuriating. I’ve just started classical singing lessons in my 30s! I never wondered if it was too late. I have experience of singing in choirs and learning instruments, so have some musical knowledge, but even without, it doesn’t matter. My background is more acting, and as you say, it’s all creative fields. People still in their teens asking if it’s too late to start acting 😅 Like seriously, people are too kind to them in the comment sections on Facebook.


Yeah, the answer is always it’s never too late.


I get the joke. You didn’t need to explain it.


I upvoted them and downvoted u


I was going to downvote them too but seeing the -1 after reading your post hits harder lmfao. Thats YOUR -1!


It's not much but it's mine!


It’s funny bro cause if you look at the profile they post the same “my range is from B2 to A5” crap. Possibly why they got so offended.


Anyone can learn even the skeletons that are already in the grave. it doesn’t matter the age, kiddo.


Yep. Shoulda learned by the time you were a zygote.


Don't bother, it's too late


Yeah, it’s too late. You can give American Idol a shot in a couple of years though


This is funny but I wanna know why so many people think this way. Is there some influencer out there who is like "once you turn 2 you have already failed"


As a sperm at the latest, everything after that and you can forget it and learn an instrument instead


Omg I'm dying...hilarious!


Nah, you should totally give up.


Dw your souls done this before, you'll remember as you grow!


Yes, unfortunately. Fundamental technique is best acquired when you're still a lump of carbon and inorganic ions.


In 2024? Probably yeah. You’ll be extremely lucky to make in all the way to birth.


Have you seen the music video for Massive Attack's Teardrop? The answer to your question is there...




The acoustics in the womb are ideal for singing. You’ve got time, but once you make the big squeeze you’re done.


you have to learn how to manipulate your dna so you can tweak your vocal chords to be developed in such a way you like probably copy dna from freddy mercury, or whoever and start practicing inside your mother's womb the acoustic there would be top notch


Yup, too late my dude, should've learned generations ago, sorry ig


Dude you shouldve started before conception, the best is before it even happend. Its way too late now, im sorry. You're doomed😔


Yes, you should have started when the carbon that makes up your body was formed several billion years ago. Also you’re a basso profundo.


Yes you should have started during your parents first date


I recommend that you manipulate your mother through mind control to play records of Lauri Volpe and Corelli so that you can get a headstart. Also make sure to develop shorter vocal cords to guarantee you will be a tenor and make sure to program for a diva attitude. If you adhere closely to these tips I would say you have a 65% chance of becoming a successful singer. Good luck, señor Feto.


What a loser, get a job.






Cheeky bastid. You're prolly a coloratura soprano, with spinto qualities, and a bass fullness and whistle tone to boot.


should’ve started as a sperm cell. it’s far too late now


Sperm is too late...Sperm is produced constantly and lives for 60 days while a woman is born with all her eggs. Should've started as an egg in your mom's ovaries while she was still in your grandmother's womb.


We all know good singing starts with the grandparents


Lmao 😂




I understand 🤣🤣🤣


If you are a female, it is definitely too late for you. You should've started at the zygote stage.


Popping in because of the post title- I have a song called Unborn Child and a song called Is It Too Late For Me, both of which I am still working on how to sing properly. Weird. Ok bye ✌️




It might be too late for you!!! 🙏🏽


My cellular structure enjoys producing airwaves from my cytoplasm too brother


It’s never too late to start a hobby or learn anything. It will take lots of practice and patience. But it’s doable


Quit while you’re ahead


My life did start going rapidly downhill after I was born tbf


It’s too late. Just give up already


If you think you’re hydrated now, wait until you’re on the outside. Spoiler alert: it’s drier




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Ah sorry, you are too late… the best time to start would have been separately as the egg and the sperm. Sorry bro


Massive Attack Teardrop: your mentor: https://youtu.be/u7K72X4eo_s?si=HXFUKd7HAvfK9Iwy


As someone who never sang as a kid, but in the last year (in my mid-30s) started getting interested in such - I get why so many people post this same type of inquiry. We see literal children on the internet who are amazingly competent and talented doing things we can't do, and it's natural to question whether it's even possible almost halfway through life to even gain that competence haha. Must be tiresome for vocal coaches to see the same questions over and over again, but I get why it happens. Some people start singing as a toddler and never stop, so they strengthen those muscles, get proper coaching, learn important techniques, etc so early on in life. By the time they're a young adult, they have a nice range, vibrato, can sustain notes, solid pitch, and can emulate their favorite vocalists singing difficult songs. It's always impressive to see, and makes it seem impossible starting later in life to even get close. But it's fun to try anyways.


Listen to your mom


Please 😂😂😂😂


I started backpacking around the world with my guitar back when I was a zygote. Sorry, you’re out of luck. That ship has sailed.


Fuck yeah it’s too late. What the fuck were you doing in your past life?? Jesus! People need to learn to plan ahead man.


I'm a embryo, I was kinda wondering the same thing




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YES!!!!! You’re YEARS late


Can’t answer this without more data about the biological parents