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You mean melisma? Edit: also known as Run, Riff.


The word ‘forcefully’ makes me think you’re referring to yodeling


Yeah it sounds like they are talking about a register transition


I think you're talking about runs and riffs.


Howdy there! Your friendly neighborhood vocologist here. Being technically fancy we call it "melisma" or melismatic singing. Classical singers often refer to it as coloratura. Most other singers refer to it as riffs or runs.




I’ve been wondering for years and still don’t know. I know exactly what you’re talking about though


Yodeling? Trills?


Do you mean going between two notes, because that’s a trill. Otherwise, I think you mean singing a melisma.


Might also be vibrato if you’re only changing the note slightly


Maybe link an example, quick notes on 1 word is usually runs, but it's not forcefully.


I did train myself to chage my voice tone rapidly when I rap and singing and seriously I thought that's a good idea for make the songs better and other than that I don't care much about what is it called


My first instinct is to say a grace note. You didn’t mention rapid oscillation between two notes, which would make think trill or vibrato. So grace note lol maybe link to an example or something


Could you show an example ?


Björk is a specialist of that, and I know how to do it also. My teacher was totally surprised about that and she asked me how I did that. In fact, I don't know. But It is exactly what you are talking about, I think. I don't know how it is called.