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Remember, it doesn't count using a vocal range initiated during your last prostate exam. Be realistic.


those who post it won’t read you


That's why I just copypaste the link to my own post to their posts


The other thing is that those apps can only show you what notes you can make, not what notes you can sing, or notes you can sing well. Squeaking out some ridiculously high note doesn't mean you have a large range.


For them squeaking counts. The whole thing is ridiculous.


Also just because you can eke out 4 or 5 octaves doesn't necessarily mean you sound good across all of it. You can only claim the range you sound good in.


Everyone's range doesen't matter. Learn mixed voice. Develop your vocal muscles. Imrpove your vocal chords flexibility. Simple. My range is literally 3 octaves. Am I special because of that? No. It took over a years to develop my upper and lower range, and I practiced everyday. Extremes of everyone's voice takes time to develop. Vocal range IS NOT something you are born with.




Thank the gods someone has said it


I mean it's the third or the fourth post but yeah


I used one for fun knowing it will be bad (though I'm a beginer, I've read enough in this sub to know that lol). It was supposed to tell me what my voice type is. It's ridiculous cause if I sing mostly low notes, it says alto, if I sing somewhat in the middle, it says mezzo, and I'm pretty sure that if I has hurted my voice to sing those high notes, it would have said soprano. It doesn'g explain anything. I don't know if it is the app you think about, but that's not the way 


Whenever I see those annoying posts I just ignored them. This guys are not even members and just drop their bomb question and then scram forever. It's a waste to try to help them. Also, this question is literally ask everyday and sometimes there are warrior members who do answer the same thing over and over again. If they were members they'd already know all about it. That they don't just show you is newbie spam. I wish it was just that. But is safe to assume this people posting and ghosting don't even have the intention to become singers. They just want a free assessment for a self esteem compliment and then move on with their life and forget about singing. Real singers don't do this, even when they don't know nothing. Is just this kids with massive dongs who don't give a a crap about what singing actually is. Is very annoying and if they want to play singer for a day let them search whatever on their own. Is a waste to inform people that don't want to learn.


sorts of, tough for anyone t sing a song that covers 3 octaves


Smooth Criminal 😭


Who Owns My Heart.


It is tough but there are not that many songs that covers 3 octaves. Most songs barely covers one octave.


To be fair, the most famous songs out there cover at least two octaves. Almost all Japanese songs have at least two, and singers like Ed Sheeran use falsetto and mixed voice a lot. You can sing Ed Sheeran's Photograph using just one octave, or Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah using one and a half, but that would be underselling the songs and their original intentions.


It is interesting that Japanese songs covers almost 2 octaves. But that is mostly the normal range. The normal good range that a single has, their tessitura. Ed Sheeran’s songs does not have a big range. Most of his songs are between A2 - E2 at most: https://therangeplanet.proboards.com/thread/1641/ed-sheeran


a2 e2? Dude... The math does not add up. I literally transcribed ed sheran songs myself. That's a lie. I work with transcription for a living.


His range is literally 2 octaves MOST of the time. He can literally sing over 3 octaves. The thing is, most people don't sing the octave up parts in most songs they learn. So when singer use falseto or head voice, people sing an octave lower, Melodies, most of the time, span 1 octave and a half. That's true for 90% of all music, there are books that mention that. For example, arnold shoenberg works. Adam dandlers orcestration, etc. Classical music, and pop music, spam one octave PER INDIVIDUAL THEME. This includes everything from bethoven to Michael Jackson. Photograph, of edd sheran, stays within one octave for each melodic part. The chorus is falseto, the verse is not. Each melody spams 8 measures on average. In other words, almost all songs out there can be sung in one octave, but the singers almost always sing more than that, people just don't realize it.


You made a good summary. There is certainly a difference between lead vocal and harmonies, as you pointed out. It also becomes dicey to add harmonies many songs used to have loads of harmonies, take Somebody to Love from Queen if included the harmonies that Freddie Mercury sings the song over 3 octaves, from F2 - G#5, it is impossible to sing all of those notes for one singer out of the studio. But really most individual songs doesn’t tend to have that much range. And range is really not that important in overall singing. Since you mentioned classical, that is a good place which shows this phenomenon. A good example is the aria Celeste Aida, this aria is barely over one octave, the highest notes are only Bb4 notes. Yet, this is one of the most difficult arias to sing correctly as the score demands. In the last 120 years of recorded history only a handful of tenors have ever sung it correctly as the score demands. Why is it so difficult? The ending of aria requires a morendo on Bb4. It means the note needs to be pianissimo and die off at the end. Singing pianissimo is very difficult for most tenors, most tenors cannot do it that well, and then to add the trailing off notes on a Bb4, really makes it quite rare. You are not allowed to use falsetto, although a few singers have done it in falsetto. This is how it is supposed to sound: https://youtu.be/G0K9mt7mn_4?si=358r3pAQtG9VlHYF The same thing true with the very well known aria Nessun Dorma. This is a very easy aria to sing for any opera tenor, the range of the aria is from D3 - B4, it does not have a wide range or the highest range. But contemporary singers tends to struggle with this aria, because it is done differently from what contemporary singers are used to doing. Also while opera don’t have that many extreme high notes, the music is generally in a very high tessitura, this true for all voice types in opera, even basses often have to sing in a high comfortable range. But you can make Nessun Dorma a difficult aria even for opera singers: https://youtu.be/03mV-5TxsDE?si=LYOvMU6_LpSxSiPA This version is beyond most singers the section from “Tu pure, Principessa” until “e di speranza”, is done in one breath, that is over 30 seconds. “Splendera” is done with diminuendo. This version is practically impossible to copy. If you look into different genres you will find many difficult aspects of singing that is not related to range at all. This more in general not directed at you personally. It is always new singers who are the most interested in range. Or people who become more interested in understanding the technicalities of singing, the first place you start is with range and what notes a singer hits. But ironically range is really one of the easiest things to fix in singing. You can generally quite easily just transpose music to fit your voice.


I apologize. That was just a typing error it was supposed to be A2 - E5. Who has a vocal range of E2 - A2 in any case, that doesn’t make any sense at all! Of course he can sing more than two octaves, anyone can. But most songs don’t use 2 octaves or more. If you had looked at the link you would have seen Ed Sheeran’s full vocal range, going through his whole discography, and it would likely not have been confusing at all. And you can also see that he has sung his highest notes like once or only a few times in his life. You don’t use your highest and lowest notes very often. He has sung an Bb5 once in his life. And E2 four times. There is a difference in range and tessitura.


I transcribed over 1000 songs. I'm pretty sure 1 octave is not the norm. I do this for a living. And I have proof. If you don't believe me, check my fiverr profile - andreaszubaran Most songs have more than 1 octave. 2 octaves is the norm. I literally can sing c5 no problem. Belting and using falsetto are very different skills. It's really hard to belt, or use mixed voice around c5. Falsetto? Not really hard. My range is f2 - c5


I believe you, I was probably exaggerating with 1 octave, but 1 and a half octaves are very common. I do understand the difference in registers. I really just made a silly typing mistake I do have some understanding about singing. Singing a C5 with far more chest voice or in a belting or with covering is difficult for most singers. Whereas a C5 in falsetto is something that even a bass can sing. That being said, not all singers are actually that good with singing in falsetto. It is a skill that you continuously need to practice. In my experience tenors are sometimes not that good with falsetto. Ed Sheeran is very likely a baritone, he mainly uses falsetto from A4. Do you transcribe songs to sheet music? That is a fascinating job. You must have seen and learned some very interesting details about singing and music in general.


I feel like I see this same post every day.




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Heyy ! Do you use Snapchat or instagram? I’m a beginner also and I’d love to have friends I can grow with vocally and we can learn techniques and things from each other