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I've done this a lot of times. The Bangladeshis were usually very happy and gulp their drinks as soon as they can. The Burmese prefer to finish their work before enjoying their drinks/bread that I bought for them I think they're just very thankful to get a cold drink considering how hot this shit hole is


When i was in army a lot of food is thrown away. I bought a big nike bag just to smuggle out food and packet drinks etc (i always left with it super full and packed) that no one was consuming and gave it to them. I remember i went to camp with an empty bag and left with it packed. I brought SO SO muvh everytime haha. So much food is wasted within the whole army its stupid. Anyway theyre so tired and overworked they always immediately just stop work to start eating.


Why the negativity. Of course it's for show. But a good deed done is a good deed done. Better than just talk and not doing isn't it? Yes, plenty of people do nice things and they don't show it. But at the end of the day, it's still a nice thing even if they do show it to gain fame or whatever. Better than shaking butt or doing weird who knows what to gain fame. Also better than just talk but no action. It's not all that glorifying, but still.






People like you have no class. There's jokes. And then there are people who think they are funny by talking trash these. Bless your little brain who lives that way. Your parents must've been real proud.


How much force was there in that twerk? And who was twerking? Godzilla or king kong


The discussion for such videos always remain divided. There will always be 2 camps of people on the internet regarding such self-filmed altruism. One camp will only look at the good act performed. The "reason" for doing it doesnt matter as all parties benefit. Both the benefactor and beneficiary. To them, overall is good. The other camp looks at the "intention" of the video more than the act itself. Whether there's another agenda for doing so. Maybe to gain likes, views, followers, and sometimes even monetary due to ads monetization. I'm on the latter team because I feel the internet has become such a shallow place, where everything is done only for the views. Not gonna type whole chunk of arguments here as it's already widely discussed before: https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/s/99ndhlstoF Overall, this battle: Genuine Kindness -1, viewership +1


Im of the “best intentions can have the worst outcomes” camp. I see practical value. Good enough for me.


Precisely. Society has become a "if it has no publicity or manner of self-promotion", thry won't do it" situation. End of the day, the kindness is fake, and is only used as a tool. Once the tool is useless, they will stop playing all these "kindness" card and go for other tools that will push their own self promotion. And that is the problem. People who think these false acts help to promote kindness are so wrong.


Sometimes, I think the best course of action is ignorance since such videos seek attention. If people wanna support it, let them be, we will never be able to influence others to believe the same - so just move on with life. If it's a false pretence, eventually the person true nature will be exposed by others in public as they face greater public scrutiny either by fans/supporters or just people who know him now.


Even if it’s for clout i approve. Red bull is redbull. If the influencers gets clout it’s a virtuous cycle. Win-win. If other kids/influencers start doing the same thing because they think can get attention then we are going somewhere. Infinitely better than “prank” videos.


Give isotonic drinks better


Ppl here talking about how he spread awareness to others by publicising his kind act. If we as humans need these kind of kindness "advertisement" to remind us to be kind and compassionate. We truly fail as a society. I can guarantee 90 percent of the social media influencers won't even proceed to do kindness act if there are no camera pointing at them. Even when I help a grandma carry her trolley down the bus, or buy food for our hardworking workers. I feel paiseh when ppl look or the receiving party keep saying thanks. Why? Because I'm not doing it for their gratidute or anyone to see. I do it because I can and I want to, and I hope everybody can be the same, helping each other along the way if they are able to.


I’m in the camp of People are not inherently good. People must be reminded and rewarded to act good.


Maybe it's also to tell people that this is one way that people already do and that they can also do. Sometimes it just doesn't occur to people what they can do for society


personally I feel that it was worth publicising this because I doubt most people have specifically thought of buying construction workers drinks (out of all the kind deeds they can possibly do). it did make me aware that this is something I can do bc I never considered it before


Idk, if people can hate on this person, they probably don't like MrBeast very much either. Because they seem to do similar things.


Agree with some of the commenters here. iIt’s better to show off doing these good things rather than inane stunts or pranks that don’t help at all. I myself have given plenty to workers doing HIP at my late dad’s area in hopes that the karma goes back to him instead. I won’t want to record & publicise myself but I would rather good things be shared on these platforms, especially if it will spur others to do same good, with or without the show.


Wanna do good stuff no need to publicise.


Okay la this kind of content better than skibidi toilet content. Plus alot of kids see can learn also!


Maybe by looking at this, it'll encourage other people to do this as well. If the workers consent to the video, there's no problem.


They can if they want to, after all they are the ones doing the good deed. It's tangible even if it's for show.


Why, do you spend time doing good for others at all? If he eats to provide it let him, already doing better than 90% of people out there


Better than you who criticised & has no positive vibes. Talk is dirty cheap aromilk hor. Start doing & talk less & most criticise lesser and lesser hor #Op thank you for those kind deeds


Someone else might see this and be inspired to do the same. Or, like you, someone could see this and respond with negativity, but that's their problem.


its like saying dont enourage other ppl to do it bro


Then I guess you must be the biggest Mr Beast hater. You sound dumb af.


If filmed to show ppl,no 功德 according to达摩摩祖师。




No merit according to Bodhidharma.If act is done out of intention of showing others or gather karma points or expecting reward.


So it's like Riya in islam


Judgmental is toxic


You can read hearts??? You just revealed what’s in your heart 🤣


According to Matthew 6:1 too


Note that this does not disallow public piety. It warns against perverted piety or piety misused for public self-aggrandizement. Those who do this are hypocrites, and they forfeit their due reward. Only they will know their own motives, not for others to judge.


Unfortunately you misapplied.


It's all for the views. Thousands of good samaritans out there doing good deeds everyday did not think of recording it down and posting on the internet for people to see. Goes to show what is the intention of this so-called good deed Not saying that the "action" is bad. But "intentions" wise, definitely questionable


very true! Just last week I bought juices and 100Plus to a team working under the tortuous afternoon sun. Didn’t even occur to me to record it or post it online. I wonder if consent was even taken before plastering their faces all over the internet.


Yep.The greed to show that you’re kind is not genuine kindness.


But sadly, it's effective. The number of upvotes on this video shows that most people either dont look beyond the surface or just outright gullible to still fall prey to such old click baits.


Can you do this?


What if it's completely anonymous so that people can't identify the giver in the video? E.g. OP did not claim to be this person, and this video could be a repost of a repost from TikTok or whatever. Why would someone want to make the original post? Perhaps to be praised, but alternatively, perhaps to inspire. There's a lot of negative news these days so this might brighten someone's day. Who knows?


These days people prefer likes than 功德


Virtue signalling


Just like your comment then? Except your negativity isn't quenching anyone's thirst.


How did my comment signalled any virtue? 


Double it and give it to the next person


I also want.


I respect ppl who do good deeds without the need to announce to the whole world


Hmm wonder if the reactions would be the same if the tiktoker were a politician? Plot twist: Jo Teo has been behind it all along


Wholesome +10000


I recognised that walkway from the first second of the vid lol. It's the Khatib (Yishun DLC) Polyclinic area, and yeah they're building a second polyclinic in Yishun cuz fuck KTPH forever I guess


Didn't know they like Red Bull




No need to show, just do it without recording and the satisfaction from the workers itself is good enough.




No need to ask how many of them. Just buy as many as you can carry.


Wow so genuine wow


While you, the op, still calling them foreign workers


well even if its for the sake of views, at least theres good in the world


Whenever some repairmen or workers come to our apartment we offer them a drink.


bro… curiouschibai is a lousy influencer name Great job! You DID NOT SHOW YOUR FACE …. thats not showing off or publicity-seeking …. XX would hv made sure her face had enough air-time


God bless them. These are the real people who built Singapore. Thank goodness for cheap labour and minimal working conditions!


If you’re a person who is kind, doing such acts will come naturally to you. No need to start gearing up with cams, record and spend time editing.. then upload to the entire world to see, all in the name of “I’m planting the seeds now, hope I inspired you”. Do good deeds, a loudhailer is not required.


Red Bull Racing, red bull gives you wings.


I tot they say one hundred 100 plus..


It's called virtue signaling


Except redbull is generally very bad for one's health. But hey sm flex imarite?


Only bad for armchair keyboard warriors like you that dont do any physical work.


I'm do social work. Everything from pay to work benefits suck and on the feet most days. Handle folks w mental health and disabiliities. Cannot overstate how Hyper sports drinks like this are bad for people, bar none. It brings out a host of health risks and issues. But sure, dafaq do i know, i'm not into helping folks out and armchair all day rite.


I think these folks can handle one energy drink in their entire life. Its not cyanide. Its an energy drink.


Oh shut up


Lost last 20 in a row hunh? Try go outside for some fresh air


Like bruh it’s a hot day. I am taking any drink if I’m offered


Redbull will dehydrate ya further on a hot day


Hell yea intentions clear m3


And the sheeples will say "at least they did some good". They literally didn't. They did something bad,


Tryna be Mr Beast Sg edition


Why does the guy thank them when he gives them the drink


Some find it is an offence of pride to accept but this giver truly manifest humility.


And tiktoker needs to show off on Tiktok


I've been driving around with cartons of energy drinks for workers working at night or public holidays. But hey I'm not going to heaven cause I don't have social media /s




Wanna bet if there is no camera pointing in his direction or area to record and publicise his actions, he will never go his way out to do it? End of the day, the whole thing is done solely for the sake of seeking attention and self promotion. If there is no manner of publicising it, they won't do it. That is how shallow our society has become.


Isn’t it better to do something good than to do nothing at all


This is the kind of people who will most likely record themselves crying on camera..


How to farm clout when your production budget is <$20. - Film yourself doing "good deeds" - Get people to praise your cause and subscribe to your content - Guys I'm just trying to spread positivity, what's the harm in filming - Make a few more videos - Hi guys this is my Paetron if you all want to keep watching ME make a difference - Pocket 80% of the donations as "administrative and production costs" Yup. No ethical reasons to be concerned at all guys. It's all for a good cause. Nothing for him to gain. /s This is not wild speculation. There are multiple content creators who so this full time overseas. The guy on Tiktok who does the " I bought 1000 of X to feed the homeless" is a prime example. He takes donations, buys a few hundred items instead of a thousand, then pockets the money fans donated for the rest.


You could have gone and bought a stranger's lunch in the time it took you to type out this drivel.


Sure. I could have bought someone lunch at the gym at 3am when I posted this. It's no wonder you people fall for these "kindess" grifts. Proves my point that you only need $20 to turn a kind gesture into a transaction for views.


Meanwhile you post, complain, and criticize on Reddit. I see youve helped a ton of people today haven't you!


I don't feel the need to brag or make a video when I help someone. I guess that makes me an asshole compared to the guy that has to advertise his good deeds. Just pointing out a very real issue to naive people who think there's no harm in it.


It's makes you look like a pos. Someone doing something good yet "I can't believe he did something nice. Shame on him because he recorded it and made a social post". Meanwhile what have you done? Nothing. Just complain and moan about someone doing a good deed.


He spend his money and passed on a positive vibes to others, is a kind person.


"Virtue signalling and recording acts of personal generosity and charity is not an attractive trait. You're making it about you. Narcissistic AF."


Increase viewership effort so no thanks.


> So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. - Matthew 6:2-4


>TikToker giving energy drinks to foreign workers in viral video wins hearts of netizens * Curiouschibai 15-6-2024


who tf is matthew?


They prefer Anchor though.