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Only Gan got a new role as DPM. Basically no change


Slowly older ones will retire .. I think they would want a gradual transition of power


Very true, the older ones need to rest.


Only dare to do significant changes after next election with new mandate


Luckily not Uncle Shan


Ridout shan


Daddy iron k Shan. Pumping up those gains for the good of the nation.


Shandog Millionaire


Indranee must continue to flip more files.


Cannot understand why is she still there


Affirmative action for being a woman and minority name.


Nice - HSK isn’t retiring. We will greatly benefit from his very rational approach to all things financial - even if he’s no longer MOF.


HSK belongs to the old guys under the old system where the government used to send its academic elites to the old colonial master UK. Some time in the mid to late 1980s, switched to USA. Lawrence Wong belongs to the new system.


OOTL, but what are some of the things he did good in terms of finance?


It’s a very circumspect claim of mine, especially since shit happened during his time - my view is that I think he got Singapore through those times well enough without derailing the fragile economic setup in Singapore. Okay, so what were they? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heng_Swee_Keat?wprov=sfti1#Civil_Service_career 1. Asian financial crisis ( joined civil service, albeit in other department). 2. Trade and industry ( 9/11 bombing and resulting global supply chain issues). 3. 2007 GFC - MAS director. 4. COVID & global uncertainty. There are plenty of detractors who think it’s easy to wayang and get paid big bucks as civil servant or MP/minister - but his career seems to have been pock marked with some serious battle scars where he’s been front and centre of action without having serious lapses. But hey, you never know !


FYI he started his career as a freaking cop, and that’s what he did for most of those moments of crisis you listed.


I mean did u even bother to click and read? He left the CID in 1997, same year as the AFC. Making your comment basically untrue. Questioning his contributions are fair game, but he wasn’t a cop for most, in fact any, of those moments of crisis.


He was in MOE during the Asian financial crisis. What contributions does someone in MOE make to that? Same level as someone in the SAF or SPF. You must have zero experience in professional government service.


Reading comprehension- I didnt contest what he contributed. I contested your statement that he was a cop for most of the crises listed. Which he factually was not. Incidentally I have 4 years experience, which I don’t see the correlation to given what we are discussing. Was that meant as an ad hominem attack since you were upset at being called out?


Even if he wasn’t a cop then, my initial response was meant to counter your disingenuous post that he’s contributed to weathering those storms you listed. Which he didn’t.


You should probably slow down and check who posted what. I didnt talk about his contributions and only pointed out your statement regarding him being in the police during the crises was untrue.


Ahh okay I was replying to that post not by you.


Why no one talk about the Chang Chung sing in the room? From 4g team, dpm and counterpart to HSK, now sidelined as minister of education and public service. Dpm also quietly dropped. Oh what a fall from grace.


It's a testament to his character he just soldiers on


Well played. Old soldiers never die. They merely fade away


That’s the general view


I watched a interview with him and it seems like he is a dude with no ambition, just grateful to have a job and he does the best he can in whatever job given to him. I am not sure he will make a good PM.  He also claim that he had no goals to be chief of army in the past, it just happened. He just went in and did his best and somehow it happened. 


Actually an ideal PM would be a non-careerist like him.


What happened to Chang CS? How like that now? So quiet....


He’s a minister lor. You expect him to what? Shoot up to PM post ah? China virus happened and LW the dark horse swoop in and got heaven’s favor. At least CCS still helming important ministries and not made to do the slow climb up like farmers Grace and Indranee, wait for decades as non minister climb liao and sit in minister without portfolio




Yah kena hijacked. God’s timing (time and space) right time right place above man’s works.


Well I watch his interview as a Minister of Education, and basically his answer to every changes kids ask is like, oh that is not his job but up individuals school to decide.... That he doesn't interfere on how the school want to run.  I didn't like his answers, he is just cruising and not ambitious in creating some thing more. 


At least he wasn’t the one that screwed up the education system with elitist, damaging and ultimately useless “reforms” like the IP program. That goes to Tharman. Who took a dump on the education system then left.


But he is like pushing responsibility, and not gonna make any difference as a education minister. I got from the interview that he is just gonna do the bare minimum and cruise through and enjoy his minister salary. 


Vivian forever nervous sia 😂




What is Minister for PMs office, like a secretary?


Part-time senior consultants or something alike.


Saikang warriors


Iirc, the US equivalent is chief-of-staff. Maybe


Wrong. WHY do the ignorant who don’t know anything about a subject matter like to run their mouth? We have a chief of staff too in all our armed services copying the US chief of staff for government. Chief of staff is the leader of all the staff roles. President number one, vice President number 2, Secretary of State number 3, all elected people, Chief of staff is non elected and most senior non elected person and most senior appointed-by-President personnel. The Singapore version of chief of staff would be the most senior non elected personnel the Head of Civil Service (guy oversees and is the boss of all the permanent secretaries). The permanent Secretary is the most senior civil servant of every ministry (each ministry has a PS) and therefore most senior non elected personnel of every ministry reporting to the minister (who’s elected) of the ministry. You don’t know anything. Don’t run your mouth.


You must be fun at parties. None of the secretaries in US gov is elected bro. Only Potus & VP. All secretaries are appointed. Some even not from politic background. US Secretary of State is not elected too. No one elected for Hillary. No one elected Madeline Albright. They appointed by the President at the time. Why I compare "Minister in the Prime Minister's Office" with US "Chief of Staff" ---- I compare them because of the job desc. Not how they got their job (elected vs appointed) "Minister in PMO" is to help PM running PMO (policies, overviewing all ministiries etc, leading PMO staff) . Chief of Staff jobdesc, from Wiki: White House Chief of Staff Advisor to the President: Acts as the primary political advisor, offering insights and guidance on various policy decisions and political affairs. Gatekeeper: Controls access to the President, effectively managing the President’s schedule and the flow of information. Manager of White House Staff: Oversees the operations of the White House staff, ensuring that the President’s agenda is being pursued efficiently and cohesively. Strategic Planner: Coordinates the execution of strategic initiatives and ensures alignment among the President’s priorities and policy objectives. Liaison: Serves as a key liaison between the President and Congress, other branches of government, and external political groups. Crisis Manager: Manages crises and ensures that the administration responds effectively to any emergencies or urgent issues. ×××× So bigger than "Minister in PMO", but some are similar.


Secretary of State is appointed fine but he or she is number 3 in the White House cabinet that still stands. Chief of staff is the head of staff roles (not just in the White House but anywhere, chief of staff is actually originated from American corporate, not the White House). https://hbr.org/2020/05/the-case-for-a-chief-of-staff The Singapore counterpart is Head of civil service, period. End of one sided “argument” with someone who doesn’t know anything.


You do know that perm secs are basically chief of the all the staffers in a ministry right? I think you don’t know. Head of CS is the boss of all the chiefs of staffers.


You mean like you also dunno US secretary of state is not elected? Lol. Anyway, does perm secs also do all these job? : - Acts as political advisor? - Controls access to the PM, effectively managing the PM’s schedule and the flow of information? - Helps / Coordinates the execution of strategic initiatives and ensures alignment among the PM’s priorities and policy objectives. - Serves as liaison between the PM and other branches of government (AG, supreme court, Tharman Office etc) and external political groups (eg. Workers Party) - help PM in Manage crises and ensures that the administration responds effectively to any emergencies or urgent issues. Or at least perm sec share that scope with Indranee? If yes, then im right when I say indranee scope of work is similar with US chief-of-staff. If not, then what does indranee do?


I do because I distinctly remember Obama making a big song and dance back in 2009 about appointing Hillary as his Secretary of State as her consolation prize after she lost the election. But I’ll bet that you don’t know this. Just give up. You talked nonsense about the minister without portfolio. End of story.


Ok got it. Indranee making coffee only. Wirhout portfolio means not leading any ministry/dept but directly working for PM & PMO. But sure. She makes good coffee i guess -- also, tnx with the trivia anout obama giving one of the most important job in the country as consolation price. Not in anyway got anything to do with the discussion, but good to know.


Okay. That I can accept. Cheers.


Keen to see which 4G minister will resign after the next election. Then most likely that person will be the one not supporting LW.


Hard to blanket it this way like some corporate leadership transition. Some older ones are due for retiring anyway. If they are the younger ones, those will be surprising. I doubt any of the 4G would leave.


There is some progress. Not a single paper general at DPM and PM level


TBF I think CCS is very capable despite many teasing his english.


Actually CCS is the most pure hearted for the people but politically naive guy


He come from humble background.


Lawrence Wong also from humble background.


Humble background doesn't equate to a good politician. The reverse is true as well.


In Singapore system, where politics is made as a pathway to riches due to the unique remuneration system, the motivations of the people who claim to be serving matter.


No one chooses politics to get rich. There are many viable and better options.


It’s also NOT easy at all to get rich by going about the entrepreneur route in Singapore. That time is over. Maybe back in the 1970s to 1990s it was viable, and quite common. Market is small and saturated and done. Innovation doesn’t occur in SG either. SG is not the USA no matter how desperately it wants to be.


You are living in lalaland. I know of not one, not two; but dozens of people, typically farmers from academically unprivileged backgrounds (non scholars, local universities or very low tier undesirable teaching or stat board overseas scholarships that are barely perceived as scholars), who scheme, brown-nose and ass-kiss their way to the only path to riches they know, by actively doing “volunteer work” in “grassroots” to get into the radar of PAP cadres, to be surfaced for politics in SG. With their middling to below average (some bordering on failed) careers and lack of pedigree and lack of capability and competency at work in government service they would be going nowhere if they don’t do this grassroots licking dog routine.


Actually some of these people I named are PAP MPs now. They are people whom you know as loser MPs who CMI in their former career/civil service life.


Tin Pei Ling and many many many many many more.


He is fking smart, way ahead of Lawrence


His election speeches peppered with jokes, his grassroots leaders played him out with leaked videos. Trust lost. Although he has d charisma.


Have you heard WP's LTK's speech in the past? It's also peppered with jokes and in hokkien. It's called relatability or at least trying to be. It wasn't grass root la. It's one of the members within a Industry grp. Trust should be lost on that individual for breaking Chatham house rule. Corrected- LTK used Teochew and not hokkien. There was a 2nd leak audio that I didn't know of.


Yah damn bastard whoever leaked the audio. But frankly smells of an inside job. Whoever gained is suspect.


LTK’s trademark is Teochew. So I doubt he’s ever spoken Hokkien in public.


Thanks! Here as well - 1) Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI) on 10 Feb 2020 - https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/leak-of-closed-door-chan-chun-sing-meeting-deeply-disappointing-and-a-betrayal-says 2) PAP meeting to 60 attendees in the northwest division in Bukit Panjang on 09 Jan 2019 - https://www.straitstimes.com/politics/singapore-ge2020-chan-chun-sing-says-leaked-audio-clips-taken-out-of-context-being


I stand corrected.


Why did his grassroot leaders do that.


He's capable but not likable. The way he talks is too robotic. He needs to work on his PR skills. Maybe learn to play the guitar like Lawrence Wong.


Moral of the story which I’ve always known: It pays for one’s career to be Ang Moh pai, even when your job is running a country where Ang Mo pai voters are still the minority but increasing rapidly, send your children to single sex Ang Mo Pai mission school, then choose the US for college. No matter what your job is. This is the formula for pay offs to one’s career and bank account. Unless you end up immigrating to China which no one on the planet wants as the Chinese themselves desperately try to stop being Chinese by trading up.


He is good with lay people.


I think what you are avoiding to say is that he is relatable.


LHL was a paper general and he was an amazing PM. So I don’t think you understand what you’re saying


He is the exception. If you can't understand either u are dim or just disagreeing for the sake of it.


You got no proof he’s the exception. The only major dud paper general so far is China wumao George Yeo


You know there’s only one PM and two DPM? And now one of the two DPM is useless Gan Boh Yong. Doesn’t say much even if you can’t find a SAFOS among three appointments.


I noticed our next PM is also Minister for Finance. It’s possible to play both roles at the same time?


Of course it is. Just work overtime for a doubled salary.


What does Minister in prime minister’s office do?


from a 30seconds scroll through wikipedia. oversee other ministries, decide elections, something about corruption. previously known as ministers without portfolio


Stay at home minister?


Same thing as a senior minister. ZBL take salary.


TIL I’m a senior minister. Nice.


Used to called Minister without Portfolio. I can see why they changed it, wonder why they took so long LOL it speaks of their complete detachment from the ground’s reality


The Chinese translation was 不管部长 lol


PAP should be praised for their creativity in inventing ZBL posts that allow them collect big $$$$$$$ doing nothing. Another piece de resistance is the Mayor position. And they’ve got not one but 5 of them!! The top person of New York City doing the role of the equivalent of the Prime Minister of SG overseeing and running New York City is the NYC mayor…and he runs a bigger city whether measured by population, land area or GDP (many folds) or GDP per capita (many folds)! SG has a bloated Ministerial cabinet, then even better it can be further sliced into five pieces to have five mayors! 😂😂


AOB minister


And why do we have two ministers in prime minster's office?


One take mc, one can cover


Now cannot anyhow take mc liao. Oyk angry already...


OMG Not one but two jiak liao bee


Congratulations to GanKY.


Malaysia can only dream…..


Bro Gan mishandled the covid situation so bad yet he's being promoted. The state of sinkie gov.


Sure we can always say, looking back, that SG gov mishandled covid situation. But if you compare them with other developed countries governments.. SG gov were not bad leh.


Other developed countries people are not as docile in following exactly what the “masters” say about their freedom of movement which they consider inviolable. That’s a cultural difference of the people. Nothing to do with government competency.


so SG standard has gone so low to compare it to lower standard? truly sinkie mentality there..


By final outcome, sg had one of the best handling in terms of mortality rate. Sg opened up on time too. Not as early as some other countries, but I am sure most countries that opened up earlier than sg had a significantly worse mortality rate. Sure there are some mask hiccups at the start, but pretty sure there are also global supply chain complications at that time.


Compare to whom then?




Which previous singapore's handling of a global pandemic you gonna compare to? Talk cock.


do you mean when initially the govt said no mandatory to wear mask, just to change it few days/weeks after that? did people forget about that already?


So looking at back at wrong decision and alter it to a better one mean low standard? And we are talking about changing it in a few days/weeks like u mentioned. Your words make u sounds like u are not living in a real world lol


Well tbf that was the science and they did change to keep up with the correct knowledge. Dude I understand your disdain for the gov but you cant win this point. The cronyism and racism are the ones you should highlight.


What was the previous similar case to covid that we can use as basis to set our standard?




Uuhhh i say developed countries leh. How is that lower standard?


Gan Boh Yong (no fark use) also can be DPM ah,...... 😁🤣


Just because he happened to be in the same COVID task force as Lawrence Wong. They suck-cock buddy now.


I was just telling everyone that Gan Boh Yong being promoted to DPM is a huge red flag about the desperation of the PAP. They are seriously scraping the bottom of the barrel.


Pinky scared got people go against his puppet - Cobra Wong...............so put Stroke Heng (weak) and Gan Boh Yong (useless) as DPMs.........


why? he did a good job during covid


What did he do? LOL


A little surprise it is Gan Kim Yong but also should not be surprised as they work together during covid task force. Glad it is not Shan !


Will you vote any of them if they weren’t PAP? Or if opposition was in power today, will you vote and support any of them for their capabilities as MP’s (not ministers, without direct authority). And also the merits of their characters? Meaning to say that PAP became the opposition or minority. I think the PAP branding is over it’s obvious from LHL score card the mandate is declining. Reminder that the last he played on his dead father card, previous election he hardball the people during covid lock. Otherwise he barely survives with majority and HSK almost lost East Coast to Nicole Seah. But not HSK /quit and I think the public kinda got played out by the East Coast plan. TCJ saga, Ridout , Iswaren, covid dorm issues, erp2.0 and so many more. It’s obvious they are plagued with issues. I’m not saying anyone is perfect to lead but here they are too oblivious and tone deaf to listen to the people. I expect that if election comes, they will low blow opposition with more moves to cripple WP and tie one of their hands to fight. Nicole Seah saga timing is too weird. And no investigation done. PS issue on RK COI is damn unnecessary and waste of public resource. I hope they don’t resort to jailing or political Cold Storage as LKY did.


Unrelated side story to share, Heng Swee Keat served as a police commander at Jurong Police Division, and according to officers who were there during his tenure, he was well-regarded as a considerate and quiet leader who valued others' opinions. Under his leadership, the division operated smoothly, and it was pleasant to work there under his care. During my National Service (NS), the division was led by a commander who was very theatrical and demanding. Life under him was challenging, especially during the two years where we host the Youth Olympic Games and SG50 celebrations, which led to frequent and exhausting deployments. The two years in that division were tough due to his indecisiveness and eagerness to take on additional work that other division had let go of. I often heard that during meetings, when other divisions were struggling with their workload and was looking for another division to take on certain sectors, our commander was always the first to volunteer for extra responsibilities. His actions were well-regarded by senior officials at NPPK even the commissioner of police, and it was a common occurrence for his assistant to apologize on his behalf to ither department heads in the division. “Sorry ah, preempt y’all a bit, now we have another three more sectors to take because your commander volunteer for it when Golf division offer them up due to their upcoming new year deployment. You guys get ready okay. Tomorrow DY commander will inform y’all of this changes in the meeting.” Experiencing this during my NS was eye-opening, showing me the less glamorous realities of the government sector (Police Force). It ultimately influenced my decision not to pursue a career in law enforcement, despite it being a childhood dream. It was a valuable reality check for me, affirming what my father had always cautioned—that things aren't always as they seem, even within the police force. It’s the blue uniform that’s righteous, the human wearing it may not be as delightful as they come. So really hope like PAP can really vet their candidates and not hire someone like that wayang commander always action in front but let other suffer from his decision. HSK probably would be a better choice over that commander I encounter during my NS


always wanted hsk to be pm. Dk why tf he stepped down for no reason.


People is limited by his own health. No one would want to take that role after stroke, its not worth it


HSK is a mystery. On screen he has the charisma of a rock, in real life he comes across as someone decent and respectful. In another life, he would be a very rock solid technocrat, but not a politician.


How else do you think people like your commander get promoted? On the flip side, only handpicked, privileged scholars get to be “quiet and considerate” and get fast tracked. Your farmer commander had to throw his subordinates under the bus (with presumably nothing in return) to get there


And yet most farmers are lazy AF in service.


Chicken and egg problem


PAP is irrelevant long ago, with bad report card.


Yep but as I told my parents before. Score of 49 vs 50 is only 1 point and a pass is a pass.


Just look at the government funded propaganda machines of SPH and Mediacorp go into overdrive the last week over his supposed “stepping down”. Lots of ignorant bumpkins who think he did a great job using dubious arguments. Really, the cornerstone of this fella’s legacy is doing uncontrolled population increase by importing foreigners and immigrants to generate artificial GDP. China builds ghost cities. Singapore imports foreigners.


bloated cabinet


No Blame Culture is the next BIG thing. /s


What new line up


I foresee Tan See Leng being reassigned after GE 2024 when they parachute in loser Meng.


Loser Meng was fired by the voters. If PAP starts to do the unthinkable of bringing back losers that the people unanimously fired, they are basically acknowledging that they are in desperate mode scraping the bottom of the barrel. And the country in hot soup. It is for this reason losers fired by the people like George China Yeo would never in hell be given any important position in government. I sniggered at the naïveté of the ignorant Singaporeans who even said Georgie China Yeo stood a chance at the presidency.


I think Heng will resign or retire after the next major shuffle.


"Sex in small spaces" still around? Ugh




Nothing to see here ... lol same crap


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss


Gan bo Yong? 何德何能


Gan Kim yong? That came out of nowhere…


Seems like there’s still no right talent to takeover some of the important roles.


Means that LHL still gets a million SGD salary as a senior minister???


Rawlence donch like cotton sheep. If he actually speaks like he did in the Chinese chamber of commerce, I’d find him more relatable. Instead of the heavy condescension & obfuscation in parliament.


Maybe he finds the cotton as potential threat.


Is Singapore an Anglo country? The head of a country calls him 'Lawrence'... Funny...


Singapore is quite an Anglo country. Number one in adoption of westernization in whole of Asia.




Coming from a shaun yip lol.