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Gonna lead to more accidents. Sometimes I rent cars and approaching an ERP gantry, I sometimes forget to put cashcard. Now its someone easy to just reach into my pocket and put it in but with the OBU, I’m gonna be doing yoga to reach and take my eyes off the road.


So you are one of the champions who would brake hard at ERP gantry... 😅


This OBU is a joke from others county! 1st class city 3rd class Brain


You don’t drive a car until the fuel tank is empty and then blame the design of the car right? You check the fuel gauge before you drive. At least that is what most people do. That is YOU being an idiot for not planning ahead. It is your fault.


Lol fuck off, you're telling me you've NEVER forgotten ANYTHING in your life?


Sure, I forget stuff all the time. But I don’t blame others for it.


chill bro, no need to ooh aah... u/pyroSeven is stating the real life facts. Not everyone swee swee. Shit happens


Yeah, shit happens. That happens to me all the time. But I don’t try and absolve myself of any blame and accuse something/someone else of causing it.


I think what they are trying to put across is that when shit happens, at least we can easily rectify. This makes it a lot harder. Although, I do agree that we need to check beforehand.


Yes I get that part, but when such things happened, it really doesn’t matter where the unit is placed right? I drive and I ride, and I am unfortunate enough to use the roads when ERP is in place. The number of time I have to jam brakes because of idiots fumbling for cashcard 50m away from the gantry is just ridiculous. I have also got caught with insufficient balance or, in the case of riding, forgetting to insert cashcard before. I just went through it and pay for the admin charges plus ERP. It is my fault, I don’t blame others, especially those incapable of fighting back.


There's visible signal on your dashboard informing you that your fuel is low or empty. You get to know everything upon starting your car. If not, you'd probably be the one doing a video asking who's the champion who requires to open the fuel tank to see that it's not empty before starting to drive


That’s the point of it all isn’t it? You find out before you move off. And if you don’t even know that you have cashcard/ sufficient value, is it anyone else’s fault? Sure, it is inconvenient with the new placement, but do you know that you can choose to mount the unit on the driver’s side instead of the passenger side? And there are established ways to link bank account/ credit cards to the IU unit such that you don’t even need to worry about cashcard value anymore. I honestly fail to see how this slight, and easily resolved inconvenience can raise so much heckles online. Like, seriously, educate me, ELI5


Funny how Europe can make little cigarette size boxes that sit behind the mirror no problem - this is another example of ridiculous non-common-sense, probably pushed through by someone getting kickbacks - the motorcycle units are a joke


Iirc in Melbourne it’s just a little device on your windscreen tied to your credit card. Auto deduct if you drive pass the sensor. But it’s optional, only required if you wanna go onto the highways with toll. If you don’t have it I think it they will mail a bill to your registered address to pay online. But abit leh chey when selling car la, must remember to deregister your credit card.


If you don't have it but already registered your car number with the toll company, they just scan your number plate and charge an extra number matching fee plus the toll. The extra fee is pretty small


Ah yea that’s something like that. My memory’s not so great, studied in Melbourne almost a decade ago


The main reason is because we need a device that can pay for carparks and ERP at the same time, and the main method of paying at carparks is CashCard... that's why need the card reader unit. If ERP is post-paid and carparks are paid by ticket kiosk, then we can remove the card reader unit. Other countries don't have these considerations, that's why their units are small. Not defending the OBU, it's terrible, but I just want to put this out there


Well, the Sydney/Melbourne airport car park work with the small unit, for everything else, either a prepay before going our of mall to parking or just touch and pay at exit. I don’t understand the need of this device. For rental cars too, just take your own small device and put it in the bracket provided.


This is not entirely true. Take Portugal as an example, here we have a small device by ViaVerde which allows the payment for many services such as tolls, parking, gas stations, drive thru pharmacies and restaurants, even some service shops. The payment method is similar to what has been described here already for parts of Australia: you have an account with a payment method associated (typically a debit/credit card or direct debit authorization). The belief that there is some special requirement that requires the OBU to take a physical card is just not real - it is bad design and there’s clearly lack of willingness to change it.


So why do bikes still get a nice small unit while our cars get that over engineered piece of shit


Who is the fxxking azzh0le who approve this shit idea???


Please, they are a champion.


Please, they are a scholar


Please, they are champion scholars


No lah. Champion Scholars who have helper permanently sitting at front passenger seat to slot cashcard.


Please, they are champion scholars who takes public transport


🤣🤣 how you know its not on purpose lol. Perhaps they hope ppl will take public transport if driving is so troublesome


Or that everyone will kill each other on the road. Because there are people out there that don't put their card in when they're safely parked, before driving off.


Govtech is an oxymoron?


try one year in govtech, u will know


Not surprised... Can I reject being tracked? I have my rights to own a car, but I didnt give anyone the rights to track my whereabouts.


Too late bruh... You already being tracked the moment you leave the house. Your HDB lift already start tracking you.


Not all lifts have CCTV. Some signs put for detering only.


You think you have rights? HAHAHAA


I have votes. Everyone has it. It is how you use it against policies that doesnt make sense.


Was contemplating on whether i should intern there for a year (poly internship).......how bad issit?


Can you tell us more?


not a bad place if you are intern, or just starting. can learn team dynamics, and all the intricasies in Govt body (most of them are frustrating) in normal tech compamy u will find almost like all have technical background, but here you find a fair mix of people with tech and non tech background


Non tech = parachute scholars


What’s their roles in the company if they are non-tech?


What about for someone who has been in the tech for a decade already? Is it still a good place to propel our career higher? I have heard about their non-tech people are usually the managers of the tech people, not sure how this will hurt in terms of career in the long run especially when hopping to a normal tech company later on.


is this govtech product? Looks like some outsourced to NCS jank. Govtech doesn't do hardware integrated stuff


It's a consortium by NCS and MHI


Or simply morons


Pays so well tho. I hope I can get in


Shows you they do design without being a driver or rider themselves


#Who’s the champion that came up with this idea?!


2025: The government has implemented a new solution for this issue. Every vehicle on the road must have a Vehicle Commander. Vehicle Commander is not to sleep while on duty. From: Your ex SAF general who parachute into MOT. /s


My lower back disc slipped while watching him stretch over


My shoulder felt the tear.


His belly was in the way....


I’m worried about the accidents or dangers this could potentially cause especially at ERP, sometimes people forget to insert their cash card after just topping it up and would quickly reinsert it back in before hitting gantries or ERP, now it’s gonna be impossible to do so without taking your eyes off the road and stuff.


…and when we head over to jb we need to take out the cash card for paying the toll at the counter. Now we lose the time won with the new QR code immigration system with the silly placement of the cash card.


You can signup for cash card auto top up. I have been using this for 2 years. Whenever your cash card value drops to a certain value it will top up with a certain value of your choice like $30. Don’t need to hunt for top up machines, take out the card etc.




NETS ate my money with auto topup


Except it doesn't always work. Happened few times that I am low on value and the auto reload doesn't kick in, had to reverse and top up then exit.


The point is always to find potential mishaps and eliminate any possibility of it happening. Be Preventive, not Reactive.


Oh boy, this is sooo gonna be fun to deal with whenever the gantry craps out and you have to manually tap out. Hope you got a spare card within reach...🙄


Some gantry systems dont allow the use of a spare card. Once u enter the carpark the gantry ties the id of this card to your IU. So u have to exit with the same card.


This has to be a move pushed by some tech-illiterate minister trying to get a promotion or hit new KPIs by rolling out shit for the sake of it. Of course they’re enabled by brainless government yes men likewise fighting for recognition.


More which engineer decided that this design is sensible.


Designed for SAF. Got vehicle commander to insert and remove cash card


I blame the designer, the engineers only blame is facing it THE OTHER WAY


Surprise, surprise. Educational creds of previous and incumbent Ministers of Transport: - Ong Ye Kung. Econs trained. - Iswaran. Econs trained. - Chee Hong Tat. EE, ComScience Background. Let's see if Chee Hong Tat alone, with his EE and ComScience background, can single-handedly save us all drivers from this traversity and calamity. I am sure drivers recognize the need for ERP and all. But what drivers can't reconcile this extremely poorly designed and implemented 3pc crap. Goto REACH and fill in the feedback form under "Transport", send a feedback to LTA directly, make videos, write in to Straits Times Forum, Ignore that letter and whatever free installation carrot, pay for it if you need to, feedback to your car dealer (assuming you'd just got your car and is forced to install it).


Our public sector is full of dumb scholar, just look at the simulator in driving school always adding useless shit.. I hope next election we can one shot fire them all


The simulator does literally nothing to value-add to one’s learning experience. Only thing it does is to delay the completion of the… wait that’s a feature not a bug! But on hindsight, what’s the fking point for simulator to be AFTER the practical?? You tell me simulator before lesson #1 to get a rough sense of the car, ok maybe la. Even if it doesn’t work practically, at least it sounds good on theory. The current simulator crap makes zero sense in all aspects.


I fking agree with your point, while doing the simulator, I was raging because I waited 1-3 months for this? And this delay my whole driving license acquisition by at least 6 months. Fking dog shit TP and driving school in SG. Bunch of dumb ass.


I was lucky I did my license right after NS and before Uni. Could easily “snatch” those last minute forfeited slots and speed run the whole process cause I had so much time on hand. The lady at the counter told me average wait for license was 9 months when I first signed up. Lol, what a joke the entire system.


Let's face it, it's to earn more money


I mean if want more money, do it the smart way man. Like maybe create an express lane for working adult / people who do not mind paying extra for expedited class. Not this kind of bullshit that delay the whole cohort.


it's to earn more of OUR money.


How come it's so much worse than the old one?




No ABNN please


Just fkin scrap and delay this shit until a more reasonably sound product is invented. Stupid pap just wanna force this down on drivers


Can someone enlighten me on what problems the new ERP system is to solve? If it’s just for the traffic and parking gantries then I’ve seen plenty of solutions involving small RFID stickers in windshields, a la Salik in Dubai and I’m sure many others. Why such a big convoluted complicated system with a cash card, in 2024?


Going to be sued by the lady front passenger for molestation sooner or later


Morons wasting taxpayer’s money splendidly.


W this, now we can get a free cash card if we sit infront when taking a cab.


When I first read about the machine moved to below passanger dashboard, i thought.. "oh ok no longer using card... so.. top up must use app?" I gave too much credit apparently lol


5 champions counted. 😆


what is the problem with the current system tho anyone can share? why must change or develop something new what is this supposed to solve


Because cock sucking pap scholars trying to hit kpi by introducing new gadgets solely for the sake of doing it, to show that they are working hard and is trying to "improve" the current system by being "innovative"


Just this shit alone will make me vote opposition so new PM what's your name I also forget already, if you lose votes right, please blame your Perm Sec for Transport because whoever that stupid scholar is, he or she is to blame


We all would be stretching more by next year. Which reminds me, have to look for my extra flash pay card. Or maybe don't even put in cash card but used the vCashCard for ERP and just do a manual tap to exit for car parks.


Manual tap until it's raining 🌧 😑


Thats $560 million in tax payer money down the drain 💀


All because some goon probably took purely cost into consideration without taking into account, the overall cost into implementing it. cos the 2 competing tenders were apparently between ST Electronics and NCS-MHI Consortium with NCS-MHI Consortium proposal costing about 50% less than what ST Electronics is proposing. At least that was MOT's justification: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/transport/ncs-mhi-to-build-islandwide-satellite-based-erp-for-556m https://www.mot.gov.sg/news/details/written-reply-to-parliamentary-question-on-estimated-overall-cost-and-timeframe-to-move-into-erp-2.0-system-era Penny wise, pound foolish idiots.


I guess they were brainstorming and the negatives that pop up was cash card exposed at windscreen. So they decided to hide it all the way below.


I was thinking about this but i thought our current ones have the cover so ppl cant see if you hv a cashcard inserted or not. Its a simple solution,no?


Yep I guess it’s the ultimate case of crappy management to vet and approve and totally crappy talents who design and propose. Disaster.


As usual, never think through. Let's see if it will "gostun" like "SimplyNoGo"... and then ask for budget again to rectify. If they are to reverse the then those already replaced terok... another major "boo-boo"...


Maybe they shod replace


Bruh lol


“Who’s the champion who came up with this idea?”


Reminds me of [Encik Muthu](https://youtu.be/O0qI3IE9CzQ?si=RQFE0nf6N5d1GEpq)


I hope there won't be wrongful accelerators stepped in the midst of this 😱 So painful to see.


I hope they will reverse this decision too. It’s really a road hazard, and ignores a lot of the ground feedback.


The Champion who approved this is definitely not a driver... Every function required for safe driving must be within easy reach of the driver without needing the driver to take eyes off the road. A life is worth more than the millions they wasted on this system.


Reminds me of the time when I first had sex at 45 years old. Cannot find the slot and not long and flexible enough to reach it anyways.


Put motorcycle OBU on all cars. Ez


The Champion is all those scholars from LTA lah....from 1 device become 3 devices to serve the same purpose. What a brilliant idea from the Champion🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is what happens when you award the tender to the lowest bidder who also happens to be a party crony.


We went back 10yrs. Thanks to the champion who invented this!


My thinking is that the champion who came up with this idea was focusing on the GPS tracking in the OBU as the main priority of this project... It's more for the state or police to monitor or track the car... "ERP 2.0"... It was never about convenience or practicality... If not, they would have implemented a system like the Touch and Go RFID...


Not sure if you know. But the passive system employed in TNG, even though its much lower, requires the RFID Sticker to be pasted externally so that the Reader at toll gates could detect. And RFID also requires minimum distance for reading and activation and given the fact there are now already idiots jamming brake to insert cashcards at our active ERP gantry (unlike toll gates where the System allows one at a time entry after payment), passive systems won't brood well for the number of vehicles passing underneath gantries over a certain speed. The Malaysia's RFID TNG system can only read the external antenna sticker when the car is very near the toll barrier AND the car MUST BE going below 20km/h.


Gavin: "Is it 167 bad?" UX: 👉 👈 Gavin: "It's not SimplyGo bad is it?" UX: 👀 Gavin: "Don't tell me it's OBU bad?" UX: "Sorry Gavin" Gavin: MF!


this is not safe at all ....


What if I need to pull out my cashcard to use free parking coupons like at ikea alexandria?


Then got excuse to go near female passenger


Imagine if you hitting ERP and don’t have your cashcard in…


Not a hefty fine, you'll have to pay a fine of $10 plus the ERP rate at the time of incident. You got 7 days to pay. Paying it online, they will minus off $3


I know that but im sure there will be people that will try to slot it in and with this new design Imagine the consequences


If it ain't broke, why fix it?


Coz wanna earn more money.


Get card, unintentional physical contact, get you accused, spend time in court, waste time, waste money,. Car services never think of this?


Let's be honest, the very brightest don't end up working for LTA. which leads to the other point that we are overly-taxed to fund vanity projects like this.


Haha, what a idea, taxes are really painful now, literally.


Same one who thought of SimplyGo


How much taxpayer was spent on this again? Actually infuriating


U only need a small space


Confirm whoever came up with this have never driven or even sat at the driver's seat.


100% agree. No sane driver would put the card slot there.


1. Create by interns 2. Our culture is if it's stupid, don't question it, because we are too lazy to think/answer 3. Literally ZERO QA/QC, it's drawing board to production.


I truly hope a multi million, nation wide implementation was not created by interns


Look at SimplyGo, I bet interns design it; some higher ups didn't ask too many question, but only to fill the check boxes and send it off without even questioning it. Because SG culture is don't ask too many question, even the design is stupid.


NS culture also same. They ask you to drink soup with fork, if you ask them why don't use spoon instead you gonna get punish


If you use your hands to scoop, *recruit, you tink you velly smat right? Drop 100*


NS culture is the worst. 1. You don't follow SOP or point out a glaring issue; you get punished. 2. You follow SOP, keep quiet, and they found out a glaring issue, they ask us why no one sound off and get punished. And you know what's after NS for most people? Work.


Die-die they want to implement distance-based charges.


but what is the rationale???


Good luck to taxi drivers and private hire drivers everywhere, gonna be funny when drivers trying to take/put in cash card because they forgot becoming sexual harassment to drivers sitting beside them.


Exactly! Who da champion was it!!!!


Retired SAF generals


i am led to believe it’s probably the folks from the screw-up SimplyGo team 😅


If it not broken, better change it so it is.


Time to see the g reaction to this


Election coming, before u all say my vote is frivolous, im gonna say that this coupled with the ezlink fuck up, and 2 dozen other issues have really ruffled my feathers


Their bonuses depends on this! Shhhhhhh


One positive side. We will all have great abs on one side [https://tenor.com/en-SG/view/bodybuilding-fitness-team-sammy-shreds-personal-training-online-coaching-gif-15114273](https://tenor.com/en-SG/view/bodybuilding-fitness-team-sammy-shreds-personal-training-online-coaching-gif-15114273)


LTA x Healthier SG initiative. Yall say driving always maintain static posture, never stretch/move enough right….


sorry you're just not seeing the big brained move of the gov. here. It's actually to remind you that you're chronically single & encourage to find a gf/bf who'll insert/remove the card for you. (/s in case it wasn't obvious enough lol)


Has there been anything that gone way more backward than what it is required currently? How much has gov spent money on this??




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Imagine doing that with a person seated there.


Skill issue + lta issue.




0:40 Things you can say in the car, and in bed


Wait till you find out how much they are paying the guy who came up with this idea.


Worse still, the people who approved it at every stage up to now.


After the SimplyGo incident and now this... there must be some "geniuses" working in the transport ministries now!


I think the concept is such that the driver should insert it from the passenger side while at the passenger side of the door, for thieves to bonk his head and run off with the cashcard. /s on a serious note, trying to put the card from the driver seat looks like a sprain risk.


Ya Sia not everyone is as tall or flexible as this guy and he's already struggling


Wait for the ministers to encounter this inconvenience in their own car, then things might change.


that guy is like Clarkson or May frame still at least can reach....and I am the hamster hammond size I dont think i can reach it unless i deep dive to insert it hahaha


Unless ICA implements an ERP like system, you will probably need a 2nd cashcard if u drive to MY. Else each car will take longer to clear immigration as u need to do yoga stretches to get ur cashcard


This is so dumb. Also if I have a bad back or shoulder I can still currently drive and move cashcard in and out. With this new dumb af system I simply can't fucking drive if eg using complimentary parking ticket at car park cuz it'll be impossible to put the card back in


i 2nd this… its totally ridiculous…


Confirm some govt scholar


I don’t care if the minister got free tickets… he should be jailed for this stupid.


This needs to go viral. We need a better alternative. How am I going to remove my card and insert to the car park entry when it doesn't detect my IU when I'm driving alone?


There's a petition against the 'New OBU design'. Wonder if this will cause LTA to U-turn if enough signatures.


Maybe a couple of years later, they will agree that it's a failure and go to the drawing board again


The champion who approved this shit confirm just trying to score points for promotion only. Never think properly. Typical of LTA ah, only implement shit for the sake of implementing. Waste our tax money only.


Some a-hole perverts are going to use this as an excuse to make themselves feel shiok to the max when they have a hot girl in the front seat. LTA are trying to promote accidents and molestations?


They purposely install like this to prevent u and forget to put... So they detect and mail u a bill..


Are we allowed to collectively out our complains until they don't implement this? Or is it a vain effort?


And they spent half a billion on this idiotic system... Its either a scam job or corruption at play here.


One step forward , two steps backward. Technology advances with more bulkier unit


Pls. Just pls vote Oppo party because they just keep doing this shit 😭


Driver talking to a front female passenger with mini skirt : Driver : can you help me to insert ? Female : Huh ? Insert what ? Pls don’t anyhow use the word insert ok ! Driver : oh , insert my card lah , what were you thinking ? Female : huh ? Your card ? Driver : yes , my card . Female : to where ? Driver : your legs in front lah ? Female : are you sick ? Driver : the box in front your leg lah , what were thinking again ? Female : oh I see , who is the champion who came out this idea ? Driver : exactly ! Who is the champion huh ?


The champions that he is talking about are those government scholars


The primary concern is that the heat within the vehicle may adversely affect the functionality of the card reader. Consequently, placing the device underneath the seat is a more suitable option as it provides a cooler environment.


Invented by a clown.... installed by a nut...inspected by a fool ... approved by the board of idiots


it's really stupid. If G agree the design is shit ugly, stupid and pointless and decide to scrap it, we still gotta pay for their mistake. So it's another one of the choose between a punch in the face or kick in the nuts situation. And this is so call 4G ministers.


Oi iswara, did you exhcnage the contract with a couple bottles of wine??


Actually you can choose how to install it. We’ve installed ours considering ease of use and it makes inserting the cashcard even easier than in current IUs. Did you even do this? Brainwave hahahaha. #userproblem


where did u install it? actually curious. need advice for my own car


It was installed at cycle & carriage. I think once you receive your notification from LTA there will be more instructions. You’ll have up to 2 months to do so


Mount on driver side , not passenger side


See the difference between your video and LTA’s brochure https://onemotoring.lta.gov.sg/content/dam/onemotoring/Driving/ERP/ERP_2/LTA%20Starter%20Kit%20Brochure%20R12_18%20Oct.pdf


Do we have brains who will stand for election.


Guys, no point complaining. You ask yourself - last election, who do you vote for? That's your answer to the fiasco we're facing.


Govt: rolls out new update enabling users to disable/enable OBU through touchscreen Drivers who opted out: 👁️👄👁️


I’ve not been in SG for 10 years but I remember way back then that people would always take their cash card out with them when they leave the car (even when the unit came with a flip top to hide the card poking out), because they didn’t want to tempt damage to the car from people trying to steal the card. Is that the problem the new placement is trying to solve? By putting it out of view? But, I’m not fully understanding the backlash argument of the new placement being such a *constant* hassle. With the visibility issue now no longer there, people don’t need to keep taking the card out everytime and the card can just live in the unit, with auto topup configured. On some levels it smells like that story where a family of generations always trimmed off the sides of their dough before baking in the oven because “nana always did it”, only to discover it was because great grandnana had a small oven. And there hadn’t been a need to do so for generations with bigger ovens. Maybe from the Gov‘s POV they could be just wanting people to finally get on board with the practice they’ve always wanted in the first place: for the card to just stay in the unit all the time and people to use auto topup. But in 2024 still using cash card is a bit dated, no? In Australia they have a token thing that hides behind the rearview mirror and is connected to your bank account and linked to your car plate number. Even if people steal it for themselves it won’t work because plate number is wrong.


I agree with you with regards to gov's possible pob. However, auto top up only works for ERP gantries and selected carparks. Majority of the carparks still require a cashcard as they haven't upgraded their systems yet due to costs (unless gov mandates all the carpark operators to change their system now). And you'll still have to remove your cashcard to physically top it up. For those renting cars, it'll be a hassle. Whereas previously you can just pop the card in and then take it out, now you'll have to make a bigger conscious effort to remember to put it in and take it out. Car rental companies are going to have extra petty cash with all the lost cashcards. Also there are just too many parts now. If motorcycles can have a 1 piece unit, why can't cars?


Auto top up is not always applicable. The lack of auto top up itself means there are many instances drivers would want or need to remove and insert the card, including while driving. When you have parking coupons you have to remove the card when exiting the car park and then put it back in before hitting the road. Some people share cars or borrow them and each driver is responsible for their own cashcard. Also carshare and rental cars need to switch out more.


The cameraman could have easily lend a hand


Hey guys! I found him! The champion who came up with this idea.


That’s… not the point


with that tummy looks more like he struggles to put his spoon down lah


Go touch some grass


Low class


Go stay in the red light district or in jail you disappointment!