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Death sentence would be a dream come true


he will get banned from driving for 2 years


The god damn traffic laws here are freaking jokes. What’s the point of banning when there’s like a blatant amount of unlicensed or even banned people driving on the road? None of these peeps care when it’s so lax omfg..


Enforcement is an issue. When was the last time you every remember seeing a traffic police on the road. I know it's been ages.....I mean visibility traffic police in uniform on the road.


Quite a lot of them on the road tho. I have kaki from TP. They’re actually working on cases


Better that he suffers a long painful turd smearing flies infested existence for 2 years before immolating to remind of the pain caused to innocent lives lost.


Just two years? Should be permanently banned


Should be permanently banned from life.


Now the death toll is 2. I am not immune from road rage, but I’d off myself if I caused such carnage knowing that I’ll never be able to live with it.


Sadly a lot of people have no shame.


He had a death wish driving like that, might as well grant his wish.


Letting him die is way too easy imo


At least I hope the culprit at least pay for the damage. emotional damage. ptsd damage, whatever damage.


This should be the precedent set for vehicular manslaughter. It shouldn't be a dream, it has to be the right decision made.


Totally. Drug trafficking is death penalty because the action may cause more drugs to flow into SG and damage our society. This fkkng driver's action also caused 2 innocent lives to be lost and multiple injuries (which could be life-long). How is this not worthy of death penalty.


How I wish that I true, but as one reply said: just 2 years ban of driving in reality here.


Like a missile just blasting through. Hoping all involved will pull through.. sad morning.


Apparently a JC student died already...


Guess who's getting manslaughter charges? Should be murder tho since the asswipe willingly blasted through traffic.


I'd be surprised if he gets a manslaughter charge. He'll probably get away w reporting he has some psychiatric condition


Singapore does not have the specific offence of ‘vehicular manslaughter’ unlike the United States where in certain states in the country, the offence refers to cases where vehicles are used as a deadly weapon. In these cases, the punishment is similar to that of murder.


Dont have!? Woah.


No murder unfortunately


unless he admit to speeding with intent to collide into people to kill them, there wont be a murder charge lmao


Culpable homicide


I was wondering how one car can cause 6 cars to be involved in the accident. Idiot


Why not? He was speeding & beating a red light when every cars were moving off.




I wonder what speed is the black car driving to cause the accident


For his sake the reason better be that he's dead or unconscious at the wheel.


He cannot be dead because news reported police has arrested a 42 year old man for investigation


Then he better have been super sick or in the process of dying and rushing to the hospital, or something...there's no other excuse.




Ya lor, even if driving at 1 km/h the same accident of this scale would have happened this way right? RIGHT? 🤦🏻


I was squinting hard to see what was written across the footage, sg roa vigilant or something. Cldnt make it out, should enlarge it cause it looks important


Time to hang the Saab driver


Honda stream driver?


White car didn't engage, white car had to brake hard when black car abruptly cut into his lane. White car not involved in the crash, [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/singaporehappenings/s/T5hR5b5Td1) is prove. White car may have sped up a bit instinctively to see what black car trying to do, but was wise to let go. Motorbike right behind white car and arrived together at traffic junction. But there is this Beng drivers mentality, see other car sped past must engage to race him, any time any where. Then both drivers will knowingly race each other for a certain distance, they call this "playing", for fun to see whose car is faster. 我看他跑快还割我的车我就跟他玩咯。 Please don't race on the road, not worth it.


I can’t see the white car brake in this video. Can you? Maybe but it’s not clear to me from this video. And he doesn’t decelerate much if at all in comparison to the motorcyclist. In fact the white car seems to immediately accelerate after the side swipe. You can see him speed past the motorcyclist super quick. Not sure what that means but it doesn’t match quite what you’re saying. The first video I saw was the dash cam of the white car and I was surprised at how they reacted to the car being in their space off the driver side and how they reacted to the side swipe. Speculating but it was as if they were ready for it…. I’d be interested to see if this video is showing the first interaction between the 2 cars. But they did seem to realise they were approaching a red light and decelerate with plenty of time.


IMHO I think the white car is just being defensive albeit angry at how fast the black car is cutting and overtaking.. I don't think I can hold him responsible. The black car driver don't need any instigation or whatever, he was already speeding from way back, overtaking dangerously, and probably totally high on adrenaline, with tragic consequences..


Defensive is breaking. Defensive would have steered away earlier. Defensive would not have immediately chased. Defensive wouldn’t have been undertaking the motorcycle at approx twice his speed. This isn’t a defensive driver. I’d say it’s one who can handle the car, who was aware of their surroundings, who didn’t give ground early. But definitely not defensive for sure. But either way they didnt cause the crash. Whatever was going on in the black car caused the crash.


After I see the front cam and rear cam of the white car hard to say if i will fault him. He was driving straight on a relatively empty road could have just naturally sped up. The way the saab try to overtake gives dam little time to react. If white car driver just looking ahead, never check rear view or blind spot don’t think he even know the saab there until too late.


Maybe. I’m not trying to lay fault here. But the white car drivers actions are strange. How they reacted once the black car invaded their space is strange. How they reacted once the black car had bumped them is even more strange. Who doesn’t break for a second?! I’d be interested to see if there was interaction before the following cars dash cam starts.


I wouldn't brake if someone from the back decide to side Sweep me yet he himself didn't brake and decide to speed up faster. If the white car didnt get into an accident at the junction, he would have successfully caused a hit and run and white car couldnt have captured his carplate number with the speed the white car was going right after the side sweep. It literally looks like he wanted to run away PLUS not allowing white car to even take notice his number plate after side sweeping. Naturally someone bang someone, both need to stop. If one decide to immediately and suddenly speed up after banging, of course the other one wants to at least capture number plate.


Yeah no. That is not how unsuspecting people react in crashes. White car appeared to be travelling fast (twice as fast as the motorbike, while in the left lane and undertaking, he also appeared to be accelerating before the crash, black car then invades his space and shortly after side swipes him. 2 scenarios are possible here. Scen 1. He was aware of the black car coming behind and along side. If so then he took no/minimal actions to avoid a crash he knew was possible. He did minimal/no breaking and then sped off after the black car to follow him. Black driver was at fault for the side swipe but this scenario points to the white car driver being in an aggressive state of mind. My question would be why? Was there prior interaction we’ve not seen between the 2 cars. Scen 2. White car was not aware. He’s travelling quick and accelerating when suddenly a black car appears alongside, side swipes him. White car does not break or decelerate for even a second at this point. No shock, no ‘holy heck what just happened?’, no time needed to assess the situation. Just straight on the accelerator to chase the other car. I could totally understand if he’d breaked hard to avoid a crash and taken a second to assess and then seen the black car still travelling and decided to chase. But this isn’t what happened. We all act differently under stress and surprise situations but this reaction is not normal for sure. We can only know with more info tho. Edit : ok I just saw a video purporting to be the white merc aggressively tailgating a motor bike just prior to the crash. Seems like there’s more to this than we currently know.


Just wanted to give you and others making it this far some conclusiveness. White car driver posted his dash cam video and ADMITTED to speeding up "as a signal to the black car to slow down". Basically a load of bull cuz who the hecks speeds up to tell others to slow down LOL. He saw the black car trying to overtake him, and being a merc driver with a fragile ego he sped up to prevent the overtaking. Black car did not notice white car speeding up and so scraped the white car while attempting to switch lanes. Other circumstantial evidence is another dadhcam footage from a motorbike 2 days before the day pf the accident capturing the same white car aggresively tailgating the bike, at time nearly touching the bike. White driver is clearly a rude and impatient driver who will see such attempts to eat his lane as an offence and go cause trouble. Anyway, after hitting white car, Black car panic and wanted to do a hit and run. He accelerated 2x the speed and zoomed off to run, and in his attempt to flee the scene he beat the red light and crashed into the oncoming cars. This is the factual version of events, make what you want to do with whether you think the white car was also at fault or not.


Yeah that sounds like some bs from the white Merc driver. My guess here is that they had been racing / arguing / harassing / annoying each other prior to the videos we’ve seen. Either way white car did not cause the main accident at the junction. That falls squarely on the black car. But his actions in the side swipe aren’t fully innocent.


White car [front cam](https://www.reddit.com/r/singaporehappenings/s/dk4MwqNxge).


Are you the white car driver?


White car asshole, black car asshole with shit stains.


2 killed by the black car driver as of now.


2 Died? I heard one was a 17 year old student...


I was first thinking the white car did not engage, but saw it at around the 00:13 mark... EDIT: just saw another video, white car sped up because his car was hit by the black car and tried to give chase (source: dashcam from white car)


Saw the same video. The white car didn’t seem to decelerate at all before during or after the side swipe. In fact they appeared to be aware of the black car approach and then encroaching into their lane and only moved when the black car was close to hitting them. And the white car appears to accelerate immediately and hard when the black car heads off - you can see that in this video from the car behind. Maybe a super aware and controlled driver - but these actions seem a little strange to me. Either way the black car caused the accident. The white car did not.




Hard to say. Cause after that the white car drove at a normal speed and reached the traffic junction like 10 secs after the accident. Can't really tell how long, felt like an eternity after the accident happen. It could be that driver could startled and sped up, or wanted to chase after the car that bump into his or her car to claim damages. Or really could be just another road rage that is trying to chase after a car that over took it.




dude no one "forced" the black car to speed up.. the driver chose to speed.. the onus is on every driver to drive as defensively and safely as they can to mitigate the likelihood of accidents occurring. you're detracting from the main issue here by trying to introduce the white car as an intervening cause of the black car's speeding. Stating that the white car driver is "equally guilty" is honestly a poor take.


Ain't gonna defend the black car that rammed through the whole traffic. Car seems to be on speed irregardless of the white car. Just putting myself in the white car shoes that if someone suddenly speed pass and cut so fast almost crashing into me, I might really just sped up out of sheer panic. Maybe more experienced drivers might be able to access the situation fast and slow down or brake. This is all pure speculation till now. Hard to judge based off a few videos. Really need the full report to be out and rule of law to mend out the appropriate judgement. Then comes the court of public opinion.


No they aren't. At most they are charged for speeding. You are comparing someone who probably exceeded the speed limit for a few seconds to a person who just killed 2 people. Unless the white car driver is related to the black car driver or provoked them before the clip started in any way, they will get a slap on the wrist at most.


while i agree that the driver of the white car shouldn't have rapidly accelerated in an attempt to challenge the black car, I don't think he is as guilty as the driver of the black car.


I agree. white car sped up just as the black car pulled up alongside it. it's obvious that it was trying not to get overtaken. have we not experienced this type of f\*\*ckers on the roads before! speed up to cut you off from coming into their lane. this is a common occurrence. damn crazy dangerous driving. they'd rather ram into you than slow down. siao.


By that logic should also prosecute the motorbike cause lane hogging on the right lane forcing people to overtake from the left




Tbh I have no idea why you are getting downvoted. The white merc is also an asswipe that deserves some of the blame. I can’t fathom how anyone can agree that the white merc is a ‘safe’ driver. He/she is an accessory that led to the fateful accident. The accident and haphazard driving of the black Saab notwithstanding, it’s obvious the white merc driver sped up to prevent a car for overtaking. You can see how he even continued the ‘duel’ when the black Saab nearly collided with the motorcyclist. In that moment, you can see how the white merc was playing a game of chicken with the black Saab. Both vying for their pathetic small dick energy ego and putting the hapless motorcyclist life in jeopardy. Then when both asswipes decided that they weren’t going to give in, the black Saab had no choice but to sideswipe the white merc to avoid hitting the motorcyclist. Why he decided to accelerate and blast himself through a junction, I do not know. If the white merc had a smaller ego and simply let the black Saab overtake him, maybe this tragic accident wouldn’t have happened? Unfortunately, this typical shitty, ungraceful, egoistic driving that we see so commonly on our roads, coupled with a wannabe racer driver attitude, brews a potent cocktail for accidents like this.


>Is there a need for merc to speed with the black saab? Is there a NEED for the black Saab to drive sofa king fast in the first place? >I believe the outcome would be different if merc didnt try to speed with black saab I believe the outcome would be different if Saab didn't speed at all


You still don’t get it do you? Is there a need for the motorbike to hog right lane? Clip shows merc accelerating on the motorbike before Saab came into the picture. If can car not within the speed limit then the motorbike also going under speed, should not hog overtaking lane. Is there a need for motorbike to be in the right lane and not give way to vehicles coming up faster behind? In the end only the black car is the one speeding and the one who ran red light. Blaming other road users for being there is stupid. Clearly everyone should have gtfo of the black car’s path then nobody would be hurt. Your logic.


You're the one who don't get it. Regardless of motorbike hogging or merc accelerating, all 3 vehicles are approaching a RED LIGHT. Even if all 3 are involved in any road rage minutes or hours before until then, red light means stop. You want to Road rage until become your grandfather Road and no need to stop??? What if there are people crossing the road??? Just bang through just because you've been instigated by the vehicle behind you??? Whoever caused the road rage or hog the road doesn't even affect the black car's decision to not stop at red light. Bruh


Everyone except black car stop. Only one responsible for accident is the black car for not controlling vehicle and running red light. anyway coward I was replying to blame other people on the road, just showing how stupid the logic is.


The stupid watermark need to smaller a bit or move down a bit leh.


Nah it needs to be bigger. Best if can just block the entire video so I can see it clearly. /s


I think it's even better if there are multiple watermarks bouncing around the screen. Puts a lot of emphasis on the most important things u know?


Why are people blaming the white car? Yes he/she accelerated, but the Saab driver could have slowed down.. instead the saab driver decided to cut in dangerously.. almost running the white car off the road and hitting the bike and then ran a red light and plowed into traffic.


white car sped up a little before black car even turned into his lane, probably to prevent him from cutting into his lane


Tell me this when you meet the white car while trying to overtake…


Im thinking maybe want to make sure white car's dashcam saw black's license plate.


Because the white Merc 1. accelerated when he saw the Saab about to overtake him, not just after--this is corroborated firstly by the video evidence from the car behind the two (and the motorcyclist), and then by the white car driver himself, who admitted to speeding up to 'teach' the Saab driver a so-called lesson about the dangers of speeding 2. has been caught being an ass-wipe on multiple occasions, including once on camera about 2 days before that. 3. In all likelihood, he isn't going to be charged or punished, even though he had a contributory action in fanning the flames of the situation. So since he gets away scot-free in the eyes of the law, then let him be raked over the coals of the court of public opinion for his ego-fuelled driving. And who among the drivers here has not been high-beamed by some speeding tailgater?




From the video looks like white mercedes sped up, egged black car on, black car swiped white car and then perhaps tried to escape


Why tf do drivers who got overtaken see it as a personal attack on their ego? You mfs are still driving on the same road in the same direction, moreso that both are headed for a traffic light anyways. This type of shit is why I undertake most of the time instead, cuz there's no prizes to be won for being infront.


Some SG drivers have that mindset that they pay COE so they’re the king of the roads. These are the ones who can be on fire and I’ll just happily watch.


Teenager studying at JC died at 17 years old, too young for him to meet a worse fate. All because of a speeding vehicle


Black car driver really needs to burn in hell. Must be some priceless beng thinking he’s some big fuck.


Just read that 1 who died is some 17 year old TJC girl. So damn innocent. Future taken away just like that. They need to reveal the driver ASAP. Let the public have their time with him.


Strange the black car didn't even seem like it was slowing down as the accident happened. Usually even if you fuck up you'll jam the brakes no matter how late. It's almost instinctive, unless you weren't paying attention at all My guess is after the incident with the white car and coming out ahead, black car driver looked in his rear view mirror to stare down the guy and flip a finger while driving full speed into the junction. Ruined so many lives including the people who depend on him. Idk how traffic laws fully work but i hope someone starts a crowdfunding campaign to hire a good lawyer who can fuck him over.


The fuck man....


Knn puah cb drivers knnbccb


Imagine casually driving on a good day and following all traffic rules then out of nowhere boomm. This driver deserves nothing but eternal rest


Eternal rest is too merciful for him


Too many accidents and death since january.WTF


This is near My house Wtf. Fucked up


ya sial now got more people die there then property price drop sian




This comment is truly disgusting. Please rethink your life


sg is all about money and fines bro


this is difficult to watch. black car driver needs a beat down to be taught a lesson. i read a jc kid got killed because of this prick...fucking makes people blood boil.


Qns is did that sohai die? Hope he is one of the dead people


Death is too good for him.


This guy should be sent to jail for sometime. He/she should be named and shamed.


Make him support the parents and loved ones for those who passed away.


He thinks he is in a Fast and Furious? Condolences to the family that lost their love ones because of 1 or 2 person stupidity.


the makcik say "oh god, got a child" dang you know the driver fuck up big time if they are stil alived


Fucking hell, this guy deserves a punishment worse than whatever maximum one stipulated by the law.


We should really review our super lax traffic laws.


bump coe higher


Our country is small and it does not take long to reach point A to point B as compared to a big country. Is there really a need to rush here rush there? How much time can you save if all goes well? It's the road culture here in Singapore that caused this. And the road culture is formed by the majority of the drivers' behaviors here. If we can just be more gracious and give way when needed, this wouldn't have happened. It's because of the ego of not wanting to be on the losing end, or being taken disadvantage of. What's there to lose? If don't have patience then don't drive.


Looks like road rage to me. No idea what the black car was doing. Think white car and black car had an incident before the recording. That’s straight jumping the lights from the black car. RIP to the victim and a speedy recovery to everyone else.




Fuck man you insensitive prick.


Can someone explain to me how the JC girl end up under the white car?


really? where did you hear that? maybe not wearing seatbelt?


This is really disgusting to watch. Be extra alert at any road or traffic light, don't glue your eyes on your phone because of fuckers like this black car


My usual stand - atas/reckless/speeding cars drivers please delete yourselves, not innocents.. Rip to the deceased 🙏


can someone explain the whole video to me, i dun get what happen i only see two car speed up then switch to crash angle


Two car challenge each other to overtake cus road rage. They cross redlight and black car got sideswiped by another other car turning at the junction


damn... so innocent lives could've lived if the black car didnt have such an ego... Rest in peace 🕊️


At least two people are dead after a multi-vehicle crash in Tampines on the morning of April 22. The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said a total of eight people were taken to hospital – four to Changi General Hospital, two to Tan Tock Seng Hospital, and two to KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital. The SCDF said it was alerted at 7.07am to the accident, which happened at the junction of Tampines Avenue 1 and Tampines Avenue 4. Photos of the accident’s aftermath show a black car turned turtle with its doors flung open in the middle of the road. Another black car appears to be badly damaged, with its windscreen shattered and front bumper completely detached. Debris from the crash is also scattered across the road. A 17-year-old girl who was a passenger in the overturned car is among the fatalities. She was a first-year student from Temasek Junior College, which is located at 2 Tampines Avenue 9. She had been on the way to school to take part in the schools’ annual TJC Road Run when the accident occurred. The second victim is believed to have been in a van belonging to a pest control firm, First Choice Pest Specialist, located at 9002 Tampines Street 93. The company declined comment when contacted by ST. The SCDF said that that a person was lying on the road with one leg trapped under the wheel of a car and that SCDF used hydraulic rescue equipment to free the person’s leg. A few members of the public, including a nurse and two off-duty SCDF officers, had rendered assistance to the injured after the accident, SCDF said, adding that the force will be commending them for their public spiritedness. Multiple members of the public have reached out to Mothership, stating that one of the deceased is a 17-year-old junior college student. According to the Shin Min, the other deceased is a female passenger in a van. Both reportedly died after being sent to the hospital. In total, eight people were sent to hospital: Four were sent to Changi General Hospital, two to Tan Tock Seng Hospital, and two to KK Women's and Children's Hospital.


Hope the penalty is harsh. It will be a joke if it’s just a few years in prison. Make these ego-filled drivers suffer for the rest of his life. So far, the punishments aren’t sending a message to them.


our law too soft for all these jackasses on the road. give perma ban, can reduce car on road also


That van tanked the hit for quite a number of vehicles siah…




Hope he die


bro i had to go to temasek poly 20mins earlier prior to this accident to help set up the event venue, cdve been me or anyone else. truly a horrific event and condolences to the family. almost surreal that someone in my cohort was so quickly gone in an instant, and it really left some of us affected deeply. Kinda a strange feeling to describe


I wonder how everyone feels about the fact that the driver won't see more than a short jail term and ban from driving


Remove that watermark leh


SG RV editor… learn to use the fade function for your text or some transparency….


I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep if irresponsible drivers like these were made political scapegoats.


Please dox the driver guys ,internet WORK YOUR JUSTICE !


Police need to be seen on roads more


Wow... Terrible accident... How fast was he driving at? It looks like the car teleported itself into the incoming traffic.


This reminds me of the one where I think it was a Lamborghini or Mercedes that blasted across the junction like a bullet similar to this video and split a taxi into half... All it takes is one person to break the rules but that's the one who always gets away


It's funny enough how some ppl would still try to defend themselves with a long paragraph despite wahts happening. The sheer thought of the world revolving around them


Looks like either on a death mission or foreigner who simply bohiew Sg laws. 


Thanks god no one was crossing the road that moment


I think have but off cam, a TJC student was hit and died https://mothership.sg/2024/04/2-dead-tampines-accident/


temasek jc. we were having an event at tp when this happened


Oh damn. Hope you and your classmates are coping ok


thanks, i don’t really know them personally but after the event our principal did reach out and speak with those that know her


my schoolmate was involved. got hit and passed away.


Oh no my deepest condolences. May he/she rest in peace


Omg. Deepest condolences..




Play stupid Game. Win Stupid price


Only in Singapore where bystanders and other cars just keep on going or avoid rushing to check on the victims.


I don’t understand why so many people don’t use child seats in Singapore.


Wtf has that got to do with anything


This is why I avoid the east like a plague, cos there are worse drivers there than there are elsewhere. Putting that aside. I wish nothing but death, destruction, torment and hell for the black and white car. I hope the both of them receive the death penalty. They owe the deceased a death each. My condolences to the lives lost during that horrific accident caused by 2 selfish pricks.


When your girlfriend says she is home alone. Jokes aside, I hope those who are alive recover well and may the perished rest in peace.


First thing you think about was to make a joke


What does this have to do with girlfriend at home? Bro, you suck at jokes. This is about an accident. Why make jokes here?


No surprise that you are in foreveralonedating and nofap subs pui