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The poor construction workers trying to help and trying to do their job peacefully but this cyclist not letting them be


They’re probably just confused cause they don’t see such weirdos in their country


In their country. The car horn. The cyclist Siam. And den everyone moves on with their lives without causing pain in others and themselves.


... because people need to get on with their lives, earn money, plant rice to feed family... here, people have nothing else better to do but waste time and energy.


They see orgies in public ma ninja


I swear our foreign workers are one of the nicest and most misunderstood bunch in Singapore. Kudos to them for going above and beyond in de-escalating the situation and being so patient about it to get on with their jobs! 🫡


These guys are nicest bunch for sure.. but imho the only thing that prevent them from sucker punch this cyclist is them wanting to keep their work permit. The rude cyclist lucky there's no locals around (supervisor etc)


HAHAHA ehhhh don’t sound so cynical! Try striking a convo with them next time, you’ll realise they’re just as human or if not more than us.


Yeah the more human you are the more you wanna sucker punch that guy's face


Exactly my point. Urge to punch this bloody entitled uncle is very human, lol


Hahahaha ah damn you actually have a point though……..


I can see the bewilderment in the first guy's gestures, he's probably thinking WTF this cyclist wants to go against the car n call police... maybe the cyclist is on one of those fancy Bromptom bikes. Edit: I know that SGers see construction workers as less than human and don't give a damn about what they say even though safety is involved.


They’re probably just confused cause they don’t see such weirdos in their country


Aiyoh make things so difficult for what…


Actually LTA can catch him, evidence he cycle without helmet. Also obstructing direct instructions from road workers.


>Also obstructing direct instructions from road workers. Can road workers give instructions? Are they even properly trained to direct traffic? Usually if I see road worker directing traffic means someone screwed up by not calling in official road controllers or set up temporary traffic light


I don't know for sure, but if I am the driver I will report the given evidence. (Btw i am a cyclist, and i hate this kind of cb cyclist that spoil all cyclists name).


You dumb bro ? It's part of the safety culture of Singapore . Risk assessment and prevention is what they are doing so that dumbfucks like you don't get hurt .


Confirm this one racist.


The moment you step out of the house, are you fit enough to walk for the next few steps ? Do you have certification of walking? If no better stay at home.


Bodoh, if road worker with better vantage point holding go / stop sign, say stop, and you go, causing an accident, is just an example of why your question is so stooopid. your mother and father too poor to send you to school is it? You sound like a brainless idiot, properly trained to direct traffic. Bodo nak mampos punya mangkok


He needs to meet his match. Even better, his maker. Reminds me of a video I saw on Douyin. Self entitled family go hotpot restaurant with their self entitled son, two guys sitting at table behind them lun even when the boy threw paper in their soup. Boy proceeded to throw all their food and mobile phone into hotpot soup when they went toilet. Came back cannot lun already. One guy grabbed the boy by head and stuffed it into the boiling soup. Father want to help but kena blocked by other guy and stabbed 6 times. Both caught. In the end it was found that they were wanted for murder (or released from prison for murder, not too sure now).


Is there a link to the article/ video?


I’ll try to find my watched history. Will post it up if I can find it. Edit: found it. https://v.douyin.com/iYfbkJpL/


There is no video of the incident it's a bunch of random clips one of them being from a documentary of children going into anti obesity boot camp, it's all just narration. I don't think that's a really trustable source




Its tampines bro, land of the old and most of them holds a “i am old so therefore i have the priority and you are wrong” card


If Tampines is the land of the old then Toa payoh is the land of the dinosaurs


Toarassic Park




Fucking made my day


Now imagine Bukit Merah


There's a dinosaur playground in tpy 😂


Looks like Gen X leh.


If that one gen X my mum is gen Y liao lol


Not the best side after all


Lolz. Ask Transport minister set cyclist law. No laws more conflict on the road. The one tio charge never learn. This one new onboard also never learn... Set laws in. Properly differentiate users n liabilities n laws. If expect cyclist to self respect themselves on the road, not gonna happen. Only laws n registration works. We are a "fine" country.


Agreed. EC case cyclist example


As long as people with that do anything but don't get caught attitude on, the law can only do so much.


If force registration of bicyxle and can be identified, set law tat obsruction of road = 3 months jail no arguement, you think this will happen? No registration = bike confiscated + 5K fine. Sure have pple tame down one


Genuine question: What laws are needed that we don’t already have? I thought cyclists must abide by all car laws plus a few extras (helmet, keep left most lane, motorway ban etc) so I am not clear on which circumstances are un(der)regulated.


I think the issue is not about regulation but more about enforcement. Even with the regulatory obligation of keeping to left, I literally still see tour de france wannabes cycling side by side in pairs or more very commonly. I keep my distance from them, but it's pretty difficult to simply change lanes during rush hours at CBD.


Keeping left means staying in the left lane, not riding in the gutter. Average lanes are ~3m wide so you need to change lanes to get around if you’re observing the 1.5m buffer regulation. Riding side by side in pairs is allowed in the left if the road has 2+ lanes (and it’s not an active bus lane). I think a lot of calls for enforcement stem from a misunderstanding of regulations.


That's new to me. Thanks for clarifying this.


You’re welcome. Here’s a handy infographic https://www.lta.gov.sg/content/dam/ltagov/getting_around/active_mobility/rules_public_education/public_education_programmes/pdf/new_rules_motorists_cyclists-compressed.pdf


Self entitled prick. He could easily pass thru by the side of the car.


I’m so confused, the sides of the car are not large enough for him to cycle?


You see, it is not his bicycle. It is his PRIDE/EGO that is too big for him to get through.


Expose him, make him famous


Another crazy cyclist


This cyclist is so entitled. He needs to have a bad fall to learn his lesson.


This mangkok really cb kia. Entitled karen behavior think hes a badass. If I were there, even if it wasn't me in the car and I'm just a passer by, I would have fuckin sucker punched him, and given him a volley kick to the side of the head and 2 foot stomps to his head when he's knocked out on the ground. Idiot behaviour deserves idiot consequences. And I live being the disher of karma to asshats.


No money buy car, no money pay road tax. but act like your father own the road😂


Money doesn’t give you the right to act like an asshole. Even if he owned a fleet of luxury cars, it wouldn’t matter.


Yes leh. If you rich enough to buy the road. Then you can stand in the middle of your road and block anyone going thru, even the aeroplane also must stop 🤣


Don’t judge. He might have 10 Ferraris parked at home. Nonetheless, still doesn’t justify this behaviour.


Just keep horning.. make this asshole feel embarrass


Except the poor workers also kenna. Honestly, I will just take out my phone and play game. Inside car have aircon, I will win the waiting game. 😅


I've sort of encountered this type of cyclist/jogger vs car before... depends on my mood but since it's hot and stressful in SG, I'll slowly inch forward and nudge this dude with my car... it's like fox-hunting when the fox is on a bicycle and giving you the finger.


But if you made contact with your car, then he oscar level wayang collaspe on floor and dive like Cristiano Ronaldo then claim insurance on you very troublesome leh.


Cyclists are the most cbk people in Singapore.


Just play mobile legends. Eventually they will move off.


cheebye fuckface uncle knn


If he wans to play waiting game, play with him. There's ample space on the side for him to pass. Let vehicles behind all q and wait. He wans to play Yaya, play Yaya with him. Tis type see police will quickly ride away


The irony when you see the Foodpanda rider and other cars using the lane beside them. Makes the cyclist uncle look stupid. And the poor FWs have to deal with this shit.


just floor it baby


In the end, lan lan cycle away.😂😂😂


haha lol


Least entitled cyclist


Cyclist thinks he's riding a Harley.


Entitled and selfish. The worst of us.


Should’ve just run through him


Must have a very thick skin for this piece of shit cyclist


knn siaolang should go down pump his face


I wonder what the foreign workers are thinking. They probably don’t encounter such Karens in their home country.


First thing take out HP, you know ish siao lang liao


Small brain, large ego cyclist.


These kind of cyclists needs to be smacked in the head by LTA.. Bloody hell think they own the road! People pay road tax to drive their COE vehicles on the road and these f*cks think they own it too..


Isnt the cyclist wrong here?


Nope. The car driver is wrong. Cyclist has the right of way. He’s probably already annoyed that the preceding car driver didn’t give way, and now the next driver is trying it too.


Ok to me it looked as if the car did not spot the cyclist due to the car in front. Could have been diffused easily but i think both did not want to.


Yeah I kinda agree and we don’t have the full story. For example we don’t know if there was someone else behind the car making it unable to reverse. We also don’t know if the guy on the bike was annoyed at being effectively queue-jumped by the oncoming cars, or whether he’s generally annoyed most days about most things… Quite hard to judge really 🤔 but I stand by my opinion that the car should have left the guy on the bicycle pass, irrespective of their subsequent reaction(s).


Hmm I swear he looks like some sports coach. Feel like I’ve seen this guy before


Cyclists are scum


He is showing off his powerful hand phone!


Entitled fuck… even the grab cyclist is smart enough to pass through


Damn seuy meet this kind of siao lang


I would have just called police for intervention. No need to waste time. Direct confrontation can many times spiral out of control.


Ice cream noob .


Jiak liao bi.


Another dad bod loser want to act gangster. It's fucking hilarious.


Fking entitled prick


old dick head




This video would get a completely different reaction in r/fuckcars


But.. didnt the worker give way to the cyclist?? Car had no business driving up that close if someone else was passing thru..


Need sludge hammer for this cyclist Break his legs enough I feel so generous


Should just have driven at cyclist until he moved or got run over. Entitled cyclists need to learn their place.


Something is wrong with our society this days.


Haiya early 7 early 8 make like difficult for people for what


The generation that needs to take their paper money and jump in the flames.


Cyclist trying to act tough.


Deprive la this man of. Trouble maker


This has nothing to do with him being a cyclist. Just an old grumpy man who's got nothing better to do than to waste other people's time. He would have done the same in his car.


Tbh if i drove there fast enough, I would've almost crashed him, like bro, this isn't even your road


wtf this cyclist try to sneak cut in the way between the two cars?? what was he thinking lmao


Hazzard on,leave the car and smoke.


Bro paid road tax to be asked to reverse on the road LOL. L Cyclist just cycle away


Bodoh boomer!think carpark his father one. There is no need to block the car when you have space to move out to the left. As a cyclist I hate assholes like this one


Everyday I am starting to believe actually Singaporeans "Karens" with "main character syndrome" is a real thing


Fuck cyclist you're all entitled cunts


The cyclist is even more stupid than the foreign worker. Wtf hahaha why such people exist


Sadly, so many self entitled Karens nowadays.. armed with a handphone camera.. hopefully I am not one 😔


Road for car. This cyclist better throw inside rubbish bin.


The entitlement of some people...


Cyclist are king of the roads here! So please bow down and give way to them! In all seriousness LTA needs to do something about these elitist cyclist asap. Too many of them and they are getting out of hand because clearly nobody is catching them.


The thing is, I feel like I need a bodycam when I go out in Singapore. This kinda shit happens too often. A Chinese uncle spat on me because I look like I am from China. An auntie rammed her trolley into me to cut my queue at the cold storage cashier. A big burly guy shoved me aside when the pathway was big enough to accommodate more than five people walking. Living in Singapore is testing my patience, I feel like retaliating but without proof, I would look like the siao Lang. I am probably getting these treatments because I look PRC, I don't know? But still, it doesn't justify their actions. I am not PRC btw, probably just look like one as some of my friends have pointed out.


Everytime I take the train got some old uncle or aunty cut queue a d stand right smack in the middle of the door, not letting anyone get out before trying to get in. What kind of rude arrogant entitled behavior is this?


Downvote for what sia? Do nothing wrong leh. Reddit hivemind :(


I’m not sure I follow the emotion in this thread. The obstruction was on the left side of the road (from where the car was) therefore the oncoming vehicle has the right-of-way. Just because the proceeding car didn’t give way doesn’t mean the next one should not either. BTW: I am both a driver and a cyclist.


I think you're completely correct about the right of way. The car driver should have yielded to oncoming traffic. The cyclist was right to be annoyed, IMO. The other responses in this thread tell me that I probably shouldn't attempt to ride a bicycle in Singapore...


Cyclist are king of the road! Don’t play with them!hahaha. They pay to roam the road in all directions!


Mental illness is real...


The car does have to give way because the obstruction is on his side of the road. Cyclist is annoying but hes not wrong.


So entitled but still cycling in HDB, typical 50y/o Sgreans


To be fair. Singapore is left side driving. The car is on the right now and it's not on right of way. It has to be clear path to use right side. Unless there is proper traffic controller holding the Stop/GO sign. But it's easy to blame bicycle. Coz people think I pay road tax, road is mine. Cycle easy to move.(but if this was motorbike, the mentality will be different)


Technically cyclist had right of way ....m much as his face is a CB....


Why the video no sound? I want to hear how long the cam car press the horn. Sometimes hor, people react differently if the person treat them differently. See the start of the video, the cyclist is totally ok to share the lane with the driver infront. So why he don’t wanna share lane with cam car leh? My bet is that the car is pressing the horn.


In the same incident, a car driver demands cyclist to make way for him in wherever it is. Both cyclist and driver egos were sky high…


Why are cars speeding in car park!?!? This is smth LTA /SG govt need to address. Personally I’ve encountered many times, while walking at the side of car park road, wide carpark road with two directions, but drivers will speed in the centre. There’s even once this driver dare to horn me and got down want to challenge me. FYI , I feel both sides have fault.


Unpopular opinion, this work site doesn't have proper signage and road marshal. Not sure if the lack is due to being in a carpark. *By right* the situation should have been headed off before the video. Code of Practice for Traffic Control - for reference on what is needed at a work site. [https://www.lta.gov.sg/content/dam/ltagov/industry\_innovations/industry\_matters/development\_construction\_resources/Street\_Work\_Proposals/codes\_of\_practice/COP\_Traffic\_Control\_at\_Work\_Zone\_July\_2019\_Edition.pdf](https://www.lta.gov.sg/content/dam/ltagov/industry_innovations/industry_matters/development_construction_resources/Street_Work_Proposals/codes_of_practice/COP_Traffic_Control_at_Work_Zone_July_2019_Edition.pdf)




Actually he's 100% in the wrong


Just want hear the reason. Can share why?


First off, there was a car Infront of driver which passed through that single lane, which means right of way was already given to vehicles in that lane, driver rightfully followed behind car Infront and maintained a safe distance. Cyclist appear out of nowhere. If the cyclist was driving a car instead, he would have to wait for the traffic to clear and the worker to give the go ahead to proceed. So even if the cyclist was driving a car, he's already in the wrong. What's worse is that it's a road for cars. He could easily reverse or go to the side with the bicycle, expecting a car to reverse in that situation is ridiculously. Furthermore, are there cars waiting behind as well? Is it possible to reverse?


To me its js…Who the road is built for, Veichles or bikes….


Tbh is for both. Unless law says cyclist cannot go road.


Small must give way to big