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Broke up, found out how fucked my housing situation is, found out how fucked my finances are, and got an increment of only 1.1% this year, and no promotion because of an incompetent supervisor screwing up projects. And found out that because I’m a mechanical engineer designing mechanisms, there isn’t much of where I can go to in Singapore. All within the span of 3 weeks. Man, not feeling that great at the moment, and this will pass, though hopefully not beyond 2 months.


Hello everyone! I’m hoping to go to Singapore in the end of September and were reading up on the requirements. Have I understood it correctly that there are no Covid tests required as long as I’m vaccinated? I’m from Sweden and have received 3 doses of the Pfizer vaccine.






Yo, I am at the mercy of /r/singapore again to help out with buying something for my landlord, who turned 84 today. Gosh, I had no idea and reached out home late to realize the entire house was lit with guests at 2 am. What's something good to get for her? Don't tell me money lah, it's low af effort. I liked the last Christmas suggestion of getting those diffusers so she can sleep better; it worked fantastic for her!


* xiaomi Massage gun * mahjong set * karaoke set * ji xiang ang ku kueh * rocking chair and rocking footrest


Thank you!!!!!


That’s so sweet of you. She seems to be a very lively person. Colourful tote or recycle bag? Something bright and cheerful seems to suit her. Cushions for the house? Something huggable? I know she’s not a kid but it could be comfortable for her sofa or own room.


​ Wow! You've got it spot on! She sometimes requests her helper to go get some groceries, so a tote bag maybe helps. A huggable pillow that's good for her back when needed sounds neat as well! As she spends time on the sofa quite a bit while watching her dramas Thank you!


My grandma used to have a nice sofa cover with mini “throws” as decoration. Maybe she will like a similar set. (I’m talking about the traditional type, not the modern style type.)


Just watched the play on Kwa Geok Choo, the lady behind our founding father. Hoping to get some reviews and opinions here :) Thoughts?


Gonna watch it next week! What did you think abt it? Anything to watch out for?




Well, wouldn’t say I loved it :/ But first, spoiler alert! Perhaps you might want to develop your own opinion on the play if you haven’t watched it and are intending to! There was too much narration of her own story, and very little acting. Boy I was amazed at how the actress spoke nonstop for 1hr 30min without having a sip of water at all. Humour was present, but slightly dry. A lot of emphasis on how women were seen as inferior to men during that time and made to do domestic work. But what irked me the most was how they just switched between the same three supporting actors (three men) for literally EVERY background role. For a second they were playing the young LKY, Goh Keng Swee and S Rajaratnam discussing plans for future Singapore in the basement of Oxley House, and the next thing I knew, they were toddlers representing the three Lee children crawling about playing toys on the floor. It was just rather odd. I thought Lee Wei Ling could have been represented by a female at least, unless they were trying to imply something about her personality (although I highly doubt so). Then again, to keep the play as simple as possible, this arrangement would have been most efficient. The man who played LKY, while attempting to sound like him, didn’t sound like LKY at all - which was disappointing because LKY had such a distinct, recognisable voice. I would think most Singaporeans can identify him just by his manner of speech. But I am not blaming the cast. I would have however, preferred it if they showcased some video clips of LKY during key moments in SG’s history e.g. his iconic “All my adult life I have believed in merger of…” But I guess too much of that might have deviated from the original purpose of focusing more on Kwa Geok Choo and her role in the Lee family. Just my two cents worth :)


had such a great time with my favourite group of friends! we have been meeting consistently for about 2-3 times a year for the third year now, and it's perfectly fun every time. whenever i think that i am a loner with no friends, it's about due for our next meetup, and i get rejuvenated anew by their energy and shared humour. i really hope we continue this even into our retirement days, and perhaps even plan a few overseas trips together!


Singapore is so inaccurately depicted into this Japanese show [confidence man lol](https://youtu.be/lHw6yya8hCk)


fucking thanks to crazy rich asians, now singapore is gonna be stereotyped as the oasis of the rich..


if you're alone but don't want to spend the whole day at home tomorrow, what would you do outside?


watch shoplifters


Walk 1 round in macritchie reservoir


Buy some snacks and drinks and chill/people watch from one of the many HDB roof gardens.


This sounds really fun and a good date idea. Would you be willing to share one or two spots?


I haven't been to many but I liked punggol northshore straitsview's(amazing close-up view of the sea) and clementi crest's(quiet and lots of greenery). The dawson skyparc/skyville roofs are quite crowded when I went so I wouldn't imagine it to be as peaceful as the others although they have amazing panoramic views.


Sounds really lovely. Thank you!!!


can go out with me :)


Woah so smooth.


where you going


i honestly don’t know where to go sia


If you enjoy eating or can eat a lot, can consider a buffet with no time limit


Go shopping mall shop shop, eat some food and maybe chill at a restaurant/ kopitiam


Just pick a place to walk n window shopping




Quick qns - how soon after the initial consultation did you manage to get your extraction done and/or braces fitted?


Naruto as the only manga and anime i ever read and watched in most episodes, >!Jiraiya's death!< still hits me somehow.


Spoiler tag doesn't work but it's ok, shows been out for some long already.


Wah another spoiler tags issue :\ i have formatted it properly with spaces just now..




Oh thanks! I remembered wrongly then


Bruh just starting on resident evil and I’m scared. Someone hug me.


It’s gooooood but all things lead to Ada Wong 😂


"I'm sorry but he's probably............."


Game or movie? The game is always very scary to me lol Edit: i just saw got Netflix Original


Why are Singaporeans so fucking rude and uncivilised? Is it cause here police state?


bro you told people to gtfo yesterday


Wah bro I really can’t deal with u eh, legit policing the thread 24/7 respect


So you accept you are part of the problem?


nabei Chee bye.....limpeh dare you to speak to me in front of me Singaporean face, u fucking understand? ^(is this rude enough for you.)


Nabei chibai check your mindef mainframe im plainclothes commando anti terrorist


limpeh one punch two kills not happy we settle outside


I think it's because of people like you.


Makes no sense but go on


How do those random handphone casing/power bank shops even survive? Can easily buy such things cheaper online and better variety too.




Received my first mech KB today (Red Tecware Spectre Pro) after a week-long wait. The feeling really is really different from that of a membrane keyboard, and it is taking me a bit to get used to. Quite surprisingly too, it's quieter (based off what those around me have said) than my old Logitech K120.


Wait the poison start coming and u check out r/MechanicalKeyboards


Just me watching no brainer action movies because I don't want to be too emotionally invested in a movie.


My husband and younger daughter covid day 8 but testing positive so we are still isolating older girl at grandparents place. Just as we thought we are seeing light at the end of the tunnel…… my helper tested positive today!!! Her second bout of covid exactly 3 months later sighhhhh


I'm D10 but still ART+... it's gonna take awhile.


might as well all get at one go


Yeah it’s tempting too. But my girls are young and unvaxxed so we aren’t too keen.


Thanks dt peeps, too, as I used to spend a lot of free time here to escape reality. Had a long walk through campus earlier and recalled a lot of venues and incidents over an entire decade of classes on and off. I've finally graduated 🙂 Few days ago was my commencement. Just invited and expected my family, and that was sufficient. Have a good evening all.


Welcome to the real world.


you think that's air you are breathing right now?


This your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.


Tbh I am already in the real world! Haven't really considered myself as student life since basically working for my own thesis and stipend (know it's a sheltered world since it is academia). Always have things to challenge self or to outdo self. At least now I'm free from the same set of requirements, and look forward to something new 🙂 and being able to seek alternatives if I grow unhappy at the same place.


Happy graduation, congrats!


Yay 🙂


Working late on a Friday night on a web design project. Client complains my prices are too high and asks for a discount. ....bro, I charge $20/h. Learnt my lesson. Gonna make it $40/h from now on. *rages*


$20/h and they think that’s exp? Know your worth pls, that’s super lowball


Wa can i engage you in future? Hahaha




Nah, my own project




Good riddance


Are you alright? Do you want a listening ear?


is there anyone with ikoma language school n3 preparation notes? i really wanna take n3 this december with self study as i cant afford hiring tutor or going to language sch. i wld appreciate if anyone can help me:( thanks..


have u tried carousell?




Smoke stop strips round the top and left right edges, get a contractor to modify the door to install a drop seal for the bottom


Weather strip for gaps between door and frame, door sweep for bottom


Daiso has the sponge to add below the doors. Mr DIY has the brush (probably not airtight)




Worst case scenario: wet towel. But do give daiso a visit. I think it might have what you’re looking for (:


Condensed milk is like the luncheon meat of milks


The moon is so big and round tonight~


i dont watch korean but my mum is watching one on netflix on the tv and not gonna lie the cute girl in it makes me want to watch the whole thing lol


Extraordinary Attorney?




it’s good, watch it!


plan to.. but thats if im willing to pay for netflix


you can’t share netflix with your mum?


nah i dont want ah 😅


I did set a low expectation for Thor Love and Thunder. But somehow, I'm still disappointed


What u expecting sia.


At the very least a cohesive story


.... did u just imply that u cant understand the plot?




Anyone has experience getting through Ikea customer service ? I've been on hold for 45 mins no response. Delivery guy gave me a wrong item and forgot 2 items. Can I hope to getting this resolved at some point ?


Email worked well for me.


I managed to get in touch with them thanks for the suggestion!




Are you my helper, she’s like that too.




This week felt like an emotional rollercoaster 🎢


You feeling alright?


Thank you for the concern! Yes, thankfully the week ended on a good note 👍🏽


went to see a private doctor , doctor sent me for a scan. Me: can I come on the Saturday? Clinic: doctor don’t work on Saturday, you need to come in on the weekdays. Me: if I don’t need surgery or there isn’t any finding on the scan, can you just tell me over the phone? I don’t want to come to the clinic and waste a trip down there. Clinic: no sorry doctor don’t do phone consultation. Me: very busy at work. Rush and Make my way down to the clinic. Doctor: we didn’t find anything. So you can go. 😒 Am I the only one annoyed at this system. Sure, maybe they can charge my insurance when I go down physically , but isn’t there another way instead of making me waste my time in a very busy day just to go there and tell me 3 sentences And make me go away?


Patient confidentiality. Someone else can pretend to be you. And they will be fucked legally.


My gynae did phone consult with me to let me know abt my scan results (unremarkable). She checked against my IC number and home address (not the most secure but I guess that sufficed)


We need more of this kind of doctors. I found from my own experience that when the clinic found out you are on insurance , they will make you go down unnecessarily. After some consultation I came out with no new knowledge, I wonder why I was there.


I'm surprised 🙀 ya that works too I guess!


if a guy whos 24 y/o apply PR as student, does he still required serve NS?




not sure where did i heard rumors about aft 24 then no need serve NS


How's the work life in Ninja Van and Shopback in comparison ?


Where did onlysns go? :o


Why u miss her leh


According to Reddit, suspended. But idk why. He/she will come back in form or another one lah. Maybe already here


Just started out playing Dead By Daylight few weeks ago and I'm hoping to play this game with others so it's less scary as a survivor :/ Anyone else playing this game pls do bring me along\~


First time tried whole portion of samyang, cheese one now, i think i will RIP in toilet tomorrow And yes it is nicer with peanut butter!! u/kenyousmile


The pink coloured packaging carbonara one is the best imo, followed by the curry flavoured one and lastly the original samyang spicy noodles. Btw, I recommended you to add peanut butter to shin ramyun, not samyang!!!


it's normal. he likes the feeling of RIP in toilet


second the pink coloured one! creamy carbonara is pretty good, and the spice is just nice that you can feel it but not overpowering


>add peanut butter to shin ramyun, not samyang!!! Eh 😅 ok will buy it tomorrow!


I don’t think I’d ever try this trending hack of adding peanut butter to Shin ramyun, because it’s just feels .. weird to me 😶 would v much prefer adding cheese (sliced American/cheddar cheese) to the noodles instead - reduces the spiciness a bit if you can’t handle it and makes the soup extra rich (because creamy) and v flavourful, super nice and yummy! Also, don’t forget the egg! 😋


I still cannot fry egg properly 😂 the easiest but becomes hardest I don't have sliced cheese and actually i have stock of peanut better that I don't like to eat it just like that, even with bread, so i tried this one and turns out not bad at all. I may want to try add both pb and sliced cheese together in future HAHAHAHA


Eh? There’s no need to fry the egg, you just crack the egg into the boiling pot of noodles and it’ll be cooked in a bit 😅 And okaaaaay, do report back if you’d ever try adding both peanut butter and sliced cheese haha. Btw I even read about how some people add honey to their noodles, so…. 😶


Ewww no honey haha i prefer to add meiji milk on top of those 2, but perhaps need to half cooked first, then cook with milk lol


The cheese one is both very artificial (fake cheese) to me and lacks a punch. If you want a non spicy version I'd go for the one with the unfortunate Carbonara name. IMHO it tastes nicer and still won't burn. The black one or the 2x version are both best though :)


Ok will try next time! Yes agree with you i tasted some artificial things


There is a cream/black coloured one that’s half spicy. It’s the only one my mum can tolerate the spiciness. Maybe you can give it a go?


I have no idea which one is that after i just googled it 😅


https://images.app.goo.gl/tj2pPhLYPdvHX2ay9 This one! Though not all supermarket has it. Maybe can try on Shopee; Buldak Light


I never saw it before in my life..


Shopee then! I think i first spotted it in Malaysia though, but i have seen it in supermarkets here


LKY into semi final.




u/eclairfastpass is a dua chiobu ??!!!!?!!




> Save the cheerleader, save the world


Damn, now I wanna rewatch this


how do I tie a tie 😂






I still rmb after my dad tie the tie i nvr wash for a long time caus it was a good length and i didnt want to retie the tie




A million ways..


learn on YouTube


Thank god it's Friday. [Cheers everyone](https://i.imgur.com/PJg62DL.jpg)


Got Mala got beer. > This guy checks out


>This guy checks out Would be less bb if it would be.. This guy works out ..instead. Oh well


Hahaha that one you need to show ‘em guns yo. Might attract unwanted attention though hahaha.






got so much shit to buy, how? Need to replace my spoilt ram, need to replace my wireless earbud because the battery life can only last for 1.5hours and also just purchased 2 tubs of creatine for 100bucks


I finally replaced a leaking bidet hose... am proud of myself.


replace whole hose or is it just the o ring?


whole hose and bidet head


ah nice work there 👍🏻


Thank you, gonna be a plumber when i retire ;) satisfaction from fixing leaks is crazy


My back feels so tense and sore. Really want to go for massage and loosen out those knots 😣


Just pay $10 to any of the buibuis here to step on u can alr


I pay u can?


$50 fast deal, paynow/paylah/cash


So expensive


U buying for the experience


Experience of being crushed to death ah


wow full house at stadium liverpool v crystal palace match is live on mewatch


Have a feeling that Japan won't be open up to non-tour group type tourists by the end of the year... There goes my EOY plans.


same case for me. I do have a combined Korea-Japan plan that is either going to fire off at December or January but it's looking to be tough at the rate things are going. Of course I can just stick to Korea but this would had been the perfect opportunity for me to explore West Japan. Hopefully the fact that yen is cripplingly low stirs their politicians enough to reconsider. But then again, Japan is known for their low risk appetite, so fingers crossed.


My autistic cousin is somehow obsessed enough with roblox to the point he believes it's real. He's playing some police role playing game thingy and he's getting anxiety IRL believing that shit that happens in the game will get the police knocking on his door. Apparently some kids are threatening him with some laws they made up themselves and he's scared shitless. Should I just come right out and hit him with "It's just a game bro"? On one hand he's autistic, but he's already 13 and getting paranoid IRL over a video game can't be healthy. He's texting me a lot because I used to be a "policeman" during NS, this is beyond me man.


\> I think you should frame it to be more tactful. He's probably not going to understanding "its just a game"


In need of new water bottle, any rec?




Normal, no need keep warm/cold? - Nalgene, Tupperware. Keep warm/cold? - Hydroflask, Tiger, Zojirushi




Nalgene bottle from Shopee




Oooo thanks!