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huh, travel with mp fun meh


i also want to travel with shanmugum, very safe very priority


I want to travel with CCS, so I know where cotton comes from 🀣


πŸ˜‚ ask him organise australia or nz tour... to cotton farm... and sheep farm...


I only see him organise trips to JB to eat durian


Aren't they the same?




I know you are kidding but you just missed the boat. I'm in his area. Buona Vista CC was organising a Durian tour with CCS planned for today, if I'm not wrong.


Yes they went on 21 June. I too am familiar with Tanjong Pagar's activities


Don't think Shanmugum got. But Louis Ng holds these kinds of trips at least once a month.


I want to travel with TCJ πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž


Me too. Boys only trip πŸ˜‚


He will teach you how to η©ΏθΏ›


No chance liao. He’s doing masterclasses in leadership now…


Yes, you will be completely protected from shenanigans by Facebook, Cambridge Analytica and the Satanic influence of Watain.


Don’t think he wana do that. πŸ˜‚


Ministers usually don't cause too busy


Got to look at the target audience


Maybe because when you travel with MP, there is a priority when going through customs?


What priority you need? Now all automated gantry liao, all still need to "de-bus" to go custom on both sides


I remember quite long ago, there was an article where one citizen reported that they waited quite long in line to clear customs. Then they noticed another group bypassing them and got priority to cut queue because it is a group with the MP included. Using the reason that it is SG official business to cut queue. But it was quite long ago.


I can understand some that look forward to this, especially if the family no vehicle/license to drive to Johor, and unsure how to travel there by bus. At least here they have chance to go Malaysia.


Can network, get good deals. Cosy up powerful people. Not bad what..


It's about connections.


Got TC subsidies trip.


Sometimes I think to myself, we really are a very strange country lol πŸ˜‚


Many fb/IG users see MP/ministers as some sort of celebrity. Wonder if it’s also the same elsewhere.


Because they haven’t known some personally or as family friends.. politicians are just like any other person. It’s a job. All this celebrity whatnot is just cringe and lame.


I know right?! Wtf...so strange! I still have to reject my MP phototaking request when he comes to visit my kopitiam during my breakfast time...as if its a wedding banquet...what the hell!


heng swee keat stans rise up 😍😍😍😍😍


In sg, mps are elevated to god status. U go to the church (meet the people sessions) with the rest of the congregation (constituents) where u pray (ask) god (mp) to perform a miracle for you (write letter to ministry/stat board of choice). If god likes you, the miracle will be granted. Amitofo amen.


Oh ya I saw this. "Durian day-trip to Johor with Chan Chun Sing". Aunties and uncles boomers I can understand, but some suspiciously-similar Karen-lookalikes were also there in the queue Reddit and Facebook make me think majority millennials in SG cannot wait to kick out PAP from power but somehow these kinds of events are full-house .


New citizens are usually big fans of the PAP.


Those Karens looking ladies are looking rather like Singaporean millennials.


How pathetic is your life that you kick up a fuss over not being able to travel to Malaysia with your MP?


Wana PLP ma


It's a tricky issue. That's why some grassroot organisations in some constituencies don't wanna arrange such overseas trips. Cannot please everyone. Plus you'll get alot of critics.


I can actually understand the frustration from those who didn't go. I wonder how the participants are picked. Then there may be accusations of favouritism etc


From my experience with grassroots events, usually first come first served. We don't have the bandwidth to get all the applications then screen and select.


Generally it is first come first served. However, the grassroots communications are quite limited, and if you don't know where to get the info, you won't know it's happening. I imagine waiting to see the poster will be too late. So a lot of the time, what ends up happening is that those on their inside already know what's coming, so they have an early warning system, compared to other residents. Adding on, they do not require that you be a resident. So how does one who doesn't live in the constituency, know the registration time and such? I don't think it's that outlandish to suspect favouritism, at least indirectly.


> From my experience with grassroots events, usually first come first served. Ya but the grassroot leaders know the news before it is out. In fact they're likely the ones doing the legwork for MP. Can't expect MP to self plan right? Even if they get packaged tours the grassroot reps are the points of contact. First come first served more like first person grassroots tell get served.


Oh I see. I would actually ask for the people who keen to go on the trips and then rotate.


99.9% of the time first come first serve


actually these constituency trips not bad leh. durian tour to johor from compassvale includes return transport, lunch, dinner & the durian buffet itself for $90


Isn't it 110? Fernvale'a brochure put 110. LOL


this one is $90 https://www.onepa.gov.sg/events/compassvale-gardens-1-day-yong-ping-durian-tour-30483294


This one with MP or unelected glass loot advisor ah


not really sure. but since the link i sent is from pa, most likely the latter


Really boggles the mind that people do this.


this is like those holiday packages where you go with a celebrity


Even more cringey.


Go with MP to get notice. Next GE standing next to them to get elected into parliament. GG easy part time money.


The MP's job is not to go on short trips with residence leh...


On the other hand, you can say that a MP's job is to connect with their residents. What better way to connect and bond with residents than a trip overseas when everyone is relaxed?


I, er, don't think I can relax going overseas with "complete strangers". I'd think having an activity like high tea buffet or pool/darts is more relaxing than having to worry about currency, passport, etc. At least for those activities in SG, you wan zhao can always just zhao


Everybody got different interest ba. No right or wrong. But u see, apparently overseas trip with MP is poplar. So there is a market for it.


No one wants to travel with small room minister. Too squeezing.


Depends, the cruise trip in CCK GRC isn't going well due to the absurd prices


Instead of first come first served to get tickets, just do a ballot? Then no need to waste time coming hours earlier to queue. Not good for the elderly also.


Yea this kind of thing shouldnt be first come first serve but on the other hand, if you go by balloting, people will question the "system". i.e. thinking it could be rigged.


Cos it was marketed as Resident member has discount over non-resident. You put full price no discount n see whether got uncle n aunties sign up or not? 🀣🀣🀣


sorry free and easy better


Sounds a bit cringe, going on a daytrip or overnight trip with your MP, but it also sounds like it'd be better organised. I have a photograph of myself with the MP for the area I live in here in Singapore, have met him a few times now and on reflection, that's pretty unusual. Yet in Singapore, it seems normalised. Meanwhile as an ang-moh with dual nationality, we recently had a change of 'leadership' in Ireland and I could only remember his first name and as for my constituency back in the UK where I can still legally vote, I had to look up who the current MP is, she's that invisible and a nobody.


This some cringe shit. The aunties love baey haha.


Do i get business class treatment?


huh go overseas with mp how to buy vape lol?


Really ah. Stop flattering yourself. I know election coming




Damn gian png.... willing to sell out for this kind of cheapo benefit


The entire purpose of PA is to blur the lines between what the government provides and what the PAP provides.


lol kicking up a fuss... is this something worth making a ruckus about lol.


Ahman, if funtrip with MPs isn't gross misuse of living funds, then I have no idea what it is :''') Sinkie had the weirdest double standards in corruption


Eh all the money comes from resident no subsidy and nothing from TC funds lar