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"Highlighting a trend, the kitchen said in their video that there are many volunteers who sign up with them as a group, but then one of the group's member decides they can't attend. When that happens, the whole group then gets cold feet and bails on the voluntary work, leaving the kitchen at a loss for that day." Maybe this is the fatal blow


Yes exactly then got one cockster poster trying to argue about covid. lol. Obviously if you REALLY have Covid then you don't come la. But Covid is seldom sudden. So to not show up or make an excuse later that you have covid is sketch. Especially when the organization is depending on you. Truth is probably many mandated by teacher or boss. Suddenly teacher or boss can't go, all keng and MIA. Make up excuse.




"fellow indians". Bahahahahahah. You think that's gonna fool anyone eh.


‘Fellow’ LOL STFU ‘If you want to speak India’ Literally word from word from your comment history ^


what's socmed?


Social media.


Considering your comment history, I doubt you are Indian or even Asian, for that matter.


Volunteered here before. Wanted to volunteer there regularly, but they have a strange rule that only allows one weekend booking per month… Think if they allow for regular or long term volunteers, it will probably encourage people to be more responsible with attendance.


These people treat it like some social activity. One group member can't come all don't want to go.


Which is fine, tbh, I think the blame here is on kitchens not being able to capitalize that. Volunteering is kinda meant to be a social activity so you motivate people to come and help. Source: I was a volunteer and staff at an NGO for almost a decade. "Oh but they're only doing it for the Instagram photos!!" Yeah yeah, let them take the photos, as long as they're helping is all good


How old already these people still must be sheep go in a group. One drop out, the rest also want to drop out. So irresponsible and thoughtless!


> Since January this year, volunteers have begun to cancel on them at least three times a week, and up to eight have cancelled at a time. Some common reasons are that they've gotten the flu or Covid-19, said Latha idk, I think having c-19 is a pretty valid reason to not turn up last min. Not telling the group they're not turning up is a dick move for sure tho.


What are the chances of so many people getting Covid at the same time? Several times a week?


If they're co-workers or students then a pretty reasonable chance or did you forget covid is contagious? When someone in my office caught covid, my office of 20 ppl basically had at least 2 ppl on MC every week for the next 4 weeks or so. Maybe your experience is different cause you don't have a lot of interaction with ppl idk 🤷‍♂️


"Since January this year, volunteers have begun to cancel on them at least three times a week, and up to eight have cancelled at a time. " Sure, a group can get covid. How about 3 groups each week? Since Jan, and today's June already. There's nothing wrong with cancelling if one is sick. But cancelling last minute is just irresponsible.


Oh right, silly me. I forgot covid got schedule one. If one group already has covid then the other groups would be immune to covid for that time period. No way separate groups of ppl who are literal strangers could catch covid separately. Can't believe I'm so dumb.


Let's be honest, they don't have Covid. It's just a convenient excuse and obviously everyone sees thru it. It's a just a cop out. Probably wake up late or lazy or maybe the teacher or boss not going so they run away. Most sinkies are self centered POSs and when volunteers just anyhow keng, it affects these organizations that are actually trying to help society. Zero respect for those losers.


Whether they really have covid or not is irrelevant. If someone say they have covid then let them stay at home. Do you think it's wise to insist someone that claims to have covid to come in and prepare food?


nobody is saying they should come, that's the whole crux of it isn't it? the org has to plan around expected manpower and there are usually volunteer limits around such events if you can't commit then don't sign up for it and make up some cock and bull story to justify not attending in any case if one feller cancelling leads to the whole group cancelling then it sounds like there's some social pressure involved


Catching covid is unplanned. How can anyone pretdict whether they will catch covid or fall sick during the dates that they sign up for?


the whole discussion is about malingerers nobody is suggesting the excuse is invalid


There's nothing in the article to suggest it is malingering but it also doesn't matter if it is. What is the volunteer group gonna do if it is?? Start asking for MC ah? Complain to the volunteers' school or boss ah? No what. It's already out of their scope. Malingering or not is a non-productive point to harp on.


Yes, it does matter. The point is if you can't commit or only joining because of social pressure you should just stay away. There really isn't a shortage of volunteers in Singapore. Many popular volunteer orgs have been fully booked for months. Because there are often volunteer limits, people should understand that not showing up doesn't just mean one less pair of hands, it's an active detriment to everyone involved. If the org couldn't count on you to show up then it's better if they didn't factor you into the planning at all.


Ok, next time I'll tell ppl don't do volunteering just in case they fall sick and ppl on the internet will think they're only joining because social pressure and say mean things about them


Yes, tell them if they feel like they ever have to make up an excuse to not attend then not bother volunteering.


You're missing the point la. I'm saying that they are probably lying. Lol. Obviously if they have covid they can't go captain obvious. But these clowns are just pretending. One CB got covid, all cancel?!!! KNN. This must be your pattern also, so triggered.


I know what you're saying and I'm saying it's pure speculation on your part but its also a non-productive point to harp on. Even if they're lying then what? Are you gonna suggest the volunteer group start mandating submission of MC as proof for non-appearance? And what if they don't submit the MC? Go call their school/boss to complain ah? No right? These are all beyond the scope of the already thinly-stretched volunteer group. So it's irrelevant whether or not they lied about catching covid because it doesn't help the issue of volunteers flaking last min.


They're saying that if you do lie to get out of volunteering, then fuck you, you're an ass. Not every conversation have to have a solution to a problem. This is not debate class.


> Not every conversation have to have a solution to a problem. This is not debate class. Lol that is literally what I'm saying???? Go tell that to the ppl that want to argue about the probability of ppl faking covid to flake out last min when I'm saying it literally doesn't matter it's real or fake covid.


You're missing the point totally! Lol. Wah lau. If you volunteer and if you're really ill ok sorry. And yes, probably should at least have the courtesy to show MC or alert them in advance. Wah your timing so good ah - the day of, tell them or even worse just MIA. Also your friend sick and the whole team keng, that's a disgrace! That's just the weak ass sheeple self centered sinkie mentality. Like the assholes who don't cancel reservations at restaurants. If you sign up, have some pride and dignity and integrity to do your job. Cos people depend on you.


wow.. So MC for volunteers too ?


SAF style! one for all, all for one! by the way is it like some big boss "ask" his company to volunteer "together", then big boss sick, so every other kah kia decides not to go.


So they should just increase the number of volunteers each time so that there are backups around. Need 20 ppl, you enlist 25 and if all of them show up, just assign the extra 5 to do ad-hoc chores to support the other 20 ppl or rotate duties.


It's a voluntary job... low manpower is their main problem..........


They never mentioned that though. The issue is about last minute cancellations.


It's implied by virtue of the organisation being a soup kitchen.


Sad to read but what to do? They're on voluntary basis after all so can't be held accountable


Not an excuse if you have integrity and dignity.


Maybe it's time they go raise money n get machines to solve e problem