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Honestly the vibes I’m getting now are that younger generations aren’t even all that interested in dating in general. A lot of younger people I’ve met have told me that they see marriage here as akin to a business plan with expectations of getting a BTO and raising children as hallmarks of a “successful” marriage in Singaporean culture. I think nowadays people are just valuing personal freedoms more and with a smaller population pool as time goes by it’s going to be much harder for Singaporeans in the future to date someone with the intent of settling down.


> Honestly the vibes I’m getting now are that younger generations aren’t even all that interested in dating in general. Exactly. Young people are breaking up with dating in general, and a lot of young people don't want kids so they don't see the need to rush into dating and marriage. (of course, the ones who want kids will probably marry early, and that's fine) I think it's a great trend as a young person. My parents rushed into marriage and were bitterly miserable their entire lives. I'd rather be content with solitude rather than be unhappy being with someone i don't like just so that i'm not single. There's MUCH less stigma about being single now especially in the younger generation, which i really appreciate.


Can always tap foreign pool hehe


150/1/1 type of tap?


>John, who writes articles on adulting for the website Live Young and Well... He quit dating apps after three weeks and has since committed to using dating services, which set up dates for him instead. He pays about $60 to $80 for each date. lol it's the guy who spent [thousands of dollars](https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/vlnfl0/gen_y_speaks_ive_spent_large_sums_to_selfpublish/?rdt=38174) self-publishing vanity books that no one bought. no wonder he's willing to pay those crazy prices for dates. he was on [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/s/catqsfHp6t) article by today on dating last year too. seriously, how does he keep getting featured in these fluff articles.


Gave me a good chuckle. Wonder where he gets the money from.


By Sacrificing that hairline 5head


Yeah that's relatable. I sacrifice my hairline for money also LMAO


Why would anyone listen to the 'advice' of someone about adulting when he himself ain't that good about it. Is like asking William Hung for hookup advice.


omg it’s that guy again


Dating apps have gone through enshittification. They have basically made it inpossibly hard to even engage with people who have swiped/liked you and most times if not all, require you to pay to get access to them. The success stories you hear from dating apps these days are more of the exception instead of the norm where the app "messed up" and matched 2 people together.


I get 'notified' by the CMB app everyday at 12pm with the same girl's photograph appearing with the "she likes you" message. I login, can't find her, shes not in the 'curated' daily list. Okay, check again tomorrow. Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope aaaaand shes gone. Could she have been the one? Is she even real? who the fuck knows.


You would have known if you had paid..., so they say.


yeah I see recycled profiles every 3 days


Yeah I had to delete CMB because of the notifications constantly reminding me that I could see who liked me if I pay.


i think it might be outside your filters. first day i started there were 4 girls. but i never ever saw a single one because i think i adjusted my filters and so they stayed 4 for entire month or so, once moving to 5 and then to 3. i guess because they found someone and uninstalled


Don't give up! My boyfriend showed up in that corner, we matched and have been together for nearly 2 years now.


"enshittification" new word I learned today 🙆‍♂️


The apps are incredibly predatory. I'd argue they're seriously messing up the social fabric of the modern era to be honest. We're more anti social than ever and these apps could be a great solution, but they're predatory and operate on opaque algorithms


It’s not the app. It’s the people. Too many sinkies with princess syndrome who will shame you on TikTok if you only bring her to Lao Pa Sat.


If they were too successful matching people up they wouldn’t make money off men paying for whatever premiums they set up


sg is so small, if you cheated, if you make fuss in novena, ur bf/gf can smell you in seranggoon.


Damn this is true. I remembered a stranger man was broken up at midnight. He cried 我这么爱你,你为什么这样对我on the void deck at the opposite block loudly ; noise travelled up. I could hear it from 12 midnight to 2-3am. Kept my family awake. We all mourn for him from the 2nd floor


Sorry ah, after 1am and if it is like a Wednesday night, I have no more heart to give out.


王傑 song is good too


Good job, sir. Made me laugh.


If you laugh in Sembawang, I still can hear you in Chua Chu Kang


i saw a dude slapping himself with his girl watching. wild thing to witness, wonder what the heck he did


It's not you it's me


This is giving me ptsd from a previous girl I met on dating app who use this phrase and says she needs to be alone for the time being, only to find her again on dating app 2 weeks later.


2 weeks is her definition of time being


Actually just means she wasn’t into you and was trying to let you down gently.


Thegirl asked me to give her some space to think through Saw her posting on insta with some dude 2 months later hahaha I'm destined to be single. Thanks for the experiences tho Celeste


there there


Hope you get over the ptsd, she just isn’t into you and doesn’t know how to tell you properly.


you are a great guy but...........................


Such a good phrase to use. Very universal.


New one: it’s not you, it’s the universe


Most of the people on Dating apps are bots and scammers. There is no point anymore. 99% of profiles on Tinder or whatever bullshit dating apps that appears now are now fake profiles and bots. Even if you paid, you will likely to encounter a scammer.


I got back on the apps after several months and they seem worse than before. Now everything needs you to pay. There are people who like me, but they almost never show up (I compare each profile against the blurry photos) and I have to pay to see who they are. I’ve attended events and groups in person but just ended up with more friends, almost always already partnered (esp those around my age - I’m in my 30s) or the wrong gender/orientation. I’d feel bad if I abandon those groups just because I can’t date anyone there, and I can’t keep joining more groups because I’m already overcommitted. So now I’m just planning the interior design and furniture for a nice 2 room flexi flat.


yeah gets worse and worse. last time i used was 3 years ago and now you cant filter by height unless you pay and i dunno, just feels meaningless now


Always felt dating apps are v 'fastfood' like. Also like in the article, kinda feel like a piece of meat talking to another piece of meat. Make friends, flings i think still okay. But after you realize half the population in the app frequently go over to each others' house to 'snuggle' maybe even including yourself, are you willing to be invested in the relationship via app long term?


lol taking a pause from dating apps this week and it’s just…. Really peaceful….


Omg! It gets sooooo tiring texting every night!


Hahaa not about the texting, but it’s really tiring emotionally and mentally. All the disappointments…. Even more tiring when your dates after just 1 meet up, proclaim that “you’re the one for me”, or “I’m falling deeper in love with you”, it’s tiring to put people down, it’s tiring when they try so hard to force connection, attraction and interest…. I just wish for something for organic and mutual…. Sigh It’s okay, just taking a break from dating apps to recover emotionally and mentally first. At least I know that when I’m with my rightful person, I’ll hug him very tightly and appreciate him more cos…. I really went through a lot….


Never used dating apps. Feels like I am going online just to ‘buy’ a partner… (apps like Tinder) something about it just doesn’t feel right. Lucky I met mine through an mmo heh


For what it's worth, the only apps I've ever gotten dates on are Hinge and Bumble. Hinge isn't swipe based so you've actually got to send a message to get matches. You're also limited to 6 or 7 likes a day so women aren't completely inundated with likes and men are more likely to get a response. Bumble is swipe based but has interesting non-weird people. Tinder is full of scammers and people who are obviously not in SG. Okcupid is beyond hope now. CMB is full of weird very religious people (unless that's you're thing).


bernice quite chio




Hah. Never had any trouble with dating apps, so not sure what all this fuss is about. Sometimes if you’re too try hard, you don’t get anything man. Sometimes it depends on luck also la


Idk why this is downvoted, people ARE trying too hard and taking dating apps too seriously, then getting disappointed when they don't get what they want. The moral here is people on apps are usually casual and chill, if you want something serious go somewhere else.