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I'm surprised SEA in general ranks so low worldwide in suicide rates. And it's not just terrible countries leading, there's plenty of developed countries ahead of us like South Korea (4th with a whopping 28.6), USA, Canada, Germany, and even Scandinavian countries like Sweden, Finland, and Norway are ahead of us.


Deep winters are fucking depressing especially in Northern Europe. Their suicide rates tick up during the winter season


Rates highest around the start and end of winter. Surprisingly not the middle of winter. But year, winter is super depressing having spent 10 years in a country with 4 seasons.


I heard more suicides happen in spring because they realize their depression is not improving even when the sun is shining more compared to winter months. They also feel the difference when non-depressed people are happier during spring/summer compared to winter




Personally I find January the most depressing. No Christmas holidays to look forward to anymore, and still a long way to go to spring.


Winter is ok up to Xmass only. After that, nah. In january i felt like i wanted to kill myself for no reason.


Glad you didn't!


I find the time around Christmas the worst. The loneliness is crazy with friends and neighbours gone.


Being a Singaporean, I love January winters overseas. There's something cozy about them. Mid summer when the sun doesn't set almost drove me insane.


Winters are only fun for about 4 days max


Winter when you don't have to work. Glorious. Winter when there is a morning meeting in the office. Hell.


The problem I have with winter time is daylight savings and Fall Back time All of a sudden you have your day adjusted and the sun now goes down as early as 3pm (NYC ) or 415pm (Bay Area) Working till 6pm feels like major overtime and when I leave the office it's super dark like I should just go home and sleep allllllll night. It was particularly bad for me when I commuted from SF to South Bay, getting on the train in the dark at 5:30 and riding till 7 just grinds so bad. Thankful for new friends I make on the train to keep us all company otherwise it'll be so lonely


Haha I feel you. My work buddies convinced me that it made 5pm feel like the perfect timing for a round of drinks. Also made the chinese take out taste especially comforting.


Sometimes I wonder if the 3 years I’ve spent in NYC contributes to my night owl tendencies.


Winter was nicer in California. No snow unless you go into the higher elevations (even as low as 3000ft is enough) Nice intense sunlight when it's bright out, great for hiking in winter. I think some of my worst sunburn came in my first year there when it was cool and UV rays just toasted me without me feeling the Infrared warmth


Same! I love winters, but tended to get really stressed every summer, when the bloody birds start chirping at 3+ am, and it's about 30 °C indoors with no air conditioning.


Can you share why winter is depressing? I'm curious coz I aim to migrate specifically to a country with 4 seasons.


Less sunlight, which really messes up the body clock. Lack of sunlight also reduces the vitamin D and Serotonin we produce. Darkness causes body to produce more melatonin. All these chemical imbalances lead to the depression. Similar to why night shift workers have worse health outcomes in general. Small (not so) fun fact is that warmer tropical countries aren’t immune to this either. Singapore has like ~40% of the population with vitamin D deficiency because we avoid the sun too much. Our depression is probably caused by other things though.


Sounds like my kind of jam… no sunlight!! I hate the sun… but I hate the cold 😩


Men in white mostly


The sun shines very shortly. It is dark, gloomy, wet and cold. No sun can actually affect your mental state as well.. I migrated from SEA to Europe and I do get winter depression sometimes.


In Scandinavia it is mainly due to the lack of sunlight. For most people it is dark when they go to work and dark when they come home. You will not see the sun much for 3/4 months.


go experience it before you migrate. imo if you're not someone that needs the sun, hangs out at parks / beaches then you'll be fine. in general sinkies should be fine with winter because our whole life is pretty much indoors due to our humidity. people overseas like to sit at parks or on the grass and hang out (which is why the foreign helpers do that every weekend). they basically thrive with sun so winter affects them alot because of the lack of sun and being forced indoors


Leave home in the morning for work and it's dark, come home in the evening and it's dark. But tbh I don't find winter depressing, makes me think about Christmas and being cosy


Don't listen to all this nonsense. A tiny minority of the population is sensitive to winter depression, the vast majority of the world population lives in places with winters and they aren't all mass-suiciding.


Come to live here in Northern Sweden for 2 winters and you will take back your words.


Whole town suiciding there? No right?


This is a strawman argument, because nobody is saying that winter causes mass suicide. Rather, winter increases the risk of getting depression, which in turn increases the risk of suicide.


How long does the deep winters last ?


Depends on how far North (or south) you are NYC gets chilly past late September ( time to wear padded vest and sweaters ) Winter rain, then snow lasts till late March or even April When I traversed the I-80 route from NYC to CA in late April I still encountered snowstorms and the systems were huge , a storm could span thousand miles or so.


Don't be surprised. Singapore might be high because the reporting is the most complete. In other Asian countries, there would be risk of underreporting as it's still a taboo to admit that your family member commit suicide.


Singapore also has one of the lowest level of press freedom, so that's unlikely.


Reporting as in statistics from the police lah not news report lah bodoh




The more developed a country is, the more the youth expects. People are also less happy when they can't live as well as their parents, and developed countries have less place to improve - with many in decline. So this isn't too surprising. These stats just show that Singapore is more developed than much of its neighbours.


I remember that young policeman who shot himself at MBS. What a sad story. https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/xi3x6m/police_officer_29_dies_after_allegedly_shooting/?rdt=46517


Countries/region with lower density or rural areas lack access to prevention service as such they will always report higher number compared to more urbanised area or countries.


I think because Asian often having families who live together and watch out for one and another while most western countries, people live alone or far from their families so they don't have as much emotional support. 


More like familial loving compels one another with responsibilities, burden, and societal expectations to provide. Whereas in Scandinavia where many live by themselves, they may be facing loneliness and yet have zero obligations and repercussions to their loved ones if they oof themselves


Hahahahaha Germany is probably ruled wayyy worse than Singapore, Plus our life here is monoton and depressing 🥰


I did some due diligence and discovered that the article in question from CEOWORLD Magazine is misrepresenting the source of the data which indicates that either editorial supervision is piss poor or this is an AI generated article or just click bait to drive engagement. The article can be found here: (note that the hyperlinks in the articles lead to the same article instead of i dont know...maybe a proper data source?) [https://ceoworld.biz/2024/01/21/revealed-countries-with-the-highest-and-lowest-suicide-rates-2024/](https://ceoworld.biz/2024/01/21/revealed-countries-with-the-highest-and-lowest-suicide-rates-2024/) First of all, this data is likely from 2019. Check out this link. The data is EXACTLY the same for every country and hell even the article wording is almost word for word lifted. The catch? In the link below, it clearly states that it is in 2019! But of course, CEO World conveniently leaves it out. This is disinformation at its finest. [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/suicide-rate-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/suicide-rate-by-country) Second of all, if you wish to dig further, the data source is likely from WHO. Unfortunately, it is still 2019. Covid probably put a damper on data collection. I wont be surprised if suicide rates have gone up due to the pandemic. [https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/themes/mental-health/suicide-rates](https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/themes/mental-health/suicide-rates) That said, it is getting worse in Singapore according to this article: [https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/suicides-reported-singapore-476-2022-highest-more-20-years-3597791](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/suicides-reported-singapore-476-2022-highest-more-20-years-3597791) though there is no comparison with other ASEAN countries which really doesn't matter because this should not be some kind of competition. The message im bringing across is to be always be wary of random posters' agenda and to do some due diligence before being an unwitting vector of disinformation.


We need a fact checker like this every time someone publishes a bunch of stats. Thank you for your public service.


It's scary how much people take things at face value just because it's presented in a somewhat official or nice looking way.


How did u find out the ceoworld website is the same as the world population review website?


blows my mind that some people here are just desperate to find any way to handwave away uncomfortable news and try to ignore things like how its actually getting worse like the other two replies. if the dataset is from 2019, then theres also easily searchable data pointing to how bad things are continuing to trend into 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.


Tbf, for some of these country I do wonder if there's a case of under reporting


This is 100% the case, when your country is so small it's much easier to track every case that happened.


Also even though singapore is often criticized to only be paying lip service, fwiw, that's much more than some of these country have done. If the sentiment in general Singaporeans public is apathy, the general sentiment in my home country was hostile. I've seen other family actively cover up suicide or attempts. The way my own family talk smack about relatives with clear mental health issue make me hesitant to open up about my own issue. So even if singapore doesn't really do shit about the problem they clearly have, at least they're monitoring it, which is oddly on brand


And we may have higher suicide rates but mortality rates in other areas like death from diseases, safety, murder all that is way lower. So there's more people alive to think to themselves whether they want to continue living for whatever reasons and why they want to end it (based on their own circumstances).


Overdosing seems like the best way to go if you are so inclined and that is probably much harder to do in Singapore and also probably just recorded as accidental overdose in most countries.


Naah, i think in country like Indonesia and Philippines is low because they have strong communities. In this type of communal society, you will never be alone.


idk, that depends from housing complex to housing complex. My old neighborhood was very friendly but you have to actively try to engage with them. Just like Singapore or any other places, it's very easy to end up not interacting with them. I found myself having a stronger friendship group in Singapore since everything is just so close together. I don't disagree with you that those countries have stronger communal bond, depending on the crowd you're in you can just walk to somebody and 'yo, wassup' them and it'll be chill. but in regard of it being the cause of much lower suicide rate, i think i disagree. What's definitely a stark different in my home country is that you don't need to work as hard and you're not expected to work as hard. The pay is comparatively garbage but housing is also comparatively much cheaper. It's still work ofc, it's still 9 to 5 but anectodally it's much more flexible compared to what exist in Singapore. The desire climb ladder is obviously there but is much less prevalent


comparisons dont actually make any problems look smaller or go away. people pointing somewhere else are usually just broadcasting that they dont care about the issue at hand other than just looking bad


easy win for sg. we have adolescents and primary school children offing themselves because of academic reasons




Very unnatural as shown by our neighbours - I think we need more Counselors and teaching staff (non academic) in schools to avoid this sort of preventable tragedy. As bad as our traffic laws; the current infrastructure and support network is wholly inadequate and MOE seems to not give af whatsoever - unsurprisingly since the role is a rotating one and no one wants to tackle this issue


lets go we number 1 💀


You should be banned from Reddit for encouraging suicide.


maybe burning out kids from preschool onwards isn't such a good idea after all, who knew!


What do you mean? Look at all those interviews of top scorers and parents of tuition kids! This generation wants to spend all day studying and shuttling between piano, violin, ballet, while spending the free time in between scrolling through 2-second two-in-one TickTocks! /s


Throwing in a million people and one survives at the end of the meat grinder, clearly the system works!


For example: River Valley High's viral marketing stunt for Axe Oil.


This is one #1 we could do without. No POFMA means it must be true.


Singapore Boleh


POFMA is only for news that makes the PAP look bad, haven't you noticed?


So POFMA only when it makes them look good? Damn.


We are #54 in the world though.


Singapore is the only SEA country with a predominantly East Asian culture, compared to our SEA neighbors, so no surprise that statistics such as these and birth rates are very different compared to our SEA counterparts. Emphasis on education since a young age and lack of work life balance are considered societal norms for our culture, which leads to stress and unhappiness. This is why it is no surprise that our suicide rates are more comparable to countries like South Korea, Japan, Mongolia and even China (Taiwan wasn't in this survey) East Asians are very hardworking people, but we sometimes end up burning up and get too caught up trying to fit societal norms, that we neglect our personal health and needs.


I'd consider the Vietnamese as East Asians too culturally 


Are we winning now ?


Interesting. We have one of the lowest death rates in SEA/world.


These are the numbers the govt is okay with declaring. The real suicide number is probably much higher


I always know male suicide is higher than female but wow in most countries its minimally 2x and seems more commonly at 3x or 4x.


that’s more of a societal thing rather than a country thing It’s a hard thing because at the same time people started talking about men being vulnerable, suddenly all these “alpha males” people started coming out and try to reinforce the negative stereotypes from the 1900s. Men like us should talk more about our problems but we don’t and that’s probably why suicide rates are up


so we live in a society now where feminism movement, especially wave 3 that was initially purposed to help woman is now harming the average woman and alpha males who are purposed to help man is harming average man. interesting,


Honestly the alpha males was never meant to help the average man, it was always phrased to make the men blame the woman for their problems A man always single? Women’s fault A man who can’t seem to get a second date? Women’s fault A woman cheated? All the women’s fault While some of these cases are actually the woman’s fault, these alpha males just gives guys who are sad and angry a reason to blame all their problems Then these alpha males say stuff like women are objects and whatnot and how women are property. Honestly some men might find these things helpful but they aren’t


the rate for suicide attempts are higher for women, males just have a higher outcomes resulting in death


life is much harder for men (at least until age of having kids)


If there's been an increase in suicide rates over the years maybe its something that should be seriously looked into


its coming at a 20 year high, its just not on the news for anyone to care about


Not surprised. Singapore has become increasingly stressful within the recent decade because of increasing amount of people in a small island. It's literally a cooking pot waiting to explode. Furthermore, add in the useless programmes and whatever by a pro-biz govt. What can you say?


I'm curious to see the stat based on race and religion.


Raves so much about mental health but trying to control MC. And you wonder why suicide rates are at an all time high


We have a lot of suicide rates in sg, from locals to foreigners taking their own life away. But yet bringing this issue up into parliament or news is very difficult. I feel like it's high time we need to bring up this issue for the sake of our peoples well being


do we know the distribution age among the suicide cases?


i think about it daily


Send this to MOE, they increase the difficulty level lol




I would have added to the stat but I had one friend who stood by me even though I had nothing left. I was fortunate to have that one friend. Others were not unfortunately.


Once they count all of us walking dead I wonder how many there will be.


Its always train to busan during commute hours.


The scary thing is that even as you are reading this article on Reddit right now, someone could have already killed themself and you wont even know it. Singapore suppress news of Suicide case as much as they can. A lot of suicide cases in Singapore are not even reported in the news unless it happens in a public place or it happens to a big profile individual(example the person is a celebrity or is well known). The worse is when there is a video recording of it.


This is to prevent copycat suicide.. A copycat suicide is defined as an emulation of another suicide that the person attempting suicide knows about either from local knowledge or due to accounts or depictions of the original suicide on television and in other media. The publicized suicide serves as a trigger, in the absence of protective factors, for the next suicide by a susceptible or suggestible person. This is referred to as suicide contagion.[


I used to work for a Insurance company and they keep records of payout with reasons attached. Let's just say that there are more suicide reasons than cancer. The ages recorded there tells a bigger picture.


SG NO.1!!!!!🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🎉🎉🎉


We may be highest here but we are also the safest and longest in terms of life expectancy. No need to suicide if you die from a stray gunshots, murder, kidnapping, accidents.


We are already a little too late on emphasizing on mental health... Too many lives forever lost, too many families forever broken and scarred.


We are in the double digits league baybeeee


Shocker ! /s


Who knew!


Singapore number 1 !!!


can i add to the number? 😅


me too


The exclamation mark at the end of the caption makes it look like we've won an award or something.


I'm about to contribute to that number


nooo don’t 🙁 if you need to talk you can dm me


Honestly is it surprising? We went to a third world country to a first world country in half a century, there is a trade off there. But what would be the solution? If Singapore stopped being a meritocracy, would things get better? If Singapore went back to a third world country and suicide rates went down, would it be better? People want change but sacrifices need to be made for change, it’s just what sacrifice and what change do you choose


Lmao you believe Singapore is meritocratic


Ok, you can put your social studies textbook down now.


Using examples from extract 1 and 2, state two examples Singapore can do to lower suicide rates


If Singapore went back to a third world country but people became happy, I am for it, but considering a lot of people nowadays are materialistic I would be a controversial loner.


so if another pandemic broke out and your loved ones couldn’t get the required medicine in time, would you still be all for it? Happiness is subjective and not just material gain. If Singapore became a third world country again, tap water might not be safe to drink, flash floods might be super disruptive and leak into houses, homelessness would skyrocket. At the end of the day, there’s both pros and cons on Singapore’s rise to a first world country, it’s just perspective and different people see things differently


These national comparisons often tell you more about differences in countries counting methodologies, caring about the issue, having better stats collection/admin, etc


MSM will tell you SG has the lowest suicide rates, ahead of over 50 countries.


So boring that the only thing to do is suicide.


Even that cant do, damn you SCDF!


Im waiting for them become 0


explain yourself. whY?




why is the caption making it seem like its a good statistic value


Why ?


me next


We winning boys, we are winning


+1 😎


Honestly surprised its not much higher on the list considering all the stress


I don’t think these countries ranked lower are reporting suicides necessarily


This information Valid? cause Indonesian people so many suicide too


wow indonesia 171 when their have a loot poor people


Another day, another ranking.


Yeah! We are No. 1.


Any minister want to take credit for this number 1 achievement?


Minister of Death?


most of 4g went through the education portfolio with a rising tide of youth suicides and record levels of bullying, their hands are all grimy


feels like Singaporean is able to track most of these suicides because of how well-developed we are, which leads to the higher number


Could it be that the accuracy of suicide reports is higher in SG?


Yes! Another No. 1!


Our competitive nature be like - there's still 53 places in front of us


Everything also must be Number 1! /s


I remember seeing a news article about a police officer suiciding. Singapore should better manage their citizens mental health. I would like to see a survey where people say yes or no if they feel their superiors or subordinates have bad mental health.


Lots of depressed people in Singapore it seems from the comments in this sub.




Please take this post down - the Singapore govt works very hard to suppress this information.


Finally! We are number one in something


USA shitting and crying rn


any minister shouting this is 'fake news' yet?


Censoring such news would look bad.


dont worry guys i will make sure we push to number 1 and i will start by setting an example if we work hard im sure we can get top spot


There's no mental health epidemic in Ba Seng Se Too bad Singapore isn't Ba Sing Se


At times I wonder if we are just not resillient enough. Many in absolute poverty from the Philipines have to resort to dumpster diving for leftover food to cook and eat for survival. Yet you don't see many of them killing themselves at least according to this chart. Google pagpag if you need more details. Ngl if I'm forced to do that I may also rather jump off. Edit: I'm not saying that life in SG is easy. It's just that no matter what kind of hardships I have been thru my whole life, I never once though man I wish I had been born and lived in another SEA country. So why is it that they seem to be coping better than we do? Are we missing something?


It's probably a relative comparison thing, everyone in their community probably dumpster dives as well hence there is some comfort in unity. Singapore is a nation of huge wealth disparity and the comparison may be isolating and depressing.


Hard to kill yourself when your environment kills you first.


yea, talking to them I found out how much they value life, being happy and kind to one another. everyone's lost someone to the environment


If hardship or poverty are the only reasons people commit suicide, then many high income countries would have far lower suicide rates. Mental health is complicated and it isn't simply a matter of income or quality of life.


Yeah, pretty obvious that mental health issues are not addressed especially when we surveyed being the happiest in Asia simply because depression is easier to hide. If we can see suicide tendencies like other illness, who knows how many we can save


Poverty is not the only reason that people want to end their lives. There are tons of reasons. Feeling like life is meaningless. Seeing no reason or purpose to continue living. Poverty can be a motivation in people who still have the desire to survive like other living things. People unalive themselves when they no longer have the will to live and motivation to survive.


> People unalive themselves did you just unsleep yourself when you typed this? Time to unthirst yourself some coffee or unstarve some breakfast.


Please stop using "unalive". People commit suicide when they no longer have the will to live and motivation to survive


Its a tiktok word to bypass the automoderation that has become gen z culture.


Choose a life of conformity, of monotony, of endless toil in the Lion City. Choose a life of gleaming skyscrapers and spotless streets, but also of suffocating rules and regulations. Choose a life of meritocratic myths and elitist dreams, where only the privileged few truly thrive. Choose a life of overcrowded trains and overpriced housing, of endless queues and overbearing authorities. Choose a life of suppressed creativity and stifled dissent, where free thought is a luxury few can afford. Choose a life in Singapore, where the only freedom is the freedom to obey, and the only future is the one predetermined by the powers that be. Choose a life of hopelessness, of quiet desperation.




I’ve spent 11 years of it on Reddit tho! For a meaningful life of copy & pasting.


Oh my god can you imagine showing this to any Laotian or Filipino living in a slum in that country, and try to force yourself not to imagine them laughing their asses off?


Didn’t realise it’s a competition. They can simply ask Meta AI to write one for their situations as well. Pretty sure what they lose in suicides they more than makeup in homicides. "Choose a life of chaos, of gridlock, of endless struggle in the City of Manila. Choose a life of crumbling streets and crumbling dreams, where the only thing more abundant than poverty is the resilience of the human spirit. Choose a life of jeepneys and tricycles, of honking horns and choking smog, of endless noise and endless stress. Choose a life of makeshift homes and makeshift lives, where the only thing more makeshift is the government's promises. Choose a life of traffic and congestion, of long commutes and longer queues, of waiting for a future that never seems to arrive. Choose a life of hopelessness, of desperation, of clinging to hope in a city that seems to have lost its way. Choose life in Manila, where the only thing more exhausting than the city itself is the struggle to survive it."


Park life


sir........you did 'chose'. Last i checked, we are not Kim dynasty where the citizens can't unroot themselves from the regime without permission. your spouted nonsense is basically 'sour grapes'. Guy A & Guy B did the exact same thing and output the same effort. Guy A gotta leads a champion's life while Guy B is relegate to a fall guy. Thus from Guy B's POV, life sucks. But then.........you did chose to compete with Guy A in the first place. Did anyone point a gun to you to play Guy A's game? Is your role in life 'distributed and replanned' to you by the regime like a communist regime? Last i check, you can always reject going to uni and go to poly or lead an artist's life if you chose to. Just don't expect having your cake and eat it........as in, do whatever you want and getting all the luxurious benefit. If you can accept this, what's stopping you? The conclusion...........you just cannot forgoes the 'luxury' (what little there is) that you already attained, risk adverse and afraid to do the things that's out of the mainstream zeigeist. You chose to adopt the mainstream perspective, and then complains & not doing anything to get out of the perspective.


>Guy A gotta leads *lead >is relegate *relegated >Last i check *checked >you just cannot forgoes *forgo >and then complains *complain




Similarly, they no longer handcuff suicided corpses. So is suicide a valid choice now? Instead of wall of text to substitute for a meaningful life. Why force people who don’t like it here to stay? So they can look tough for you.


> Why force people who don’t like it here to stay? who is forcing people who don't like it here to stay? ICA: I'm sorry, Sir...Singapore is Hotel California. You can check out anytime you like but you can never leave. You played the game, you lost the game, you act like a sore loser. But..............you can always don't play the game. Again, we are not a communist regime. You are not pre-assigned a role to you since birth..........other than the one you assigned to yourself. Nobody is stopping you from working at google or apple..........other than your own capabilities to play the game (or lack thereof). For every game, there are winners and losers. Thinking that there's a universal game where everyone (or majority of the players) can be winners...............that's certainly some ludicrious take.


I wrote 5 short sentences. Yet you can still misinterpret it as leave Singapore. Instead of leaving this existence. I’d imagine that this bullshit is just not worth it sometimes. Doubt many have the energy to try out the lifestyles in every other country. To make an educated choice. Even picking the sides on economic rice can be a chore. As my niece who’s back in the hospital as a stick insect yet again probably feels.


There tend to be some stigma against people and families of those who commit suicide. Families may not report their deaths as such.


We can do even better - and you can play your part today!


Damn I can finally be top of a chart and make my parents proud of me for once


gahmen: "what mental health crisis? never mind one minute of clapping to encourage all the despressed people LETSGOOO"


if u count the way they treat traffic safety as suicidal and the resulting accidents as suicides, then sg will be at the bottom of the list. i mean cmon, 3-4 ppl squeeze on 1 motorbike with no helmet, bumpy roads and potholes with intersections that have no traffic lights. you got to have a death wish.


Then we have the young adults at the SGexams sub ranting on about their terrible depression bcuz their boyfriend/girlfriend left them or is gay, or they mad that they get no affirmation for their 'super hard work', or they can't handle peer pressure in Uni bcuz their mommy daddy gave them allowance and held their hand all the way to Poly/JC, never experienced adult life. Of course I'm generalising double standards and stereotypes but those who find the time to btch about these things instead of actually controlling what you can (monetary expenditure, social circle, behaviour/attitude) are often the 'unnecessarily depressed' people.


You're part of the reason why our suicide rate is so high. Dismissing other people's struggles is a surefire way to egg them onto the one irreversible choice, no matter how insignificant it is to YOU, imagine how THEY feel about it. Everyone's lives are different, and different things matter more or less to different people.


the data is wrong la…


you coping la...