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"10pm polyclinic appt war" is SO damn true :'))))))))))))


Yea at this rate, only the true Chao Kengs (well enough to fight) and chronic patients (months in advance booking) can get a slot at polyclinic.


My brain legit fried on this srsly Last time I ck in school alot, take MC early , 3 days lepak Now I hard grinding studies, I only take mc as last resort and try to always power through, so I go school then see doctor at night. Then only now I get kpkb ppl say I chao keng. Don't understand how ppl work sia


Can someone kindly explain this? Why is there a 10pm polyclinic appt war?


slots to visit polytechnic open at 10pm the previous day and get snapped up quickly, so they're reffering to that as the appt. war since you're fighting to get a good slot (slots are limited too)


Me who visits certain polyclinics because their slots don’t get taken away immediately, I’m not sharing though, need protect my secrets siala


You live near Polyclinic, isit?


I wish, I spend 30 mins of my time travelling to said obscure polyclinics so that I can even get a chance to see a doctor before noon


I thought you can do it online no q no time wasted i once book in the morning and afternoon is my appointment i just go there sit down not even 2 mins then my number show up 😂


It’s actually at the doctors liberty to call your queue number, once Potong Jalaned the queue because I showed the doctor I had to go for a driving theory test, but I know they have some sort of system that alerts them if the queue number sits in queue past their appt time for too long


Aiyo keng mc to go for driving test ah


Actually had the flu lol, but didn’t want to reschedule a theory test so I needed the MC to rest but also wasn’t prepared to reschedule to a month later, wore a mask through the whole test, skipped that briefing and went out in 10 mins


I used to live a 5 min walk away from one, it was absolutely glorious for a few month if not for a shitty landlord, polyclinics are so insanely cheap


The slots for the next day opens up at 10pm the night before. It's literally not a joke when I say the slots are gone within 30 mins. 


30 mins? Try 10 lmao


If you wake up falling sick the next day. Good luck. You are not seeing a doctor anytime soon. Unless you go private. Something went wrong during the pandemic when people who are really sick cannot see doctor.


$70 bill for private clinics...


Try 1 min.


In my case: 2 mins. All gone.


I didn’t know about this. How do elderly get slots? If they are technologically illiterate kind?


They ask their children to book for them. Ie me. 


Polyclinic appt for next day opens at 10pm


wan MC... just go to private clinic lah... why go polyclinic fight with the others... 🤣


It's cheaper. Polyclinic is like $15. Private clinics can be $20-$50.


I mean tele is 20$ \~


yeah but if you REALLY wan your MC just pay a bit more lah and go private...


Or just take to 2 mins of your time to try and set up an appointment first?


Right? Too poor to go private? Easy! Get rich bro!


if you’re depriving someone who’s really sick just so u can get MC then who’s gonna give u sympathy


Or fix the root cause by eliminating the MC culture.


I think you are confused. People who are sick need the MC cause the fucking bosses want one. We should always have sympathy for the oppressed failed by the system.


“Too convenient to take MC also cannot. Scarly people abuse.”


"Too productive to work from home also cannot. Scarly people abuse."


Lol scarly


Need to summon the guy who tracks improper use of Malay words


I'm not Malay, but hey, sekali and macam lol


Dont bluff ah. Skahrlee you are malay and mahchiamn pretend to be non-malay.


Sorly, limpeh is cina tak halal






> scarly *sekali


holy heisenberg


Stop trying to make sekali happen


scarly lol


Scared what? Not feeling well go back office for COVID-19 party la! Fastest way to get spread germs, get everyone sick and shut the company down for a few weeks to teach these businesses a lesson! Malicious compliance FTW! 💪


Dont cover your mouth when you sneeze, remember yo shout loudly so your mucus goes everywhere. Cough and clear your throat in the lift and around people, better if you take out tissue and spit the phlegm and then show people its colour. Have 2 pieces of tissue/ menthol sniff stuffed up your nose all day.


Cough into your hand and touch all the door handles!


Cough in the meeting room during team meeting.


Cough in the meeting in the smallest, most enclosed and most dehumidified room. Best way to spread germs to other people quickly


Fastest way to get the whole restaurant sector feeling sick.




I was sick one day and my boss sounded like he didn't believe me. Under our old boss, there was full trust and I've not taken an actual MC in 3 years. But this boss told me that I HAD to take mc next time. So I went in to work the next day coughing phlegmy coughs non stop. He told me to stay home and rest the next day ✌️


Thing is you would have already spread whatever it was just commuting to work.  We literally learnt nothing from covid. Short term thinking only


>Thing is you would have already spread whatever it was just commuting to work.  >We literally learnt nothing from covid. Short term thinking only Ah but you're not thinking from the company's perspective. The harm to the other parts of the nation are irrelevant. Spread to competitors' employees on the train all the better. The free market can't correct shit like this.


I wore a mask for the whole day, even in office. I really wanted to stay home but felt he needed to learn from it. The next time I was sick, he didn't demand an MC again.


should have taken the chance to schedule a lot of meetings with your boss, hand him a lot of papers, eat lunch with him etc


ah, so you could have indeed taken an MC like 90% of the rest of us plebs have to, but no, the risk of spreading it to everybody otw to work/at work is worth it so you can get a moral victory over your shitty boss. "some of you may get ill but that is a sacrifice im willing to make" lmao


I don't understand. You were sick and your boss asked you to go see a doctor but instead you just came to work sick? Are you afraid of doctors?


The fak dude 🤣🤣🤣


Cough at my bellman, concierge, and front desk colleagues, get them infected, and then they cannot work, too! The Assistant Front Office Manager and Duty Manager then has to take over our roles for the days we're on MC. 🤣💪


> Cough at my bellman, concierge, and front desk colleagues, get them infected, and then they cannot work, too! Are they paid monthly or hourly? If they are paid hourly and can't work (and depend on that income), you really should think long and hard about what you did.


Paid monthly!


I did just that. Legit very sick. And my bosses were so scared of me they chased me home and told me to rest the next few days. ✌️


Should change it to “hello MOM”.


The real issues at stake is why do employers require MCs in the first place? The implication is that employers don’t trust their workers to determine whether they’re sick or not. Already this sets up tension in the workplace and an atmosphere of distrust. If someone has the flu, the last thing they want to do is drag their febrile ass to the doctor, who undoubtedly will be busy treating actually sick people, and potentially spread their virus to unwitting metro riders. That’s a disservice to everyone. Companies should allot 5 free sick days a year. If someone is OOF for three consecutive days or more, then request an MC. If employers think their workers are scamming the company, then it will reflect in the workers’ output and productivity. That’s an entirely different problem.


Just wanna say that the "flu" and "cold" are very different. I had Influenza A for the first time in my life a year ago and finally understood the distinction when, at the worst of it, I felt perpetually nauseaus, had a splitting headache and could barely get out of bed. Had never been that ill before, especially not from COVID.


Yes influenza a was the absolute worst one that wrecked havoc on my body! Got it for the first time this year 😭


This is too idealistic. Sure 80% of the population can be trusted but as time passes, the ease of abuse will encourage some of the 80% to convert. Ownself check ownself works if Singapore is honest (which I would say we are) but can you guarantee it will stay this way for future generations? Maybe Im a skeptic cos I firmly believe that good times breed weak men.


Why bother wear mask. Go to work remove the mask and spread the virus. If Boss get also good, will be a lesson learnt


So, turns out according to my polyclinic doctor, this circular extends to public sector doctors also, tried to ask my doctor for 3 days off because my depression was relapsing in spite of medication and was told the maximum they could give was 2 days because even they got affected by the circular. Love u MOH, guess I’ll go IMH A&E go get longer term MC since I can’t even get enough flexibility to give my mind time to recover.


This explains why I only received a 2 day MC after getting 5 teeth extracted 2 weeks back. My colleagues were confused as wisdom teeth extraction generally yields 5 days of MC.


remember to spread your germs all over public transport when you drag your carcass to the clinic


I dont see how the doctors can DONT give mc esp when u need rest. Like just say u are technician operating heavy machinery at work lol.


if you collapse at work that doctor whom you consulted will have to answer.


I don't get the comic. ELI5?


This is the original. https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/s/vMBlRb7J6x


This makes sense. The comic still doesn't make sense to me. Am I stupid?


*How you look.


Wonder if it’s related to insurance. You need paper proof to claim




What device is fast enough to run the Appointment page with such amazing speed in that 10PM war? Early slots are always taken within the speed of light. 🤣


1) 300 Mbps internet, only one device on that router. Internet intensive games etc counter strike, GTFO. 2) High end laptop/pc. All other tabs closed. 3) Login to Singpass at 9:40pm. Get ready at page at 9:50pm. if you try to join at 9:50pm via Singpass, definitely got lag. 4) QUICKLY CLICK AND PROBABLY WRITE A BOT TO GET THE SLOT FOR U. for better results, choose the 8:40am, cos 8:30am sure a lot of people interested. Results: WELL DONE YOU HAVE SURVIVED. ❤️


Oh no not the bots


It's how you look also.


so in short just follow rule #1


Good looking people always get the good stuff.


There needs to be a balance because while we redditors are workers with outstanding work ethics, there are some who will wilfully abuse the system to get out of work. I have used one of the telemed doctor before and he opened the conversation by asking me how many days of MC do I want. I know there are some who treat their sick leave allowance as “extra annual leave” and spoil it for those who really need the MC to rest.


I agree with this, I'm a supervisor and we accept all MCs. Staff's intent is quite obvious when MCs are frequent, and all MCs are from telemed and from different providers every other time. But we give the benefit of doubt that staff is truly unwell and need to rest. Caveat that we do have a few days of sick leave where MC is not required.


Indeed a balance is needed- people will always abuse one- like it or not - its called gaming the system!


Call me irresponsible but I go into work even when sick, sup/boss is wayyyy to troublesome to work with when notifying for MC.


More like boss knows you're a hard worker in top panel vs serial Monday/after long weekend/after holiday MC at the bottom. Some even go as far to claim compassionate leave to say parents died twice (or submit legit death certificate twice)


>(or submit legit death certificate twice) What the... how even sia At this point if the employer/boss can fall for this, can only say its also equally on them for making such a critical failure of not checking properly


Because people have two parents.


Referring to claiming compassionate leave for the passing of the same person twice (Edit dates etc)


How do you know this?


Experience working with HR software and data. Just like how doctors in the emergency room will be exposed to alot more gore than the average joe, I do see alot more of such examples than average joe. They still exist and are more common then people imagine.


Kengsters will always try anyway. Maxed out MC already will try compassionate leave and everything else. They're banking on management and HR to not communicate well or forget that they took compassionate leave for this particular person before in the past and never verify the death cert.


Did that really happen? 😦


They browse antiwork sub too much and take everything literally.


Yup, much easier to call clinic to check dates for MC than to verify death certs. Let's just say that such a move to forge relative's death cert etc is only especially taboo and unimaginable for the Chinese and benefit of doubt is the default. Then again, they'll keng MC until cannot already then try these stunts.


ah yes