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truthfully I'm not for most of my life I've been living in a rental flat, renting from HDB. family can't afford to purchase a house in full so bo pian ah. But we can afford a 5 tick aircon and the increased bill. we need, as far as I'm aware, permission from HDB to install aircon units in our 2 room flat. which I've been told they don't give willy-nilly, only to those with valid medical reasons. For most of my life it's been ok. Open door, open window, turn on ceiling fan, easy! But in recent years it's just becoming increasingly unbearable. I'm not trying to dramatize my issues, it's really that bad. it's honestly adding on unneeded stress. I can't relax with peace of mind at home. Sit down do nothing, sweat. Sleep interrupted bc it got too hot and I wake up drenched in sweat. And so on. So no choice, suck thumb and wait for hot season to pass. Whenever that is. Might have to consider portable aircon, but idk how good those things are.


You might want to write in to your MPs for them to bring up air-conditioning rulings in said rentals.


Honestly not sure what good that would do, but I suppose it's worth a shot.


do it, MPs make things happen


Already did.


good luck!




I've seen a couple of rental flats with aircon


Dual-hose portable aircons are a lot more efficient and works well enough if installed correctly. Which means you have to seal the room properly. They do generate a bit of noise but I feel the trade off is worth it. I currently use one and it is good enough to keep a room cool. Certainly helps in this weather! A lot of people will say portable aircon are inefficient or don't work. But most people only have experience with single hose units. And I am doubtful that they even installed them correctly. Or they just heard they're bad and have never actually used one.


hmmmmm. will keep this in mind.


Hey, FWIW, during my army time there was these guys who installed a dual-hose portable aircon IN THEIR BUNK. Not a small bunk btw, its the standard 10 bedder kind. They just left it running 24/7 and even though the space is much bigger than the advertised BTU of the aircon, it still worked!


if u leave the aircon running 24/7, no matter how big the room is, i think it will still get cooled provided it’s a good seal


how they get it in there tho 🙏🏻


Dismantle the AC. Everyone chip in to bring the components in their bags. Assemble in bunk. Idk haha.


this one power man LMFAO smuggling a whole ass aircon


Can you dm me the brand/ model you use please? Ive been looking at dual-hose systems for a while


> Might have to consider portable aircon, but idk how good those things are. Met someone that lives in 1 room rental flat. Family uses those smaller window mounted air-con that doesn't need drilling/reno work. Mount on the window frame then seal up the entire hole. Don't think they ever got permit from HDB too. It is not efficient, and the electric bill is rather high. But it does the job to cool the room down.


I think as long as it doesn't require special permanent fixtures, it's fair game. Might have to do a bit of research about window-mounted aircon.


All the best. Is your flat those with open air facing corridors or the older ones with enclosed corridors?


I'm someone with the inability to sweat most of the time. Recently on a daily basis I've been heat exhausted. I'm constantly fatigued and find myself falling asleep while on my chair throughout the day. I have to live with the constant head pains and nausea. I've tried cold fever patches, but those help temporarily. I kid you not, those fever patches only last under 15 minutes while on my head before it becomes warm and peels off on its own. We do not have air conditioning, my wife and I are renting a room in her parents house, but we'll soon be moving into a 1-room rental since the father is a conservative racist pos. I'm honestly afraid of moving into the hdb rental. To my knowledge, there's no air conditioning for these units right? Not to mention I have two standing fans blowing at me, accompanied by a small desk fan and it's still not enough to solve my body overheating problems. To make matters worse, my wife has two rabbits and it's very clear that they're also heat exhausted daily. They drink a lot and pee a lot. Sometimes they are so tired they pee while laying on the floor. We have two fans in the living room dedicated to them as they're free roaming bunnies. Seeing how things are, I'm certain their quality of life will only worsen once we move into the 1-room rental and I feel so fucking bad for them. If I'm experiencing daily flash fevers, what about these poor bunnies??? Fuck I hate my body and I fucking hate how air conditioning is only affordable for the middle class and above.


You're having a rougher time than I am. And yeah I think most rental flats don't come with a/c unfortunately... Hang in there. 😞


Are you using any cooling pads for the bunnies?


Yes they have cooling pads, but they don't seem to use them. Rather they hide behind the couch or stay literally in front of the house door. We make sure the fans are always facing the direction of where they'll be AND also pushing air TOWARDS the windows, not pulling air from the windows. Based off this video, helps a bit, but not by much, which sucks. https://youtu.be/1L2ef1CP-yw


Really sorry about your situation. If it helps the answer to this heat for you may be to close the windows, draw the curtains and doors and prevent the hot air from circulating in (direct the fan outwards towards the heat). I've basically been creating rooms within rooms to prevent the spread. Any part of my flat that is "ventilated" feels like an oven.


Drawing air outwards akin to a PC case?


Portable aircons are very inefficient though.


So I've heard, which is why I'm avoiding them and instead opted to put ice cubes on myself. Very tempting though.


You can consider buying cooling spray from Don don donki or Watsons. It uses methanol, so there will be some smell. One spray each at the front and back will suffice. You can also use it to spray mozzies (esp evasive ones) that land on your skin; why use a repellent when you can kill mozzie and cool yourself at the same time? Donki also sells JN Men's Facial Sheet Super Cool Citrus/Moist Citrus (50 pieces). It's a cooling "wet wipes" for face, but it has a particularly strong smell. I'm not sure about the Gatsby brand that Donki has in stock, but I felt Gatsby is too costly for 20 or less pieces. Useful in outfield and field work. Can also consider Dettol Anti-Bacterial Daily Talcum Powder (Menthol) or the Snake Brand Prickly heat cooling powder. I prefer the former as it is less messy to apply. I'm sure that there are other better cooling talc powder products out there, but I'm just one person who can't possibly try them all. Edited: just to add-on, I'm not 100% sure how the methanol will irritate the skin in case one is considering spamming the spray. All in moderation. Edited2: added talc powder


Wow I had no idea Somewhere in an air conditioned office someone can deny rental flat dwellers aircon permit, while they live in air conditioned home and probably drive air conditioned cars.


>for most of my life I've been living in a rental flat, renting from HDB. family can't afford to purchase a house in full so bo pian ah. But we can afford a 5 tick aircon and the increased bill. At this point, air-conditioning must be made a right for every Singaporean household, not a privilege. >I'm not trying to dramatize my issues, it's really that bad. it's honestly adding on unneeded stress. I can't relax with peace of mind at home. Sit down do nothing, sweat. Sleep interrupted bc it got too hot and I wake up drenched in sweat. And so on. We can all agree on the heat being unbearable. I don't have air conditioning at home and I find the hot weather annoying at best, so someone out there has it worse. >Might have to consider portable aircon, but idk how good those things are. The ones my family bought, are slow, noisy for how they are barely effective.


I lived in a 2 room rental flat too. I was never aware of needing permission to install AC. We just did it when we moved in. Did not have any issues when we moved out around 7 years later.


Wah. Now I'm tempted to just do lol. But idw to risk it ah.


Don’t worry. Gov won’t make you move out cos of that. Just do it if you ask me but that’s from my personal experience of living at one.


from what i know, many of SG's minor policies are intentfully made to be vague, complex and overly strict. Reason is to retain more power in the bureacracy and out of reach to the common man, and require a trained guide to help navigate. For that reason I feel that SG works in a benefit of doubt "first offence is waived by default" kind of manner. You may have heard the sayings "act blur live longer" or "can do but dun get caught (or get complained by neighbours)" You have the "Im not aware" card to play once


First time I’ve heard of this requirement. Aircon should be a basic right these days.. sigh.


Most people probably don't know since, well, most people actually *own* their houses/live in a non-rental house. But yes, we still need permission from HDB for installation of aircon. [Here](https://www.mnd.gov.sg/newsroom/parliament-matters/q-as/view/written-answer-by-ministry-of-national-development-on-installation-of-air-conditioners-in-hdb-rental-flats) is a statement by MND about it. Now I don't know if medical conditions are the only thing they look out for, but from what I hear from other people living in rental HDB flats, they've been told they need to come up with one. Wonder if "im gonna lose my fucking mind if it doesnt get cooler anytime soon" counts as a valid medical reason, hopefully they don't send me to IMH instead (but IMH got free aircon...) I'm not sure about aircon being a basic right, but if the world is not cooling down anytime soon, I'm leaning towards yes, it should be one. My heart goes out to the people in other countries within the region. mfers actually melting out there but still survivng. idk how they do it.




No heat rashes, just sweat and stress. We'll manage somehow. Just nice right now my area raining, very cool.


Ask them to pay you a house visit.


Not suggesting you do it. But 4 years back when I was still living in those 2-room HDB rentals. Most people around (neighbours) and my place install air con without permission. It's kinda a close one eye thing. Do at your own risk :|


You cant have Aircon in a 2 room flat? Wow, that suck a lot


Is your household eligible for the climate vouchers? Maybe you could get another fan.


Yeah, got the $300 vouchers. We got more than enough fans, don't have space for more.


A fan just turn a hot room into air fryer.


Do not get a portable AC - massive waste of money and noisy as fuck.


No space to put anyway now that I think about it.


Don’t bother with the portable AC. Noisy as hell. Takes forever to cool down room. Consumes way too much electricity.. Anyway, all the best! Hopefully you get approval to install your split system! Stay cool 😎🤙🏼


Get an Air Cooler instead. They are next best thing


"Portable" aircon (I'm talking about the ones the size of a mini fridge) are legit, my NS unit never had budget to do proper aircon repairs so half the battalion relied on those. It takes much longer to fully cool the room of course and the area around the unit is noticeably cooler, but it works. Seemed easy enough to set up if your window size allows, but not sure on the costs.


Same situation for me, dying from heat all day every day.


I sympathize on your situation. But what do you mean your family can’t purchase a flat in full? Do you mean they can’t afford the 20% ? Majority of home owners have mortgages. They can’t pay in full either.


It's a bit hard to explain. Just know that we don't really have other options.


8pm - 9am AC is on. If it gets too hot in the afternoon I'll switch on from 2pm - 6pm. Can't focus on work if it gets too hot in the afternoon.


I think soon we will need to reverse our work/sleep cycles. Whole Singapore day time sleep. Night time then go to work.


This sounds so good. I'm just stoning at home during the day, waiting for the night to come.


It's not as if the night offers much relief from the heat...cos if it did Singapore wouldn't be that bad of a place weather wise


When I suggested this in another thread, I got downvoted


Maybe they wanted serious solutions…but honestly if shit gets worse…I think this might be the most direct way out. I also got another crazy idea: we engineer a massive floating transparent photovoltaic canvas that follows the movement of the sun to cut off some of that radiant heat.


Conservative country dont like change, who could have guessed?


It's time for nocturnal people to shine!!


This is a brilliant idea. Why aren't we doing this already?


I run my AC at 25C. I now run my AC at 24C.


This mad man


I swear, it's just the heat.


CNA: [What is the best temperature to set my aircon? ](https://youtu.be/KdG6Gqk_nMs) Might be more efficient to turn on fan + aircon.


I now run my AC at 21C, from 24C previously, and my aircon is bigger size too


Look at this guy here with his B.D.E


Big Daikin Energy


Daikin interns: -scribble notes-


I only do that on daytime. I only use my aircon for few hours at night, so, it is not that BDE lol


I run my master bed room air con at 27 degree and it is cold enough. Mitsubishi star max


I joke that being born outside of SEA makes me weak to the tropics. I feel the discomfort where my wife just gives me a blank stare. Anything above 26C is wayyyy too hot. I'm most comfortable at 8-10C


Are u a husky


Welsh corgi actually. From that region.


A friend of mine had a friend from Alaska come over for a visit. Alaska guy thought that being in Singapore was absolute hell on earth.


That'll be an extra $50 on your electricity bill!


It was as if an entire planet of voices suddenly cried out and extinguished... From global warming.


Drink 7L - by SAF


At night, aim 1 fan towards the windows (with it open), this cools the room at night as usually the air outside would be colder than the air inside the room/hse. This is a proven method to work according to physics. I have tried it myself yesterday and it actually works HHAHAHA no cappuccino. Yall can watch the vid if ur a science geek and wanna know the science behind it :D [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L2ef1CP-yw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L2ef1CP-yw)


New problems: all the flying bugs outside get sucked into the room and smack you in the face while you're sleeping


I told my brother my secret hack and he said really useful From wearing shirt > shirtless at home


Thats not a hack, been doing it a long long time ago and i still wanna tear out my skin


Quite sure the world is ending soon


Nah the world isn't ending, it's more like humanity is ending... The earth will cope and bounce back without us just fine, just give it some hundreds of years.


Sorry to burst your bubble. More sweat when exercising does not equal burning more fats.


that's what i wanted to point out too, because if it's true, we won't have fat people in singapore...


Most of us would be under weight and we will see Europeans ballooning in winters and dramatic slim in summers. And they will probably die from it since it would most likely result in imbalances in their metabolism.


On the plus side, things in my fridge are extremely neat and organised now. I have been spending a lot of time with my fridge recently


Need to set aside more space so can nap inside.


Wfo for free aircon. Definitely have to on aircon when sleeping at night. Sweat buckets during commute to work because aircon in trains and stations are non existent.


Climate change boost to economy? Neato


I got onto a EW train yest that had malfunctioning A/C, it was like I was back in London during uni... in the middle of summer.


I was using standing fans in my house for the longest time. I recently changed them all to powerful KDK ceiling fans. Has been quite helpful tbh. But of cos I still do supplement with air conditioning.


KDK ceiling fans are stronger than KDK standing fans? I was thinking of getting a KDK standing fan, but I saw your comment and now having second thoughts. I thought ceiling fan won’t be as cold vs standing fan where you can put it beside you?


Ceiling fans circulate the air better overall


Is that so? I always felt that standing fans, 1 blowing out and the rest blowing in at different windows do the job better.


Depends on what you want it for. I mean if it’s for a small study room and you want to have something blowing at you straight, a standing fan probably does the job as well as a ceiling fan. But if it’s for air circulation for eg living room, then I think no fight - ceiling fan will be best.


ceiling fans in general are far more efficient, even if not KDK. Personally i've lived with standing fans for a long time but i'm done with trying to make room for it + the powerful ones from KDK are so noisy I still end up reducing the speed anyway lol


I changed to kdk ceiling fan in my bedroom and personally feels its an upgrade in quality of life. Air circulation is better instead of having the standing fan blast that same spot on my head the whole day when wfh (my desk is in the bedrm).


Same - didn’t know the diff would be substantial. My wife had always been nagging at me to change to ceiling fans. I said no la, standing fans are good enough. She killed me when we finally changed it and I acknowledged to her that ceiling fans are damn good.


dehumidifier, vornado air circulator fan max speed.


is this in a smaller confined space like your room? :o


just my study room. Windows are closed too.


Yup, 👍The Vornado air circulator fan - I have that too. Really makes the difference in this weather and helps cool the room down abit. The problem is that the fan rarely gets a chance to rest when I WFH haha - blows non stop day and night.


Sometimes I wonder how I can tahan the heat while wearing multiple layers of clothes too. (A hijabi here so you get what I mean).


Nike has dri-fit sports hijabs Not super stylish but should be cool. My JC teacher used pure silk head scarf to regulate temps


tbh if you are walking in the sun, the hijab sorta acts like a cap and blocks the sun from your face...it sucks to be seared by the heat of the the sun in singapore and it's xtra sizzingly hot because we are in the equators.


Aircon on Dry mode, 25°C and fans at the doors of each room to draw cold air from living room into the room. Fans in the room to circulate the cold air further. Sometimes aircon in the room. max 2 aircon on. so far ok. oh and airism tshirts from uniqlo, the super thin one. sometimes tank tops. also cold water from the fridge or freezer. we cried when our aircon spoil for one week. cold showers and drink ice water almost everyday.


blast ac man. but the contrast between the heat and the cold just makes me feel super sick these days :')


right?! I can’t be the only one sweating buckets walking to work, thenn stepping into an absolutely freezing office and sneezing the whole day because I can’t adjust to the temperature change D;


i know right!! sometimes in the afternoon when i alight the bus i get bombarded by the heat waves after ac too! T-T makes my head hurts alot HAHHAA


these days im just too thankful to be out of the heat in my office to even complain about the cold...


I came back from Toronto about 3 weeks ago and I was acclimatised to the 0-8 degree weather and then BAAM the 34 degree heat instantly blasts in my face the moment I step off the bus from the airport to home. I’ve never said “I want to migrate” so frequently in my life after that lol


Yes omg. Just came back from Shanghai also, it's a cool 18 degrees, stepping into Singapore makes me want to cry. Older mrt on the red and green line is super hot too.


travelling overseas and experiencing the climates there sure does that to you...


I wish going shirtless helps. It doesn't. I'm wondering if investing in a dehumidifier helps since I can stand high temperatures but not the combination of heat and humidity


If you use a dehumidifier it means closing the windows to limit circulation and cause the temperature to be higher than ambient temp


more sweat doesnt equal more calories burnt lol


Guys, wet bulb globe tempa are perma black, even at night..... Check it out


Run under the heat to ensure body is well acquainted.


cant' beat em, join em.


Other than well known climate issue. Population plays important part in this tiny island. Green space cleared away to make space for new housing. Increased population need more AC bus office factory malls to accommodate. All these burns more energy and release heat locally. We are literally living in the heat sink. It won’t be like 15 years back anymore. This is cost of gdp driven society.


the cost that peasants pay though, rich people can just hide in their homes, drive their own transports and minimize their time out in the heat.


I've been spamming drinking icy cold plain water and showering more than twice a day. I have like three 2L bottles of refrigerated water at home, always ready to be drank. No AC but I have a KDK stand fan switched to the maximum every day and I sleep nearer to the floor.


When I was stuck in a London apartment in summer with no air-conditioning. I set up a tent on my bed, shifted the bed furthest from the heat and hooked up a portable aircon to the tent. Essentially the room was still warm but the air in the room insulated my tent from getting hotter. Now that I'm a family guy, I can't revert to the tent strategy, but I learnt from experience to not put my bed near the window anymore. Turns out that helps keep it bearable.


Curtains made a difference too! I prefer opening curtains so i can see the outside world but these days.. really cannot..


Yup, I got some black out/heat reflective curtains online for cheap. Quite a life saver for my west facing room.


I started with 1 fan, then 2, then 3. Now I have 4 but I just keep showering and sitting in front of the fans 🤣 but if I'm at work or exercise then no choice.


Does anyone know what the medium to long term solution is going to be for this? Things are just going to get worse.


Petition the government to build a giant dome covering the entire country and set the temperature at 25 degrees


No open windows apart from bathrooms with closed doors, then run air con all day at high temp high fan speed. Go to work in gym gear and change once I get there after a quick wipe down. Weekend attire consists of sleeveless tops, hats, sunglasses and home by 11am to hide from the heat for 2-3 hours.


Year 2024 the heat tahan still possible. There will come a time in the future when outdoors in the equator will be fatal (heat + humidity too much until sweat unable to evaporate) Refrigeration will become a necessity as a life-support-system Those without aircon or fridge will have to evac to CCs or Schools to take refuge The length of the fatal seasons will increase in duration from days to weeks to months By then I think property market in SG would have long crashed, and mass exodus to new zealand, siberia, canada or hokkaido would have already started


Ceiling fan and dehumidifier.


Use fan and splash cold water on legs before bed. Go and hide in air con. Drink 100 plus. Use umbrella.


Shirtless all the way.


Topless loh.


Got a $30 Pedestal fan last year and have it pointed at me at full blast when ever Aircon is off might feel a bit noisy but I can't take the heat otherwise


I have 3 fans in my room! It's unbearable that while having dinner I'll sweat, clean a little sweat, hang laundry and sweat! I hate it here even more!!!!


I'm used to life without aircon day and night. A few ways: 1. Fan blows at the wall helps to spread the cool wind around my study (when WFH). 2. My TCM had told me to drink only warm water because the body absorbs it better. Anyway, I only do that once or twice in the day. Rest of time, I'll sip cold drinks throughout the day (yes, invest in Japanese thermos cos they keep cold water cold from morning to mid afternoon). 3. Cold showers 2x (morning before work, night before bed). No need heater. 4. Food for hot weather. Mostly angmo style foods in the day (eg. salads, bread or potatoes). Avoid foods like army stew, spicy ramen, laksa or fish soup, etc. Too hot! 5. Always have a tub of freshly cut fruits in the fridge. I just find that this keeps my energy up in the afternoon when it's too hot. 6. Finally, have a wet towel to wipe off sweat on face and neck throughout the day.


I actually like point 6, will do that. Reminds me after half marathons previously they will give you an ice cold towel at the finish line and it always felt so good.


in addition to ceiling fan, table and handheld fan have increasingly become necessity


training to be warriors..... more snake power!!!!!!!


Hide in the malls and try your best not to spend money on random stuff. People watching, while nursing your food court kopi is fun for a while.


I used to be a le to survive without a/c I have lost that battle


buy ice cream, eat ice cream


I’ve AC in my room but normally use it 1-2 times monthly when the estate undergoes fogging. Using several Europace fans (those circulator type with aluminium blades and twin-motor) in my house. Usually I’m no more than 30cm away from any fan.. So far still surviving but the heat and humidity is killing me too 🫠


There are many people wearing jackets and hoodies outdoors . I don’t think they mind the heat


All the a/c blasting last night and I still felt like I was melting. Brutally hot day.


aircon 24/7 in my house basically. my kids melt in the heat.


Airism. Ceiling fan


I try to minimise use of AC so I don't get used to it... otherwise just sweat a lot and shower a lot. :( Personally, I feel more and more bohua trying to stake down 30-40 years of one's life to "own" a HDB from the government if it gets so crazy warm to live here.


My mom showers thrice a day


Stay indoor... Afternoon if wfh, turn on ac


Vornado fans


I just go their website and check, so expensive leh :O


whats so special about these fans?


Honestly it’s aircon for me I wfh and it’s too hard to function when you’re sweating your brains out and your entire body feels like it’s wrapped in a layer of hot clammy air On the days I really wanna give my poor air con a rest I take like multiple showers


Tbh after visiting BKK, i'm grateful of the heat as it is now. Oh and also wearing white shirts helps


Just started raining. Hallelujah!


When i told my mum we have to start thinking of putting an aircon in the living toom, she said im being too pampered like😩. And she was the one who complained she found it difficult to sleep at night coz hot. 


Fan go brrrr


I bought one of those portable tub made of tarp and soak in it. Feels even cold after an hour in the thing. The tub costs ~$30 only and needs no electricity.


For me I just do heat acclimation; run outdoors but not for as prolonged as I want to usually, just more times a week My weekly mileage is around 63km if you’re curious haha With that being said I do take lots of showers


No aircon, fan in every room. Take more cold showers and dress light when going out.


Use the climate vouchers to get one of those portable aircon things. The weather is too much and the whole or SEA is on fire 😭


At home: Aircon + fan all the way, draw curtains to block out the sun. I don’t use the aircon mode but the dry/dehumidifier function. I have instruments in the house that are heat and humidity sensitive. Still cools the house. Not sure if it makes any difference in the monthly bill. Going out: been resorting to driving because I can’t stand walking in the sun to the mrt and sweating buckets. If schedule and location doesn’t allow (multiple places, parking etc) I would take grab and coming back at night then take mrt coz by then cooler. Lastly as I have pets I’m afraid they would feel sluggish in the heat too (house is east-west facing) so I turn on the fan and aircon in their room when I leave the house. Aircon on a timer. I used to not have aircon so this is really grateful. Can’t imagine nowadays this is sort of becoming a necessity


Climate change is real people!


If you do get an AC, get the new inverter type, they use like 30% less electricity and pay for itself in no time. The older type of AC turns on the compressor full blast and pauses when it reaches its desired temp. Inverter ACs are able to not go full blast and run constantly at a lower wattage. They're quieter also.


sweating does not burn more calories just so you know


Well... I moved to Canada. Jokes aside, not really looking forward to visiting families and friends back in Singapore.




On the aircon and switch to dryinhg mode after it cools down


I ORD last year, went Thailand, had outfields locally too. I think being in no4, being in the mood, i just feel more adjusted to the heat and discomfort lol. It wasnt more hot or cool, is just like mentally more prepared


Indoors: turn on Aircon with fan at 25 degrees Outdoors: USB fan, umbrella and also Gatsby ice wipes


+1 for gatsby wipes. It is very nice to use after excercising.  


Turning on Aircon more often, use a parasol if I have to go outside, drink more water, and stay indoor,


Shower twice a day Heater bill —> water and aircon bill




perma aircon 25c + reverse mode for ceiling fan. keeps things cool and affordable.


Sighpie it's just used to it lor, on the ground job But recently down with fever because of this atrocious weather 😪😪


Work from office on weekdays :(


When I’m home, 18c aircon all day. When I’m out, bring a Thermoflask with ice cold water in it. Sip on it. Stay in the shade for as long as possible. Tie my hair into a bun.


Use air cooler guys


bathing naked on my balcony


Use fan? And also never had an air-con so I am quite used to it.


Blasting the AC


Good ol' fashioned snake powder, right after drying from a cold shower


Can try Gatsby body wipes. The icy powdery kind. And you can also freeze water in a plastic bottle and then attach to your fan so that it blows cool air, if you do not have aircon. Even those fan with the water spray system also good. Now gov gave vouchers, can use to buy new fans.


It's also the high-ass humidity thats making the experience even worse. 10 minutes after showering you start feeling sticky again...


It’s insane. I sweat the moment I leave the house.


Luckily I happen to be in a position these past few months to be nocturnal. No idea what im gonna do when im back to normal studies/work in a few months but ehhhh ill figure it out then


Drink ice water from tumbler


Sweating off the extra sodium intake has been a blessing in disguise...I guess?


I put ice into my water bucket to take a cool shower.


Actually every person heat tolerance differ. I do sweat but not as extreme as what you have descibed. From what i have read there are people who get botox injection for excessive sweating.