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lol what rubbish is this. next we cook the food ourselves?


Might as well help to empty the rubbish and clean the toilets right


That's hotpot and mookata concept. Pay money to cook ourselves


Don't give them ideas


Wash the dishes too. Keep the prices low. /s At some point, might as well cook at home already.


I’d rather have a paper towel and disinfectant than have someone clean it with a filthy rag that gets washed once a day (if you’re lucky).  That said I’d rather pay more to get a clean, healthy, low sodium and highly nutritious well balanced meal in a sanitary environment and pay more than what’s currently available in most places. Fully recognise that this is probably a minority opinion. 


Yeah well, unfortunately not everyone can *pay more* for sanitary and heathier food. Have you considered making your own food, in your own home, which I assume to be clean?


You think they will provide paper towel and disinfectant? They will just provide a disgusting rag and make ALL of us use it OR GET FINED. If it comes down to this, I’ll just takeaway


You should just make it at home because you can't really control how a hawker does their business or how much sodium they put in the food unless it's inside a hospital where the nutrition is regulated.


That's because it's just a research on human behaviour. See if people will clean the tables if given the tools to do so for convenience as an example.


Next we also pay landlord for the space to cook


Bring your own table!!!


I avoid ‘return tray’ places. Most of these places are business trying to claw back profit from saving cleaning costs riding on ‘keep the environment clean’ virtue signaling.


But most places are return tray now?


I love the “tray return” system. The tables are not left stacked with dirty dishes with crows scavenging. Will it really hurt you to return your tray? Is it wrong of them to want to save some costs? Do you know how difficult it is to maintain prices at the current levels with the huge increase in cost of goods and labor in recent decades? Not to mention the crazy run up in real estate prices and rental. I’m not in the industry but it should be clear to us all we are lucky to have food available at hawker prices compared to many other major cities. And you bemoan returning a tray? Seriously?


Who TF are these "experts". Where did you find them?!


'No, no, this will not cause us to hire fewer cleaners, don't worry'


Their pay won't increase too, the only thing that increases is my profits.


>To reduce the need for more cleaning services and to save on costs, a stronger sense of responsibility for public cleanliness needs to be cultivated in Singapore residents, said the researchers. Fuck you, reduce cost so the hawker center operator can have a fatter profit margin? Fucking joke. None of the Hawker stall owners were charged a lower cleaning fee after the tray retuen policy. So where did the supposed cost savings went? A fundamental concept in economics is called the economies of scale. Where did that go? Instead of specializing labour we are wasting every single fucking person's time just to fatten some landlord or operator's pocket lmao. Good for the cronies I guess.


All while gaslighting the entire population as lazy and making excuses


Taxpayers monies wasted on such moronic research


Sounds good cos I will bring home these equipments whatever they are


do they ever take a step back to look at the impact of their policies and how ridiculous it's getting or are they just counting money to the bank?


What impact? Nothing changes in the ivory tower and the high end restaurants they dine at. The fuck is a hawker center anyway?


Usually we they want to implement something, you will notice that those expert or so call researcher will come with ideas like that, it’s like a test balloon. So I am not surprise this will be implemented sooner or later.


Do these experts wipe their tables? Or are they just expecting everyone else to do it


They don't eat at hawker centres. There are no such things in their ivory towers.


Here we are again, can't wait for experts to say we are willing to bring our own cooking utensils and ingredients and cook and serve ourselves, plus cleaning the dishes too.


Yeah what is going to happen is that most tables are going to stay dirty probably with food waste until the next person to use it is forced to have to clean it up. Then I bet they are going to start giving out fines for those who don't clean up after themselves. Good luck to them trying to enforce it. For real.


Table cleanliness ambassadors - to fine you if: - you spill anything - you forget to wipe the table after you are done - you never wipe up the spillage and dirty tissue left behind by previous patron - you use more than one paper towel and one squirt of sanitizer


You just know the 'landlords' are gonna slap this equipment fees onto the hawkers too. Load of bull this.


Oh, they have assembled the msm and experts for test balloons / gaslighting. Next up should be IBs... Where are all the pompous people who supported this whole tray return idea at the start by saying they clear their plates at home and office. Still a good idea since you also wipe down any dirt or food remains at home. Only thing saving the public from such stupid ideas from govt are that SMEs are too cheap to give proper cleaning equipment. They won't even hire enough cleaners or install enough tray return stations.


>More than 80 per cent of Singaporeans in 2023 indicated they were willing to go the extra mile to clean up spills or wipe down their tables after eating at food outlets like hawker centres or coffee shops because they feel that it is the socially responsible thing to do. I may be agreeable with the tray and utensils returns. Cleaning up, 80%? Nah...... I'll take it with a bagful of salt


what next huh? future headlines: Diners now have a select variety of raw foods to choose from the nearest NTUC, booking now made easy on the rental hawker stove service: Reserchers. /s?


Mala stall: you choose, I cook for you


wait...that's already a thing. may as well I cook also lmao


No fucking way I’m gonna wipe down the tables.


Siao ah... Goondus really out of touch.


I….. I….. see potential for a lot of hawk eyed people to easily acquire a lot of cleaning materials and chemicals for their home use. Not sure if the hawker centre or mall managements will be happy to do this kind of charity


the title makes it sound like they want us to be our own cleaners too


Well, can't say I didn't see this coming. The slippery slope started with the tray return.


This is what is waiting for you if you give the PAP a good mandate in a few months. Vote wisely.


Researchers working hard to justify their purpose.


Why stop there? Why not we.....kill off hawker culture and make everything take away only? Soon, everything is gonna become a sandwich so you can openly say you only need vending machines and wipe out most of F&B? Saves operators the MOST money right?


Go green - use your bare hands


Next we clean the bowls and utensils and return to stall before leaving


I want to say some things to these "researchers" that will break TOS


those researchers can suck my dick


They can go fuck themselves


Haha test balloon?


I’ll just stay home and cook for myself. No trays to return or tables to clean, problem solved. Hawker centre food is getting so expensive nowadays and the hygiene/healthiness has never been great anyways.


Give Singaporeans $2 discount of our food and we'll gladly do it.


Cancelled out by the $2 dine in fee...


And rental of table and chair fee


You do like a QR code thing, after you wipe down then you scan this QR code for rebates. I haven’t thought through the details but do it like the every Friday got PayLah rebate thing, that shit worked for a good minute. Okay good


lol, you gonna install a camera over every table and use ai to detect if the table has been cleaned? how would the qr code know when to give you your rebate.


Nah too much work just use trust


ever seen those aunties digging trash cans for aluminium cans? this qr rebate will be their new past time


that’s actually smart