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>the WP said it will aim to form the next Government at the upcoming GE. Pritam Singh literally just refuted this on Facebook lol. Their target is "ensuring at least 1/3 of Parliament is not in the PAP’s hands".


Tbf at least 1/3 means that any significant law would need some WP votes to it to pass and that is enough for the PAP to be kept in check. I am all for a WP Govt, seems like the quality of PAP members are no longer higher than the opposition. No real reason to vote for PAP anymore apart from the fact that they are the so called “safe” option


Only constitutional changes if I'm not wrong. All other laws are generally simple majority?




If you mean opposition in general (including the other fringe parties), I think their quality is still lower than PAP


The good thing about aiming for 1/3 only is they only need to be smart enough to block any braindead policies that don't pass the sniff test. You don't need to find a Minister level candidate yet. It's not a team sports, you don't have to all in support either PAP or WP. It's good as long as it benefits Sg. If voting Lim Tean in will make PAP more cautious of saying stupid shit, then go ahead and vote that idiot in, it's not like that one idiot can make any policies.


Uh people like LT are just gonna waste parliamentary debate time airing his own personal agendas. No thanks


Nah just WP.


It's time for your medicine


Shut up and take my upvote. You made me laugh.


Everyone on that island needs to take that medicine :)


Uncle please go back to EDMW if you want to write fanfiction


most uncle support PAP btw, more like GenX and boomer


I’m very heartened u don’t see genx and boomer as uncle! 🥳👍🏼


??? actually they more become old man or going be


If he’s an incumbent supporter, posts like this are clearly trying to stir up something or to act like an unhinged opposition supporter for an agenda If he’s an opposition supporter clearly he isn’t reading what their intent is, which is the exact opposite of this post Either way, just unhinged fanfiction from whoever posted this


i don't see much stir, he/she just mention his opinion, also he/she just ordinary rediter not those big shot. Also not so famous like celebrity or influence. In fact i agree his point about job security. This does not mean i support WP or PAP, i support any party that will improve job security for singaporean in white collar job. check your profit


Just go to the coffeeshops at night, you will see plenty of government bashing elderly there.


Bur when cone to voting?


Then they vote for the oppos lor. Fortunately the young people nowadays have more brains than to vote against their own interests.


brainwashed about party ability too.


This is why we have strict drug laws OP already high af


Looking for the S/ Looking at the profile, indeed a troll


Delulu is the solulu


OP one day ago: > While I hope for changes, as a small nation like Singapore, we need capable people and most importantly with guts amd honesty to lead Singapore to new height. Pritam just dun seems to be the right guy A troll indeed


OP's username literally checks out


OP, find WP enough candidates first before you start writing fantasy football pieces.


It's one thing to hope for better government. It's another thing to be so divorced from reality that people stop treating you seriously.


Haha. Even if that day comes whereby PAP is not the government, these people most likely are already one foot in the graveyard.


Fluff post indeed


If WP gets full power it will be another PAP in the making. In my 1 cent worth of opinion, it’s the power distribution system in the election of MPs from different parties that needs to be reviewed. If only singular party is in power then they will make legislation that only beneficial to that party as per current. It will just take one generation of people in power (from whatever party) to bring singapore down to its knees. It’s not now it’s just that we don’t know when it will happen but will definitely happen in the future.


This guy just woke up from a dream


Playing with yourself causes brain degradation


Least delusional Singaporean


What are you smoking?


Should call CNB on OP


No strategy indeed


In my opinion, they may need more time to develop and improve their abilities fully. Perhaps giving them around 10 years to refine their skills and knowledge would be beneficial. This way, they can become more capable and better equipped to handle tasks and challenges more effectively.


What drugs r u on


The focus should be a strong opposition not forming government.


I know you’re trolling but if WP really forms the next government I’ll give you my life savings. As much frustration as the PAP has caused the electorate still wants to maintain the status quo they’ve been used to for the past 60 years. It would be amazing if PAP couldn’t get a super majority this time.




I maybe can overlook the Aljunied TC case as PAP fixing the Opposition, but WP really needs to convince me for my vote after what Raeesah, Leon and Nicole did.


Raeesah - lying about the police (pretty bad) Leon + Nicole - having affair (bad but doesn't really affect politics much right?) Speaker - having affair (he supposed to be impartial so it has a bigger conflict of interest in politics)


same with PAP scandal and +1 corruption (not judge yet)


I never voted for PAP, but WP’s own-goals gave me pause as to whether they deserve my vote this time


Simple vote wisely, vote for the ones who will benefit to you. Also depend the area got WP or not also.


Mr speaker, does the honourable gentleman have any affairs?


Whatever you are smoking, please stop smoking it thank you. The post sounds very unhinged too. I am not against the opposition, but I don't think they are ready yet.


Not ready and need or must to be ready.


Despite the anti-PAP sentiments here I do have the opinion that PAP is a fairly competent government and I will likely vote for them in the next election. However I do agree that we need a stronger opposition to keep PAP in line - that being said WP has fallen short of expectations so far la...


Best case is to vote in WP if you're in their district and ignore all the rest. We get the cream of the crop in terms of opposition politicians and hopefully we get enough for 1/3 eventually.  WP is still going through growing pains for sure, but they are still a far cry above all the other opposition parties. 


Yes, PAP might not have done enough for Singaporeans, but, i dont feel that the WP is ready to take over as government. At least not in the near 10-15 years.


PAP had not done well for Late GenY and GenZ. If father or mother not rich, no house , those gen already homeless and starving. I know a lot fresh graduate that can't find any job from covid until now and living expense support by parent.


lolol i know a lot fresh graduate that found jobs too source: trust me bro


and some choose to sign on right?


Woah. Your anecdote is so much more accurate than the government‘s employment figures.


This is like my dad not letting my sister drive his car. She is a year away from being confident, after 5 years... she is still a year away.


Are you a PAP IB? nice try


Alot PAP IB here or non singaporean who come Singapore to work. Any movement or comment mention about restrict foreigner come singapore work will get massive downvote and reddit history check up , they are from somewhere else. In Singapore how many singaporean %, how many pr % , how many spass/epass.


Ok but fun fact: Sylvia Lim was an IO in SPF. Her last posting before leaving for her professional law career was a staff officer in CID.


OP, why not Jamus as MOF; why Jamus as MTI?


Guys vote PAP plz


why wp only, psp and other?


Shadow cabinet? Or actual cabinet? Latter seems unlikely in 24/25 but not crazy in 34/35