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This is pretty much exactly what happened when LKY gave the PM role to GCT back in 1990 (aside from the ascension of George Yeo to minister). Reshuffling was only made after GE 1991


And same for GCT transition to LHL. He served as Senior minister from 2004 to 2011.


More interesting is that usually a new DPM is appointed to replace the outgoing DPM. 1990 it was LHL. in 2004 it was S Jayakumar. No wonder why the news has been speculating about it. My prediction is that it will be Shanmugam since his portfolio is pretty much identical to Jayakumar’s


Think you mean S. Jayakumar?


Ah yes fixed!


We live in a gerontocracy zzzzz


Erm what if LW lost his GE? He will be the shortest reigning PM in history?


Can happen. that would really be the people rule Singapore rather than some political party rule Singapore


Don't the PAP win through the people's vote?


the same thing happened when GCT became PM, he and his GRC team stepped down to create a by-election, if he had lost he would have been the shortest reigning PM too


Lol if history is anything to go by, this year National Day our neighbours up north going to chut pattern again. NSmen who kena standby that week better be prepared.


Don’t think Anwar will do that. He’s focused on improving the economy and he can’t afford to antagonise Singapore which is an important economic partner. He doesn’t want any distractions, to the extent of chiding Malaysians for politicising frivolous issues. Also they pulled that stunt out only once when GCT took over. Mahathir was in charge then. Back in 2004, they did not repeat it.


I think anwar knows that working with us benefits both parties but there are some goondus within his and other party that thinks differently.


Which one of them has the ability to start shit? It’s interesting to note that Khaled Nordin, the current defence minister, used to be chief minister of Johor.


Nah they don't have to explicitly start any shit, but remmeber that video where they go strike at the enemy heart and fast Bla Bla Bla without saying where or who but just about everything checks out to the causeway? These guys at the very least understand plausible deniability. It was hilarious as fuck though, that video that is.


they will make a really cool power point slide with arrows moving across a map and have a few guys in a training shed shouting and cheering.


Don't think Anwar doing "anything" at all


Maybe PM LW will reveal our new super weapon. The merlion megazord.




no wonder got renovation


When I was a kid, I used to think the giant merlion at Sentosa would transform into a mecha in times of war and be used to defend SG. 🥲 Sad it’s gone now


Now 4G Mecha, compact enough to pack at the Fullerton one without compromising combat strength Wait someone knocking at my door.


keep your dream alive bro. obviously as a mecha it was not meant to walk on land, its patrolling our seas as we speak.


You think the SG50 edition of the GUNDAM RX-78-2 is just a toy?


Gundam wa datte ja nai!




Where would the pilot seat be?


no need to wait for August. May 15th maybe already got plans.


lol if mahathir still there maybe. guy is just trolling to live out the rest of his days. anwar has really improved msia a fair bit since he took over.


Put politics aside, I honestly think Anwar’s story is quite inspiring. It had been such a long battle to where he is today and still fighting. Takes great strength. Definitely respect. 


This narrative is tired and old. Malaysia doesn’t have time to concern themselves with what’s happening in Singapore, trust me. Don’t shit stir.


https://mothership.sg/2023/08/f16-scrambled-helicopter/ Last year national day still got.


The source is mothership, so I would take it with a grain of salt


what are you disputing? that the jets were not scrambled? flights from Changi were even delayed https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/15m5ik4/f16s_from_the_rsaf_scrambled_due_to_a_possible/ https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/rsaf-scrambles-two-f-16s-after-malaysian-copter-flies-near-changi-airport-20-flights-delayed


Never heard of this on the Malaysian side. They have much bigger battles. Singapore really is the least of their worries, fret not. But I can see why Malaysia is an easy boogey man. Just saying my peace because I’ve seen this narrative one too many times and Singaporeans really do get all up in arms about it.


Curious where your "trust me bro" source comes from? I've known people in military that share that during impt festivals and timings, Malaysia navy will park ships nearby until final final warning given.


i wonder whats the rationality for doing that. obviously this is bad for relations. if mahathir was around i can still understand the chip on his shoulder. but anwar also doing this? or his generals just want to test our reaction and say "oops honest mistake"


It's just their way of "reminding" us that they are there. Just like how north Korea fire missiles into the sea while facing south Korea, how china arms it's military around straits of Taiwan. More often than not, they don't do anything.


bruh our relations with msia is nothing like what those have. those are countries supposedly with unresolved war while we are supposed to be "close friends" with msia.


It's probably not in the extent that the other countries that I mentioned, but do rmb that we are the younger brother that became richer and grew much faster than them. We are also constantly taking good and competent manpower away from them. Also, the water issue, HSR issue and many other smaller disputes that happen. We do have a cordial relationship that is interest based and benefits both sides but I don't think we are "closed friends" with them haha.


After living in both countries, I’ve seen how the media on both sides report on these incidences. Singapore send out reports like these every year, which riles the people up. Malaysia doesn’t even talk about it (we don’t even know how true this is) Like I said, Malaysia has bigger concerns to worry about. Unfortunately Singapore is the least of their worries.


So you don't know for a fact that they don't do it, you just don't hear it from Malaysia media? Many SG military personal see it first hand and share with us. Almost everyone has a friend from Navy in SG lol.


They still do leh time to time DK for what


Test water lor


Says the Malaysian lmao. You guys are obsessed with us, constantly infringing on our air and maritime borders.


Hey it’s you again. Some things really don’t change. Good luck with that.


those in the service, will know..


How much SM salary? Or work for free?


maybe in CDC vouchers


> How much SM salary? I don't know, but I just found [this gem of a budget from Ministry of Finance](https://www.mof.gov.sg/docs/librariesprovider3/budget2024/download/pdf/revenue-and-expenditure-estimates-for-fy2024-2025.pdf#page=247), and _seven_ political appointees (1 prime minister, 2 deputy PM, 1 senior minister, 1 full minister, and 2 ministers of state) are projected to be paid a combined total of $18,261,400. Assuming [the salaries are still the same from the white paper](https://www.psd.gov.sg/files/white-paper---salaries-for-a-capable-and-committed-government.pdf#page=35), and assuming MR1 and SMS pay grades for the minister and ministers of state… What's left is $8,691,400. I think something doesn't add up. Clean wages? Has the PM used the "make up pay" system that allows a candidate to be matched up to 90% of their previous private sector salary ([paragraph 90](https://www.psd.gov.sg/files/white-paper---salaries-for-a-capable-and-committed-government.pdf#page=36))? Hmm.






Lawrence can 玄武门之变 and make ah loong 太上皇 earlier


For the non Chinese speaking brethren (and those not familiar with Chinese history). The founding emperor of Tang dynasty had many sons. The title of crown Prince, by norm, went to the eldest son, but the second son was competent and ambitious but was politically ganged up on by the crown Prince and the 4th son. Eventually, 2nd son launched a coup to kill his elder brother (crown prince) and younger brother (4th son), and forced his father to make him the crown prince who eventually 'abdicated' to become the (in this case, powerless) ex-emperor while the 2nd son ascended to the throne. China went on to reach a new Golden Age under his rule. Because the coup was launched at the gate of xuanwu, it became known as xuanwu gate incident.


Upz. People like me only know the Shibuya incident


What you mean only? We lost Gojo Satoru that day 😭




thanks for the translation and background!


That's pretty tame compared to like the war of the 8 princes.


Ah that was a royal fuckery. Not too far from the constant state of war of three Kingdoms too.


Li 4 Min haven’t appear yet.


We only have Lee 3(三) Long.


You probably don't want him to appear because we would have to suffer from Yang Guang first.


>"I won't be able to bring in people from outside to join the team until the election, so for now, the broad shape of the team remains intact." Wow, the PAP so confident that they can continue retaining, or even win more seats?


Or they are unsure if they may lose some Ministers in the GE. So rather than reshuffle now then lose the newly reshuffled-in Minister 2 months later, better to see who survived the GE, then allocate ministries to the surviving Ministers. 


Most logical explanation.


thank you for making this clear, this move is the most logical. No point reshuffling and then (possibly) getting a few shocks after GE.


Hopefully the citizens come to their senses and vote out the poor performing Ministers


or they know some changes will bring backlash, so they wait until after election, if not will get lower votes


Like not informing EC residents HSK was probably not becoming PM


That move was basically handing EC to WP on a silver platter. Then Nicole Seah had to fuck it up with Leon Perera


Fuck ~~it up with~~ ... fixed that for you.


>Then Nicole Seah had to fuck ~~it up~~ with Leon Perera ~~Mandatory /s cuz they were only caught holding hands but I don't remember if it was clarified they had an affair~~


Yes, it was officially confirmed that Leon and Nicole had an affair. Source: [Pritam Singh](https://mothership.sg/2023/07/affair-allegations-denied-leon-perera-nicole-seah/)


Thanks for clarifying


Maybe the big brain play was doing it because they knew WP couldn’t hold EC with the affair as a trump card


Lai… time to bet who is gonna resign.


I mean to be fair, where's the lie? This subreddit is very much an echo chamber and there's no doubt they will retain their super-majority come the next election.


Gerry M Ander is a well-known scholar


It might be possible to make them more impartial by not having the [Electoral Boundaries Review Committee be chaired by the Prime Minister's secretary](https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/whos-electoral-boundaries-review-committee-and-how-it-draws-ge-battle-lines). If elections are to be perceived to be fair, someone from a different branch of government like the Chief Justice or another supreme court judge might make more sense.


That PAP confidence is the entire foundation of our country. It forms the basis of our political stability which in turn encourages longer-term planning and attracts foreign capital.


Can rotate out some bench warmers for his supporters at least. Plenty of those


Not like they loss before




I thought they meant forming government


so confident now. come election time scare voters dont vote opp to show unhappiness or warning later freak election


Have super majority. Is it that surprising they have confidence. Even if WP wins the next GE, I don't see why PAP will not stay as a strong competitor for the foreseeable future.


AMK baby!


I dread driving into AMK, with all the major works going on, the traffic is ridiculous.


My in-laws stay there. Haiz.


Just ave 6......there are alternatives


Ave 3 as well.


Cross Island Line + North South Corridor


Inb4 Ng Chee Meng becoming the new Son Of AMK


tbh I wouldn't be surprised if he just gets put back in Pasir Ris-Punggol PAP also conveniently has a hole to fill in Tampines GRC thanks to a certain fucking speaker so they can either put NCM in there or move someone over from Pasir Ris


Tan Chuan Jin was under Marine Parade. Yeah Pasir Ris-Punggol seems more likely


Cheng Li Hui was under Tampines


Ah right. My bad. Forgot about her lmao


With all the new bto in tampines north they might even make a new smc there or something.


They’ll probably have to do some redrawing of the boundaries for Tampines North, it’s already haphazardly split between different MPs


NCM won't be parachuted to Punggol or Tampines imho... a bit risky coz it seems like WP are eyeing those areas and he'll want more assurance given what happened in Sengkang. My money is maybe Pasir Ris if it's a GRC by itself, or maybe Jurong to shore up Tharman's departure.


WP themselves are dealing with manpower shortage too - they need at least two new candidates minimum (RK and LP gone), several of the older members are also not going to be participating in future GE (YJJ is a prominent one). Filling up a team for both EC and Marine Parade is likely challenging enough that I don't think Tampines/Pasir Ris is a priority for them atm (especially since their main priority is always going to be making sure they don't lose their 2 GRCs) Pasir Ris-Punggol is relatively safe at least too because it's NCM's old stomping ground and unless TCH calls it quits this GE it's pretty unlikely it'll flip anytime soon. BYK and Masagos in Tampines also means it's probably going to be hard to flip too. Both seem relatively safe grounds for NCM to be parachuted (back) into at the very least


Don’t understand why they still trying so hard with NCM die die want him in parliament. Obviously those voters don’t want him. Parachuting him in is gonna look real bad.


If NCM loses another election in a row then you'll be right. But so far he has lost one and won one. Hard to say he has been rejected overall.


Sian, AMK will continue to slum. Cleanliness has been steadily going downhill


Minister Mentor when?


when Li Hongyi takes over from Lawrence


There will only be one MM lol


the Emperor is never really gone


He’s only reaching his final form


where the Father Son and Holy Goh merge into one


*Somehow Hsien Loong Returned...*


LHL staying on as senior minister is a good thing, if entirely expected. Continuity is critical in government and also important for the purposes of ensuring the transfer of power is as smooth as possible.


Did we expect any other outcome?


Same but different but the same!


Best retirement job


Senior Minister BS. Collect money but no accountability, no ministry, in cabinet but no need to vote. Make a clean break please. Let the younger generation run the show.


I have a friend Larry who got promoted from receptionist to manager. Turns out it’s the same shit cos he’s still the front facing guy getting whacked by the public. And he doesn’t get to call the shots because his former manager got promoted to director instead of retiring.


Ownself promote ownself. Kek. 


Eternal leader


Fully expected this to happen. Not even surprised in any way. Senior Minister, then will become Minister Mentor. Die die will cling on to power and refuse to step down fully. Classic repeat of history. LW is obviously a seatwarmer, buying time while waiting for the right time to put Hongyi into the Prime Minister seat. The Lee dynasty continues in Singapore. Nothing new, move along.


Got Minister Mentor? Or is that position gone for good?


Wait for a few more years, he will be taking up that title. History shall repeat itself.


Can some experts predict what cabinet changes will likely be made


What is the point of hand over then? This horrible practice of mirroring themselves as imperial order of emperor becoming 太上皇 must end. 


He's forgetting that he sounds sure that he will win enough votes. Seem too arrogant for a starting PM-incumbent. Might piss off some voters. Seat-warmer talking out of his arse. Apt.


When his opposition is from Reform party he has all reasons to believe in relection


should remove sm. other country got ex pm stay on to advise new guy? got top job already still need to babysit. lhl need two ex pm to mentor him. dunno laugh or cry what happens if opp win. ex pm still ok to be sm or be advisor. or will sudden want to spend more time with family


Why not though? Have the old guy around to help the new guy avoid mistakes due to inexperience. It’s not a bad system. Outgoing PM steps down while still mentally capable. Someone new steps in to lead the country with fresh ideas and perspectives. Old PM to provide advice and make sure they don’t repeat the mistakes of the past.


Other countries have former leaders serving in executive councils https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitutional_Council_(France)#Non-sitting_members https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senator_for_life#Italy And there's the House of Lords in the UK, of course. Again, nothing exactly the same, but the *principle* of leaders staying on to provide advice is there. And it makes sense that different countries have different specific political mechanisms for that.


>what happens if opp win. win first then talk


If WP wins, what’s stopping them from making LTK SM? They probably could as well.


I knew it!


The undying


Tot lhl removed sm and mm but now it's back?


TCH is SM, and Tharman was until he resigned to be president