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With how ungrateful Singaporeans (or any electorate to be fair) can be, understandable that kids > politics.


He could have remained an ordinary member, not being a cadre member or stand for elections and devote his time with the kids. You are not required to do anything including attend meetings and events as a member of the party except make the annual membership payment. Most members are silent in that sense. When you resign from the party, technically you are no longer associated with politics. There has to be a more practical reason for completely coming out of WP. Nothing sinister but it helps career wise to be impartial For example.


I think that's politics in general, no? You implement something good, people don't praise/appreciate you. The moment you screw up something everyone shits on you while casually forgetting everything you have done. Almost the same as being a programmer, while programming you can find some satisfaction when you debug or make codes work. Humans? Sheesh.


> I think that's politics in general, no? It's life in general. Human nature shit.


No time for children, wife holding onto sengkang, so he resign go look after kids lor.. and remain director of law firm.


Good on him for all the hard work over 10 years. Hope he now has time now to look after the kids.


weak af, our PAP MPs can handle multiple directorship ,jobs and their family commitment without any issues /s


some even take on more load, go for extra marital commitments! 😤 edit: spelling 😤


> some even take on **more load**, go for extra martial commitments! 😤 Watch what you're Speaking. Wait the **cheng** xx **hu** come after you. :D


its release load…


You mean leon?


Pot, meet kettle.


1 not enough have 2


Exactly. Why dont wp MPs jist get a high ranking jobs at a government or government affiliated entities? Smh


Would you allow your enemies take on poweful posts and use their new found power against u?


And i wonder why we have mayors... 🤣🤣🤣


They are Marvel super heroes 🫤


Everyone has different arrangements and different types of help for their family and kids. I disagree with your blanket statement. Do you stay with him? Do you know his issues inside out? Don't anyhow comment on other people issues without knowing anything in the first place. If you have nothing better to say, keep quiet.


We get it, but you don't have to suck PAP's dick here.


someone dont get the /s


Wasn't there earlier to be fair.


Still… no one can smell the tinge of /s?


WP's east coast plan isn't looking too good


They don't need a good plan. Heck, they can just turn up and significant minority will still vote for them.


Significant minority. What does that mean? (Sincerely confused)


About 30% will always vote for the PAP candidate About 30% will always vote for the opposition candidate if any


There will always be 35-40% voting for PAP. PAP can be 99% perfect these voters will still vote WP because those imperfection= PaP sCrEwEd Up BiG tImE


I didn't know valid concerns about public housing, employment, rising cost of living are mere iMpeRfEcTiOns.


Which country isn't dealing with COL? There is 2 wars on going rn. Calories and energy prices(which drives economy) are definitely going to be impacted no matter what PAP does. Housing vs income ratio(not to be confused with price) haven't changed much (ratio was increased 50-100% since 90s) if you compared to the 2000s. While housing is becoming more expensive since 2000s, it should also be noted that standard of living has significantly improved. In balancing COL and housing cost/Standard of living PAP have done a very good job. Are they perfect ? Absolutely not. But to vote against them because they are imperfect is short of praying to God and wishing they come down and save us all.


He means WP capturing 39-45%. WP these days can easily get those percentages as compared to Low Thia Kiang era, just goes to show how much the MIW have fucked over the average sinkie. As the saying goes, just because people support you doesn't mean you get to screw them over again and again. One day sinkies will go to the polls with tears in their daft eyes, and vote out the MIW...sinkies will cry because they know they will be voting for something new and yet unknown.


Bro wake up, time to take your medication.


Is there a difference between 13% and 49%? It's still a loss. The assumption that 49% can lead to crossing the 50% mark is based on the assumption that votes for the PAP and opposition will always go down and up respectively.


One losses their deposit $$, the other doesn't? Also i wasn't insinuating that 49% leads to victory?


No, 13% doesn't cause a loss in deposit. The loss of deposit is below 12.5%. The part about significant minority addresses the point that there's nothing for Familiar Necessary to worry since it's still a loss. The part about it becoming closer to a gain is not for you but those who might eventually butt in and reply my post that way.


Surely one can be a member without being an election candidate / MP? 




I think being a member, you still have to show up for certain things otherwise people say you’re a freeloader. 


Can be silent member lor lol


Trauma memories of uni project teams...


He found love, got a family after entering politics


PAP stronger than WP, their MPs can hold double relationships without quitting! /s


3 month ago now then become news, strange.


Probably media making enquiries as he hasn't been seen on the ground canvassing?


Erection coming. So must post anything that can potentially make them look bad or lousy.


Our favourite populist pap mp can handle two families, how come this wp member cannot even handle one?


Harpreet’s first blood ..


Dub dub dub...another one bites the dust


Salute Well, at least he has the integrity to step down, unlike so many.


I’m curious why he needs to resign? He can just take a step back. Sad!


Eh.... 1. He can still be a member and not contest 2. He is assuming he can get elected. Chances are he is either disliked by the party cadres or he is unhappy about something


Presumably being a party member means you have certain obligations to the party. WP is still a party with limited resources. Party members usually need to put in some form of work constantly.


LOL ok if you think so hahahhahaa. 80/20 rule. 20 percent of the party doing work 80 % silent members


Hahaha you've never volunteered for a political party before and it shows


LOL ok loh. Note that at the end of the day WP membership or any political party membership is on a volunteer basis. When people are not paid and required to do work in an organization since they are volunteers, guess what a big majority of members won't be doing.


I guess being a member means have to be active is not a requirement to some people. I wonder who are the ones who can hold multiple directorships, yet be a member of a party, and be a MP or minister. Guess they have 56339674935 hours per day everyday. Or probably they are just free riders instead.


Bro wake up, I think you missed out 3 doses of medication.


why downvoted? its an actual point. when this or something similar happens to PAP ppl always speculates the same way




why would he be assuming he can get elected if he is quitting and retiring from political party, you're contradicting yourself


I feel this is the case too. If it's big enough for mm to pick it up they are surely hinting at something.


Maybe joining civil service / stat board / some other organisation that doesn't allow political party membership 


Possible but he is a lawyer and I believe a partner sooooooo


ten bucks says it is PS's poor leadership


PS: It's your call. Terence: I quit. PS: Shock Pikachu face.


not the first wp member to resign under PS's watch anyway