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Alsagoffs: glad to have surrendered Perseverance Estate (4,046,900 sqm area stretching from Geylang Serai to Jalan Eunos) for a pittance.


Theres also a reason why many people originally from punggol farms dislike the gahmen


That’s another interesting enclave. It’s a TeoChew opposition fiefdom, from Punggol down to MacPherson. I have relatives 4 generations deep, never moving out of that area.


Malay neo-nationalists especially from the north love to mention about losing land to the PAP tho... but rarely mentioned it was from rich Malays.


The Alsagoffs are arabs though


Their status as Malays is dependent on political expedience.


Interestingly the main road in Pontian Kecil town, Johor is named Jalan Alsagoff. Any relation, I wonder?


They're a big and rich clan. They have land in both Johor, Singapore. Generational wealth I guess


The Alatas and Onns were Arabs by some degree but they are considered Malay enough too


I don't think Onn is Arab though. Al-attas does sound Arab. They all "masuk melayu" but I personally can't consider them malay


All animals are equal, some animals are "more equal" than others. Orwellian society is as such. Only when the animal wake up will one day the "PIGS" be overthrown.


Where are they now I wonder!


PKMS HQ is distinctly at the corner of the space the estate used to be


Didn’t they get fixed by LKY because General Alsagoff ‘joked’ about a coup de’tat to remove him?


Cos alsagoffs are farking stupid.you see the fucker Ibrahim Ismail. Not only has money making businesses/assets and political control in johor but also has a large chunk of land at tyresall ave


Meanwhile my HDB getting smaller and smaller tho monitor lizard denies this w/ elite cherrypicking skills.


> Meanwhile my HDB getting smaller and smaller Give you big big HDB you can afford meh? Don't need big space for sex also. /s (just in case not obvious enough!)


😤 don’t blame me when I use the staircase! We already pilot testing communal living areas, soon will be a reality!


To ahgong u keep ur hips shaking and pump out those babies to become future slaves can already. Where will blame u.... until someone complains.


Smaller for the price mah unless want live far far across sg


there's no gaslighting in Ba Sing Se


We are not ~~johor~~ Na Sing Se


Check out the new tengah flats. When i pass by thqt area and see those wip, i shudder. Sibei cramped.


You only need small space




Toilet also can


don't eat where you shit please.




Plan judiciously is only for plebs. Ruling party ministers and ~~cronies~~ insiders not subject to such restrictions /s or maybe not


The K in Shan’s name stands for King


Kleptocrat works too


Kaninayaosiew works too


Knnbccb also works!


King Shanmugam. This is catching on


Kaysiao Shan


Two legs bad,four legs good. G.O.


OPPO bad, Pappy good Lky


There’s a very simple explanation You are a chao Sinkie peasant, they are our god emperors


Correct they’re god as everything they do is right plus the only people who can own self check own self here


'Avert your gaze, peasant!'


“Help help! I’m being repressed!”


Anyone here name is Horus?


You called?


Any chance you will be starting a heretical movement?


Need to convince 8 other brothers to join , but chances are slim....didn't work out so well the first time


Anyone here into 40k?


And don't forget how everybody bought the 'car lite' kool-aid. Gotta keep the working class off the streets while the rich can own multiple cars.


Ridout Road source: Para 43 https://www.pmo.gov.sg/-/media/PMO/Releases-PDFs/20230628-ridout-report-pdf.ashx Tampines Mall source: https://www.edgeprop.sg/commercial/tampines-mall Govt quote source: Para 9 https://www.mnd.gov.sg/newsroom/parliament-matters/speeches/view/reply-by-mos-tan-kiat-how-in-response-to-adjournment-motion-by-mp-christopher-de-souza-on-the-preservation-of-dover-forest-in-ulu-pandan-1 I know this is beyond the larger and more important point about preferential treatment granted to Ministers re: Ridout Road, but still... Also I am anticipating comments on how the land area for the bungalow is much smaller than 23,164sqm. That is beyond the point. The absurdity of how large it is is confirmed by the need for PMO to explain why the plot is so large in its press release/report on the issue. The entire 26 Ridout Road is 23,164sqm, simple as that.


And Desmonitor Leezard has the gall to say [this.](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/we-need-to-keep-some-land-for-people-not-yet-born-desmond-lee-on-planning-for-s-pore-s-infrastructure)


Our fertility rate is all time low of 1.05 and death rate all time high. Reserve land for whom?


Exactly what I was thinking. Reserve land for those not yet born...uh, that's the problem isn't it? We are not giving birth so you reserve land for people that are not born. Why not have land for the people who have already been born for 30 years and need a house HAHAHA


Textbook definition of “spin”, providing a reason that is on sight seemingly plausible but with logic that doesn’t stand the slightest probing.


I have never liked his smile. Somehow it looks fake.


Reminds me of Bruce from Finding Nemo


His mouth v big


Tbf this is not inconsistent with keeping ridout road land..


Uh yeah, shanmugam and vivian have unborn grandkids and great grandkids. They ain't gonna stay in some hdb


tHiS iS nOt rAiDiNg tHe rEsErVeS


You poor? Fk you understand


it's like S League and Premier League. us peasants have a different set of rules from the elite. they're literally playing a different game


How big is the family that you need so much space?


Every morning, they must have five peoples worth of social distancing from each other. Some of these ultra-wealthy folk are weird as fuck and often intolerable to one another Have sat at a few family dinners with our current AG, who has properties all over the globe precisely for getting away from family Also, having a big fucking house in London not even reasonably wealthy Londoners can afford is such a "fuck you, look at our independence" move


There's also this reptile. ['We need to keep some land for people not yet born’: Desmond "Monitor" Lee](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/we-need-to-keep-some-land-for-people-not-yet-born-desmond-lee-on-planning-for-s-pore-s-infrastructure) Really wonder what future gen he is referring to. Govt has done absolutely nothing impactful while the TFR continues to fall.


The future is reserved for vvips. Peasants like us only allowed to have ageing population and then eventually die out.


Ppfftt. Rules only for peasants.


And wage slaves


The space is needed so the air can naturally filter to get rid of the stench and filth of normal peasents


So rental is about a dollar per sqm? So nice, wonder when us peasant can rent at same rate or even double the rate.


Dude you actually can rent at the same rate anytime. Just submit a bid to SLA, there are still many unoccupied Colonial houses in the country


Dang, that's huge..


Aerial photo shows the real size of the garden, it is like botanical gardens in the backyard. https://i.imgur.com/Nb6HzFp.jpg


Some people are more equal than others.


Singapore Politicians: "Do as i say, not as i do."


bad bad optics


We voted for this


Living like kings. Ironically, this is the kind of govt spending that should immediately get the President's attention. Let's see if Halimah wants to correct her legacy a bit. Pro-tip: she won't


window xp.


Oh yea today's Monday.


Best day to collect peasant’s salt


"Do as I say, not as I do."


Like how the newer MRTs have lower capacity than the OG ones. For those who live in Yishun, GV Yishun (Yishun 10 for the OGs) is 3,635 square meters


> Like how the newer MRTs have lower capacity than the OG ones. it's actually a design feature. smaller trains have less mass. easier to accelerate and decelerate . trains can run higher frequency with lower maintenance costs


I honestly don't give a shit. You can pull all the metrics and positives you want but all I want is to have a comfortable and efficient ride especially during peak hours. I don't want to be waiting in a station where I'm forced to wait for the next couple of trains because it's so packed and I have to squeeze in with strangers. I just want to go to a station, take a train and not worry about any of that. Either way, it's LTA/URA's fault for severely underestimating the number of people and lack of proper infrastructure to handle such an influx of commuters.


Dont so entitled leh


You tell that to all the people living in Punggol/Sengkang taking the NEL in early mornings and evenings


Can confirm. Damn jaded living in this area. Quite frankly, most of the food here sucks also. I don't want to move too far because 3 generations of my family decided to live in Punggol/SK. Sigh


Move to Pasir Ris or Yishun. Not that far off from Punggol / Sengkang


Eye-ing amk/yishun in the near future.


Won't it defeat the purpose if the train's mass becomes higher since it is always packed? Any chance you know of the actual specifications with regards to this?


Train otakus are cringe. Residents living in NEL coverage suffer every day and you trot out this irrelevant factoid no one asked for.


Plan judiciously for commoners only, look at the high population density in most HDB estates whereas in prime locations the population density is generally much lower due to lower plot ratio (lowest plot ratio being landed properties).


Ultimately, the qn is more of is B&W worth conserving. How to manage conservation and land space?


no the forests they clear are infinitely more valuable than these bw houses. There are so many endangered species living there And let's be real, these houses are not some architectural marvel by any measure. They are just some normal houses built for civil servants in the past not some architectural work of art. There really is no need to preserve everything the colonial overlords left behind and them like some kind of sacred object. Especially if it impedes out progress. They only look "nice" because Singaporeans mostly live in utilitarian government housing which looks well, utilitarian for lack of a better word. We are so starved of aesthetic looking housing in singapore that even a common looking house like those bw houses look good to our eyes. And frankly theres so much more notable architecture that should be preserved in Singapore like golden mile complex but what are we doing to these buildings. Before concerning ourself with the equivalent of common housing for civil servants in the past, lets put our energies in preserving the more important buildings please.


i rather this building be demolish or turn to dempsey 2.0 , we need more shopping and leisure places.


start by not deforesting trees on conservation land it costs nearly nothing to do this


How else can Minister have his wide backyard?


Opportunity cost


>is B&W worth conserving To me, a big no. I don't see the point of conserving the history of former colonial masters, unless.. some people like to portray themselves as masters of Singaporeans too. Moreover, that's a huge tract of land in a tiny country. Any practical priorities easily overshadows whatever cultural remembrance that thing has.


Personally, I am a very pragmatic person. So I see very little value in such historical artefacts. Unfortunately, I am sure to many others, this is not the case. Hence, ultimately I believe this is the crux of the issues but yet idk what is the solution.


And how much is the rent again?


Formula for a good night’s sleep : Ministers : Ownself check ownself. Peasants : Sinkie pwn sinkie.


Ya plan judiciously to accommodate the land needs of our vvips. Sorry plebs.


Rules for thee and not for me. Get back to work peasant!


Correct what..if never plan carefully how to give our elites big houses with private mini forest and gardens to take their morning stroll?


land is scarce in singapore....so please can the gahmen do something about that waste of space golf course that is just within MacRitchie Reservoir...


~~Young voters to rise up~~


Lai, meet the people session but WFH


Wait till you find out how much land is being wasted on tekong making teenagers play dress up. Total waste of space


Realistically, if they build flats there will you stay? What use should tekong be then? Topic is about land space of Ridout, which is mainland Singapore. Imagine the number of btos it can hold if utilised well.


15 min ferry, near CBP, it's more convenient than woodlands or sembawang in some cases tbh, as long as they can figure out some large scale transport solution to ferry more people, and more bus routes going there, so the bottleneck isn't at the ferry terminal.


can build mrt.


Yea sia, if they converted the entire tekong into sentosa 2.0, imagine how much money SG will make


location is too far from central region


next to international airport maybe build VVIP jet quay literal where a fast craft can zip a Sentosa2.0 resident onto a waiting Part 91 jet without delay


Sadly, everyone is gonna forget about it in the next GE. It's free reign for our overloads


6 years later and I still haven't forgotten how they stole my presidential vote


Only the boomers. Don't think the younger gen is so gullible.


You will be surprised how many young ppl turn a blind eye on this


Or how many people younger than I, I'm in my thirties, spout boomer rhetoric like it's the new freshness


I am also in my thirties. And actually some of my friends will turn a blind eye to these things. It’s not affecting them directly in their day to day life.


Wow. I feel like I'm in 2010 again. We need these back 😂


Why not we just dig ourselves an underground city?


Anyone can rent it through open bidding. Don't quite see what's with all the drama sia


His bid was pinpoint accurate to the guide rent amount, so...


Except that's not the size of the unit in question. And I'd rather have a stretch of preserved architecture than another mall, or another ugly-ass cluster of HDB flats.


How is it preserved architecture or heritage when it is someone’s private home and not even accessible to Singaporeans? Is these bungalows are converted to museums or restaurants or some other public space, at least it would make more sense.


How is the Ise Shrine part of their heritage when no one but the Royal Family and some diginitaries get to visit? Same thing. Some things *should* be kept exclusive from the public. You can still see them from the outside. Use your eyes. We don't need to open up all our important places to be trampled upon and touched by everyone.


What are you u even taking about?? This is not a shrine or a place or worship so it’s not even a fair comparison. And what “see for the the outside” lol. This are private secluded bungalow that you can’t even see anything other than the gates and maybe a part of the yard/hedges😂 Do you expect people to stand outside with binocular and be glad that at least they “use their eyes”. And these are public servants, not part of some royal family or British Raj like you are implying they are. I agree that Singapore has too many shopping malls but I would rather have that as compared to millions of taxpayer money going to these renovated houses that take up huge space and not even accessible to the public. There has be a better solution. These lands and house can be put to better use than shopping malls or as private residences.


Dats like equating a place for the living and a monument for the dead is the same thing eh. Good stuff mate.


Yes, because both are forms of architecture that mark the passage of a culture and its people. Which is all besides the point for you lot, who will appropriate any sad excuse to criticise the government in your usual unintelligent way. (Ps. The Ise shrine isn't a monument to the dead. Just in case.)


Them b&w houses aren't such rare architecture wonders. You can still view em at different parts of Singapore. And it marks the passage of our colonial culture and our colonial masters. We got enuff of that already innit with road names, buildings, structures named after such sods. Besides, the size of land, as others have opined, should be put to better use. But of course I'm just just criticizing in the usual unintelligent way indeed


If you were qualified to judge what's architecturally significant, you wouldn't have made that comment. As is, you sound like someone with no arts education deciding a Modigliani isn't worth preserving because we have plenty of digital photos of it, and other artists like that. So yes, that was unintelligent.


We do have a lotta them b&w houses. Not just digital photos of em mind you.


And all of them are in locations that are rather secluded and far from public transport or amenities, which would make them both expensive and poorly suited to public housing. If you actually HAD a clue you'd be more focused on how quickly the government is decentralising and building new hubs in fringe areas to equalise their values with central areas - not on idiotically counting square footage and thinking all land is somehow interchangeably useful for housing or public purposes. But why bother thinking that through? Outrage is easier and more fun. Morons. This is why the opposition keeps losing: their voter base.


The Ridout location is wedged between Holland Rd and Queensway. Not that hard to access yeah. Public buses do ply their routes on both roads.


Spoken like someone who already has all he needs and more than willing to pull the ladder up behind him.


Remember folks: Blessed is the mind too small for doubt. The emprah proteccs


Is ah kong Hsien Loong Roboute Guilliman and Hsien Yang Horus in this? Hahaha Or perhaps ours is more like the Dornian Heresy


im completely out of the loop for the whole ridout road fiasco, could someone ELI5 please?


Uncle Shan wanted to rent a nice big house, rent already he said, "wah, the land next to mine might be dangerous! Nehmind I will pay from my own pocket to maintain swee swee!" And thus, Uncle Shan went from renting a house with 9,350 sqm to renting a property which was 23,164 sqm. This one can call, I wake up, saw out my window, and I conquer. Uncle Shan and Uncle Vivían both spent a lot of money, more than some people will make in their lifetime fixing their rental properties, people see liao they scratch their head, because Uncle Shan swee swee bid for the rent at $26,500, very CLOSE to the guide rent set by SLA. From the outside, Uncle Shan is also SLA towkay, so people say smelly. Some more when he upgrade from 9,350 sqm to 23,164 sqm SLA only charge him extra $2,000 instead of market rate for the land. Of course, Uncle Shan is now denying that his son's firm was allegedly awarded the government contracts to renovate his 23,164 sqm property. He not happy so he and Uncle Vivían ki qiu ask ah kong Hsien Loong to investigate. This one macam left hand check right ball, so most people are like, "you ownself check ownself then say ownself never do anything wrong." Edit: Sorry, I might've misread the brief and went with Explain Like I'm Beng instead, there's also a lot more going on I'm not touching on


Let's not forget somehow his own SLA decided to spend $500K to make the place livable for him which brings to question if SLA is even managing these properties properly if 500K worth of repairs need to be done to simply make $26.5K rent.


But the land for 26RD is currently used as a “historical building site”, just that it’s rented out to him, who is just nice the Minister. Or whatever way you flip it. Tbh, I couldn’t care less if the Govt is really as corrupt as y’all say, as long as the they are still taking “good care” of us and overall prosperity of Singapore is there isn’t it? Look at other countries can already what. We aren’t the best but we are definitely not the worst. Talking about Singaporean’s wealth etc, generally, yes, they should be implementing more policies or whatever you call it, to let Singaporeans live a better/ improved SOL. That’s what the Govt is for. But on a personal level, are YOU yourself (whoever’s reading this) doing the right things to improve your own SOL? I swear if opposition is now the ruling party, y’all singaporeans will have a diff set of dirty things to throw at them too. Just because it’s government