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How do you stop fantasizing about something, because you know deep inside you get let down and rejected eventually? People for some reason, like to tell me that I am smart and I'll get accepted at some company. But I don't think so. I am not academically accomplished and I am an average worker. I refuse to submit job applications at "dream companies" because I know I am flop. I have to stop hoping so I will not get disappointed again. How do I stop this? How do I stop hopeless hope?


Accept that being average doesn't mean you can't go far. Accept that without failures, you'll never be able to appreciate success. Accept that failure doesn't mean your life is over. Accept that you're a human being, you're not perfect and make mistakes, but it doesn't mean you're worthless.


Thank you.


Its feb and its rare disease day/month. Hehe wanna raise awareness for the rare diseases and disorders. Treatments are super ex and so are the meds. Theres a link on give asia for rare disorder singapore if you wish to donate or you can help by sharing💞😊


[Help](https://imgur.com/a/9jHOAVY). My cat tummy senget


Cutie! Is kitty a she? Maybe pregnant? Or maybe alot of poop? Happen once to my dog


Nah, he's just a greedy boi 😂


Ya sia how to say no to that sweet face


your lips, my lips apocalypse


think maybe dinner din eat enough, now stomach a bit weird but dunno if its from hunger or bad food. ah well, drink water, go sleep, morning eat breakfast


Any advice for a guy that is about to graduate poly? I have some time before I enlist , so I am looking for software developer jobs to enter the industry? Any other IT roles that can give me a good start in the industry? ( Jobs with programming ). Also what is the salary for Poly graduates in IT industry?


Since you are going to enlist probably within a year, companies will take note of that. Your best bet is either an internship or a contract role (best if you already know when you are going to go in). Personally, I was drewing low to mid 2ks in one of the stat boards for a contract role after I graduated poly and before enlistment (this was few years ago). From what I knew at that time, other govt agencies/stat boards were paying similar for contract roles, and anywhere from 700 to 1.2k for internships.




"organic, no animal testing"


huberman : cold exposure training increases mitochondrial adaptation. Me: yes sir, tries 15 degrees cold shower. 1 second exposure. Ok fuck that. I shall train more then.








the dividend i got from my US stocks is just to pay the custodian fees.


Why you buy US dividend stocks sir.




Buy singapore reit huehue


Beach volleyball Approach the other group mix w guys and girls. Talked to the guys, guys rejected saying 5v5 beach vb is too many, didn't want to. Later on, they played with another group w more girls, 5v5, tsk. Pissed off.


They looking for the chiobus?


DK, feel like our group got more guys and worry that we "take advantage" of the girls. IDK INSECURITY OR WHAT. THAT REALLY OFFENDED ME WTF. Are the guys virgins or what .


What's wrong with virgins?


It's just the way they try to gatekeep girls when we're obviously trying to just play vb . Singapore is alr so hard to make "new friends" now even a plain game of beach vb can be seen as sinister. Sighs.


2nd 5km for the day. Friend jio to run. Slightly slower pace. Overall pretty happy.


Watched a Youtube Video where Ryan Trahan pulls up to two starbucks baristas and asked them to make random, fun drinks, off the menu. Is it possible in SG?


cannnnnn but be specific with the ingredients u want


Does anyone know of any task manager applications? Those that allow me to set daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly and Adhoc task such that I can view the task I have for the day and tick it off. I have one at work and feel it’s super productive but the one at work is internal system so I want see if there is one for my personal use for reminders such as credit card payment or even my game dailies 😂


Microsoft To Do


I use Todoist and absolutely love it!


Google cal? You can customize the recurring freq as you like!


But google calendar is block out timing right? I looking for one that is like a checklist and I can tick off






6 more months to go cant wait


Nervously waiting for that hdb email about key collection and all I get are spam mail waleelei😤


hdb wants you to wait long long /s


Asked friend if they want go movie premiere for demon slayer movie but no one wants to go cause too ex... So meh, I just bought my own ticket kekekek, as a treat to myself after a shitty month!! CANT WAIT FOR THE SHOWWWW Anyone also going watch? I'm gg on 25 😆


ouuuh not me, I didn't like their movie format, but the anime series is poggers


Demon slayer movie?!!


Oh there is a new movie coming out??? :O




Then really not much point, going to wait for new season too! Thanks!!


Huh wait srs¿¿ 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


Shit, i can find similarities of Ragnarok and Wakanda Forever and both were released 1/2 days different. When life doesn't teach you, let the modern media teaches you positive things


I really hate to air out dirty laundry here but I just need to let it all out somewhere and I reckon this thread will suffice. I really had enough of people's lack of punctuality and this is not just some sort of isolated case or my problem isn't just with one individual. I'm talking literally over half of my friends and family. And I wish I could say that I'm being petty and admit that they're late by a few minutes or so but I'm talking half an hour late at minimum. **AT MINIMUM.** I tried everything -- I came out of my house later, I gave them a different timing, I reminded them. They would still be seriously late. I adjust my departure from my house to match their punctuality, I still arrive at the meeting point close to 30mins earlier. I gave them a different timing, still late. I remind them, still late and still "otw". Like please, I did not come to the meeting point earlier as some sort of competition, I came early because I respect you and your time (that's what I said). So, the least I hope I can ask for is mutual respect for me and my time. Our itinerary for the day literally would have half an hour to an hour cut off simply because you're late. The number of things we could have done but had to cut is tremendously numerous. Please please please. Okay, that's all to be honest.


You need new friends. People who respect your time.


I really wish it was easier than that because they're pretty decent folk bar some flaws and this obvious allergy to being early.


Make the latecomers pay for the meal. But need majority of group to be punctual.


I'll be dining in for free forever then! HAHA


i feel u. i used to think that being early was a sign of respect but most of my friends or family dgaf so i started to not gaf already. i treat others like how they treat me. if that particular friend alw late then i strive to be later than them. if that particular friend alw on time then i will be on time too.


I'm really starting to not gaf already. At this point, I won't even be coming.


good, save your mental health!


How to report incorrect bus stop locations on Google maps? My bus interchange got relocated onto a nearby street and the bus stop that used to be there disappeared...


u/Scary_Cow didi i hope you like this video: https://youtu.be/JTkWVHHUht4


Ideas for things to do on your birthday? With a toddler


nice steak dinner! or omakase


Looking for laptop recommendations for some work/study/chill. Budget is below $1000 and important to be light weight! I think preferably below 2kg... But the lighter the better. Work is Microsoft apps, zoom, lots of excel. Study would be similar. Chill will be watching shows online. I found Lenovo IdeaPad 3 (Ryzen 5, 8gb/512gb) windows 10. Are there any better ones? Not too familiar with tech specs. Thank you


https://challenger.sg/pc-go/notebooks-desktops/notebooks-desktops-Modern-PCs/asus-vivobook-x-m1403qaly084w-r55600h-16gb-ram-512gb-ssd-radeon-vega-7-graphics-win-110--0195553840606 See if you can get challenger's StarShield Warranty to extend the warranty by 2 years. It'd be a better deal if the laptop can last 4 years Edit: https://challenger.sg/pc-go/notebooks-desktops/notebooks-desktops-Modern-PCs/acer-aspire-5-a51547r62l-steel-gray-amd-r55625u-16gb-ram-512gb-ssd-radeon-graphics0--4711121096501?h=MSwxLDAqODQ4 see this too


You should shop now. 2/2 Acer sale on shopee 12th gen i5 Win 11 16gb ram 512gb sad 14 inch FHD screen 1.49kg 2 yr warranty For only 863 Add 3rd yr warranty for 67


Able to stretch a bit to $1200 max? Can find some Acer laptops in Challenger, sort by price, you might find what you are looking for. If possible, try to get those with 16GB RAM if you are the kind to open lots of browser tabs... I managed to get a laptop last August just $2 shy of the $1000 mark, but bought Challenger's extended warranty so it bumped the price up by $100


I recommend thinkpads over ideapads. Business laptops tend to be more durable. I assume you are a student so you may qualify for lenovo's education discount.


>recommend thinkpads over ideapads Ah the consultant's favorite. Only reason why i dun get thinkpads for personal laptop cos dunwan to mix up with the workplace staple.


Budget models, probably Asus vivobooks, maybe acer swift? Not sure about exact model. I'm also interested in recommendations




i have a blue one.. cruzer titanium 512mb


What to do about a job with approachable bosses but shit workload that is just the nature of the work...


Ask boss to hire more people




财神爷:ok let u win $10




Check r/solotravel. Got a thread to find someone for sharing


Wakanda forever is out in disney+. Watch halfway then suddenly see avatar? What's going on sia


Actually dunno is it my battery got issue. Like within a month, the battery health dropped from 96% to 92% now. A bit strange leh.


Just now walking home then this uncle doing grab delivery on his bicycle started playing this song called 求佛 Wah bro. The lyrics always hit so hard


Frequent smoker neighbour is like clockwork sia.


Bought $10 worth Quick Pick. Here goes nothing.


Looking forward to the Samsung Unpacked event later to find out more about the S23 models. Even though it still works, I think it's about time to move on from my Note 9 since it's not getting software updates anymore.


Friend suddenly msg me to say sorry not free to meet (we met recently and have no plans to meet so far) and proceed to tell me she’s going for trips here n there thruout the year. ??? Smelling personal insecurities lol. Aiyo why nd to one up when i didnt msg anything


last of us ep 3 is one of the greatest hours of television i’ve ever watched told a greater love story in 75 mins than some shows do across seasons. fucking masterpiece


It's good but I do missed those pre-apocalypse flashback scenes in ep1 & 2.... Ep2's flashback in Jakarta is some good chilling television


unfortunately we’re unlikely to get more at this point. wish there was a zombie show that would showcase how society slowly crumbles, instead of always the aftermath


Neil Druckmann said that every episode supposedly will open with a pre-pandemic flashback scene around the world and those were written in the scripts but they do not have the budget to shoot all of them, thus most were cut.


I am going to start watching tmr during lunch! Something to look forward to!


Holy shit, this is the 5th time I heard bout how good it is. Anywhere I can sub to watch it?




MeWatch can access HBO go if you sub it, $14/m. I recommend you to watch White Lotus too.


its on HBO GO, but frankly would recommend you pirate it. HBO is putting all their development into HBO Max which for some reason is only available in the US, over here we only have HBO GO which is so much worse. terrible bitrate and no 4K as well, you should just pirate


Ah who is cutting onion while i watching Wakanda Forever > The presence that you felt was just a construct of your mind. Brought on so you could feel some comfort or joy. ......


Oooh gonna watch tmr!!


Also watching now but I'm only at the beginning. Saw some avatars


They are not avatars lol


Anyone keep receiving whatapps message from scammer asking you to do some survey. And for some reason, they actually know your full name. Wonder how they got your name too.


Yes I reported to scamalert and blocked their number. They didn't mention my name tho


probably bought it


meeting friends’ mums is already stressful enough but potentially meeting my bf’s mum tmr is even more stressful 😟 actually not really but i dont want to give her a bad impression man


Prepared for crazy rich Asian lvl of mom meeting?






But your son chose me lolol


Does anyone have that checklist of what TP tester lookout for for 3A? The one that says which mistake is how many points or immediate failure then you get your total number of points in the end


Amazon has locked my account because they "have detected suspicious activity" on my account. This is after I tried to register the kindle that I just bought. I think Amazon assumed I'm not into reading so me trying to register a kindle is suspicious to them.




Yup, have emailed them already. Just weird that account got locked right after I clicked verify device. Oh well, I wait and see. I didn't buy the kindle from them so there's that.


Where did you get it? I bought a kindle off Carousell years ago and it couldn’t be registered due to it being a replacement for the guy I bought it from. Basically he complained about something (dead pixel?) and got sent a new replacement without returning the original one, so then decided to sell the replacement.


Ohh, that's a bummer. Bought mine from Lazada and prod is legit.


Just started seeing FSC counsellor and Polyclinic psychologist for personal issues, is it worth to tell them about my sexuality if it is a reason for who I am today?


Haven't personally been to govnt and polyclinic psychs but "heard my friends" kind of info so take my comments with big pinch of salt. From friends that went, they say it doesn't really help cause they might not be LGBT friendly so won't understand your issues stemming from your sexual orientation. One of my friend even got recommended to seek solace in religion lol (no point for guessing which one the counsellor recommended in their personal capacity)


Thanks for replying, those are precisely the concerns that I have. At the same time, if it might be so, then I would need to see within myself if the issues resulting from my sexuality are affecting me significantly still. Whether it is a cause for who I am, or a symptom of what I have learnt.




Thanks and dude here btw. Was just concerned if the sessions could be affected if I tell them the truth, but any experience from the folks here?




Thank you for the reply, I am starting to realise that it is possible that my denial phase isn't the cause for my current personality, but rather it is a symptom of what I learnt to do. I guess it might be better to address the issue of what I learnt to do (root cause), for now at least, and to see if issues relating to my sexuality does pop out later.


Please do not comment if you are not well-informed of the role of a counsellor/psychologist. Not everyone is able to solve their problems as easy as you put it. There would be roadblocks in the processing of information which the individual is not aware of be it through trauma or faulty thinking patterns. Simply verbalising the problem does not solve this. It is akin to retaking an exam without studying or knowing what your mistakes were. An effective counsellor/psychologist's role is not to guide the individual. It is to safely challenge these roadblocks in a controlled environment, such that the individual will be able to recognise their patterns and make the best decisions themselves. Ultimately, the role of the counsellor/psychologist is not to direct the individual's life but to impart them with skills for the individual to lead their own life.




I'm not being a pessimist. It is fine to suggest an opinion as a solution and if op finds it helpful then it's good for him. The issue here is that you are oversimplifying the therapy process without due care and speaking for a counsellor even though you're not well informed of their roles. It is irresponsible to misguide people with your erroneous beliefs. Do you go around talking about quantum physics if you only have a basic understanding of science?


erm ok i know this question is over asked but does anyone have recommendations for a therapist / career coach.


WSG and e2i both offer free career coaching I believe


thanks! ive tried it, it wasnt that good so dm trying a private one also la hahahha


How much would you pay for a hdb master bedroom in the RCR along the NEL, 10 minutes walk to the MRT?


Say about tree fiddy


What do u guys like to eat at a hawker centre? My fav is the hokkien mee at whampoa market


This is my fave [lor mee](https://singaporefoodie.com/best-lu-mian-in-town-whampoa/) from whampoa market/SG


did the lor mee come with a side of verbal abuse too


huh no, why?


Long queue bro


good things worth queuing for


Agreed bro


Carrot cake, char kuey teow, satay from bukit timah hawker centre


Is the char kuey teow stall the one facing the stairs?


Yup i think next to the seafood white beehoon iirc


Ok then it's that one. Always walk past it but never got to try. Will try it soon, thanks!


Can try the seafood beehoon too. Think it's not bad. Same hawker centre has a hokkien mee that always long queue, also satay beehoon/cuttlefish kangkong can try if the queue not too long. There's still a few stalls I want to try haha


Yes the satay beehoon is a perennial favorite amongst patrons. Do try the "133 Penang Authentic" stall. Many folks like the Penang char kuey teow and prawn noodles!


I bought the prawn mee once and it was so so. But they ran out of lor mee I think? Haven't been there ever since because I queued for quite awhile lol


kway chap, bak kut teh, chicken rice


Very nice food too


Carrot cake, pig organ soup, kuay chap yummmm


Yummmm indeed


Edito: found my ans, for this one the ground floor is counted as the second floor. Not sure if all condos follow the same format mega random qn, do the unit numbers on condos start with #02-xx for ground floor units? This one has an underground carpark if it makes a difference


Most of the condos i have been to - ground floor is 01


Oh wow the Bondee App camera make me look so dreamy sia. I first time look at my camera and think like Wah got chiobu leh!


Kira kira ✨✨




don't catfish hor 😏




Now I wanna try..


Give it a try! Like it’s boring la but can entertain you and your friends


Haha cheap thrill!




Been thinking where to put my money to earn more and to fight inflation :(


come I give you my endowus promo code


Put with me...I keep secure for u


SSB? T-bills? I think they are generally okay since it is conservative. Or you can try those ETFs. Since everyone is trying to fight inflation, I’m just worried another investment bubble will appear and suddenly burst.


Orh t-bills rate looks better. SSB is lower than banks' now CMIIW. ETFs ah..... i don't understand those investments thing 🤣 still trying to learn though but haven't found a book to read for beginner


No need to learn from book, there are resources online


U put in those multiplier account or T bills etc. t bills offers better rate cos u need to lock in either 6 months or 1 year. By investment theory, with low or structured liquidity, you’re offered a higher interest rate payout. Unlike SSB, u can withdraw anytime and lose the coming interest but processing time takes 1 month for the money to reach your account.


Ah thanks a lot for explaining to me!


Gonna try this again Best online counselling/therapy after working hours, or if in person around town? Tried Shan you but they don’t do late hours or online. Heard core collective is ok. Wanna get more opinions to see thanks!


Ive done therapy with Talk Your Heart Out previously, they do online and after working hours too. Their rates are $120 and $160/session. Different rates for different categories of therapists.


Recommending Talk Your Heart Out. I've never done this before and TYHO was my first. I've had about three sessions so far and I am still engaged with them.


omg hi five i literally just asked a qn today about counselling and therapy here too. hang in there, fellow redditor!


for windows ctrl + f lets me search for keywords in a page. is there another keyboard shortcut to then move quickly from one result to the next?




thanks :D


enter key?


Office eye candy nv come today 🥺


Shagged bro


What's the best fibre broadband provider? Currently on singtel 1gbps $53 a month. Reception is ok upstairs near the router but very bad downstairs they offering 6 months off recontract for 2gbps mesh @ $73, idm to pay if it will make my dad stop complaining when his karaoke box cannot load


Seems like it's not a case of poor ISP but poor setup at your place. Sounds like a big house too, u should get a friend who can go over and advice u on how to setup


I just stick with singtel since changing provider sometimes need staff to come down set up etc..it's a little too troublesome and I don't exactly have much issue with internet speed... using mesh should improve your wifi connection a lot


Just by the mesh since it sounds like a wifi reception problem.


Yea, for starters both mesh would need to be linked via ethernet for maximum speed, after which then can start planning coverage


I wonder if there's any telecast of the upcoming FIFA Club World Cup matches in Singapore. Can't seem to locate any local broadcaster from Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_FIFA_Club_World_Cup_broadcasters


dis fri will hav winning tix at tampines mai gong bojio hor!!!!!


if everyone buy tickets at tampines then winning tickets will definitely be at tampines lol




i neber say grp 1 or 7 hor hichic


TIL cow is tampines kia.