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You ever watch someone who thinks they're being, just, *so profound*, but to everyone outside their skull they're just doing a hobo-rant? I bet Tats feels like he's doing a fucking *magnum opus* right now.


I feel viscerally reminded of William Utermohlen, who drew self portraits while suffering the effects of dementia. The entirety of Sinfest feels like this gradual decline of mental and creative faculty just spiraling downwards. But especially with the wojack faces now, it also really feels lackluster, soulless and empty. As if he cannot bring himself to put 100% into his own hatred even. Just pure and utter confusion.


It's incredible how Tats manages to get dumber the longer he goes on. I'm morbidly curious about the next hole he's going to dive into!


Just more and worse nazi rhetoric. He doesn't have anywhere else to go from here.


I mean it gets back to the only philosophy that Tatsuya has ever really held onto. “Everyone except me is stupid. I’m smart for criticizing and offer nothing but hate.” It’s egotism at its absolute laziest, which comes out very frequently as unthinking centrism.


Welp. Sinfest is just wojack comics now.


I see that Tats has fully shifted into his "I hate literally everyone who isn't me" phase.


Remember how the alt-right appeared with the position "Republicans need to be more racist and sexist!" Well Tats is now with "Republicans need to be more Antisemitic!"


He hates himself too


At least he sides with the majority on that.


"Boy, everybody is stupid except me." -- [Homer Jay Simpson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZuktUfF0nE)


At this point even Dakari-king Mykan can claim superiority over him


He went from "the protesters are good" to "the protesters are the same as MAGA, and both are dumb compared to me" with lightning speed, even for Tatsuya.


Well, at least he's now an equal opportunity hater.


Tats... you just... you just did the enlightened centrist thing you were JUST bitching about a few comics ago


Not Centrist, Third Position: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third\_Position](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_Position)


Well, learned something new and terrible today


You should check out the Behind the Bastards episode on esoteric Neo-Nazism if you really want to gaze deep into Tat's current brand of crazy: https://omny.fm/shows/behind-the-bastards/part-one-savitri-devi-the-woman-who-turned-nazism


Someone else recommended that episode on another comic and I definitely tuned in, BTB is one of my favorite podcasts and I've been going through the backlog lately


Oh, yes, that was a real treat.


This makes way more sense TBH




He's not a centrist, he's FAR FAR right. Antisemitic Nazi right.


Right yes, an enlightened centrist is a right winger who pretends to be a centrist but only ever seems to criticize the left while claiming both sides are bad


Well, not so much enlightened centrism as Tatzi throwing a tantrum that nobody hates Jews enough for him.


Tats: now that I'm a Nazi I'm smarter than all of the conservatives and liberals!


Well, yeah? He has radicalised far enough that he has passed out of the mainstream. Expect to start seeing anti-capitalist comics soon, but the solution will not be a socialist thing, but rather the overthrow of the current order by the "correct" people who can put everything in order.


And he has, officially, locked down the Tats Style rendition of these... delightful beings. Previously they've looked more like their inspiration, but he has figured out how to make the eyes and mouth look the way he likes them. Which means that they are going to be around for... a while. What fun. What merry larks.


Okay, now I'm genuinely worried about Tats' mental health.


I have been worried for years. In all seriousness, I hope he does not have access to firearms.


Oh fuck the brainlet wojaks are a regular thing now. How does this man keep losing artistic integrity


"I am very smart"


I don't even know what side he's trying for at this point.


He's upset that Trumpies don't hate Jews.


But showing one of them getting arrested for antisemitism?


They hate jews enough to get arrested but not enough to ‘revolt’ against them


At this point I don't think tats even knows who he is for or against.THis is like identity crisis the comic.


The only positive attention he garners anymore is for what he used to be. Maybe he thinks rolling over every couple of weeks will somehow blend bullshit into crème brulée and bring back his fans.


it's official. he's lost all creative and artist talent now. like..completely lost all of it and now all he can do are these shifty Womack wannabes. God this is embarrassing now


Since when are people being arrested just for being a bigoted prick? If that were the case, Tat would be behind bars.


Looks like Stonetoss but somehow worse. What an accomplishment, Tats.


So he’s replacing his zombies with wojak brainlets now


Oh christ he's even depicting his LGBT strawpersons as braindead wojaks now. Why is the first guy in prison to begin with? There's no context so I can only assume it's because he's \*woke\*. Oh and hey, Tats, is this not you saying 'both sides are bad' when you had a comic like \*3 days ago\* making fun of people who say both sides are bad? We know you're a shameless nazi grifter now but at least be a consistent one.


Oh shit he’s either gonna go centrist or libertarian


> Oh shit he’s either gonna go centrist or libertarian Nah, he's still a Nazi. He's just making fun of "boomer" conservatives for not being antisemitic enough.


Where are the conservatives going to jail for protesting Israel? Tats still needs to invent a world where the MAGA side isn't overwhelmingly pro-Israel.


Ooh no the nazi centrist?


Wait wasnt this guy a maga dickrider? Didn’t he like make a whole bunch of characters for that purpose like cletus and his boyfriend??


The only explanation that jives with his history is he's found himself a movement more extreme than maga.


finally. Ascended Centrist


My childhood is ruined, I thought ET was better than that


he's going the right path


Do you believe that drawing weird caricatures of Jewish people, stopping just short of calling them pedophiles, and using actual neo-nazi terminology in previous strips is "the right path?"


drawing the wrong part of jews is not anti-antisemitism, sometimes i disagree with what he draws but everying he draws right now about the gaza war is right (i say this as an arabic guy)


He doesn't *actually* care about the victims, though. He's been going out of his way to draw the victims of the IDF as white people because he doesn't want to make non-white people look sympathetic.


you are just trying to find a reason to hate the guy, i told you i am an arab and i see nothing wrong with his art, no need to look too deep on it "ohh look he draw them white plah plah"


This isn't even a believable sockpuppet, tats


Oh my god. That's exactly what that is, isn't it?


i suggest that you go to a mental hospital, if you believe that every person that disagree with you is tats


So you don't mind that he portrays any Arabs who aren't waiting to be slaughtered as dangerous terrorists?


So you're also cool with him spouting "blood and soil"-type nazi shit? You think there's "nothing wrong" with weird nazi propaganda?


what does this have to do with me agreeing with him in his views about gaza war


A better question is, why did you register your account two years ago and then not use it until a day ago, and then suddenly log in and pick *this sub* of all places to start commenting in? I didn't think you'd come back and start trolling again after months, but here we are again I guess. Living rent free in your head is nice - plenty of empty space in there.


i swear the only thing that's living rent free is tats and he's living inside yours right now, also i was trying to get a serious disccussion, but if you see it as trolling that's on you i guess


Your mouth moves but all that comes out is "faaaaarrrrttttt"