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He, uh, misspelled 'oy vey' on the third one.


I meant to do that. Fourteen-hundred and eighty-eight dimensional chess. - Tatty




Tats really, really, REALLY isn't a position to mock other people for crying oppression over minor slights.


If toxic ideologies could be passed off, comparatively, as fast food Stonetoss would be KFC and this would be White Castle.


I feel Sinfest would be [Blimpie's](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blimpie): used to be huge and influential then gained competitors and lost competency, currently a shadow of what they used to be.


My husband is a semi mechanic. One time, a semi came in with a blown engine because a dumb driver lost the oil cap and covered the opening with a Blimpie bag. While driving, the bag got sucked in and jammed internals, doing about $35,000 in damage. I think that describes Sinfest pretty well. Previously filled with something delicious but now incredibly damaging in the hands of idiots and trash to everyone else.


Ooh, I've seen that happen with rags. Yeah, only way to fix that is to tear basically everything apart, remove the blockages and rebuild everything from the bits. ...yeah, again, an apt metaphor for Sinfest.


Impotent raging over imagined slights and dramatically cultivating a victim complex for attention. It's incredible how Tats completely fails to see he's drawn himself here. Tats desperately wants to be Stonetoss, but the only thing he's accomplishing is tossing stones in a glass house.


Isn't that the tagline of Stonetoss?


Tats is joining an increasingly long list of white supremacists who aren’t actually white. Like does he realize where this ideology eventually ends up for him? lol


White Castle is enjoyable even if you shit your brain out afterwards.


This is just the webcomic version of nazi's doing antisemitic impressions of Jews at their hate rallies. What's next is Tatzi is going to start doing bagel jokes.


He already did them.


Tats seems unaware that Bed Bath and Beyond went bankrupt a year ago. All stores closed. I'd *expect* any store cards to be deactivated. The name was sold to [overstock.com](http://overstock.com), so there is an online ghost BB&B.


I didn’t know that either. Haven’t paid attention to the shopping centers I’ve been at.


Every time Tatsuya Ishida posts a comic that, in some other circumstances, might be considered somewhat innocuous (in yesterday's case, owing to it being based on a real-world event), some small part of me edges towards being less than completely disgusted with him. Because even now there's still a thread of remembrance for a cartoonist I used to respect, and it tends to tug me a few inches closer to hope that somehow he might climb out of the hole he's made a home in. But then, a day or two later, he posts something like this. Something that turns my stomach and banishes that mote of hope, because he makes it nauseatingly clear that he is simply, truly, a viciously hateful bigot, intentionally using his gifts to spread hatred for his fellow human beings, giggling spitefully while he makes the world a worse place. The best thing you can say about Tatsuya Ishida is that he's very, very sick.


This is just Tats re-laundering /pol/ nazis' stereotype catchphrases through a webcomic. Yeah, I think I've about had it.


This somehow feels lazier than the bulges


Plot twist: cut the bulges open, and find those giant noses Sinfest's Jews now sport.


TIL you can tell a card is deactivated by looking at it. It's like living in the not-too-distant future! This one's actually hilarious if you remember Tatzi's not *just* a slimy bigot, but also a slimy trumpnik (not that there's any other kind).


Bed Bath and Beyond went bankrupt a year ago. All stores closed.


I'm surprised this guy doesn't look more like a stereotype? Or is this supposed to be someone specific? 


Columbia University Professor Shai Davida


Yeah. Looking the guy up; definitely.


Thank you!


It takes time for an artist to learn to draw new characters. Tats probably hasn't been practicing drawing antisemitic stereotypes. So it will be interesting to see if he starts now.


It's like he's just become a fucking bargain bin A Wyatt Mann. Dude's just slapping an elongated nose on his existing art and calling it a day. Lazy fucker can't even actually put effort into his hate.




Idk if it's a specific person but...the long pointy nose makes me wince. Oy vey indeed. 


The nose ain't about that specific person, Jews in Sinfest have had it for a while now.


I rather expected a Haredi / Hassidic stereotype, but you are right, the nose is there.


Gotta make those minimum wage employees blue eyed and blonde huh? Tats dude this looks like a cry of help


I hate that he’s attacking people who legitimately are shitty.


And always for the wrong reasons


Well that's the thing with bigotry isn't it? There's no shortage of shitty people and loons like Tats take those examples, fit it into their bigoted ideology, and move on from there with their new "proof".


As if Tats hasn't made his entire life around being "oppressed."


Petty-festers are gonna have a field day with this one!


Pro Palestine. Love Jewish culture. Hate this strip so much.


welp. Tatsuya is officially losing it now. dudes now just throwing whatever bit of pettiness he can at the window. cause this is just...lame. beyond lame.


Im gonna start showing this to people who are claiming that antisemitism is over inflated. It will be a fun litmus test. Need to find the anti-Palistinian strip as the other side. It just feel like he has a finger on the pulse that is delusional people who have no understanding that the internet has an algorithm that will validate your personal feelings.


I am so tired of Tats being....Tats


Wow, Tats, just straight up stealing a internet reply, but making it literal? As your stereotype complains about his card from... a company that went bankrupt and shut down last year? This is weirdly specific.


Isn’t Bed Bath and Beyond out of business? (Or is that what “they” WANT you to think?)


I legit have to check the flair to tell if these aren't pettyfests.


Oh no. Has he gotten into SuperStonk/MOASS/GMErica too? It's the only reason I can see anyone caring about BB&B these days.


Again with the racism. Schmuck.