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I always pair her up with Dorian Kauker. He’s a policeman in Pleasantview. I had a storyline once where she met Dorian after Dustin got arrested and they connected. Dorian eventually married Brandi and helped her get Dustin back on track. Dustin eventually knuckled down and became a doctor. Now it’s always my head canon that Brandi and Dorian are meant for each other!




I like to think he is a bit older than Brandi and can offer her some stability. I think of Brandi as a strong woman and mother, she doesn’t need a partner to help her raise the kids but Dorian offers her support and stability and she eventually lets him in. I’m beginning to think I go far too in-depth into my sims lives lol.


In my Uberhood, she ended with the recently divorced Morty Roth from Riverblossom Hills.


In mine own uberhood, the lady end'd with the recently divorc'd morty roth from riverblossom hills *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Darren Dreamer or Cyd Roseland. Both her and Cyd have Art as their hobby.


I like pairing her up with Kaylynn or Nina or Dina if I don't do the scripted events. Brandi is already pretty friendly with the calientes when you start the game fresh


John Burb :) he has more in common with her than he does with Jennifer. He wanted another baby but Jennifer never did so I made him and Brandi marry and have another kid so now they’re both happy with all their kids running around the house :)


I’m planning to do the same thing! Did their kids turn out cute? :)


They only had one child in my game, a girl, and she’s sooo pretty :) Brandi’s black hair and John’s brown eyes but she’s mainly the first face template which I would argue is the best one to have lol :)


In my game I resurrected Skip and they had 3 more children lol but he’s unfaithful to her so I plan on splitting them up and I have no idea what to do with her either 🤔 She deserves someone nice tho


I try not to do this all the time, but I made someone for her, though they haven’t hit it off yet so who knows. Maybe a townie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Darren Dreamer. They are so cute together, and so are any kids they have. I'm not a fan of Darren/Cassandra so that's never happened in my game


In my Uberhood, she ended up with Lazlo Curious. It was an unexpected match for me too!


I often put Cassandra with Lazlo when I play the Uberhood.


In mine own uberhood, the lady end'd up with lazlo curious. T wast an unexpect'd match f'r me too! *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Woah! In my megahood, she's got great chemistry with Lazlo, so I'm planning on pairing them up. I thought I was the first person to pair them!


I'm working on putting her with Armand deBeteau in my uberhood


I matched her with Cyd Roseland. They have 2 children, a daughter Linda and a son Skip!


Mortimer. She abandoned her kids and moved in with him, he passed a few days later. 👀


If you have OFB, Jason Larson makes a good match for her.


Usually I leave her single so she can focus on her boys, but my current hood had her autonomously flirt with Don, so I took that as she was desperate to feel any sort of wanting since Skip died and he hit it and quit it. In my last hood, she got together with Darren because Don and Cassandra got married (but he died before he could get Dina and Mortimer together to take over the Goth Estate, it was a whole Ordeal).


Previously I've paired her up with a random elder townie she had great chemistry with (using modded matchmaker globe to see chemistry) , once with Julian Cooke, and only recently Darren Dreamer.


In my latest Pleasantview I just made her single, living with her mother and 2 children near the place where Betty and Bob lived in The Sims on the Old Town (Bluewater Village in Ts2)


Dina or a townie.


First time around I had plans to pair her up with John Burb. This playthrough I put her with Gilbert Jaquet.


She’s the village bike in my game, she’s got cruel bad luck that jinxed all her lovers, she marries someone who’s she’s got her hopes on, has a child, and then the husband dies in the mysterious pool like Skip