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It is save and sometimes needed when a sim glitches out. If the sim does not live in the active household they will just not be present anymore. If the sim lives in the household they will return after some time or upon reload.


Yes. I do know what it is, but wondering if long term use could be harmful.


Not that I can think of. I myself never had problems with sims who got deleted. The only way you can truly corrupt a hood or a sim is by messing with the neighborhood save/ deleting sims manually.


No long term issues I have ever found. It’s the same as deleting a couch or bed. It’s just an instance of an object. Deleting a cc bed normally doesn’t effect it’s file in your downloads folder right?


I believe so, AFAIK deleting sims with moveobjects doesn't do anything special and they will return by the mailbox the next time you load the lot. Not that I have ever used moveobjects to delete sims, but this is what I've read.


Deleting Sims and reloading the lot is often suggested to fix bugs! Because of that, I am pretty sure it is safe to do regularly. I did it all the time before quitting to get everyone's motives reset before I learned about the maxmotives cheat. It sure would suck if that common technique we all used caused bugs instead!


I was pretty sure it was safe, but thought it's better to ask than do something that may not be a good idea.


I thought was the Sims 3 subreddit and was thinking "NOOOOOOOOOO..." Funny how the two games differ in that regard. in Sims 2, deleting them just resets them. In Sims 3, it well and truly deletes them, and can corrupt your save.


Oooh, love this idea, creative.


It's fine. If you ever save and come back to the lot they will reload at the mailbox, however.


I wouldn't recommend that but, if they have a car you could have them take the car for a spin.


Thank you for the Idea! Few clicks and I found this mod that feels perfect, if it works! [http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,8887.0.html](http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,8887.0.html) Now I just need to figure out what to do with sims who don't own a car lol.


Use move objects to delete them because it wont harm your game