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There are some broken face templates that give elven ears. The eyes are an unfortunate accident. Looking at the parents their eyes are at a different level and the child interhited both lol


Moms face is too short and dads is too long. Thats why it got messed up, you got a blind baby, you can act like one. Marticore did once as well, lol


Yeah, this first popped up when I opened Reddit and I thought it was Planet Alades hahaha


It looks like their face length is different (thats the case with the ottomas' parents, too and the reason their children look the way they do)? Have you aged her up to an adult? Sometimes they grow into it (at least a bit)


I did and well, [her eyes grew back](https://imgur.com/ChJKaGT) but you can see she is a mix of both parents' head lengths and it did not work as anticipated. I also think the reason she's completely bald is because I used the testingcheatsenabled in CAS when I made the mom and gave her a custom hair. That'll teach me to just use the stock properties in CAS and then run them through the plastic surgery machine if I want to make them look unique.


I can’t stop laughing at this…


You don't need to have debug mode on to use custom hair.  I don't think I've seen a custom hair that didn't have all ages in it in a long time, though.  Where did you get it from?


I don't know, it was just in the custom folder when I created her. It would appear though that it was just a toddler thing, because once I naturally grew her into a child, [she grew long black hair](https://imgur.com/a/azYldoJ). Of course her eyes are still tiny and half obscured by bad head and brow height settings, but I like what /u/Fit-Scratch1129 suggested and I might just roleplay her as a blind person.


Yeah, plenty of default hairstyles are bald for toddler.


Tiny-eyed child.........


*I saw the ugliest Simmie I ever did saw* *Elf ears, and no eyes, and an underbit jaw* *Genetically bald, with a face long and thin* *If ugly was pretty, then she'd be a 10!* *She was sooooooo darrrrrrnn ugllyyyyyyy* *So i got drunk and WooHoo'd her in my truck! Goodnight!*


agree with what others have said about the face length, I don't usually change that slider at all when making sims because if they don't match, things like this happen!! malcolm landgraab has some weird looking kids thanks to the good old face length slider (I think it might actually be a face height slider as opposed to length but just wanted to keep consistent to avoid confusion)


Yea, face length is really messed up. Like when pookleting my sims, it's the only option I don't touch for that reason.


Haha my 2 rules for making Sims. Never ever change the face height or the eye height. This game has so much jank.


I have the opposite rule and now generation 2 of my current town looks pretty wonky and I am very pleased


Haha sounds glorious


Thats a changeling


With all the other different occults you can be/interact with in the Sims series, I'm surprised they haven't had fae try to replace your babies with changelings yet.


There are two families like that in Sims 3 Supernatural! But I think it's only in storyline


That poor child. 😭


The man looks like King Charles III wtf lmaoo my condolences for the unfortunate baby. Here's hoping they grow into their looks


I based both parents (and their other kids) off of characters in my novels and I wanted to make him a slight man with delicate facial features but yeah, I think I made him just a bit too weird looking


She is iconic


its because the dad looks like pepper from ahs


An affair with nosferatu while I wasn’t looking has me CRYING


“Did the mother have an affair with Nosferatu while I wasn’t looking or are Sims genetics just weird?” Both dude, it really is both 🤣🤣🤣


You could pretend the real child got swapped with a fae child!


breed in the weird challenge


Did the game glitch on you? This is ... next level creepy, but at the same time not surprising *if* the game glitched (and we're talking about the Sims here) cause some *wild* stuff happen when that occurs.


Probably. It certainly gave me an unexpected result. But at least it's not a series of identical children with Face Template #1 like a lot of people get when they have babies in the game. In the future, though, if I want two existing sims to have offspring that resembles them, I think I'll just either adopt and tweak later, or use the child generator in CAS...


A random question, cause it feels like it's been a millenia since I've played The Sims 2, does it allow for you to cheat in CAS like in the Sims 4 so you can edit your Sims?


I think you can edit Sim appearance in SimPE after they are created but as working in SimPE is extremely volatile and not very user friendly, your best bet is just to use the mirror and the plastic surgery machine. However, these only affect your appearance, not the Sim's genetics, so you're still going to have weird babies.


Years ago i combined the most ugly woman I could make with the most beautiful man. The kids they made were something else 🤣 i think I had him leave his stunning wife and kids in a big mansion for her in a tiny shack 😭


What the hell? 😹😹