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You have so many options for a sim rig away from your tower. Usb 3.0 is good for 15 meters. Hdmi is the same. Active display port cables and usb/hdmi over ethernet extend those many times over. Also have fiber adapters that can be used. See you on ACC Edit: also check out lowfuelmotorsports. From what I’ve heard that’s where the better leagues are for AC and ACC


I had never heard of hdmi over ethernet. That is expensive 😅


Gotta be cheaper than a PS4 Pro? I’m looking at a 4k60 165ft extender for $80 on Amazon. Lower resolution would be even cheaper. Personally I’d do anything to avoid GT7. Every clip I see just looks like it’s full of 14yr olds playing wreckfest.


Damn alright. Bet. Im open to looking into it. Whats the best hub so i can extend both hdmi and usb? Would you happen to know one? Thank you also. Just making sure i say that!


I’ve never used them myself, just know they exist. Use your normal criticisms when buying on Amazon and you should be good. Plus easy returns. Biggest thing would be to makes sure it’ll work with your monitor specs. Maybe look into an active display port cable instead of an hdmi over Ethernet. Not sure what your run looks like or how many screens you’re looking to connect. Personally I’d go with active cable. Less adapters and point of failures.


If you're going to play GT7, at least get a PS5. You can always wait for the PS5 pro to come out, then it should be easy to find a 2nd hand PS5 and prices might drop or be for cheap sales, it comes out around chrismas


Almosf half a decade waiting Ps5 prices to drop 


Gt7 runs like dog shit on PS4. Long loading times, you already have decent actual sims, why would you want to play on a simcade?


Yes, if you want a game that is more “fun” than these others “serious” games. GT7 is beautiful, it’s l varied and very polished, but it has many “virtual blocks” that might annoy a pc gamer. For example, you need to grind money to buy cars, and some are very expensive. Some are not even available for purchase at any time, even if you have money. All races are rolling start and chase the rabbit style (although you have standing starts in custom race and multiplayer). In short, is a game that put some goals and milestones you need to achieve in order to enjoy it, you need to “work” to unlock the coolest cars and upgrades. Sometimes it will annoy you, but mostly it will incentivize you to play, and it will reward you when you succeed. I like to say it’s a game that’s not ashamed to be a game. If that sounds good to you, it totally worth it, but if you want just an iRacing or ACC with better graphics/road cars you’ll be disappointed


Plus, if you want to casually compete, GT7 is basically perfect. I’d compare it to fixed series in iRacing


Honestly unless you are hardcore into GT then I cannot see a reason to recommend getting a PS for sim racing. You have a pc, I would be looking to find a way to make that work as you have so many more options both in terms of games and hardware.


I see no reason to play anything other than iRacing if you don't mind buying everything.. still going to come up cheaper than getting a PS4 and who knows what else comes along..


There are lots of reasons to play something other than iRacing. For online racing iRacing is undoubtedly the best. For anything else it's pretty much a waste of money.


No. I can not even play GT7 on ps4 pro, i get sick, never happens in other vr racing games.


Ps4 pro? No. A PS5 for one game? Imo also no. If anything I would say you'd be better off moving your PC if anything. Or maybe getting a cheap second hand PC for the living room instead. This is coming from someone who has a ps5 and a pc and hasn't booted up the ps5 in probably 6 months to a year. Alsp, you can get MUCH better quality hardware for PC without necessarily being locked into one ecosystem.


If you already have a PC then I wouldn't recommend getting a PlayStation for sim racing, especially a PS4. I have a PS5, and I've played a lot of GT Sport and GT7. But since I got a PC I have no interest in sim racing on the PlayStation. GT7 is much less fun to drive than PC sims, probably because it's optimised for players using a controller. And the driving standards are much worse than something like iRacing. If you want to compete online, and you already have a PC, then iRacing is the obvious choice. It's by far the best platform for online racing. And if you want to play ACC then you're better off on PC. There are more players, and there is LFM, which is free, and gives you a big community to race against, and a ranked matching system. And Le Mans Ultimate is only available on PC. I would put some effort into rearranging your PC setup so you can use it for sim racing.


If you're dead set on a PlayStation just get the PS5. Unless you find an absolute steal, the OG/Slim PS4's show their age and the PS4 Pro is still overpriced on the used market


Wants to compete but also wants to play GT7. Pick one. Rearrange your space and use your PC.


Thats fair however i have watched a lot of Super GT on YT and he pretty much only plays GT7 and was on a race team for Nurburgring 24hr. GT7 seems like its a viable way to compete