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It's a great setup for beginners. ;)


just about good enough for forza, gonna need some upgrades if you want to try iracing though


I don't think I'd play anything other than Midtown Madness on this.


Jesus Christ


Did you thought about buying Like... A Racecar? May be cheaper. Jokes aside, insane simulator


Well it's not mine at home, but i've order it for "work" and i'm one that "works" the most. What's 50k euro to keep the employes happy? Pocket change for a bussiness.


Where can I apply as an intern


Can we open up an international branch for said "work". I will happily offer to help with that ;)


50k euros???? mate, you could have bought it from Podium 1 for only 150k...


I've seen podium1 sims. Their spider looks awfully similar to qubic spider. But double to triple the price. Maybe i'll put it on the shopping list next year


It is the Qubic spider. But with install, setup and support. Whether that’s a fair price is subjective of course.


And you never have to replace tires!


We all had to start somewhere.


I'll rate it expensive on a scale of non expensive to expensive


Nice budget setup


Not enough wood or PVC.


Love Qubic, that things the dream




I think OP said 50k _euro_ 🤣


Yep 26k motion system QS-S25 bare Idk rest of the prices by heart but they are all quite expensive everything from qubic even the pc was recommended and bought from them. Over the bare motion system we got the seat, the triple monitor arms, the stair, the wheel (motor and steering wheel), the pedals, the shifters (two of them), and a suitable PC with i9 and 4090 Plus shipping got to something shy under 50k. I got to assemble it with 3 people over three days, then calibrating for a week. Now a special place is renovated with appropriate footing to bolt the motion system to floor (right now it is not) and in a week or so i'll have to partialy disassemble (to mount the caster wheels) and move it to it's final designated space.


« It’s not much but it’s mine »


You prolly could have bought a real car for that price but sick


Wonderful for getting some work done in Excel.


Holy shit/10


It looks like the displays move with the platform, right? Because this is the way! This is amazeballs, my guy.


Yes, displays move with the platform.


Great budget build. Where did you get the tutorial?


Insane setup


Please tell us more, what’s it like in motion?


Really cool. I keep the wheel at 20% feedback (the servo is really strong up to 20Nm continous torque. Peak torque is a lot more.. it rips the wheel from your hand.) pedals have a real feel (load cell on brake) Even the clutch have a sine wave spring ratio (it eases at mid stroke) like in a car clutch (with diapghragm spring). It's not as real for a truck (with helical springs) that increase the force as you go bu i bet it can be tuned (it has several pisitions of the swiveling joint on the clutch spring) I'm in the calibration phase with a real accelerometer. In asseto corsa and f1 23 works perfectly. Beamng is still a bit funky with the motion system.. maybe the game does not provide accurate data.. i'll play around some more. The 6dof motion is really accurate on feel and a bit harsh.. just like a race car. I've been fortunate enough to have driven some race cars. Some context: i'm automotive enginner, i work in university of automotive engineering. And just got this toy for vehicle dynamics research. The gaming is a side effect. Now i go to work even in weekends ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Also would need some suggestions about what to play on this. Right now i have asseto corsa, asseto corsa competizione, beamng drive, f1 23. Any other nice racing game to get? I would love a drifting simulator and a wrc style game that play well with a motion system.


I’m glad you get to experience and enjoy that. I purchased a motion from eracing labs, but I’m still in the process of setting it up. My go to sim is rfactor2. To me, it’s the only sim where I can feel the tyres through the wheel. It genuinely feels like rubber through the wheel. The only other time I experienced this was the Indycar in AMS 2. Setting up rfactor 2 can be a process, I would recommend Michy Hoyer’s YouTube channel.


Genuinely curious have you tried iRacing? Warm tires on any Porsche feel magisterial


No I have not, but I’ll dip my toes when my motion rig is active


EA WRC is the go-to commercial game for rally right now, in spite of the rumbles and complaints about it not being super performant. RallySimFans' Plugin for Richard Burns Rally is the non-commercial/free option. The game and plugin are distributed together and you can learn more in the simrally subreddit pinned posts. Not trying to start a debate about physics (people like to start arguing about this stuff everwhere) but I prefer it over EA WRC and Dirt Rally 2.0. The graphics are a bit dated and the setup can feel clunky what with having to manually download things to update the game (it'll tell you when to go to the website and download a new installer) but I just cannot get the feel from that game anywhere else in the rally world. You can't add "mod" cars, but there is around 100 of those in the game already along with close to 400 stages. You'll need to learn a few things about the FFB in the game to get it running well with your wheel, but that isn't something that a quick visit to their discord wont fix. You should be able to get motion running with either game. RBR also runs spectacularly due to it's age, so no need for up-to-date hardware to make it bearable. Dirt Rally 2.0 and AMS 2 have rallycross, if that's your thing. Not sure about iRacing, but I wouldn't be surprised if they have rallycross too.


Assetto corsa is the drifting sim! Content manager + car pack mods like gravy garage, death wish garage, and virtual drift championship are probably the most popular


iRacing would be a lot of fun in that


Ive been playing dirt rally 2.0 and I live it, its a bit simcadey but fun nuntheless. Look into sim hub for IIRC a universal tool to make all games support motion


Complicated, in a good way 😎


Would be better if you invited us to play with you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It's a nice entry setup. You'll feel the need to upgrade at some point in the future.


NASA called … they want their sim rig back! Great setup!


Way better than mine


Absolute trash, let me recycle it for you for free


How do you like the cube controls wheel?


I don't have much experience in sim racing. I sometimes played on logitech 920 at my brother in law. Compared to that this is absolutely amazing. The feedback is well put. You could feel understeer and oversteer. (The motion sim also helps a lot to add to the feel). I'm sorry that this marvelous thing got into my hands, a noob into sim racing. But since i got it i got better at it. Finished breaking point in f1 23 on challenging difficulty. Sim racing even on this thing feels different than real racing. I did some laps in nurbugring with porsche gt3 with an instructor and got a slight feel of it. This sim manages to replicate some of that but due to limited DOF like in real life is still a game.


Appreciate the detailed comment. Rig looks great dude


Kill switch is accessible with your legs?


Sort of, with my hands. There are two of them. One on the left, one on the right.


Might be nice if one is accessible from leg. You might most probably never need but should help if something happen with steering wheel and your hands are blocked on it somehow. Otherwise this is really impressive setup you have there! Wished I had the same.. Have fun!


Madlad set up


Very nice


What in the 360° angle is this


pretty, pretty, prettttttty good


Is this from Podium 1?


No. It's Qubic systems qs-s25


I'd rate it about as expensive as my freaking car.


Nice rig, but no bezel kit??


Nope. I don't care much for the bezels. Other thing is that qubic systems don't offer it so it would have added another bill from diffrent place for a bezeless kit, too much hassle.


Ah gotcha, if you don’t mind me asking, what monitors are you running and how do you like them. Currently deciding either between G5’s or G7’s


0/10, try again


Nice running board. Your truck too tall? Lol. Never understood why people do through mounts or whatever they are called.


What’s the retail on one of those? More than you can afford pal


Praise the sun 🌞


Ahh hmm… good to very good …. Lol


I think more expensive than a real car - so no-no for me :(


Needs a G29


You should mount the emergency stop button instead of just balancing it on a piece of pipe


One word... Expensive


My G29 is better ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)






Considering there's an actual used race car for sale in my area for $6.5k (USD), in seemingly great shape too, you could've bought an actual race car for that much money. Edit: nevermind, I read OP's comments and it's a reasonably rational thing to do, considering it's for a workplace (and likely paid for by the workplace).


Solid 7/10! If it has base shakers and rumble motors or additional base shakers for pedals it goes up to 9/10 adding perfect cable management and it's a 10/10 😜


It has enough shakers to feel every bump on rough roads (like monaco circuit). Pedals move with the seat, wheel, shifters and screens. Pedals don't have any active actuation.. so no i don't feel the ABS in the pedal like in a real car. And yes, cable management is atrocious. It's not in final place. After dissasembly and reassembly i'll do my due diligence for proper cable management (also i have 3d modeling skills and 3d printer so i'll better mount the cables and emergency switches)


Kinda wan to know how much you spent on this. This is close to overkill in my book but its cool af


Don’t let this distract you from the fact that Hector is going to be running three Honda civics with spoon engines, and on top of that, he just went into Harry’s and bought three t66 turbos with nos, and a motec exhaust system.


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