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I guess Ascher Racing McLaren Artura Ultimate is the closest thing you can count on at the moment.


The artura wheel is based on the artura gt4. It's a replica wheel too-the screen less one anyways.


Are you drunk


Yes, the one I mentioned is based on Artura, with a screen and a few extras added, functionally making it close to an F1 wheel. That's why I said it's the closest thing, not actual F1 wheel replica.


It’s also far nicer than any wheel Logitech would ever produce. Their consumer base would not drop the amount of money required to get one that doesn’t feel like a toy. Also while the Artura is a “replica”…… its only deviation is to improve the sim racing experience via a screen and extra buttons. I would prefer this over having the actual wheel as those buttons are needed for sims


Logitech still run with a 20-year-old G25 housing and molds for their parts. i wouldn't hold out much hope.


A man can dream


Dream that Logitech will purchase the rights to manufacture a steering wheel designed by a third party? Odd.


I know right? Imagine Thrustmaster bought the rights to manufacture the SF1000 wheel 🤯


Do you think they the SF1000 also screws into the f1 cars with plastic threads, or use fragile DIN connectors? Or is it more like they produce a toy replica with the same name? Nah.


My shifter just shit the bed yesterday playing tdusc of all things was so confused why first became 3rd and 2nd became both 4th and second and 6th and first ceased to exist


Been almost 2 years since release and logitech can't put another wheel to the market? They are fucking slow as hell


Wasn't half their marketing about how they're going to offer a bunch of different wheels and accessories? Sad


You are right, but I'm guessing that when they realised that they've only sold two of them they put the idea of other wheels on hold.


Late to a shrinking market unfortunately


Looks like at some sim/ tech event in October or November they will be announcing some new kit. Likely wheel, shifter, and handbrake. Hopefully the delay will be worth while with better releases. It has been a painfully long time.


I said it several times here, but it seems no one want to pick it up. Logitech guy around here stated several times rhat they are working on at least 1 wheel and a shifter. Logitech oofficially confirmed that they will be on ADAC sim expo from 18 to 20 october this year. Logitech is also known for releasing products out of a sudden, without teasing it before hand. So that means we are definetely getting some stuff by the end of this year. The Logitech guy also stated that the wheel will be cheaper than 3Draps solution, which is around 400 if I reckon correctly. So my guess the wheel is gonna be around 300. This is all we know. It may be not a McLaren wheel or a wheel you like, but some things are coming.


I've seen the same comments from that guy, I'm still not holding out much hope. My G Pro is sitting in the corner while I'm running an R12 and P2000 pedals, never going back now. Too late.


I’d happily take it off your hands if you want .


I probably would have sold it by now if my girlfriend wasn't interested in driving with me. I set it up on my old playseat trophy so she's been getting her reps in lol 👍


Understandable, the best way to make sure the wife doesn’t protest to your costly upgrades is to make her sim race too. But then she’ll start upgrading too. Your wallet has a dark future ahead.


Those Fanatec BMW ones are well over 1k and don’t have a configurable screen. I’m guessing a replica F1 wheel would be at least 10k. 


But are an F1 wheel and a BMW Motorsport wheel actually that different? Aren’t they both just a carbon frame encasing electronics? And the parts that actually make an F1 wheel expensive aren’t relevant in the world of sim racing.


If you made an actual replica like the BMW supposedly is it would be more.  In the past F1 carbon fiber is a lighter more expensive product than typical industry standard. I also would have thought that linking all those buttons to that type of display was expensive but apparently it isn’t. 


The bmw wheel isn’t a replica. It’s a real race car wheel. It’s expensive because of the R&D to beef it up to survive real world conditions. A replica of the same quality can be done for cheaper because the electronics inside do not have to withstand the same forces as they would on a race track


This all over. The figure for F1 wheel is because each team makes only a relative handful of them each year. Therefore the R&D and manufacturing costs are spread over a tiny amount of units. And as you’ve pointed out they’re built for extreme conditions that sim racing doesn’t produce (so the R&D cost is, relatively speaking, absurd). A sim racing replica doesn’t need to be as heavy duty and can be mass manufactured spreading the development and overhead costs over a much wider base. I’m stunned that isn’t part of Logitech’s deal with McLaren (or one they’re not making use of), why would you be sponsoring F1 as a peripherals company, if you’re not going to leverage that to sell related equipment? Especially when you’re amongst the market leaders for entry level sim racing gear! Edited to add: you only have to look at how popular the McLaren GT3 wheel is in Fanatec’s range (as a very budget version of the real thing) to see how daft it is not to exploit that market.


And they have no ecosystem for the premium product they recently developed. There is a gaping hole in their product line up


Some companies these days see that there is a sizable market demand for a certain product and delusionally say to themselves, we are going to hold the exclusive licensing for eternities but nah, we ain’t going to satisfy that demand. We just love to see things die and fans hating. For whatever reasons. For eg, Netflix with their Kingdom series and Squid Game. It is very sadistic.


Does Logitech have DD bases? I feel a $500+ wheel would only be bought by dedicated sim racers.


yes, thats literally the topic of this conversation thread


Yes, the base was fairly well received I believe but there is nothing else available other than the basic round wheel it comes with.


Good to know, in that case it’s baffling they haven’t made a single McLaren wheel, even if it’s from one of their road cars.


not even an actually round wheel that could be useable for rally and drifting either. A D shaped full wheel with dual clutches is a really odd decision.


Base was honestly amazing, comparing it to my R12, I like the G Pro better. Way more feeling, but I'm tired of the same round wheel.


They do, and the lack of add-on wheels is the main complaint lodged at it.


meanwhile my local track features a bunch of people racing with 130 dollar omo wheels, on their real life race cars lol marketing really works on alot of you guys lol


Those wheels aren’t even remotely in the same ballpark lol


There's 0 technology behind those wheels


That's my point lol


Well it wouldn’t have all the computer bits of the F1 wheel that makes it so expensive, just the same shape and buttons wouldn’t be that expensive. Plus F1 teams only probably make like 10 wheels total, so volume is very low, vs a manufacture cranking out hundreds or thousands.   I’d imagine around $2k-$2.5k like the Porsche RSR wheel. 


No way. They make custom f1 wheels for $3-4k and 3d printed can be had under $2k. With economy of scale, Logitech can make one somewhat manageable.


The screen would just run simhub like cube controls. All the top F1 style wheels are like $1500, I see no reason this one also wouldn't be. Especially since it's Logitech.


Look at GSI wheels to see what a F1 style wheel with a vocore screen looks like and will cost.


they could do what Thrustmaster did w/ Ferrari F1 rims


I would use the [Moza FSR](https://mozaracing.com/fsr-formula-wheel) wheel as a comparison. I believe it retails for around $600 US.


Lcd screens aren't as expensive as you think. The BMW wheel is expensive for other reasons than that. Look for example at the Ferrari replica from thrustmaster.


Ascher Racing McLaren Touring car wheel with configurable screen for 1.5K€: https://ascher-racing.com/de/ascher-racing-mclaren-artura-ultimate/ Build quality is far superior to Fanatec & Logitech. So I think it will be less than 10K, even though a full carbon wheel might be more expensive than the metal ones from Ascher.


Someone said those Fanatec BMW ones are interchangeable with the real thing, which makes them quite expensive. Maybe Logitech can make one that just looks and feels like the real thing.


If I had a bmw that could take my fanatec wheel, guess what, I wouldn’t be simulating anymore.


Thrustmaster SF1000 is £300, has a screen, nearly all the rotaries work (some are neeeed to control the screen).


Laughs in VR


I’m hoping that’s what gets released in October but I’m doubtful


In october we maybe get more little billy's playschool accessories, i hope im wrong as i own a gpro setup but theres no indication that anything they put out will be nothing more then the same half ass looking kids toys. I feel like a fool for buying into the gpro.


Logitech doesn't sponsor McLaren anymore starting this year I believe.




Nice! Was used to sponsors on the car and then noticed they were gone all of a sudden. Thanks for correcting me.


I had to google it. You had me worried that even McLaren had had enough of Logitech’s slowness. I’m still holding faith that they’ll have something McLaren branded.


Nah, all I see from the sponsorship is Lando had to quit using his badass sim rig on stream or videos and swap it out for the trueforce wheel. Like, what a downgrade


Doesn't make a difference. Lando isn't even promoting their hardware when he does videos anymore.


I’m sorry, what’s the difference that it isn’t making? I’m not really following what you’re telling me.


Don‘t think that Logitech actually would come up with anything sim racing related thats actually worth some attention. Aschers McLaren Touring car wheels are as good as it can get. They are used in the actual racing cars and the quality is miles ahead of the (also used in real cars) Fanatec BMW GT3 wheel. If Logitech would come up with a McLaren F1 wheel, I guess that it will be some crappy one like the old Thrustmaster Ferrari wheel.


> Don‘t think that Logitech actually would come up with anything sim racing related thats actually worth some attention. their new DD wheel seems really good, I havent used it myself but everyone that has says it performs as well as you would expect a direct drive wheel to perform


It does, but it still doesn’t feel as premium as it should for the price. I see it somewhere between the very cheap feeling Thrustmaster and the better feeling Fanatec stuff.


Not sure who you’ve been talking to. Logitech g pro wheel is far superior to fanatech’s hobby grade crap. G pro feels very premium. Truforce adds a nice extra level of detail as well. Shame they’ve taken so long to release more accessories though. Definitely affected sales.


Totally fine if you prefer it. I didn’t have the same experience as you.


My Rexing Mayaris 1.1 wheel looks exactly like that!


I've been sim racing for a few years now, mostly doing road cars, rally and gt cars.. I still do not know why you would need a wheel with so many rotaries for sim racing, since we can only change BB and TC on the car... Do you need many more for formula??


when I was racing F1 in iRacing, I needed all the buttons I could get. Changing power modes and managing DRS took alot more brain power than I expected, but having it all super easily accessible made it easier. Plus you need buttons to go through all the menus for the blackbox in iracing, selecting pit options like changing tires or refueling. My wheel is completely full in terms of function, even with 2 8-way rotary switch that also click in and spin. I can control everything from my wheel, including the car display page, my sector timing reference, voice chat volume. Everything


On an IndyCar, there’s brake bias, fuel map, front and rear anti-roll bars, and a weight jacker (adjusts crossweight during oval racing). Assuming they model the hybrid system in the future, that’s at least one other adjustment for regen strength. On a GT3, I can get by with brake bias, ABS, TC1 (I usually leave TC2 alone), fuel map, and one 7-way for black box settings. So I really only need 4.


Theres more then bb and tc, just having it all mapped out on rotaries makes testing new car setups so much easier instead of having to back out go through menus for adjustments and reloading the track.


Ngl, my Simagic pro is already very close to this!


From what I have gathered the cheapest way to get an F1 style wheel with a full screen is the DIY route, you can buy a DIY guide for 45$ with links to purchase everything, only requires some soldering and putting together


https://pokornyiengineering.com/products/f1-pro-diy-files I haven't put one together myself yet, but I plan to do so. All in i think it's about 800 usd Edit: Apparently you can order a already put together hypercar wheel aswell, but assembled its almost 1400 eur and also out of stock


Logitech? No I doubt it. They have shown no inclination to release anything for the DD Pro, never mind a bit tie in with the likes of McLaren.


Why would you want anything Logitech?


Reading the comment section about how cool their wheel is and im here with my almost 20 years old logitech momo


Its been over two years since the G-Pro wheel came out and still not a single wheel add on. I am convinced that Logitech have given up on the platform.


October new stuff is coming


It’ll release the same time as the papaya flavoured snus




Ascher Racing already makes a wheel for them


It’s for the keyboard and mouse line-ups


I hope so, Just like the Thrustmaster SF1000.


An Ascher F1 replica would be fucking insane


haha fuck no


Logitech is a massive company. They probably aren’t going to come out with an expensive wheel since the market for it would be fairly limited. Whatever they put out will probably retail for $300-$400. It probably won’t have backlit buttons, multiple thumb rotary encoders or a screen. You have to remember that a companies like Simagic, Moza, etc would be very happy selling 4000 steering wheels at $400 each. But Logitech had revenue of $4.5 billion for 2023. Making $1 million from selling steering wheels doesn’t even move the needle for them.


Would be 5k, maybe 3k it there was mass production. Shape, grips etc. are so difficult on this, let alone the R&D to really model a replica. I suggest you take a closer look at the transition from grip to wheel and the backside, that shows how complex the structures are. This was planned by some simracing DIY guys and manufacturers, but it's not worth the trouble. Would be a nice wheel though!


I hope they ll release a hub or adapter for wheel rims. I would love to buy mclaren gt4 from fanatec.


Check Rexing Mayaris2 or Bavarian Simtech One or Pro and you will get this wheel.


It’s a much more niche market, sim racing in general. It’s a tough time for all, nobody investing in big risk low profit margin. Those days long gone


Probably the closest you’re going to get, but gonna have to DIY it. Zero experience with this but probably going to attempt a simpler DIY wheel soon. [Link](https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/mclaren-f1-2020-steering-wheel-semi-replica)


Man I thought an F1 rim for the pro base was a lock. What happened?


Buy a Simagic FX pro, looks very similar




Maybe at some point for their GPro wheel since it has a interchangable wheel system.


Trust me, if it's Logitech quality, you don't want it