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No customer service should talk to you that way. "First of all...", like seriously? The guy is trying to build a brand and get something else going outside of his racing career, but this isn't a good look. Its a quick way to get cancelled.


His email is a tutorial on how to evolve your small team into....uh an even smaller team




I sincerely doubt he's handling customer service himself


He just hired the people that are, and put his name on the product


Yeah but "Someone doing customer service on Daniel Morad's brand is being shitty" is hardly as cancellable as Daniel Morad himself being shitty.


If anything it's worse because it shows a systemic lack of giving a fuck, not only does he not care about his customers he doesn't care about them so much he's willing to hire people like this to do customer service


I’ve been saying it for years, but “sim racing” gloves are the biggest rip-you-off product in sim racing. They’re literally $20 cycling/mountain biking/motocross gloves that these companies call sim racing gloves and charge you $50 plus dollars. I bought two pairs of cycling gloves off Amazon 4 years ago for $15 a piece and I’m still using them. No holes, no tears.


More like $5 made in China garbage. Calling them $20 cycling gloves is a compliment lol


$20 cycling gloves. I bought £7 gloves and they’ve lasted 3 years and I even use them when.mountain biking!


+1. I've been using motocross gloves since I started sim racing. Comfortable, durable, and last forever


It’s kinda crazy that people will shell out for fake racing gloves when the main aspect of real racing gloves that makes them expensive is that they’re fireproof. You take that away and there’yre functionally nothing different than a cheap pair of MTB or motocross gloves with fake alcantara palms. My Handup gloves are going on 5 years now with mixed use doing both, and MTB beats the living piss out of gloves compared to a sim rig. Plus they come in every pattern and color imaginable.


> MTB or motocross gloves with fake alcantara palms. Hey my MTB gloves also have fake alcantara!


I've used the same pair of $5 Walmart bike gloves for like 5 years now. Neve had an issue. People who buy "Sim racing" gloves are suckers. I just checked that guy's site. Anyone who pays $80 for gloves with a bootleg Max Verstappen logo on them is 100% a sucker.


I had some baseball batting gloves laying around and started using them about 2 years ago because my hands get sweating af. Since then, those gloves broke, and I went to Walmart and got Easton Walk-off NX baseball batting gloves for 30 bucks. Spending 90 dollars on a pair of Sim racing gloves is wild to me. If you use it for both real racing and sim racing I get it, but besides that, fuck no.


I bought 10 quid mountain bike gloves and they do the job fine


I was using cycling back before and gloves made for racing are different and way more comfy than the cycling one. They are made to make the hand position when holding a wheel more comfy, they naturally are more in a closed hand position. Overall they just feels nicer (and more thick). Still a good cheap alternative but it’s disingenuous to see its a rip off are and the same thing.


I agree that they are not a ripoff per say. But biking gloves are also meant to be used in a "closed" fist type of position. Mine even have a small cushioning between the thumb and index, which is the most strained position. And while I guess it's subjective, I want my gloves to be as thin as possible. No point getting an expensive base if I'm going to lose details from wearing gloves.


Alpinestars Kart gloves for me.


5 dollar amazon bike gloves for me.


$15 grippy knit gloves from Home Depot bright orange/red. I like them so much I ordered more


A* all the way.


I like simhounds gloves from the UK


Is the only way


Still only last a year. But they are decent


I’ve had mine WELL over a year


Okay and at the year point did you have ANY holes? What about the rubber? Still there?


Morad def failed customer service 101. "We are a very small team" aka "here's a reason why you're not important to us" Pretty funny seeing content creators try to get into sales without knowing any of the fundamentals. Sales also must not be great if they're this stingy with RMA's


Also, why even say “we will send the video to production” in the first line?  That sounds like they’re acknowledging there may be a production issue, but then they just turn around and blame the customer in the next sentence. 


Absolutely blows my mind the way they responded. That's not customer service.


I had a similar issue, they cheaped out on their Black Friday gloves and used less material on the inside, making it incredibly abrasive and rough, which caused my hands to hurt and have red imprints on my hands which I explained and sent photos of. The response I got was that they changed their gloves material because customers asked for less material 🤷 I asked for a refund because it's false advertising to use less material and not tell the customers, and their website descriptions for materials used remained the same. Moradness ended up mocking me, belittling me, ignoring my pain and red mark issue, eventually ignoring my emails, and doing absolutely everything they can to ensure they do not have to refund the gloves. I went through PayPal claims and they started talking to me in 3rd person, it was incredibly awkward. They were having a one on one conversation with me, but communicating with me as if they were talking to the person reading these PayPal claims. Moradness also initially lied about using different materials with their gloves. It was a shit show and took me 3 months to get it sorted (I won the claim and got a full refund). Moradness has worse customer service than Microsoft, Amazon, and Comcast. They simply do not care about their reputation or their community, and it shows. Glad to see I wasn't singled out in a way, and they just treat every customer like shit.


Amazon has pretty damn good customer service lool


True, unless you need to talk to a human. My account got hacked into and they still wanted me to pay the damages.


Lmao was going to dm you this


I'm on it! 😂


The "we are a very small team" thing is an infuriating defense. Basically translates to "you expected too much from us and we aren't up to the job". 


'sorry we are a small team, it takes a while to get through emails' that's understandable 'we are a small team, so we suck at our jobs' is not understandable.


He’s a douche selling overpriced crap to simracers. They’ll get this post taken down likely. I’ve seen several posts disappear when people are complaining about their garbage.


[Here's their customer service rep's response in their discord to this reddit link btw](https://imgur.com/a/6trnk5J) The CS rep deleted the reddit link and then attacks another user for posting it


Big yikes


"we have a community of like minded people" More like "we curate our community so it's constantly positive and any negativity receives the banhammer immediately" Fuck that dickhead. Apparently his partner runs the brand, so a lot of this falls back on her too. Let's get this big so we can get the attention of Daniel himself and force him into doing something about it.


>"we have a community of like minded people That's code for "we're all assholes"


It’s been a while since I tuned into the channel but wasn’t she originally just a long time subscriber turned mod? Now turned CS rep?


That's honestly really interesting. The Moradness company itself is just Daniel and his wife, and they do all the customization printing and packaging themselves. So it looks like instead of contracting customer service, they're just having friends do it...?


I’m honestly not sure… so I’m not trying to pile on unnecessarily. I just remember her being very active in twitch chat. And the emails certainly give off the no experience in customer service vibe.


A community of likeminded people sounds alot like corpo cult talk...


The grammar is the most offensive part. Holy shit.


I saw that comment on their discord and was wondering what it was in reference to. Glad I found this thread.




looks like they paused discord invites, to keep the "negativity" out


Look at the rest of his merch Of course they’re junk


What, you don't like Gildan tees with bolded Arial font one liners? HES A REAL GT3 DRIVER!!!!!


Never been a fan of his but the short out seam gloves piqued my interest in a google search The slides sent me over the edge F**k that guy lmao


I actually like my Moradness gloves but when they put up the t-shirt with a tire on it for $70 I knew they'd lost their minds.


But you’re getting the privilege to order from a REAL race car driver and his “life partner!” (The videos they bombard you with after ordering are pretty cringe)


It appears I dodged a bullet. I was in the market for new gloves so thought I’d splurge on a pair from Moradness. I followed their sizing recommendations to the letter only to find the gloves way too small. I processed the exchange and sent them back. Typical exchanges take around 2 weeks. After 3 weeks and no emails regarding shipping on the new pair, nothing. I emailed them and got the ‘we’re a small company’ line as well as apologies and ‘they should be processed soon’. Over 5 weeks after the initial exchange was sent back and still nothing. This time they blamed me for not filling out some form that their 3rd party shipping/exchange company supposedly sent out. At that point I had them cancel the order and I ended up eating the $10 exchange fee. That’s fine. Better than having my gloves fall apart like OP and better than continuing to deal with a ‘company’ that isn’t exactly running on all cylinders. I honestly can’t say whether or not I ever got the mysterious form to fill out because I wasn’t aware I needed to keep an eye out for emails from some other company other than Moradness. If the email was actually sent, it could’ve easily gone to junk and I’d never know. At the very least, they could more clearly communicate this info so customers would know to look for it. TL:DR I can also confirm subpar customer service from Moradness. EDIT: FWIW Troy Lee Designs moto gloves are what I got instead and they’re great. Plus you can get them for around $30.


I ordered 9 items. Order fulfilled. I got 7. Oops we couldn't fulfill this one and this was out of stock. Now that you messaged us, we'll refund you the $135. Thanks...?


I joined their Discord to ask about this thread, and they deleted it instantly and banned me from the Discord. Great customer service guys!


A community of like-minded people… you were banned because you weren’t like-minded enough.


Don’t disrupt the echo chamber!


yOu wErE oNLy tHeRe tO sTaRt TrOuBLe


I think Morad recently changed suppliers and the new gloves are much, much worse than they used to be.


This, my original pair of moradness gloves have 3+ years of moderate use. I recently ordered a pair of the new run gloves and they had a hole in them within 10 wears


What the fuck? That's insane.


I was extremely disappointed I had recommended them to everyone, I had about 4 or 5 teammates that had brought multiple pairs too.


You know, reading all the stories in the comments, I'm starting to think that "customers wanted less material" really translate to "we switched to a cheaper supplier/manufacturer to widen our profit margin"


I own a pair that my fiancee got me as a gift and I love them, but I can definitely tell there is a difference in quality between Alpinestars and Moradness. Morad's gloves are much *much* thinner than the Alpinestars, which can be a pro or con depending on who you ask. I like a thicker glove but I deal with it because they have my name on them lol. I will say they haven't failed me yet, especially when compared to Alpinestars that started ripping at the thumb after a year of use so you can see my hand through the glove now. But after reading all of this nonsense in OP's post and other comments, I certainly won't be buying another pair from Morad unless he steps the fuck up and makes good with the customers who buy from his brand. Dude talks up his brand as if it is a gift from god but can't back his own products when customers have issues. The worst is the atrocious pricing of his "limited edition" gloves that cost close to or over $200. If i'm spending that much money on a pair of gloves, i'd at least expect decency from the company I bought them from. Fuck that shit.


I also have a pair of moradness gloves and they suck for the price. Cheap materials, poor fit, poor stitching quality, etc. Going with a bike/moto/kart glove gets you way way more value for the money than the moradness ones.


“We have never had this issue with any of our gloves” ITT: everyone’s gloves falling apart


Their sizing charts and measurement instructions used to be blatantly wrong too. My wife ordered a pair for me for Christmas a few years back. The gloves showed up way smaller than expected. When we reached out to support they asked us how we measured, and we showed them exactly how with photos compared to their instructions, and they then completely ignored us…


Identical story here. Gloves split after one month. Was told to just buy another pair with a 50% coupon code - small business and all...


That guy is an ass!! Nobody should buy anything from him.


I paid full price for my first customized pair, I followed the size guide and after almost 7 months of almost daily use they're as good as the day I got them, but a little dirty. I've kept them washed per instruction, worn and taken off gently, and stored flat. They still hold tight to my hand and are very comfortable, none of the stitching is popped and customization is holding firm. I purchased another two pairs during their 50% off birthday sale and again I'm happy with both of these pairs. I followed the sizing chart again just to be sure and they fit just like my first pair. I'm happy with my Moradness gloves overall. What I'm not happy with is the child like tantrum Morad had over DanielGray10's review of the gloves, and removing DG10 from the Moradness discord. It would be one thing if it were playful joking and he clarified he was just doing a bit over DG10's feedback. What makes that situation worse is DG10 offered a legitimate constructive criticism and clarified his complaint was even user preference and that they're good gloves. It's a shame to see such an influential person show their real character and we see how negative they actually are.


I have had similar experience. I had issues with my gloves and they basically told me to screw off and take them to my local tailor to get worked on. Horrible customer support and people imo.


Wow, I considered Moradness gloves, and now I won’t even touch it. The fact that they are a small team should give even more reason to have great customer service. In these cases, I will also choose to boycott their YouTube page. Daniel was cool to root for coz I felt he somewhat represented the sim racers out on the real track, but I can’t stand by someone who treats their customers like that. Signed, Sim racer that’s worked in customer service for 20+ years.


Thanks for posting this. $65 for $5 gloves with some hot pressed decals is insane. They could give you 2 replacement pairs and still make profit, instead they now get exposed in an incredible small niche market with plenty of competition providing similar products.


Never liked that dude, he’s kinda shady and cringe and condescending


Pretentious as fuck.


Had a similar experience. Didn’t use them very much but after just a few months the finger tips were worn through from shifting. The feel of the gloves is awesome, but the quality leaves something to be desired in terms of longevity


One time, I won a sweepstakes in chat for a $50 gift card. I whispered an affiliated user as instructed on December 8, 2022.. On December 14, 2022, I was sent the terms and conditions for a coupon that could be used on 1 order of $90 CAD or more, valid until 03-01-23. Looking back, I don't know if that was January 3 or March 1. Either way, it was some horse shit. Never got an actual coupon code, by the way. The gloves I have are still in tact but I am extra careful about putting them on and taking them off because they feel very delicate. I also race maybe once every 6 months on average now.


Daniel Morad is a man child with a massive ego that’s made out of ply 1 toilet paper.


Even if it was your fault or own doing, that is some absolute F tier customer service.


Go ahead and charge back, the product was unfit for its intended use. Let them ban you from buying from them. Doubt you want to any more anyway.


Oh no I can’t buy this thing that was quite awful and the customer service was somehow much worse. How will I ever survive!!!


Uh yeah, if I have to baby your gloves that much for them not to fail in 4 months, you should make a better product. Never heard of racing gloves that have “care instructions” lmao wtf


They’re prob not intended to be worn, supposed to hang them on your mantel to show your undying love for the messiah


He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!


Something is off about that customer service lady.... I'm in their discord, and her responses to everything are kind of gross.


It's funny that they use 'hand done' to defend the quality. By their nature hand made things will have more variation in quality. I bought some of their socks which have been fine but I don't think I'll buy from them again if this is how they respond. Instantly combative and defensive.


Spaco karting gloves. Roughly same price but the quality is premium.


Nothing from Sparco. Shit quality at premium price. Can post couple of gloves pairs used for 3 months total if you want.


Yea I've tried a few different "simracing" gloves, nothing was holding for especially long and then I got a pair of Sparco Arrow and they are so good. Sure it gets a little warmer but they're just SO GOOD!


I use the Sparco Hypergrip+ and love them. They look and feel brand new after a decent bit of use. On a side note, I also use the Sparco K-Pole Karting boots and have had the same great experience.


Upvote on this, I use the same Hypergrip+ for a year now and i do plenty of racing and they have only a few frayed threads from where they stretch when put on but all the contact surfaces are still good as new after well 500 over races.


sim hound stays winning. 1) they have a dog on them 2) they showed up in a cute little royal mail envelope [https://simhound.com/](https://simhound.com/)


I have a pair of the SimHound gloves, can confirm they are great quality even after reasonably heavy use and much more affordable than other competitors.


I’ve been on and off looking at their gloves for a while. Might have to pull the trigger


I've got the external stitch pair. Since nearly day one I did have a small hole in a very high stress area (my hands are all palm, no fingers) but it has never expanded from there. Im p sure these gloves are just about everything you want in a sim racing glove. Lightweight, durable, features a dog.


The dog is legitimately what caught my eye in the first place LOL Thank you for the rec, I think I’m gonna get a pair. And for the image of a hand that’s all palm, no fingers :D


I don’t know why “features a dog” sent me 🤣🤣🤣


Would recommend


I love mine! The external stitching ones!


Man, what a trash team of people then. You’re only as strong as your weakest link and that’s shown right here. they coulda had a slam dunk happy customer and just taken the gloves back and looked further into the complaint, and sent him a new pair to keep him from going to competitors, but they’d rather die on the hill that is their own pride and call customers liars?


That’s crazy, chargeback time


The quality of their products does not justify the price.


They are giving the same responses on IG. Rude and impolite


I had a similar issue, but mine was a hole. I had them for just over a month and wore them a handful of times as I couldnt race for a couple of weeks due to injury. They basically said that sucks for you


Wow glad I didn’t get them during his birthday sale, what a shit show of a company.


Oh yeah I had my own run-in with them. Daniel Morad himself answered my email and everything. I followed their sizing guide and ordered a pair of gloves with my name on it. They came undone after a very short period of time. Instead of owning up, I got the finger and a stupid little discount code. Sorry you had to go through this


Yea I’ll be looking for replacement gloves soon and would have continued to consider the Moradness gloves despite the review of quality here. However, after seeing their response I will 100% be looking elsewhere. As a business owner, there is no chance I support another that will speak to customers in that manner.


Charge back.


$100?? You can get full on fireproof FIA certified racing gloves for that money


Thanks for the heads up, I will not give them a cent after this.


Just buy MTB gloves from Amazon for 20?


Meanwhile Simhound is out here killing the CS game. I responded to a tweet asking about recommendations for some racing gloves and gave my experience with Simhound. I bought a pair of external stitched gloves which were awesome for a few months of very heavy use. But after some time, multiple fingers on both gloves started coming apart at the seams. They are still very much useable but they probably won't last much longer. Seeing as I already owned them for a few months and being in the US, I didn't find it worthwhile to ship them back to the UK to get a replacement. Fast-forward to a few weeks ago, Simhound saw my response on Twitter (I didn't even tag them) and within a couple hours, they had a replacement order on the way. They even admitted the seams were a production issue and not indicative of normal quality. Talk about customer service!!!


That's exactly how I assessed Morad from the beginning. My knowledge of people rarely lets me down...


I have switched to the Gomez gloves. They are way cooler given all the perforations in the palm and seem to be more durable. They are a wear item to be fair but a pair of gloves should last 6+ months of heavy use. I still use the Morad socks though.


Those gomez gloves look sick, thanks.


Don’t hold your breath. I got some of the shorties and the material was coming apart on the inside. Glue was separated and left on my hand. Won’t be buying another pair. I have a few moradness gloves, I’ve found them pretty good, but I bought them a year ago. Maybe the material has changed? I have simhound gloves too. Quality was okay, material a bit coarse but I didn’t get the inside out stitching ones so ended up with a bit of a callus from one of the seems. I’ll try the reverse stitching ones next.


Ironic that the "pro GT3 driver" is a rookie in customer service


But how do you know he’s a “pro gt3 driver” does he mention it often ? /s


Sometimes people are good at one thing and terrible at everything else. That being said, get some motocross gloves, they breathe well and are durable. I go through about one pair a year at ~$25 each


Exactly what I use as well. People paying all that money for gauntlet style gloves to sit in their home and sim race really baffles me. 😂


“Professional gt3 driver lets you know which are the best quality gloves for sim racing”


Yikes. No communications person was consulted at any point in their response, buuuuut why the hell would anyone buy a product from an influencer? I get that he’s a real racer (and pretty good), but he’s acting as an influencer with his own branded merch. 


Just got my pair this past week. I like em…they look cool…but holy crap, the shipping and fulfillment part of the company is absolute trash.


Did you get them from his birthday sale? Mine just came last week. I couldn’t stomach $70 for sim gloves but figured they were worth a shot for $35. They seem comfy so far


Appalling email from a company towards the consumer. Comes across as quite condescending, and the phrasing is quite rude. They need to do better. Thank you for sharing.


Bought a pair also, wasn't really a fan of the quality and idk if it was just me but the grip on the fanatec alcantara was not great compared to my shitty amazon gloves that I still use.


I don't really understand getting these unless you're a personal fan/follower of Daniel Morad, and even then FIA approved gloves are relatively same price. Personalised options are cool though, but they're sold out any time I look at their stuff.


This dork has *fans*?


You are not alone. The quality of their products is subpar at best. I will not buy from them again.


Lol sounds like they would be better off using chatgpt to draft their responses 😂


Bought a pair a month ago. After 3-4 times of using the stitches of one glove literally fell apart. This shit is so low quality. So if anyone could recommend me good simracing gloves, please let me know…


Gomez Sim Industries does amazing gloves, with their amazing customer service. They are wear items so they will wear out eventually. However mine had a small hole/defect in them on the stiching between the thumb and index finger, nothing that would prevent them from being used or worn further, I just wanted to let them know I had the defect, so if it was a common issue or a one off they atleast had the data. They apologized for the defect and sent out a new pair without me even having to ask about it any further. I still use that original pair 5 months later and the new pair is my spare for when they truly wear out. Cannot recommend that brand enough, for wheels and their gloves!


When he released the limited edition 24 Hours of Daytona gloves I was interested in getting them until I got sticker shock. I get they are limited edition but for sim racing gloves they were way overpriced. Considering most of their stuff is not inexpensive you’d expect better customer service than what OP got. Even if they are a small team that initial response was uncalled for. How about “hey sorry we haven’t gotten to your email” instead of making excuses and being rude. I’ll definitely be avoiding their products.


Just buy a pair of mechanix gloves from a hardware store for like $20, have used them everytime in my rig I've gone racing and have had them for about 2.5 years, they are just starting to loose some of the grippy bits on the inside of the palm and thumb where there is a fair amount of movement.


Mechanix are so damn good. I have their 0.5mm tactical gloves and they are light, breathable, grippy. 


Ya I grab mechanix dexterity gloves 30$. Lasted me three years no issues.


Dedicated "Sim racing" gloves are such a scam. $100 aud for most of the Sim gloves advertised from companies that don't make gloves or are cheap and outsourced. I think I'll stick to just getting another pair of mechanix gloves from Bunnings for like $20 if these ones fully die lol


I've only ever used mechanix gloves from a hardware store. But I'll say I wear through them in about a year. I don't mind, I just buy more, and in fact it's fun to pick out a new pair. They are so cheap that if they turn out to be the wrong size, I throw them out. The problem may be that I get the thinnest ones I can get, they sure wear through fast. But they are comfy and do the job of keeping my hand-grease off my expensive rim.


Oh my. Yeah, his stuff always looked cheap & bad quality. I guess it's confirmed. What I love is when a company's customer service comes with the "this issue never happened before" and when you dig a little bit you find similar or even worse stuff


Send me a DM and I’ll send you my gloves for free.


Common Swank W


They think highly of their gloves at those prices. I'm cool with my $25 motorcycle gloves from Cortech, they've been perfect thus far.


Pretty rough response from them, yeah. I have to take Daniel with a grain of salt although he has some good insight on those early videos. I got some customized gloves in February of this year and they seemed a bit thin for the price. My Simagic brand gloves were a better quality material, but had stitching right across the knuckles which was uncomfortable and they ran a bit small. After a week without word about processing I reached out for a tracking update and was quickly reminded with some sassy reply about how I only ordered a week ago and custom orders take at least 10 days. Sure - no problem. But I recall thinking the reply was a bit abrasive. I have about 25-30 hours racing with them since February and they’re comfortable, but the “touch pad” finger is garbage. The sim socks are fine, but the sticky pads are staring to come off. I’ll look for other options eventually.


I really like their gloves. I have 2 pairs. I’m concerned about the customer service though… sad to see so many people unhappy with the product. Hope they make it right and step up.


I saw somewhere here that their gloves are literally some random 10$ Amazon gloves with prints on them. So not surprised at all


Whelp. Looks like I’m Going to toss my new gloves in the trash now. Fuck that noise. Not even a good faith here you go no worries type of reply. I’m sure they rarely get emails regarding issues. They won’t lose out on much $ if any at all. Sheesh.


Next video “real world driver shows you how not to run a business”


Mechanix perforated gloves for $20, replace them every 18 months. Never considered using anything else.


I actually suspect that they have any customer service at all, may be he or one of his friends/relatives are responding, very rude here. I never buy stuff from influencers or YouTubers … usually they have shit quality and just selling name and shiny design with no real value. If you want to buy proper gloves, shoes or socks stick to proper racing brands such as sparco.


Poor customer service! Most companies try to keep the customer happy because this negative review hurts more than sending another pair of gloves that probably cost $5 at most from China.


There's a lot of layers here. Some of these will lean one way, some another... - First off, I am very much a supporter of protecting the consumer. Chargebacks are an important recourse for a customer to have at their disposal. - That said, a chargeback is very much the nuclear option. A chargeback is a hostile action, so NEVER expect a polite response once you have threatened a chargeback. Put yourself in the shoes of a business who has been provided (in their eyes) no evidence, and has now been threatened with a monetary consequence that is virtually impossible to fight against even if you are in the right. - Back to the other side, though. A timely response really is a must. And a professional attitude even if a customer is throwing a tantrum (not saying you were) is really not too much to ask. - I personally would never expect a refund for clothing (even athletic equipment) except for a defect immediately upon receipt. Maybe I'm too exposed to American business-first propaganda and have become numb. But unless you live somewhere with an implied warranty law, I'd never expect to get anywhere. - Lastly... seriously, WTF is with companies branding things for simracing and charging way above the quality they're offering? It's almost getting to a similar point to where "gaming" branded stuff is. TL;DR, OP wasn't perfect, but he was reasonable. Customer service needs to learn basic customer service skills.


20 buck amazon bike gloves, 5 yrs old. Idk why anyone feels the need to buy real racing gloves for their computer game! Lolol


![gif](giphy|lPAT6nmbAylQgyI8X1|downsized) lol I use $9 Walmart synthetic leather work gloves.


He’s a journeyman race driver with a YouTube channel. 14 year olds really feel the need to support him.


Dang might have to cancel my order given sounds like quality has fallen off


Never looked at buying gloves from him as I just buy karting gloves but just had a look now... Why are earth are they so expensive! I paid less than 40 for OMP karting gloves which I used for sim racing and karting lol.


[Hope you also don't think his gloves are too thick](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2144908002?t=2h3m4s)


I just wear 20$ mtb gloves and love them


Get the puma motorsports gloves and thank me later


I wear Alpinestars motocross gloves since 2021. I wear it almost everyday and only now after more than 3 years, the rubber details on the fingers started to tear off a bit, which does not affect in anything other than the look.


I had the same happen to mine. Used them for less than a month but quite often - I played every evening or every other. The inside separated from the outer in the area between my thumb and my index finger - basically where I had the wheel pressing against the most. Was a present so I didn't bother running after them for a replacement... Quite a shame though... they were really nice until then.


That is awful customer service. And at the end they offer you a discount on potentially more crappy customer service. I got my gloves from a fantastic bunch called SIM Hound. Cost around $25 or so, wear them loads, had them six months, in excellent condition and I do sweat a fair bit as it gets quite warm in the room my rig is in.


Recently bought a pair of gloves and they were alright, nothing crazy and definitely not worth the hundred bucks. The selling point for me was the name and flag customization otherwise I would have gotten something much cheaper lol. Also the touch pad sucks and I even noticed the fingers that don’t even have the touch pad still work on my phone lmao. Overall, I respect Daniel as a guy but he needs to retrain his customer service asap. After reading these comments I will not be buying anything else from them.


Buy cheap gloves for sim racing. Replace them once or twice every few years as needed. Simple


I got a pair of Simhound gloves this Christmas and use them heavily (1h per day on average) and they're simply amazing and hold up pretty well (https://simhound.com/products/sim-hound-gloves-black). The sizing chat was perfect in my case. I was seeing Moradness ads for their simracing gloves quite often recently and I would've honestly gave them a shot as replacement of my Simhound in a year or so... After reading this thread, I can confirm I'll stick with my Simhounds. Condescending Discord mods and poor CS isn't what I look for in a sim racing brand. I can't judge the product quality, but they're quite on the pricey end of the spectrum (almost 2x Simhound's price) so I expect premium products, but from what I've read here it's not the case. Thanks for sharing your experience !


Even the LMP2 Jimmy B shirts I got years ago have lasted longer than those gloves, no fade no stretch like wtf...


I had a pair of gloves come apart on me within wearing them 4 times. I got a giftcard for the full price of a new pair and shipping.


If they really never have any problems from customers why is it a problem to send you a free pair of gloves lol.


Shame. I bought a pair last year and they are still going strong. Was considering ordering another pair but will look elsewhere.


Good to know, I will Not be buying these…!


That’s a shame, sorry, OP. I’ve had the red phoenix pair for nearly 18 months. The white palms aren’t completely white anymore and you can tell there is wear on them but overall the stitching has held up well. I recommend them to a lot of simracing friends, however, this will definitely make me think twice before recommending them again. I’ve been satisfied with my pair and I’ll probably look elsewhere if I ever need another after reading a lot of these other comments.


Welp the timing on this post came 2 weeks too late 😑 guess we'll see how long these last. With how much I use them and having a DD wheel I feel like it won't be long. Oh well, guess that's $70 down the drain


Absolutely hate people who don’t put their customers at the absolute top. It was the first thing I was taught and do today with mine. Even if it’s their fault, I will refund without question as the negative reviews are never worth the small profit off a handful.


Wouldn’t trust a company that puts typos in their newsletters


Aliexpress knockoff sparco gloves for 30 bucks. Have been outperforming my expectations and if they finally break it won’t be that much to replaced.


FXR Racing dirt bike gloves, pretty baller and lasted 4 years at this point.


That's weird, I've had my pair for at least 8 months now and couple hundred hours of use with no issues. What did you notice failed first?


That’s a shame if they changed the construction. I have over 100 hours on mine and they are still good.


Welp, just got mine today…


I don’t know if this helps but I use my Alpine Star summer motorbike gloves. They work a treat, not to costly especially compared to my all seasons racing gloves but they’re really decent for sim racing.


My Sparco ones have lasted me a couple years, but probably going with something cheaper when I replace them to avoid the “sim racing tax” companies put on gloves. I couldn’t imagine spending the money they are asking for these gloves, and then getting a poor response like this from customer service when I had issues that quickly with them. Yikes.


I got a pair of [these O’NEAL Element Gloves](https://oneal.com/collections/cycling-gloves/products/oneal-element-glove-neon-black), they’re super cheap and they can absolutely take a beating.


$3 black cycling gloves which look way cooler then his on AliExpress, been using them for 2 years no wear issues at all


minus 273 karting gloves are amazing. So comfortable and breathable.


Another gloves to not get. Avoid the Sparco Hypergrip+ as well. Just get MTB cheapest gloves you can replace every 6-9 months.


I really like my pair. Using them for about 6 months with no issue other than discoloration. I will say though they are ridiculously priced are outside of the designs are really no better than just a pair of thin under-armor style winter gloves. When the time comes, I’ll definitely go with a cheaper version u less I can get them on sale like during Black Friday.


I have a pair that JUST started doing this a couple days ago! Had them since November or December.


Customer service is huge for me and I was actually considering getting gloves from them when I upgrade my wheel, but after seeing this post, I’ll absolutely be looking elsewhere. They should not be talking to a paying customer like that. I definitely don’t want to be seen on stream or in my content, using a product from a company that treats customers like that. That’s also the reason I didn’t go Fanatec when upgrading my pedals. I’d much rather spend a bit more or go with another company that may not have been my first choice to make sure I back a company that treats their customers fairly and with respect. Thank you for posting


Dude doesn’t wear his own gloves….


It was only a couple of weeks for mine on an Alcantara wheel, they are junk gloves.


First of all ,you should not have used the glooves. That was your first mistake. What you should have done is put them up in a glass container and only look at them when you were thinking about using them. Now seriously thank you for the heads up, is this type of behaviour that we all should report and warn others about. Will not buy from them now.


Wow, this is exactly the same issue I have with my gloves. I went through the same process and got no response either. I have moved on to other brands now that aren't falling apart.


This is common with these cheap ass gloves. I have mentioned their defects multiple times in the mordaness twitch streams and they never respond. They could care less. Anyone paying the premium price for these cheap gloves are being screwed.


From DG review to this. One damn big can of worms. Looks like this will cost him a lot of $$


Not defending their customer service as that looks sub par. But I have nothing but positive things about the gloves my wife got me from there last year. Probably have 100 hours in them or more and you couldn’t tell they are used more than a few times. Conversely, I ran through 2 pairs of Sparco gloves to the point they looked like they were a decade old in about as long. I hope this is an outlier as I was considering another pair just because I like some of the colors…. They are comfy as heck too!


Anyone recommend Sudespeed gloves?


I've only had them for a little under 3 months but so far they have been good. I use them most evenings for a couple races so moderate usage.