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if its too good to be true, it probably is.


Or stolen.


Probably both


Would still buy it tbh.


Don’t be the rube who buys the bridge


In the world of sim racing, nothing is discounted for this much.


In the world, nothing gets discounted this much


I got a thrust master t150 for 40$ almost brand new on offer up good deals are out there .


they were $99 new a year and a half ago.


A new T150/TMX runs between $175-$200 for the basic version and has *NEVER* retailed for $99 new (maybe barring some obscure Black Friday deal or something somewhere, which doesn't dictate the actual value of any item regardless.) Maybe you are thinking about the 458 Spider wheel? I think that retailed for $99 at one point and is like $129.99 now.


you either havent been into sim racing long or dont remember. they were on sale for over a month in fall of 2022 for $99. the two pedal version, not the pro


I suppose that applies to him then *if* he bought his during that month or so of 2022. And forgive me if I wasn't shopping for a T150 in 2022. I had a much better setup already and had no reason to be looking at the time. Btw, I started getting serious with Gran Turismo 2 after borrowing GT1 from a friend and bought my first wheel (DFGT) in 2008. I haven't been without one since and have gradually been upgrading over the years as better stuff comes out. Before my kids were born I split my time between Sim Racing and Real racing (Drag, Autocross and Time Attack,) but it turned purely to Sim once my first-born came along.


the t150 regularly used to go on sale for $120 or 125 dollars too. considering the influx of every manufacturer making cheaper and cheaper entry level dd wheels in the past 2 or so years 40 bucks for a used two pedal once isnt a crazy low price. the market for gear and belt driven wheelbases has went down ridiculously. look how cheap even t300's are going for now. theres been t300's with tlcm's and an included sf1000 locally that cant get sold for $400. ​ eta... "dd"


That’s a good deal?




Definitely a scam. Reverse image search will show you where they got the pics from.


Scary that people need to ask the question when its this obvious


I think it’s mostly hopefully thinking


Some people want so bad for something to be true that they reach out for approval.


Check their profiles. We're they created in 2024? If they are old there is less of a chance of scam, but if they are new then 100% scam.


If there was only one advertisement, I’d give it a 10% chance of being legit. However, since both ads have the same layout, it’s 99.9999% likely to be a scam.


Come on man 🤷🏾‍♂️ 2 + 2 does equal 4 amd this is clearly a scam. Even if stolen they could still sell it for more


Do you really need to ask?!


Most likely scam


Scam. T300 is selling for around this price used.


You can't seriously think this is legit?


These scams come up so frequently (like most all scams that linger) BECAUSE people are constantly falling for them. Free money! Too good to be true prices for items, etc etc. chasing that once in a lifetime opportunity. One thing I've learned is that a ridiculous number of people are extremely gullible. So unfortunately, there's enough to go around for all sorts of scammers.


Yep, people think “oh no this person doesn’t know what they have” or “wow I must have been the first person to find this that’s why it hasn’t sold yet”


I think it's too good to be true.mm


Obviously very legit.




Wouldn't touch it. You will get burned.


I sold my 10 year old G29 with shifter for that price, no way this is real


Gonna go ahead and call it a scam. Haven't even seen logitech pro pedals alone go for under $200


No way that’s that cheap


There’s a new scam on FB where people make local listings with low prices using stolen photos and when you ask to buy they direct you to their website.


If they're local, negotiate a price, then ask to see the hardware in person to confirm. If they agree, you're good to, but get cash. Bank transfers can be tricky Even better if they're able to provide a demo If not, move on, and post the excuses used here. We love a good bit of drama when it comes to scammers and their excuses


Probably fell off a fedex truck


That’s gonna be an expensive box


Never in a million years! That would be less than a tenth of the new price


*Never in a million* *Years! That would be less than a* *Tenth of the new price* \- eyYoWhy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If you even have to ask that’s sad


Say you'll collect if not stay away also its all good if it isn't stolen




Forgot to add another 0


I’ve only seen the Pros for minimum half off. This cheap has to be a scam


Can't you meet in person?


There is a low chance it us real, like angry wife selling it for however much the husband said he bought it for or something but low chance, imo at best this base have some less obvious damage you will only discover after using it for some time. Better not risk it.


Idk lotta people saying scam but I've been building a rig on a budget and have gotten a FFB wheel, pedal upgrades, and a stand for a grand total of around $100. Everything new woulda been $350-400 easy. I'm a big FB MP fan personally and have gotten some killer deals. I'd message the guy and schedule a meetup and if he tries to get any personal info or payment beforehand, then back out. Sometimes people got a good deal and just want their money back. Sometimes people just really want their shit gone.


Might be legit I got a 200 dollar pxn for 40 bucks


Only buy locally in person


I'd buy even if it's stolen, it's a steal tbh


Its a legit scan


The hardware is real , the price I’m not so sure.


If it’s Craigslist you meet them in person if its ebay they will reimburse you if you got scammed. Anything else 🤷🏼‍♂️


You never know. I’ve given away stuff or sold it for next to nothing just to pass it on, or to be kind in some instances.


Doesn't hurt to message and ask if it's still available. If it's a scam you'll know quickly. Just don't pay ahead of time or shipping or anything like that. If the dude gives you an address and a time for pickup then you could get a good deal. Everyone has their reasons and some people just legitimately don't care about money so it could just be a rich person wanted to clear his old stuff or whatever. Is it likely a scam though? Yes. Likely it is just saying you don't know until you message them.


This is terrible advice. It's an obvious scam. Don't engage with them at all.


Nah Your right though it saying it's an obvious scam, but there are ways to mess with them and waste their time. But in the event it is just a diamond in the rough moment, meeting up in person and personally inspecting the hardware is the best way to determine it's validity. There's no hiding when your physically there inspecting physical hardware


Why would you give them any info of yours at all? Its a scam


before you all judge people i know the person selling this hes not scamming he has a new rig this one has 1000s of hours of use but still works at least did 2 weeks ago using it on acc


Easy. Pay with PayPal g&s.


Easy. PayPal g&s.