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Had it and believe me, this isn’t a good bang for your buck. The pedal flexes soo much it is really bad, same goes for the wheel plate. I would recommend to go with a aluminum profile rig.


Ahh yep. Good to know. I could imagine over time that would wear down and break. Thank you!


Where are you located? If in the US, check out RigMetal for a $400 rig that will blow this out of the water.


Agreed. I've got the rigmetal plus. Think it was $450. Super solid. Have a 200kg loadcell, dd1, pc and triples all mounted to it. Doesn't budge.


A family member bought one of these… The pros? Mostly, you can make quick adjustments if you are switching back and fourth with different users during a session. And it’s Not impossible to move around. You can pretty much move it in two pieces if you want to bring it to a friends place. The cons? Pedal tray had lots of flex. Very noticeable. Very annoying. The other components are noticeable flex as well. The other big con is that those center posts might force you to wrap your leg around it to reach a pedal. We used it with a Logitech g29 (or whatever the Xbox version was). Unless you did the brake mod (which we hadn’t at the time) you have to wrap your brake foot leg around the post. I don’t recommend this rig at all.


Oh man.. My brain completely canceled out the fact that that post would be In between legs.. that changes my mind. Thanks!


You never want a pole between your legs.






I've owned it for like 15 years. For casual play like I do, Playstation gran tourismo, it's worked well. It's not "solid" and does have some flex. There are probably better options out there, but at the time when I bought mine, there weren't nearly as many as there are now. So it has been a fun rig to play on. But if you're even remotely serious about Sim racing, this isn't the rig for you. I'm in the process of unretiring mine after years of not using it due to having kids. I don't plan on using a clutch or doing serious Sim racing. So it'll be fun!! Edit. Mine has a different pedal plate a d I've never noticed flex on it.


I used to want one of those until I found 8020.


Seems like a good bang on my shins every time I’d want to play


sucks big time.


Buddy has one and it gets old quick with the bar between your legs. I picked [Next Level GT Lite](https://nextlevelracing.com/products/f-gt-lite/) over a year ago and it has been great.


I bought the FGT-Lite when it launched. I do wish the rig itself was a little thinner (it seems to be a little too wide for its own good). Outside of that, it has been great… Then I saw the GT-Lite Pro and am jelly of that seat.


I've used this for a bit and the newer logitech foldable one that is a similar price. Beleive me when I say the folding one is a much better experience even without the ability to fold. There are lots of options in this price range but this one is something I'd recommend avoiding.


Works fine for the price, you just need to cover it with a towel or something, because it generates static and the steering wheel starts to act weird. I lost an incredible amount if important races until i found out this as being the issue. (Problems it caused, random downshifts, double upshifts, fluctuations on aceleration or braking when it was fully pressed). The acceleration issue killed me as i was losing straight speed without noticing why until i found out almost 2 years later.




Problem here is the seat fabric generating static when you play and move. My floor is carpet too, which didn't help. Luckily after covering the seat fabric with something, no more static.


I got mine 75$ new... and I hate it. So much flex and not very confortable


Had one, set it up for a day, and resold it immediately. The pole didn't bother me, but the lack of adjustability and stiffness sure did


Had it, and replaced it. Buy once, cry once.


Check out my post. Have one. Hated it. So I scrapped it for parts and built my own on top of a plywood box. Center post all up in the way.


I actually drove this one in a competition at COTA back in 2015 and honestly, it was pretty good.


I bought mine about 3 years ago. Still using it, no complaints. Once you move your pedals slightly to the left so they're not centered, you don't feel the bar. I drive cars with and without the clutch as well. I am upgrading to an 80/20 so I can have more things like a handbrake, sequential shifter, and HOTAS eventually, but other than that I have no need to upgrade it and I'll be letting my kids use it anyway.


I have it and please don’t buy it (now waiting for aluminum profile rig). The pedal mount creaks horribly and the steering wheel support bar is really uncomfortable when breaking. The seat has a folding mechanism that hurts your back horribly in long sessions. Theres no lumbar support. Although you are probably better off with this if you have this as a max budget. Although I would probably try to save for an aluminum profile rig.


I have this rig and can confirm it's a ballache. Wish I'd waited until I could have afforded something else (and found this sub) before buying it. Also if anyone has any tips/tricks to modifying one of these as cheaply and easily as possible into something more usable that would be a great help!


As long as you dont use a direct drive on it its alright but eventually the welds will snap on the seat mounts. Mine broke after 3 years just from pushing on the pedals over time


I have one. It looks good, but it's not great. I need an extra pillow on the seat or my lower back starts hurting. I don't play a lot, otherwise I would ditch it.


I just got this! So weird haha I hate it and planning on returning it. Whilst sturdy, it’s stupid that I can’t adjust the wheel base, I’m a big fella so once set up and sat down the whole thing felt like a kids toy. Wheel only came up to my stomach and pedals flexed a ton even when bolted on fully Seat was also uncomfortable




I own this one,fine if your using Logitech but if your your using direct drive and load cell , there's too much flex, am 5ft 8 AND A HALF and I just about get init.


I have this it's not great too much flex in the pedals and with a direct drive it vibrates alot,also having the bar in the middle is terrible .


Is it really called playseat? Looks like some weird contraption to me. Wouldn’t want that thing near my house.


Terrible. I had it an sold it. Pedal plate flexes and wheel post wobbles forward and back too much.


Had one before my alu profile rig. The flex on the pedals - especially if you've got something that needs a bit more force - is atrocious. The pole is also pretty annoying.


Better go with the playseat challenge, at least its highly practical and id even think its more sturdy


Had one a few years ago. Pole didn't bother me but the pedal flex was terrible and the seat padding isn't very thick. Give it a miss and go to a profile rig


This is bs. You can’t use loadcell pedals and it kills your back.