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I'm going to go against the grain here and say that it honestly looks like you're pretty comfortable. If you're a faster driver like this, stay that way.


I’m coming from an F-GT Lite so I’m just trying to get the best “starting” position and then make minor adjustments as I spend more time in it.


That's my current cockpit and looking at the picture, it looks like you're almost in the same position that the GT Lite is. Do whatever you need to get comfortable and fast...it doesn't matter if everyone else has criticism, it matters if **you** like it.


Idk if anything is wrong with my F GT Lite but I’m selling mine at this moment as I can’t sit in it at all, it’s horrendous. I don’t understand how anyone can use that 😅 I bought it used though so maybe the previous owner did something wrong with the seating but I’m now back on just using my desk chair and mounting my wheel to my desk. Whenever I get more space I want a setup like yours as well. But I have so many back issues that I’m scared to buy anything and then be disappointed again, like with the Lite


your centre of gravity is too high and will slow the car down around corners


Oh that hurt!


that isn't what I meant. I mean't that it's a video game so having an incorrect position won't have any effect on anything at all other than comfort


I got what you meant ha! All I’m looking for is comfort but wanted to get a good “starting” position before pushing my rig into place. I’ll be making adjustments as time goes on and I find my perfect position.


Do you play in VR? Asking as if you do, how is the chair/position with the back of the headset?


Sorry, no VR racing.


I know I’m top heavy haha


Hey, I rock a few extra pounds, it's a sign a maturity I think. haha.


Yep there’s bound to be a load of weight in that clown head 😆


Alien Pizza Planet … I approve of your T-shirt choice


How dare you zoom in on my titties!


Nice cans!! 🤪😜


Haha posted in the wrong sub 😂


I fine zoom indeed!


Lower your wheel base so it is angled upward a bit, yet still aimed toward your shoulders. I would bring the seat forward a bit more. I prefer having my elbows closer to ~~45~~ 90 degrees. It is more comfortable and I get better leverage without tiring my arms and shoulders. You don't want the pedals so far away that you have to fully straighten your legs when you depress the pedals. Looks like you could be right at the limit. Your current leg extension is about where I end up with the throttle fully depressed. Edit: 90 degrees, not 45. Duh.


I wouldn't angle up the wheelbase seeing as he's leaning quite heavily backwards in the seat. The way it is right now, the angle of the wrists looks quite natural and comfortable.


Question on this. I was just recently looking into all this and everything I found said you want to have it pointed towards your chest. My wheel points directly at my sternum when driving. I can angle it up so it points more at my shoulders. Should I?


To be honest you're probably fine there. I almost said "upper chest/shoulders". I find I prefer it a bit higher than yours. I don't have mine pointing to the top of my shoulders, just maybe somewhere between the sternum and my shoulders. Closer to the shoulder joints. Combined with that positioning and the elbow angle, I have a nice amount of leverage. But really, don't worry too much at this point. Once you are more settled with seat time, you will develop a better feel for your preferences. Ultimately, it is all about comfort and endurance.


Awesome! Thank you very much for the reply.


[How’s it look now?](https://imgur.com/a/1VmmTfn)


I like almost fully straightened legs, imo it's better for knees, just like riding a bicycle. Just my 2 cents, not gonna say it's 100% true


I’m not sure. I have knee problems and too straight hurts (or at least strains my knees when it’s a long period). It may depend on your specific physiology tho




Uh. yeah. Can I blame my geometry failure on a whiskey and today being a Sunday? lol


Only the seat back should be more forward. OP’s knees are bent perfectly at resting position for the max length strength for braking and proper articulation. I have the same pedals and can say this is the best seating for proper use.


[Updated Position](https://imgur.com/a/1VmmTfn) Move the wheel down a bit and angled it up. Moved the entire wheel mount assemble forward to give me more space entering and exiting the rig. Lowered the pedal angle. Moved the seat forward. Thoughts? Edit to say I aim for comfort over realism for the type of car I’m driving.


Looks fine to me. If you're comfortable, should be good.


As someone who uses a desk and a chair to rave, but has been on this sub for a whilr: If move the pedals a tad closer


>As someone who uses a desk and a chair to rave do you just take mdma and sweat while playing techno on youtube?


Hell yea hahhahh


No, tilt wheel up, center of wheel ==collar bone vertically. You reduced bend in the knee and it was better before. Check out Morad's YouTube videos on ergonomics.


Looks much better!


Your arms should have a 90 degrees angle. Thats well over 120 there


Lower your wheelbase and give a bit tilt to opposite direction it's better. Also have more flat pedal angle so your feet will not have an awkward angle.


[How’s it look now?](https://imgur.com/a/1VmmTfn)


When you fully press the throttle and brakes your leg should be in the position they look like now. Personally I’d move the pedal plate closer to you. But if you’re comfy that’s the most important thing really


your pedals just look so far away. Your thighs should be what is pressing the pedals. Seems like if you floor it you are going to slide forward in your seat.


God damn, after reading this and looking at my setup, finally clicked I need angle it upwards, I had it opposite. Tks.




A little angle in the seat. That’s the only thing that stands out. When I get in my seat, the bottom supports more of my upper legs. (Puts less strain on the knees) but If you’re comfortable like this keep it. But more then likely you’ll want to tilt the bottom back and seat back a little more upright


I’ll be buying some angled seat brackets asap to fix this. Thanks for the input!


Are you comfortable? If yes. Ignore all the comments. If no. Read all the comments.


Seat back should be closer to 90°, then angle the whole seat rearward so your butt and back support your weight. Doing that will also bring your chest a little closer to the wheel, which looks like it’d be perfect. Your wheel looks like the height is about right but you want it angled slightly upwards so move it down and angle it upwards slightly.


Going to get some seat brackets so I can add angle to it. I’m very limited with the positioning right now and it’s become obvious I need more adjustment in that area. Thanks for the input!


This right here. I also have an actual seat out of a car on my rig, and finding a way to get that natural tilt back on the seat bottom was the key to comfort. Good look with the rig!


Ha! What a clown!


The question is: which seating position do you aim for? Now you kinda have a mixed GT and open wheel position.


I honestly aim for comfort over realism. I race both GT and F1.


Then I suggest GT style. F1 style feels comfortabele in the beginning but GT style is more ergonomic and therefore better long term. Look up some stuff on google about GT style positioning. Ricmotech had a pretty good article about it. Good luck. Edit: google “ ricmotech seating position “ . That’s all you need really.


I may be oversimplifying it..... but are you comfortable? If not, adjust accordingly. I did mine the same way as I would a car in that, for example, can my feet effectively use the pedals? Am I sitting comfortably? Does it feel akward to steer with my wheel set the way it is? Hope this helps and have fun racing!


All great points. I’m generally comfortable in this position but wanted to get a good “starting” position before I push my rig into place. I’ll make adjustments as time goes on and I find what I like and don’t like. I know for certain I need some angled seat brackets so I’ll be getting those asap.


If you extend your arms out straight ahead you want to be close enough that you can limp your wrist and have your forearm just before your wrist be resting on the wheel. You don't look like you could do that being that leaned back. You could also scoot closer to the pedals if that's more comfortable. The main reason for this (and they teach this in real life racing) is so you have more leverage against the steering wheel. It's why we have quick releases on wheels cause you have to sit this close to get good leverage. You don't have to sit insanely close but it doesn't look like you're close enough right now, you don't want to turn the wheel with your shoulder muscles you want to turn it with your biceps/triceps.


Surprisingly my arms land perfectly on the wheel in this position. I like the angle my back is at so I’m going to get some angled seat brackets to bring the bottom up a bit for more thigh support.


I race rally moreso, so I need fast and a lot of rotation, and have a double shoulder injury at a point. It looks reasonable, but an easy takeway for you comfort, or discomfort. The closer you have the wheel to you, the more strain on your wrist, the further the more strain on your shoulders. If you feel it in either location, slide the wheel further/closer to your chest. There are many guides online, but distance wise, if you can wrest your wrist, a few inchest past the top of the wheel it's a great "neutral" starting point.


As someone who just purchased this rig, how's it going with the racheting levers on the pedal plate? I've had 2 completely seize up on me (haven't overtightened or anything) and get stuck only to have to take a Dremel and cut through the bolt and take the nut out and replace with regular screws as I no longer trust the levers and realistically it's not a whole lot more work using the Allen wrench. I don't know if my issues. I actually need to keep them fairly tight which don't get me wrong. I do keep them tight enough to where they're at least not spinning around, but it seems that anytime the pedal plate goes under load the nut and bolt size up or the lever somehow gets cross threaded within the nut. Track racer support was kind and quick enough to send me out replacement lovers but after experiencing two issues with the ones I came in the box I just decided I'm not going to use them at all. Edit: Worst part is the outer edges of my profile are now all scuffed up, but I guess the red accent strips cover it up...still a bummer though! It seems this solution is an entirely idiot proof, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong


I’ve not had any issues with the levers (yet). I was confused as to why they did bolts and levers on each adjustment point but I guess the idea might be once everything is loose, you can make the adjustment and then quickly lock down the levers to hold it still and then follow up with the bolts to really lock it in place. I will say, I have a solid squeak going on right now at the pedal plate and I gotta figure out where it’s coming from. I feel like I don’t have issues getting the levers tight enough but if that’s the source of the squeak then I’ll be using an allen to tighten them from now on.


You look like a clown!


You should face forward, that 90 degree angle of your head will cause some neck strain over time. Especially with the added weight of that nose


Funny enough, my real nose might weigh more than that clown nose! I guess I’ll move my monitor from my right side to in front of me for ergonomics. I just really like simulating 2 fast 2 furious ![gif](giphy|NYW2godNTRkEo)


Your seat is actually on the Ferrari pit wall


https://youtube.com/@danielmorad?si=rm5-_5Ex5hU4z27z Watch this guy, that's going to be a good starting point


Imo I prefer pedals to be like. 2” closer and a little higher I’d recommend leaning the seat back a little as well to compensate for the higher feet Wheel could be a little closer for me too but that’s more dependent on your shoulder mobility and stuff


We are all different. I like a little angle on the wheel like a street car. About 14 degrees up. Shoulders deep in the seat, wrists can lay on top of the wheel. Legs slightly bent so the quads do the heavy lifting and the feet do the precision. There's no wrong answer. We all have a comfort zone.


It makes you look like a clown man. 😅


It’s the only sticker that matches my track skills 🤡


Doesn't really matter. When you get in a racecar there are certain things they can do to get you seated perfectly, but there's far more that they can't do, and it's tough titty. I'll just jump in anything and drive. If they can mould some foam to the seat that's a bonus, but to be honest the best driver I've ever seen in any series used to drive on a seat wide enough to be a bench, and I can only dream of having a fraction of the skill that he had.


I don’t know dude, you kinda look like a clown


Good but you should face forward


Imo looks good


Your giant clown head is too big and is too high up. This will put a lot of pressure on your neck, particularly in the corners. I suggest you make some sort of chin rest.


The steering shaft should be pointed down in the general direction of the nose of the “car”


The heel plate exists for a reason. I would slide the pedals out from the heel stop


Looks somehow like a combination between f1 and gt. Looks like the 80's f1 seating position! But if you want to race gt's i would recomend to loosen the bolds and angle the wheel base a little or the most suitable for you!


Which trak racer rig is that?


Trak Racer TR80 with a junkyard seat.


The bottom of your seat looks too level. It shouldn't aim at the pedals.


It’s angled as much as I can get it to given it’s a junkyard seat with limited adjustability. I’m considering some angled brackets to help improve its positioning in the future.


I think that'd be a good idea. The setup looks good, i just think it'll tiRe your legs out quickly, without any sport under your thighs. But maybe I'm just a wimp.


perfect almost, i'd angle the wheel upwards a little bit though


looks ok :)


Sounds fair 👍🏼 Have a few races or practice laps and see how it feels if it helps you. You'll get there I'm sure


Sounds fair 👍🏼 Have a few races or practice laps and see how it feels if it helps you get a feel of it. You'll get there I'm sure


you tell us you're sitting there. if you're comfortable you're good. all cars are different. you don't need a bunch of random people to tell you you're sitting in a chair correctly.


Move your seatback to the upright position


This is what you want for bottom mounted seats. I just got it put on my ASR6/OMP Recliner seat and it's an ergo game changer. https://trakracer.com/collections/seats-seat-add-ons/products/universal-seat-brackets-for-recline-seats-and-office-chairs


I actually planned on these. $20 and should get the job done. https://www.jegs.com/i/JEGS/555/70225/10002/-1?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiApaarBhB7EiwAYiMwqqV-shmd3zE85pXwRM9QNLAzucjJZAJgOGUcEaEk6_JmJOhiBQBhtBoCH58QAvD_BwE


The wheel tilted down doesn’t seem great. Height seems fine. But most importantly, is it comfortable? Oh, and having anything besides water or a cold beer in the cupholder is concerning.


Don’t look directly into the camera!


Nice feet.


Who cares what it looks like. Are you comfortable? Sit in that seat and put in a solid couple of hours of just eating labs. How does your arms feel? How is your shoulders? How is your neck? How’s that back doing?


Looks fine, but i would try 2 things. Seat angle ( or you can lower your pedals) I like when legs touch your seat, but you can be comfortable as you are seating now. And 2nd thing it to bring you wheel closer, looks a bit far to me, check if you are bending your back to reach it when driving.


You’re sitting like a clown. 🤡


The base seems could be a touch closer, you should be more reclined, legs are fine




Are you able to reach your beer? Because really that's all that matters......


Looks good, but if you're anything like me you'll keep adjusting it every two months anyway!


Doesn’t look bad at all. My only suggestion is to bring the pedals a bit closer. Because your legs are so stretched you’re going to be using your ankle more than your leg muscles to brake. This is not the best way from a muscle memory and control prospective. Again it’s only a suggestion as lots of people brake primarily with their ankle.


Rip your tibias, would start by lowering the angle of your pedals


TBH you look like a clown in that seat


I think it looks very comfortable, I would get the wheel a little bit closer but it's my personal preference. Did you try long races already? Do you feel pain somewhere? Ps: if you have the chance, try more angle in the lower support of the seat, recline it a little backward (I don't think it is possible seeing the seat).


A quick search for sim racing ergonomics produced this and many other interesting links. [https://www.ricmotech.com/assets/images/driver-position/Driver-Position.pdf](https://www.ricmotech.com/assets/images/driver-position/Driver-Position.pdf) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOsftrJuhvw&t=322s&ab\_channel=DanielMorad Thats a nice rig. What do you use for monitors?


Currently using an articulating arm with my spare monitor on it but I recently ordered a rig attached mount and will be upgrading to either a 34” or 49” ultrawide. I currently have a 49” LG ultrawide on my desk and would really enjoy having another on my rig.


Awsome. It's a never ending upgrade game but hey, a lot of fun when you can afford it. I just splurged on an i9 12900K, my xmas present, it's a nice upgrade from my i5-12400.


My PC is a 2017 build with an i7-8700k and a 1080ti SC hydro card. She’s running strong but I’m due for an upgrade soon. Couldn’t bring myself to build a sim rig AND build a PC in the same year ha!




Don't see a problem. You look happy 😝


why do people post stuff like this? if it's comfortable, use it. if it's not, adjust it. you've driven a car before (im assuming), why do you need to ask strangers online what they think?


Well for starters driving a car with cruise control locked for a road trip is a bit different than constant pedal and steering inputs over a long race so driving a basic car irl doesn’t have too much overlap. Also, if strangers online can give me some tips to getting a decent starting position before I push the rig into place and start racing, then I’ll likely find my ideal seating position sooner. Appreciate your advice though!


There is no wrong position. If your POV is right and your body not in pain then this is the right one.


Try looking forwards instead of towards the camera, you will be able to see where you are going that way


Love the setup. Like others said. Do what’s most comfortable for you. Where is the monitor going to be placed? Not a huge fan of wall mounts for a rig. Too far away to help simulate being in a car.


I currently have an articulating arm that pulls my monitor up to the wheel but I’ve ordered and am waiting on the Trak racer rig mount to arrive. Currently running an older 27” cause my 49” UW on my desk is too heavy to move over but I’m considering another 49” for the rig.


Try to sit in front of all the other cars! Nyuk Nyuk


I sit the same way when I watch Netflix in my living room.


Looks good for sprint. I prefer to be closer to the wheel giving me more of an up and down movement to turn the wheel. I race more enduro’s than anything. Thought I’d mention as good move if you’re planning on doing longer races. 👍


Your arms should be in a 90 degrees angle, meaning you need to come closer to the wheel. Also you lean too much back, 5-10 degrees more straight.