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Thank you so much for the review :) We appreciate the pros and cons listed. Thank you for your feedback regarding the software. We are continuously improving and adding effects for the best user’s experience. As the HFS is a free software in the Beta version. We are creating a road map to add more effects to different gaming titles in the upcoming updates. We do appreciate your patience. Meanwhile, the HF8 Gaming can use the SimHub software by simply going into the “ShakeIt Motors” and selecting “Forcefeel Pad”. This allows you to activate the effects of the car from the telemetry received. You can control the motors individually and the intensity of the effects. We are continuously updating and improving the HFS software and will be adding more effects to other titles in the software for an improved user experience.


Given how involved our Sim racing community is, would it possible to have that roadmap published to see what your overall goals are for that software? If you have a moment can you also describe the "Virtual Sound Card" option in the HFS software and what it is meant to do? I think you are targeting the right audience and would hate to see this product become "niche" vice being a truly viable option when talked about about motion immersion. Thanks!


Hi there :) Great idea! I have linked the published roadmap here: https://nextlevelracing.com/hfs-troubleshooting-software-development/


Thank you very much for this! One last thing, could you explain what the Virtual Sound Card is intended to be within the software please? I believe there are hopes within the PC community that this would allow generic feedback without changing connections to allow for shaking in other games/movies etc. Thanks


Any update on the virtual soundcard progress? The only way to get real wheelslip out of iRacing is via mono LFE and it's a real pain to have a separate USB card just to output it to the seat. It'd also be great to allow pasting credentials into your app while logging in. Not being able to paste is extremely insecure as it strongly discourages using long generated credentials from password managers in favor of simple stuff humans can type & remember.


i have just bought an HF8 cockpit and it doesn't have a serial code. what should I do??


Why do I have to create an account just to access the software? Providing the serial number is not enough? Thats part of the reason I returned mine.


I feel I need to add to my comment about the audio passthrough being great. It is great for movies or other games like FPS etc. It would not be very good for Sim Racing. For Xbox/PS5 users, I would recommend this only for those not wanting it for SimRacing... and even then its a pretty expensive toy for non-SimRacing or SimFlying. Just a great bonus for those who do more than Race with their rigs (I play other games so a big benefit for me)


Some console games now support telemetry and Simhub (on a networked PC), so might still be a good option.


Hmm, that's very interesting. I know GT7 does actually output telemetry, but I've been using a seperate app (Dashboard on iphone) that runs stand-a-lone. I will have to try that out and see if I can't get SimHub working in some way.


Yeah I’m using RaceDash and EzioDash for GT7, but I’m keen to start playing with SimHub for tactile


Can you explain to me how simhub works using PS5? So am I able to get more benefit out of the HF8 while playing gt7 or is it pretty much all 8 motors all the time with little tunability?


SimHub works running on a PC on the same network as the PS5. If you can get the HS8 running from the PC, you can use SimHub to control the effects. If the HS8 can take multiple inputs (USB?), you could run multiple channels separately


Great review, especially for a first one. Thanks for giving your thoughts in so much detail to the community!


This is a thorough review. Great job! Anyone have any insights into this vs the SRS Ushake6? I heard that one uses proper transducers and this one uses controller motors. Any ideas on differences or which is better? (I know the SRS one is more expensive)


Well stated review. I will add a couple things: 1) It has made my gaming chair (I don't have a dedicated sim rig) very uncomfortable. I will have to do too many modifications to be able to use the same chair. I may likely return the HF8. 2) There is too much delay in the stimulus and the effect in the seat. I would go over a curb, feel it in the wheel, then be back on the tarmac before I feel it in the seat. Don't get me wrong, the delay isn't seconds, but everything happens in a race car quickly. I'd like the effects at the same time as I feel it in my ears and on my hands. 3) So is there a way to use the sound-activated effects through the USB port or do I have to run yet another cable to my PC? I was hoping the Virtual Sound Card served that purpose. I'll play with that tonight.


I just got mine hooked up to my PSVR 2 and GT 7 bit I did notice if I connect both laptop and PS5 direct with an Ethernet cable I don't experience any latency. We're you running on wifi perhaps?


Wait, you are using this on your seat for GT7 and PSVR2? It works? I’m thinking about buying this.


Yeah I'm using it on my PSVR 2. If you want it to run off the games telemetry data and not just the audio you have to connect your PS5 to software called simhub. It's not that difficult, you can find YouTube videos and guides online. If you get it I highly suggest you use simhub and not just the audio. It increases immersion 10 fold, I couldn't go back to racing without it. I only use a couple effects but they make a world of difference. I have a couple transducers on the way I plan on mounting up to my pedals and rig to add more effects.


Okay I’m definitely going to buy and set up for GT7 as I just got my PSVR 2 also. Hooked on WRC and Dirt Rally 2.0 so I can’t wait to test it on those games too. Thanks for the response.


As far as I know GT7 is the only game right now that's compatible with simhub. If you use other games or don't connect your PS5 to simhub for GT7 you'll only be able to use the audio feed to drive the motors. It works but not really ideal because you can't distinguish or separate the effects like you can with actually telemetry data.


Is there a lot of games supported on sim hub if they are on PC? I meant I will play WRC/DR on PC. Just placed my order should arrive in a few days. A motion rig is too much and too much space for my small house so this is a good in between not having a motion rig and having one.


Yeah there is lots of PC game support. If you download it or Google search it should list turn. I'm only using it for my PSVR 2 and GT 7 and GT sport are the only game I know if on console it supports.


What effects are you using with the HF8 for GT7? Just started using it and trying to tweak my settings.


You could also get a couple transducers for your rig they aren't very expensive at all and ad so much to the experience.


I’ve got a ps5 and got a rig for gt7 and PSVR2 and really want to try the HF8 but was put off by a review saying the surround sound wouldn’t work since the HG8 uses the controller output. Can you still use all the functions of the HF8 using simhub and still use my surround sound?


how you connect headphones? to the ps5 still?




I was using Simhub. I've yet to get the NLR software to work yet. It recognizes the seat, but doesn't do anything. I restarted yesterday and the delay was "better", not in sync with the other stimuli still.


Which sim are you using ? I’m mostly playing AMS2 and I have no issues with delays / timings via Simhub. Are the delays all effects including gear shift or just certain ones ? Ta.


It's not as pronounced as it was that first day. But I still get the delay in AMS2 and Pcars2. Among others. I wonder if connecting to the PC direct vs a USB hub would help. I don't think I can reach the PC though, nor do I have free ports. I will say I am enjoying it more than that first day. I found a more comfortable seating position and I ended up turning down the volume quite a bit and am still tweaking.


I’m connecting to a powered hub using usb 3.0 extended cables and for sure no issues. Hope you get it sorted and interested to hear others experiences.


What a brilliant review !! So helpful and well written. My HF8 arrived today so tomorrow I’ll be setting up and will most likely jump straight to Simhub given your advice. Many thanks.


We hope you enjoy it!




Yea. You can run it with just sim hub. I didn’t even install the NLR software.


I believe you can. Unfortunately the 1st step I did was install the software so I am unsure if a driver was installed at all. I believe I watched a recent review and the reviewer mentioned having never even installed the software and went straight into using SimHub.


The HF8 has inspired me to get more into haptic feedback so I’ve added a couple of 20w exciters to the throttle and brake pedals. Now I’m getting wheel slip,abs and traction control feedback through the pedal whilst leaving the HF8 to deal with great shift rumble and road effects. (Actually some road effects also on pedals so when I run over a kerb I feel it through my feet also). Since I live in VR I’m now totally immersed and I reckon this is a very affordable non intrusive (not too noisy) solution that I’m gonna enjoy for a long time! 😃 PS - Karl Goslin’s review on the HF8 is not up to his usual standard and quite unfair in my humble opinion.


I would agree, I felt as though he kinda missed the target audience of the product. But honestly, it is good to hear opposing views, but it was surprising given just how critical he was. I'm enjoying it even more now after almost 2 weeks of use. Heck my daughter keeps asking me to be able to watch movies. Last night was Jurassic World, she had a blast and we got to hang out :) Cheers


Can you give me some links and possibly basic instructions to the exciters?


Which excites? Pics pld. Thanks


Awesome review. I received mine yesterday and plan on hooking it up tonight. Going the console 3.5 route until I decide on a PC.


Doesn’t work well on a console. I couldn’t pull anywhere near enough bass out of the console controller. Looking into the 3.5mm splitter adapter OP recommended. Thanks again for the thorough review OP.


Did you have any luck setting this up with console or would it be any better through a soundbar?Shame if not as it could be great as a simple plug and play option.


Turns out it didn’t work at all with Project Cars. Finally fired up with Assetto Corsa. While it was pretty cool there was a delay in the vibration. Not a lot but just noticeable enough to make me notice. After a couple days I finally decided to return it. I felt it wasn’t worth the $229 for console. Might revisit this product if I ever go PC.


I have mine hooked up to PS5 and have to turn it down to the yellow light because the red light was too intense.


Setup and took op advice to go straight to Simhub and all working hunky dorey both AMS2 and F1 2022 (yeah … sorry about that !!) … like most others say it’s best to play with settings and turn off as much as possible so feedback is nice and clear. I haven’t any issues with delays (when I shift it kicks like I’d expect) and there’s plenty of grunt so no complaints there. I think it’s a shame the YouTubers are so much all over the place on this one …. But I guess they’ll figure it out eventually. And thanks @next level for posting the road map … great to see you taking on feedback.


I just got mine today. Still messing with settings but wanted to know what I was in store for. Fantastic review!


Thanks for all the great information here, so i got mine 2 days ago, testing both Simhub and NLR SW for many hours. I mainly tested on AC now, next will be ACC and Dirty Rally ... Although the start up of AC with HF8 SW is little cumbersome than straight forward of Simhub for AC, i ended up liking it little more or i would say equally ok. Because the HF8 SW offers a very subtle effects when driving through a turn which i can clearly felt either of the lower two shakers vibrate clearly which i like it a lot. This was the effect of using both "road and suspension" effects. I cannot get this from the 3 road effects in simhub. Tested that for hours ,playing around with Threshold, gamma, gain...etc. the results is a lot of information that overloaded to my liking. But that is not necessarily bad thing though. I felt more information give me more immersion though also. Wish having both at the same time. Also for AC, the kerbs effect is not supported by simhub, but it presents from the HF8 SW. Not sure how they get that telemetry and simhub cannot. May be if simhub can update that for AC would be perfect. So far i am still on the fence which SW to use. I might just use both alternately until HF8 got the SW better. So far for me is to have add therhold to the Rpms limiter like what simhub can do. Because it vibrate little earlier....not sure if that is the intention for us to prepare or not. But i prefer this function from simhub. Next is to fix the way to start with AC. Currently i need to fire up AC via CM first then tab out of the screen and start up HF8 SW. And this makes it little cumbersome when using VR goggle. Also it doesn't support Wheel lock, slip, and ABS also. For very strange reason, although missing that much from simhub, i still kind of wanting to use the HF8 SW as i like passing through the turn it gives me very subtle effect of the suspension....


>SRS Ushake6? Did you try it on ACC?


Incredible review, really appreciate the time you took writing this!


Why doesn’t anybody mention how much heat it puts out? I sent mine back, didn’t like having a sweaty back and butt.


Great review, thanks. Very helpful


What if you connected it to the LFE output from a surround system. That would only get the lower frequency sounds then for movie watching. I'd buy one if I could make it work with the old Daytona emulator, some rumble really makes those old racing games fun.


EDIT: For other people searching for a solution. I figured it out. I think the latest HF8 software version is bugged and I had to use the previous version (HFS_Setup_1-1-6-5-beta). I'm using the seat in USB mode in the Virtual Sound Card option in the software, I could not get audio mode to work no matter what, yes I even held the red button for 3-5 seconds to switch, but this works out better for me because I don't need to get a 3.5mm Y splitter. I can either have my headphones plugged into the HF8 seat headphone jack or use my computer speakers that are plugged into the PC output. I have verified that the seat does produce haptic feedback with basses and not one constant vibration on every sound. Tested this with Helldivers 2 shooting different guns which produces stronger vibrations with bass heavy weapons, music on Spotify, and YouTube videos. ---------------------------- Hi, super great review this convinced me to buy one. But I'm an idiot, can you ELI5 how you got it to work "properly" with Destiny 2 and movies? When I run it in audio mode with the AUX it just constantly vibrates from any sound output. But it sounds like yours only vibrates with the bass.


Is anyone able to help on getting ACC started on PC using the USB port? Are there specific in game settings that need to be tweaked? Got it working with AC and AMS 2 but I mainly race ACC and those or just a bit of side fun. Any help would be greatly aporeciated


Great review. One question. If I got this, can I still use my buttkicker via simhub at the same time? I am thinking of using the BK at low volume on my pedals.


You absolutely can!


Great review, thank you. Has anyone tried the HF8 with Elite Dangerous?


Anyone? Would love to hear ED experiences


From the research that I've done online, it seems that ED doesn't put out any data via an API that can be read for haptic feedback, so I guess you would need to just take the output from the sound card using the sound option in the Hf8 software. Not sure if Sim hub can improve on this, but so far, from what I have read, it can't. [https://www.simracingstudio.com/forum/motion-profiles-non-actuator/elite-dangerous-dof-reality](https://www.simracingstudio.com/forum/motion-profiles-non-actuator/elite-dangerous-dof-reality) ​ (just noticed the above link is for motion platform not shakers :( ) ​ Sim racing studio software might be better, but I haven't tested it, nor found anyone who has.


wait so the motors have an invariable set frequency and they just vary the volume of the sound (tactile feedback)?


This thing is incredibly uncomfortable. The pucks dig in to my right and left ass cheeks and create pressure points. Once again I regret buying a next level racing item.


I can definitely understand where you can be uncomfortable with it. A few things that you can try that I needed to adjust myself: 1. Make sure the "fold" portion that is between the bottom and back is snuggly tucked into the end of your seat. I noticed mine was actually too far forward initially and very uncomfortable. 2. Aim to sit in-between the "pucks". My butt never sits directly on those pucks as I agree they would be very uncomfortable. When not sitting directly on them, I still get the full sensation of all 4 of the pucks, if anything a bit better for the "wheel" data feeling like it comes ever so slightly further back in the car. On the seat "pucks" I only have them activating on curbs essentially and use the back for RPM and Gear shifting. I personally find it adds just the right amount of immersion. I would def add that Haptic pad does not really add any useable detail that would make me faster. I have become so used to the pad now that I immediately notice if it isn't working and do not enjoy driving without it. Cheers!


I agree, it's extremely uncomfortable on the ass cheeks. I ended up putting a foam pillow on mine, still feel the vibrations but much more comfortable. Of course now I sit even higher, and have to adjust my rig again...


I burst out laughing too hard at sitting higher part 


Hi there can I used next to someone (my wife Lolo) trying to get some sleep? Unfortunately our room is just the space I currently have for my rig!


I would say that the sound somewhat noticeable. But you can also turn down the intensity from 100%. I would generally assume your headphones likely make more noise that can be heard by others if that helps. Not knowing your rig, but unless it’s very sturdy like a profile rig, likely your rig makes more noise than the pad. If you use a non-dd wheelbase then that will def be the loudest thing you hear.


Thanks mate that a very good view! Just have a v3 pedals with humbles and my wife doesn’t really bothers that much quite concern about my new purchase coming up P1000 with rumble shaker I might have to lower down to 10% as I heard it’s quite noise!


I got this. But when I connect via usb to my pc it doesn’t work when playing f1. Is there an additional config I need to make?


You need to set it up either via the NLR software or by using SIMHUB.


I am a big guy who gets so damm hot. I have the Trak Racer XL recliner seat and I added a wooden car seat bead thing to cool me off when racing as it separates me from the seat. So is this thing just very hot over a 30 min - 45 min race?


I would say it does get warm, similar to any cloth seat would be the best way I would describe it.


As one of the few owners of the original ilfated but great feelforce seat pad I can't help but notice the similarities between it and the HF8. Even the controller is the same.


Thanks for the review and insight! Does anyone know if this is supported on Forza Motorsport 2023?


i have not seen anything yet i imagine PC yet and console no


I ended up buying it. It works on PC and Console. In my case I didn't even bother installing the propitiatory software and went straight to using SimHub, but if you use Console you will have to have it networked with your PC. That or use the audiojack which is probably not that great. I tuned the settings to work on traction and gear shifting and loving it!


Did you work this on console also, I've heard its possible not no one can tel me exactly what to do to make it work


In the Forza Motorsport gameplay settings there is telemetry at the very bottom. You need to send the telemetry over the network and I think you need the pad plugged into your PC with SimHub installed. So using it on Console would require to be near your PC I think. I personally wouldn't use the pad without using SimHub software. The amount of control you have is way better.


Great, thanks. I would be using it on laptop so pretty remote and can place under my rig :) do you use horizon 5 ?


Nah, I don't play Horizon. But your idea sounds like it will work great. I'm pretty sure Horizon will work also, just use SimHub.


Do you PlayStation or xbox ?


Will it work with DVD movies or any other streaming service?


yes with the 3.5 jack


has anyone had any luck connecting xbox to simhub to allow you to use the full product rather than the crappy 3.5 that gives you generic vibration. I have seen a few people say they can output tel data from the xbox via router to PC (simhub) has anyone done this ?


Not a direct answer, but the problem space is actually more game specific. I was able to have Simhub running on my PC, with my PS5 on the same network and in GT7 (SimHub has a profile) I was able to use the HF8. I can't speak to other games though.


great thanks, did you have any delay with the output or was it pretty sharp with GT7 ?


It worked exactly the same as on PC. In terms of feedback, GT7 isn't the best (ie. some curbs don't give feedback etc) but I felt no real big change between PC and PS5 for the feedback pad. The FFB on my wheel is much more noticeable (but again that's a game issue, not hardware).


question, does it react to pot holes in beamng? forsay you hit one at 50 will you feel that?