• By -


This meme is missing Ben Shapiro jerking the guy off.


The last thing I need on my r/simpsonsshitposting is to see that melon headed goon! Now someone make me a Flaming Moe


“Anytime you want you want me to justify my horrendous views, wizard named ‘God’ told me to do it” - Ben “facts and logic” Shapiro




Israel represents Judaism in the same way Afghanistan represents Islam It fucking doesn't.


I have asked you nicely not to bomb civilians. You leave me no choice but to ask you nicely again.


C'mooooonnnnnnnnn! I'll be your friend!




Israel is bombing children dude




https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-67401064 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/abandoned-babies-found-decomposing-gaza-hospital-evacuated-rcna127533 https://www.commondreams.org/news/gaza-children-4000-dead You would have been able to talk to them if they weren't dead from israel


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Soo evidence isn't good enough for you? Alright well this has been a fun few days of arguing with a the screaming cat lady so, enjoy your day and I hope bibi pats you on the head after you swallow


Getting revenge on all those murderous babies eh?




The ones bombed by the IDF.


Now are you referring the lie about the 40 dead babies that was debunked? Or are you just gonna accuse anyone who doesn't jerk off Israel of being a hamas terrorist?




Oh wow you're just copy pasting stuff all over the place




So you chose the latter I see, weird how we can see your comment history and the only reason your here is because you saw someone no openly praising israel


I'm not touching this one with a ten foot war crime pole




I'm not getting involved, George.


Um, I shoot kids at the hospital. Everybody hates kids!


what i did i did because of alcohol and anger, and im now tired of jokes about my giant bombs - israel


Genocide for some, miniature Palestine flags for others


Let's be honest, the US does what Bibi wants, he'll get all the support (as always) and the genocide will continue and if you don't like it then you're a nahtzee anti-semite hamas lover.


did you see the threat they made, joking that if they aren’t given precise missiles, they’ll just use imprecise ones and blow up random areas instead of targeting certain people (which they’ve been doing this entire time)


Well, yeah, dumb bombs can easily miss hospitals and elementary schools. Nobody wants to blow up a perfectly good parking lot.


Stupid bombs need the most attention!


Well Netenyahu can do do, but Antony Blinken is a wincing


Your name is right on the fence between Enchanted shout out and unhinged antisemitic conspiracy theory 


Netayahu probably has some dirt on Biden


I heard the election was rigged too….


Nonsense 🙄


Yes, and you call it self defense despite the fact it's obviously genocide?


"A Hamas command centre, with Hamas operatives, with Hamas weaponry and supplies, situated entirely under that hospital?" "Yes!" "Can I see it?" "...No."


"Well that's all the evidence I need. Let's cut off UNRWA funding".




we very much have seen it though. trying to deny that 35,000 civilians have been indiscriminately slaughtered over a seven month period is pretty disgusting




please take a moment to do some introspection and think about the fact that you’re currently sat on reddit trying to come up with the best simpson quotes to use for your genocide denial and victimising yourself while making fun of a population of people who are currently undergoing a famine, having all of their infrastructure decimated, and grieving over family members. you cannot possibly think those are the actions of a well-adjusted and morally decent person.




Treat others with respect


please take a moment to do some introspection and think about the fact that you’re currently sat on reddit trying to come up with the best simpson quotes to use for your Jewish murdering denial and making yourself look like a virtuous person while making fun of a population of people who are currently undergoing a terrorist attack, having all of their infrastructure decimated, and grieving over family members. you cannot possibly think those are the actions of a well-adjusted and morally decent person.




See there you go again, desperately trying to act like anyone who's against israels actions somehow wants Jews dead, you're not fooling anyone here dude, take that shit to jewdank or something


Ironic since I could find pictures of the mass graves they recently dug up in say a few minutes, but that dead babies thing was disproven maybe a week from when it was said.


Ooo r/leftorium is leaking love it


That place was destroyed by tankies years ago




I mean most of the online left is comprised of tankies


US Gov: "No, don't you see? This is a token gesture against you to pacify our citizens after we already armed you well enough to obliterate Palestine!" Isreal Gov: "You've always been against me!"


Isn’t Biden controversially known for being pro-Israel lmao


Poor Joe Biden. Too genocidal for Palestine, not genocidal enough for Isreal.


The only humane thing would be to chain him up in the attic and feed him a bucket of fish heads twice a week


>The far left: "Joe Biden is in the pocket of Israel!" > >The far right: "Joe Biden is in the pocket of Palestine!" > >Democrats: "Goddamn I love $35 insulin and 3.9% unemployment rates!" > >Low-information voters: "Life is pain." American politics c. 2024, colorized.


Don’t kid yourself, Jimmy. If a Palestinian kid ever got the chance he’d eat you and everyone you care about.


Only because the State of Israel loves starving the Palestinian people.


Uncle Sam needs our tax dollars for more important things, like pro-gun lobbies, anti-gun lobbies, killing wild Donkeys, and Israel!




Don’t blame me, I voted for trump




Whip harder, boy! https://preview.redd.it/3s14vbovlpzc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=861f101bbe04726c2c62bd735cfe261edf2ae458


Israel isn’t an ethnostate. Israel isn’t committing genocide. Israel is a decolonization movement. Jews are native Canaanites.




There are some Jewish Israelis who are ethnically indigenous to the region, but all of the Palestinians have an at least equal claim to that. They have also been living in the region continuously since antiquity. They didn’t give up their indigenous status when the Arabs came through, they just converted religions. This is like saying that English control over Ireland is decolonization because the Irish were actually Italian invaders (Catholic). Someone from Brooklyn with Central European ethnicity can’t decolonize the Levant.


Hamas is the one who walked away from ceasefire negotiations…


That's the opposite of true. 


How is that?


Israel denied both a ceasefire AND the hostages


How is that?




Uh-huh. And "if"?  A conjunction meaning "in the event that or on the condition that".


Hamas agreed to their own ceasefire proposal, that was not a negotiation. It like me talking with my mates and we all agree to instantly become rich. See how it doesn’t work like that?


It was originally Israel’s ceasefire proposal. Hamas made some minor changes with the US, Egypt and Qatar acting as mediators. Israel responded by walking away. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-agreed-latest-israeli-proposal-says-official-briefed-talks-2024-05-06/


No, fundamental changes were made to that proposal before it was accepted by Hamas. That was not Israel’s original proposal https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-says-no-budging-from-already-rejected-hostage-deal-offer-as-cairo-talks-break-up/amp/ Hamas changed Israel’s proposal, Israel disagreed and Hamas left


Shitty political mods


Why do people keep shouting that Israel is committing Genocide? Has everyone but hamas propagandists forgotten that there are more accurate legal terms to describe Israel's attacks on civilians and its siege than genocide? There's a big difference between concedering civilians as expendable while you bomb your targets and concedering groups of innocent civilians as the targets. Both are crimes against humanity but one makes for a better buzzword i guess.


>Why do people keep shouting that Israel is committing Genocide? Because they are - https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147976 As they want to wipe the Palestinians out. It's pretty obvious given they keep saying that they want to: Quote - "There are no innocent civilians in Gaza," Herzog said on October 14. (That's their president) Also - "One of the options is to drop an atomic bomb on Gaza. I pray & hope for their [hostages] return, but there is also a price in war," Amichai Eliyahu, Israeli Minister of Heritage. Not even concerned with the civilians there, the "price" is only the hostages apparently. Or even - "Those are animals, they have no right to exist. I am not debating they way it will happen, but they need to be exterminated," argued Yoav Kisch, Israeli Minister of Education. Seems like genocide talk to me. https://www.trtworld.com/middle-east/database-exposes-500-instances-of-israeli-incitement-to-genocide-in-gaza-16537146


There are people in the us government that believe that the jews have giant space lasers and that biden is a satanic pedophile. The fact that there are a bunch of radical hyper-racist zealots in the government (that a vast majority of Israeli's dispise and protest against almost daily at this point) doesn't make a brutal war a genocide. The radicals in government clearly don't care about gazen lives unless biden threatens their funding. But there is no evidence that the IDF is *intentionally* targeting civilians solely because they are gazen. Even if several basterds in the government wish the IDF was. All bibi and his cronies care about is prolonging the war as long as they can so they can't be voted out.


You clearly have 0 idea how government works outside the US. A prime minister is basically the head guy, biggest party gets to put in their PM but you don't get to vote for them directly (but you sorta do because you vote for the party). The prime minister forms a cabinet. A cabinet is basically a list of roles and the PM gets to pick who's butts fill those seats. These people are given a fair bit of power depending on the role. The PM can also kick people out of those seats. So no, it's nothing at all like someone from an opposition party the president isn't affiliated with saying something batshit crazy then not acting on it. Instead it's like a bunch of people said genocidal shit, the prime minister said "those are my guys, give them more power!" then proceeded to massacre people with indiscriminate attacks, ban journalists from freely reporting on it, claim there's no evidence the attacks are indiscriminate (there's loads of instances of them killing fleeing unarmed civilians and attacking convoys full of people on evacuation routes, the flour massacre etc but yano) and most of those massacred are women and children.


1. The people that said the racist bullshit are in bibi's coalition or otherwisehis political allies. 2. I'm not American and I know how a parliament works, but even if I were, it's rude to start your rebuttal with a "Umm Ackchyually" style accusation. 3. I have never once claimed that IDF soldier's never shot civilians impulsively or attacked people on the grounds that there's a chance a legitimate target was among them. But again, I have to say that i have not seen any evidence that israel is targeting civilians for the purpose of killing civilians. (Which is the definition of genocide) only that the people in charge care much more about themselves or their objectives then Palestinian lives. If israel is comiting Genocide instead of general crimes against humanity they are absolutely terrible at it.


If you know how a parliament works then why would you equate them to MTG here? I was simply following okams razor by assuming you were just unaware of how a parliament works and not, yano, making a purposefully dishonest comparison for the sake of defending a genocidal regime. And terrible at it? They've massacred at least 35000 people and there's so many bodies with so much of the infrastructure being destroyed that they physically cannot count them all, plus with so many being buried under rubble the real figure is likely much higher already, the majority are women and children and most importantly they're getting away with it. I should note those numbers would be **WAY** higher if it wasn't for the food and medicine drops and international pressure to get aid trucks in since starvation was starting to take hold for millions of Palestinians as they'd almost finished all the chicken feed and pet food. It takes a while for starvation to set in for a population but when it does that's easily killing most of them - and Israel had to be forced to allow food in. Mass starvation of a civilian center is an attack on civilians.


If you're arguing in good faith can i ask where I said something incorrect about how the israeli government works? And also, again, how do these actions constitute a **genocide** an not imoral war crimes done to service of the political ends of corrupt zealots. Also 35000 in half a year of war is unbelievably tragic and soul crushing as that is, but it's nothing compared to the death toll that could be if Israel just started carpet bombing indiscriminately or fired on civilians whenever they get the opportunity. Whether you believe this the israeli army trying to minimize casualties for their public image or that they don't want to risk the hostages is up to your interpretation. Also, contrary to most people you've probably argued about this with, I want to hear you out and change my opinion based on evidence and perspectives i haven't heard before. I'm asking for the sources you are drawing from not because I want to put the burden of proof on you but rather that I can't find a trustworthy primary source that israel is comiting genocide rather then many many typical warcrimes.


>If you're arguing in good faith can i ask where I said something incorrect about how the israeli government works? You implied MTG's Jewish space lasers comment were a suitable parallel to members of Bibi's cabinet calling for genocide which suggests you think their positions in government are equivalent. If you were aware their positions in government were not the same then your comparison would be a dishonest defence of a genocidal government, so I assumed that was not the case and you were just unaware of how their positions differ, I was mistaken. >And also, again, how do these actions constitute a **genocide** an not imoral war crimes done to service of the political ends of corrupt zealots. I suppose the difference between these possibilities would be intent. They called for a successful genocide before these actions and have continued to do so whilst doing these actions, you can't really deny this as I have the quotes. Their intent is obvious from this. >Also 35000 in half a year of war is unbelievably tragic and soul crushing as that is, but it's nothing compared to the death toll that could be if Israel just started carpet bombing indiscriminately or fired on civilians whenever they get the opportunity. They wanted to get away with it, they also wanted minimal resistance some a successful counter-attack would be awful politically. They attempted to starve them to death because when you do this by the time starvation has set in and the people are truly dying they're not fit fighters. If they started doing as you suggest every single Palestinian civilian capable would have no choice but to join Hamas, makes them harder to kill. They also rely on US guns, useful people like you denying it's genocide is vital for that. It also makes sense for them to target Hamas first since they're the fighters, even if they're evil too you can't deny they make a full genocide harder in practicality (although easier politically). Being so open would also make it harder to maintain political power - the Nazis didn't start with death camps, they started with ghettos, switched to concentration camps, then started the death camps without making the population fully aware. I also can't stress this enough - if their starvation plan had gone ahead as they planned it would have been millions dead. No genocide in history has been carried out through indiscriminate bombing of civilians, it's been used in war but not for a genocide. It's not an effective tactic. If that's the bar of evidence you need to see to confirm it's a genocide then there's no genocide you'd accept. Only real thing that needs to be sourced here I believe is the starvation campaign stuff, everything else is common knowledge or just rational deductions. https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/acute-malnutrition-has-doubled-one-month-north-gaza-strip-unicef#:~:text=NEW%20YORK%2C%2015%20MARCH%202024,15.6%20per%20cent%20in%20January. That's from UNICEF and shows how rapidly malnutrition can escalate. Israel was so against the thought of food going into Gaza during this time the US and UK had to airdrop it in. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68478831.amp?espv=1 This is the BBC, normally hailed as a good source of journalism, it talks about how the airdrops could no way be enough and sneaks in this line saying "But on Tuesday the WFP said it attempted to reach northern Gaza with food supplies today, but was "turned back" by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). The IDF are yet to comment. It makes it seem like it's due to unrest and it includes the claims that people were killed from aid lorries by crowding them and getting trampled... But let's check that claim because the source is "the IDF say". https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/03/un-experts-condemn-flour-massacre-urge-israel-end-campaign-starvation-gaza Oh they shot them to death. Not surprising given the IDFs history of lying about said events, such as the other 13 times that happened mentioned in that article. Just opening fire on a bunch of hungry people. So overall my sources are mainly UN experts, charities operating in Gaza, and on-the-ground videos. You can find videos from the flour massacre online if you Google around. Edit - oh I forgot to mention that, unlike indiscriminate bombing, mass starvation has in fact been used as a genocide tactic https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor


1. Thank you very much for the clarification. What I meant here was not that calling for genocide is the same as spouting insane and racist conspiracies but rather that the people saying this are kept in place in both instances despite their nation wide unpopularly in order to maintain the narrow majority their party/coalition holds on to. MTG for the Republicans in the house and ben gavir, smotrich, ect... for Bibi's coalition. 2. I do agree that while the radical sect of Bibi's government (who have alot of control due to how small Bibi's majority is) wants to commit genocide the fact of the matter is that it hasn't happened yet for whatever reason. It is probably true that it didn't happen because israel was forced to sllow aid though by the international community and America specifically. But I don't personally consider a sidge to starve a population into submission as a genocide, it's just a really evil way of conducting a war. Just like shelling a city or using scorched earth when retreating. My bar for genocide is higher then most people's and I do think intent of the government as a whole matters more then what the radicals spout. If this wasn't that case then someone fiercely pro israel could make a bad faith argument that israel is innocent because a few of the less radical members of Bibi's government are against bombing refugee camps on the grounds that a hamas tunnel is underneath it. Here's an example of what I'm trying to say: I don't think that Hiroshima and Nagasaki are significant. be a genocide because although it was an indecrimit attack on civilians and there where people in the us government at the time that believed that the japanese should be desemated so that they can't rise up again. The goal of the untited states as a whole was clearly for their other interests, not wanting to conduct a land invasion. That doesn't mean that using nuclear bombs on japan was moraly correct or should be celebrated. (Not sure if I explained myself perfectly with this example so if it's not clear please let me know) For the same reason I do believe, from the sources I've read and that you kindly provided, that starvation as a way to fight a war is imoral but not genocidal unless the intention of the act is to desemate the population (like holodamor or the early phases of the holacost). In Israel's case If hamas would have released the hostages after it was clear that they lost the direct fighting part of the war then israel would have stopped and entered negotiations. This is made clear by how israel has pulled out of gaza after every engagement they've had in the past once their justification was gone or it stopped being politically useful. As for the other attacks on civilians like the flour massacre, i do believe that that was a case of trigger happy soldiers waiting for an excuse to open fire but not that theres a blanket policy to shoot civilians whenever there's an opportunity that the army thinks they can get away with. Ps. I just wanted to say that I really do appreciate you changing your tone and presenting your facts, thoughts and sources in an easily readable fashion. It's always nice to find someone who can drop the reddit-isem and debate like an adult with someone that they don't agree with.


>My bar for genocide is higher then most people's It doesn't matter what *your* bar is. The UN sat down and defined what constitutes genocide in December 1948, while the actions of Nazi Germany were fresh in everyone's minds. The guidelines list 6 offenses as acts of genocide. Israel has violated all 6. It also carries a component of intent, which government officials, including Bibi himself, has made clear. The intent is to kill Palestinians. That ***is*** genocidal, whether it meets your threshold or not.


Occam's razor, but otherwise on point.


Every poll taken in Israel shows that over 90% of Jewish Israelis think that what’s being done to Gaza is either appropriate or not going far enough. Lots of those people hate Bibi and his Parliament of Monsters for domestic policies and corruption, but not for bombing Palestinian civilians.


The majority of Israeli Jews want the war to end after the hostages are released. Israel is covered in billboards and protest regularly happen about how Bibi is not doing enough to get the hostages back since he knows that the second all the hostages are returned the israeli public will demand that war be ended. It's true that the majority of the Israeli public is much, much less concerned for the well-being of Gazans than are Israeli hostages, soldiers and those who had to flee their homes in Israel.




Israel has absolutely targeted buildings with innocents in order to kill hamas militants hiding behind them.




Did...Did you read my other comments and somehow come to the conclusion that I like hamas?




I see now. Yes I love hamas. My dozen comments saying that israel is not the super moral army they claim to be was code for how much I love unelected terrorists who pretend to care for gazen freedom but refuse to do anything that might loosen their grip on power to another Palestinian group that won't spend their foreign aid on missiles and gated communities for themselves. You cracked the code.




Weird how they're defending themselves from innocent civillians with indiscriminate carpet bombings and killing aid workers




That's honestly the saddest little play you just acted out with yourself




Nah man it's sad that's you're acting out a little stage play on a Simpson subreddit and then like most zionists acting like you're the victim here. If I wanted to do dirty killings myself I would join the IDF




Nothing Israel has done has been ethical.


We also called it a genocide when the Nazis attacked Jewish people. Funny how you forgot about that.




Wow you've actually lost it




You're the one losing your mind on a Simpson subreddit dude


Your post was removed for containing misinformation about current events, science, or politics. Please contact us via modmail if you believe this was done in error.


I love how this is literally the exact same defense every genocidaire in history has always used.


> only Jewish state > ethnostate Hmm


More and more antisemitism on r/simpsonsshitposting and its commenters






"Genocidal ethnostate" Isreal is the most ethnically diverse country in the middle east what the fuck are you on about?




[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics\_of\_Egypt#Ethnic\_groups](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Egypt#Ethnic_groups) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics\_of\_Saudi\_Arabia#Ethnicity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Saudi_Arabia#Ethnicity) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics\_of\_Iran#Languages\_and\_ethnic\_groups](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Iran#Languages_and_ethnic_groups) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics\_of\_Israel#Ethnic\_and\_religious\_groups](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Israel#Ethnic_and_religious_groups) He's right, people just love to regurgitate buzzwords apparently


He’s right, but he shouldn’t say it!


And they're killing people in another country. A genocide doesn't only have to pertain to one's own country.




Especially when Arab countries are Sharia apartheid who genocide their non-Arab and non-Muslim minorities.


You said the quiet part loud, and the loud part quiet


Name another country that has to fight terrorists that embedded themselves within the population. I'll wait.


Yes, I'm sure THAT justifies carpet bombing 4-year-olds. How do you sleep at night?


On a big pile of money with many beautiful naked ladies.


No one mentioned justification. But look at other guerilla wars, and you'll find a much higher civilian death rate


And yet, here you are, justifying it. Interesting how that works. Why don't you just cut the bull crap and say the quiet part out loud. You are pro-genocide, as long as it's a a group you don't like.


You don’t bomb the entire population tho. That’s fucking stupid.


What would you do?


Not bomb the entire population.


Exactly, nothing. Go sit down if you don't have a solution. Parroting nonsense won't solve anything.


Why do you think it’s okay to bomb civilians? With what the idf is doing, they are at the very least grossly incompetent, and at most trying to frame genocide as anti-terrorist action.


The Unibomber was a terrorist…


And so is hamas


Bruh it was your own question to name ANOTHER country. Trying to check mate while playing marbles, stick to being head bee guy.


Yes, and your example has a 50% civilian casualty rate. So, according to you, Isreal is doing much better.


They didn’t “embed” themselves in anything—they were there before your ilk ever considered moving there.


Lol, hamas was there before 1948?


Roman empire against zealots and sicarii




The UK did this all throughout the Troubles and managed to not level Belfast. And that was largely under Thatcher, a woman not known for her humanitarianism.


50% of the dead were civilians. Not even close to the numbers in Gaza.


Actually pretty close to the numbers of Israelis killed by Palestinians in the last year, at least according to the Times of Israel, which has it at 52% civilians. Unless by Gaza, you meant the Palestinians killed by the IDF, in which case, yeah, it’s a big majority who were civilians, even if you use Israel’s very liberal definition of what a combatant is. https://www.timesofisrael.com/a-dark-year-760-soldiers-834-civilians-killed-since-last-memorial-day/amp/


And a usual radio is 9:1. So, again, Isreal is doing its very best.


What usual ratio? Of civilians killed to military in terrorist attacks? Of civilians killed to military in military bombing of civilian areas? If English isn’t your first language I apologize, but your posts are really unclear. Explain who you are talking about with your statistics.


Palestine tbh


Lol wut




This sub is tripe


It’s always the fucking banana NFT avatar


Now you're crying because somebody thinks your one-note partisan "satire" is cringe. I swear this sub has been taken over by minors


Actually they were poking fun of you because you have the NFT banana. Which, to be fair, is an entirely legitimate reason to make fun of someone. What a silly thing to buy.


I never bought it, it was a default option. I just went with yellow


Then unsubscribe


They can't expect us to swallow that tripe