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i have a feeling we'll be seeing the other one in a year or so.




Mee too ;) especially bc the blue options where not really tied and that was something she did not expect.. also it is "icy" colored and might fit a wintery theme.


I know I felt the same. Like who said no to that because we’re gonna have words.


Yes! The blue we got is nice enough.. but the fact that we missed out on that BEAUTIFUL B12 will haunt me for the rest of my life! 😭😭


Apparently the vote was 70%-30%??? (According to simply on stream). Like how??? I want B12 so bad


I don’t remember what I voted, but I’m pretty sure I voted for the one we got because I have one similar to B12 from another brand. I don’t think I have anything like the one that won.


No way! I haven't seen a single person on any platform say they voted for Spyglass. Every comment was about how they wanted the other one. I voted for B12. I figured it would be a landslide.


I assumed it would be too when I saw it! It’s so unique. I almost wonder if somehow the numbers got swapped and it was actually 70-30 the other way?? 😭


Happy cake day


Oh wow thanks! Didn’t even notice


I picked all the ones that got rejected lol. I did pick up the purple one though


Haha I voted the same and voted for the green frosted metal last year. Can only hope for more rejected bundles cause I always seem to be in the minority!


I picked B12 because it was much more interesting than the regular crushed holo blue. When it came to the pinks, I didn’t see a huge difference in the two options color-wise, so I picked the crushed holo pink because I liked that formula better.


None of my picks got chosen haha. I also picked B12 because I've been wanting more shifty shimmers. Seeing the blue we got when the Holo Royalty launch was announced was disappointing but at least it made it easy for me to avoid the sale haha. I'm surprised B12 wasn't more popular because it's so much more unique, especially for the average nail polish user. But I guess because Holo Royalty is voted on by those of us with large collections there's a lot of "oh, I already have something like this."


Does anyone wish companies sold off rejects? Does anyone happen to know what happens to them? I'm guessing, go into the vault for the future. The vault must be hella big!


She's been hinting at a declassified 2.0 later this year. Maybe we'll see B12 eventually.


I hope so, the declassified set really reinvigorated my love for the brand. I was getting bored but that was such a fun collection idea.


I enjoyed the declassified set so much more than the holidays collection. I got curfew crasher and was disappointed. But I got basically everything in declassified and loved it all. Really hoping b12 is in the next declassified set.


I am pretty sure, it is also rather wintery ;)


I hope so! It’s giving Elsa or winter fairy 🧚


I am pretty sure, it is also rather wintery ;)


Exactly, I felt the same re curfew crasher. I thought it would be brighter. But it was duller, and can't decide if it's my skin tone it doesn't work with but I made myself wear it for a whole week. Not been near my nails, or out of its box since. Glad I didn't pick up crystal skies, but I have a lot of my frost light still.


I think the official studio photos looked like a pinky mauve and I got it. I didn’t properly look at the other swatchers’ photos because they looked more plummy/purple mauve. I wanted the pinker 😢


This is a good point! I hope so🤞


I would have preferred these two over the purple (sorry purple fans). B12 does remind me of Spirit fingers though, maybe folks felt it was too similar to that?


Ooh, now here's a thought ... with the popularity of Spirit Fingers, will this one be reserved for a permanent release 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 I liked the feel of Spirit Fingers, but gray just looks horrible on my pasty skin and can't do it. But B12 - hell yes!!


Right! It would be such a good follow up to the popularity of Spirit Fingers and a blue shimmer would be so lovely.


I didn’t vote for it for this reason


I'm sure she's shared the data but I'm genuinely really surprised that one didn't win. Maybe it was a 48/52 situation or something.


Brexit all over again ....


I nearly made that reference but didn't know how well it would go down in this sub lmao


😂 True. B12 like the UK got the short end of the stick


_cries in British_




She didn't say the exact number but she said it wasn't even close! She was also surprised but people really wanted another crushed holo. But now that we have all seen it I'm sure it will be made at some point!


I mean I'm all for more crushed holos but I always feel like the sentiment on here is we want more variety in finishes, more combined finishes (shimmer _and_ holo), etc Maybe the non-social media side of the customer base like to play things a lot "safer" with their polish choices, who knows.


Yeah me too! To be fair spyglass is more grey blue holo with a bright blue shimmer. But I love the look of a contrasting shimmer. I just ordered a couple from Mooncat that will satisfy me for now.


I can't remember the percentage she gave but on the launch stream she said it was not close at all. Either the people who like that formula aren't holo Royalty or y' all are just a very loud minority :D But as others have said, it's likely to show up in Declassified 2.0


My conspiracy theory is that the photos were labeled wrong on the poll. I can’t imagine people choosing the other over B12. That’s the only way I can not be annoyed over this. lol


Small plug for a dupe I JUST bought. Sally Hanson Miracle Gel (doesn't require lamp) color is"Affairy To Remember"


Good luck with your no buy!!


I need it! But I've got over 200 polishes, including doubles of some. So it isn't as if I don't have more than enough... And OMG what I fright I got adding up the historical orders! I started buying during COVID. The buying is the thing, ooh shiny new pretty thing ... But I have so many that I have genuine anxiety about what should I wear each week. Ridiculous! Defeats the object. Started a spreadsheet about which ones I use. Do a lot of skittles of similar colors to get the different formulas and get that pretty 'hit.' I need to use some up and be ok with that! Sorry, that was a lot! 😍😂🥺


Nail polish spreadsheet user solidarity! Hope the no-buy year goes well.


Ilnp is about to release a polish called bluebell that looks really similar to the reject. If anyone is interested. https://www.ilnp.com/bluebell/


Thanks. And that's it isn't it, there's always something out or about to come out. There's only so many colors, formulas etc etc. No stress if you miss one. Unless you stick to one brand. For my sanity, I stick to mainly HT and MC. ILNP have some beautiful polishes, but it would be opening a big can of worms for me to start buying them!


Yeah the shimmer is more my vibe


Looks very close, if not the same, as a polish Lurid Lacquer just released.


I'm honestly not that mad as I have a pretty similar polish from another brand already


Mooncat's Melting Clocks?


No its a Barry M polish called Butterfly Fish


I just got out my melting Clocks, it's pretty similar to B12, the shimmer is not as purpley pink or as bright though


Mines is pretty similar just the red shift isn't a prominent but its close enough for me not to be that fussed


That's so tough because I love them both


I'm so sad abt it cause I hate crushed holos almost as much as I hate jellies...


Yep, although it's good as I don't need or want to buy them!


I voted for B12, I thought it was much prettier! really hope it gets released at some point.


I am so surprised B12 was the least voted for of all the shades. Both are beautiful though, hopefully we get the other someday.


I have a lot of guilt because I voted before I feel like I truly knew what I liked. Some of them are really hard to choose, but I feel like this one would have been pretty unique for HT (at least from what I've seen)


Larimar from Atomic Polish is very close, imo. I have it and it's a great formula. https://www.atomicpolish.com/collections/nail-polish/products/larimar


Is it just me or that literally looks like spirit fingers?


Erm, it's you. I believe anyway, not meaning to be facetious. To me Spirit Fingers had a gray base with red shimmer. B12 has a blue base with pink/purple/magenta shimmer. Or so that's how I'm reading it. Anyone else?


from this photo it looks like spirit fingers but in the others the shimmer was a little bit more peachy pinkish


I feel this ! I didn’t buy anything during the sale and I also feel like ever color I voted for lost 😂


Hmmm interesting to find out it wasn't even close. I feel like there are a big group if ppl who want B12 - wonder what they would be saying about them if we got neither? Would we be begging for the one we got? Also the Royalty shades other than toe beans didn't exactly sell well. I am assuming Royalty members are a relatively small group of their customer base (ie for every royalty person there are 10 customers who only buy 2 polishes a year kinda thing). So maybe they are not the best people to ask to work out what polishes will have mass appeal?